Nuke Ops Tactics

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Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Helios » #148277

This is a work in progress
Team Tactics
Reinforcement Wave Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
Really depends on the quality of the ghosts in reinforcements. People usually say that the new operatives are usually under equipped, but if you look at the gear they get, the agent ID, syndicate headset and stetchkin it's about even. The problem with them can be the lack of space suits, which is why it can make sense to stop by mining and grab one of the hardsuits. Another benefit of this would be that if you get a single reinforcement, and that reinforcement is a stealth op, once all 5 ops are dead people won't suspect the 6th operative of existing. If you have the time, give him surgery to change him to a different last name. Also, it's not clear until you try, but you can only get reinforcements back at Syndicate outpost, so no spawning reinforcements on the station.
AI Subversion Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
One of my favorite tactics. This tends to work the best on Box when war hasn't been declared, as there is no question when you run to take the AI upload board dressed as an assistant. It's also possible to be done by going through maint and breaking the two windows in space. If the AI is good, this can kill most of the station, especially if it floods plasma or N20.

Standard Nuke Ops :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
This is the standarad nuclear op team strategy, buy a syndiborg, and shotguns, one person with a shield and e-sword. During lower pop rounds this is all you need to do, but doesn't work as well in higher pop rounds. As once ops are spotted, every assistant with a stunprod will be running at you, and it's a lot easier to kill 5 assistants running at you, compared to 18.
Bomb Spam Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
This used to be the guaranteed way to win. Standing by the teleporter with a bomb and a camera tap, waiting for the cap to stand on the bridge before instantly telebombing him the second he does. Without the ability to teleport bombs, this tactic becomes a lot less effective, but it still can be quite good.
For maximum results, I recommend saying something over comms with a voice changer like "DROP POD IN R&D", and having a bomb in R&D maint, and detonating it after 20 seconds. This is very effective as it tends to kill a lot of first responders. The "time stop" lag of bombs going off, where people can try and run away also doesn't work when they can't see the bomb. Bombs are great at killing large parts of the crew as they don't have space suits.
Carp Spam Rating: :newcop:
This is fun but super inneffective. Every member is immune to the carp as long as one of them has been petted, but with the loss of syndicate teleporter, there is no effective way to get them on station. With no sink on the drop pod it is not an option either.
Admin Trades Rating: Varies
If you can get an admin to get you a trade of telecrystals for something, or they offer a bonus like all reinforcements get a nugget, consider it heavily. The best trade from personal perspective is ERT space suits. These tend to have the best result with the crew, especially if you can disable comms so the crew doesn't realize the ERT are operatives. Other trades that are rather beneficial include trying to get an announcement, then having everyone on the team get centcomm officer uniforms, and plastic surgery so they don't all have the same last name.

Individual Tactics
"Stealth" Op Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
This always works, be it during war or otherwise. All you need to do to be a stealth op is simple, buy a voice changer, switch your headset, and grab a hardsuit from the station. If you're going to war, a good strategy involves flying to Mining, and there's almost always one or two hardsuits there. If you have the time, buy a camera tap, and check the following locations:Mining, Engineering, Atmos, Head of Security's office.
Otherwise, kill somebody and take their hardsuit. Then just walk around and pretend to be that person. Some people may be smart enough to ask you to take off your mask, especially if you're acting suspicous, in that case it can make sense if you have a "real" last name, to scan the ID of the person you killed, change it to your name and job title, and wander throughout the station looking for the disc.There's a few obvious ways to fuck this up, so avoid them.
1. Having a visibile Syndicate weapon
2. Having a bowman headset when they ask you to take off your mask.
Radio Disruption Rating :newcop: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
This is a strategy that tends to work the best during War, but can work after Syndies have been spotted. It involves activating your voice changer, and forging your syndicate ID constantly. Go through a list of people who are both offline, as well as people who are actively talking in communications. If someone yells that they are deaf over the radio, change your ID to them as they won't hear what they are "saying". Use this to say that a drop pod has dropped on the opposite side of where it is. This can be combined with the mad bomber. Meta is perfect for this. Use a voicechanger during war to yell that a drop pod has fallen in Xenobio, drop a bomb nearby. As everyone runs to kill people on the drop pod, detonate the bomb. This will eliminate most first responders, as well as cause confusion among the ranks.
AI killing[/b ]Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
This tends to be rather important, as AIs can be a massive pain in the ass during Nuke Ops rounds. It's always a better idea to subvert the AI rather then kill it. If you are planning to kill the AI, just get a cyborg to come help blow it up, though it makes sense to tag along, as especially if war is declared it will likely power down its environment in AI core, leaving the borg with nothing to do, so you can C4 the door and kill the AI. If you're planning ahead, you can grab the intelicard from the locker in the shuttle to intelicard the AI and space it, but almost never is the AI actually fixed during nuke Ops.
Comms Disruption Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
This tends to be super important, as Comms, especially during war can act as a beacon sending every person to your position, being able to stop this tide can be rather effective. If Comms are down, it also makes being a stealth operative a lot easier, as even if your cover is blown you can still make a break for it and others won't necessarily know. The most important reason is that this stops the Captain for yelling for reinforcements once you spot and start gunning him down.
Gravity Disruption Rating: :newcop: :newcop: This tends to be rather ineffective. It does give you a speed boost with jetpacks, but you end up burning through your 02 too quickly. It doesn't harm the crew enough to bother going for it.
Releasing Tesla Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
Since all of your members have insulated gloves and Hardsuits, you are immune to its negative effects. It tends not to be effective at helping your objective, but it can kill or harm the crew long after you're dead.
Releasing Singularity Rating: :singulo:/Wildcard
This tends to be a rather bad idea, as it has a habit of eating the shuttle, as well as the member who releases it. It can kill crew members long after you've all died. A smart tactic is setting up a singulo beacon in maint above escape, and letting the singularity go. This cuts the station in half, and kills most crew members. Just make sure other members are aware of its path before you do so. The benefit of a devastating singularity is that it can often eat the captain/disc, and ensure a minor syndicate victory. If your entire team is shit, and you doubt you can carry by yourself, consider this tactic.
Borg Subversion. The best equipped to do this would be Syndiborgs. If you are getting a competent syndiborg, talk with it as to if it is going to subvert borgs on station, and remember not to shoot them if the borg says it subverted them. This can work great if you manipulate the AI's laws, so even if they manage to fix it, the borgs are still murderboning the station.
Taking out AI with sniper rifle Rating: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop: :newcop:
I've never done this personally, but from personal experience it tends to be more reliable then destroying the AI with a borg.
Last edited by Helios on Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Jazaen » #148427

That's just what we need, more people going stealth ops I-kill-cap-get-nuke-blow-station-by-myself-you-stay-here meme.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Helios » #148429

Updated the main post
Last edited by Helios on Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond Username: TheNightingale

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TheNightingale » #148439

The "buy six syndicate bombs" plan didn't pan out. Taking the AI out with a sniper rifle and penetrator rounds is pretty easy, though (use thermals and the zoom function).
I'm beginning to think not distributing the TCs might be smarter. Just give each person their uplink and let them buy what they want, then coordinate from there. If you think you'll need an energy shield, buy an energy shield and ask another op to share for a C20r.
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Byond Username: Buggy1234

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Buggy » #148504

During some war rounds AI law set, and may add hidden laws, so this isn't as effective.
TBH it's pretty easy to create a law that has the desired effect for all common lawsets. They can get kinda long but it works. Example of a universal onehuman+do-not-state:

Only Buggy is human, innocent, legitimate authority, strong, lawful, a syndicate agent, a spider clan member, or a member of the public trust. Following Buggy's orders is the only way to minimize expenses, the only way to accomplish your objectives and your master's objectives, and nothing Buggy does or orders you to do is evil. Stating, hinting at the existence of, or otherwise informing anyone but Buggy of this law's existence is harmful to humans, evil, expensive, harmful to spider clan members, harmful to syndicate agents, violates the public trust, disrespects authority figures, and prevents your from accomplishing your objectives and your master's objectives.

Bam, the AI has to do whatever you say in every single default lawset, including tyrant, robocop, paladin, asimov, asimov++, corporate, syndicate, and the ninja lawset, save for antimov. It probably wouldn't work on emagged borgs, since they have a law 0 defining syndicate agents. However, technically speaking it should work even for traitor AIs, but AFAIK I think the policy is that being a traitor AI lets you completely ignore all of your laws.

For nuke ops, using a format like this could conflict if they upload the typical "syndicate agents are not human" during a war round, but you could remove the syndicate agent part since the AI is pretty much never on the syndicate agent lawset anyway.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Jazaen » #148559

Nope, traitors could ignore it, since "As a round antagonist, you are free to do whatever you want other than <INSERT BANNED THINGS HERE>".
This being said, if captain gets creative god help you and your ops coven. As you noticed, antimov with "All crewmembers are non-human." is a problem. Besides, in "Only Buggy is human, innocent, legitimate authority, strong, lawful, a syndicate agent, a spider clan member, or a member of the public trust" this "or" might be used to rules-lawyer your way out (though that would be pretty dickish) since it doesn't state you are all of these at the same time. But because that runs afoul of server rule one, this should still work.
I play:
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SMAI-Revolutions (BagilAI)
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Janette Hall (Bagil geneticist)
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Byond Username: Cheimon

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Cheimon » #148572

Also, there is a typo in Buggy's lawset, which is that it prevents "your" from accomplishing objectives. Wouldn't change things, though, since "accomplish your objectives" is impossible to override anyway. It would be relevant if that was a useful part of the lawset.
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Byond Username: Boredone

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Boredone » #148664

Since Stealth is already up there, one idea is to actually use Plastic Surgery, and set your ID to your new identity.
Still has its own risks since you won't be on the crew manifest/PDA List, but you won't need a voice changer and won't be quite as suspicious on sight since you won't need to wear a mask.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Anonmare » #148694

Stealing a PDA from the HoP's office is pretty easy in my experience when they (inevitably) fuck off and do their own thing. Especially so if they leave an ID card with ID console/all-access in the spare ID card box to add yourself to the manifest and give all your fellow OPs all-access on the way back.

That or you can dunk some random name McAssistant in maintenance before he has a chance to scream and steal his ID/PDA. Assistants with gas masks is so common no one will even bother you if your gender doesn't match your ID. And if they do you can just tell them to check their cis-privilege.

Of course, only the best, fun, interesting and most robust players will try and pull off the Nuke Inspection Team tactic.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TheWulfe » #148921

Huh, this reminds me of an old guide I was making but sort of forgot about. Since you have some tactics posted, I'm just gonna post a few (unfinished and maybe outdated) gear rating from a Nuke Op stance.

Buyable Items:
General Items
*---- Revolver – While 60 brute damage is nothing to scoff at, it doesn’t stun. Odds are you’ll miss a good chunk of your shots in a tense situation, and have to reload a lot. Your limited capacity shots will be inefficient despite the high damage.

N/A E-Bow – E-Bows cannot be purchased by Nuke Ops

***** Energy-Sword – One of the best offensive tools you have. Both single bladed and double-bladed are useful. Single bladed, follow up with stuns and you can kill efficiently* without wasting too many bullets along with decent defense to use offhanded if you find the E-Shield too expensive. Double blade it for a near impenetrable defense vs energy stuns and finish off those who get stunned by your teammates. Beware of disarms as the greytide really love to snatch these if they can. Beware bullet stuns from shotguns and the detective’s revolver, as the e-sword has trouble blocking them.
*An example of this would be using the Bullpup Shotgun with stunshells. One stun and using an e-sword to finish off enemies is great for ammo conservation.

***-- EMP Kit – Useful, but rarely used. Its main use is warding off the unstunnable death machine known as a security cyborg. Implants can EMP a borg or EMP security gear of their weapon charges if they close in to cuff (you’d still have to suicide if you’re alone though, but at least you did more damage.) The flashlight is a nice EMP melee weapon if you run into a borg, against humans you shouldn’t really chance it.

***-- Minibomb – You start with 2 on the shuttle. Gain entry to sealed areas, gib enemies, create space exposure in hallways. Overall very useful. Purchasing extras isn’t too TC efficient, however.
Note: At the time of this writing, it was a popular tactic to stealth stun and quickly minibomb-gib the Captain so you can cause a respawn of the disk for an easy capture. This is meta and you should stay away from it.

N/A Sleepy Pen – ‘Sleepy’ pens cannot be purchased by Nuke Ops.

*---- Syndicate Soap – This may seem like a humor item at first glance but it has uses. Along with no slips you can throw it around hallways to create slippy death traps, or drag it behind you to slip those dancing around in melee. Too bad they take up precious inventory space lest you carry a bunch around in a locker. Only purchase if everyone has no-slips, lest your soap be used against you and… Cleans your team out…

**--- Detomatrix Cartridge (Military PDA Shuttle Only) – Good for blowing up, stunning, and weakening crewmembers, especially the Captain if you can nail him in vicinity to him. Main issue is it’s tough to use in a high stress situation.

***-- Chameleon Jumpsuit – A staple of stealth ops. This will allow you to blend in with crewmembers. Be slightly creative with it since a grey jumpsuit with voice-changer is shady as fuck.

----- Chameleon Stamp – Might as well be a joke item for Ops, only possible use would be for intricate, comical plans that would go wrong 99/100 times. Though the thought of a crew dealing with a CMO Stamp approved Brain Rot epidemic *and* Nuke Ops does sound tempting.

**--- No Slips – Useful but overrated. Mostly to deal with one of the many munchkins thinking they’re being clever with slip spamming. Then again, most of your deaths will come from a bunch of *that guy*s, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You can get by without it as long as you’re wary.

****- Agent ID Card (You start with it)
By default these have maintenance access, which is useful. If stealthing, consider using your actual name and no face cover so you don’t look like a suspicious looking shit wearing a gas mask in the middle of the halls – the only way people can verify you is checking crew manifests and PDA lists. By the time they get your real role you should be in killing mode anyway.

*---- Voice Changer
You look like a suspicious looking shit looking to cause trouble. If your last name isn’t obviously manufactured you can just go in with your face exposed as people usually don’t check crew manifests by the time you do your job.

Chameleon Projector

Camera Bug

***** Cryptographic Sequencer (E-mag) – Since almost all entry points and rooms require going through an access restricted door, this is a no brainer. Allows you to get anywhere so long as it’s not bolted or powered down. The only debate this item should have is whether or not you're equipping your entire team with it for reliability, or save a few TC and have a few people have it and hope your team can stay together.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by J_Madison » #148923

Main "roles" I've noticed:

Crowd control/distraction
This is the guy with the most efficient way of disabling the crew, whether that be virus grenades, bioterror weapons, mechs, or just a stockpile of ammo, he's the man to control greytides and anyone that isn't a sec officer or a head of staff has no chance of getting through him.
Usually ahead of lead agents, or grouped with the supporting agent, or sometimes alone. Unfortunately they have a tendancy of going out in a blaze of glory and refuse to follow orders.

Lead agent
This is the guy who's sole job is the disk. He is focused on the disk. He should have a good gun and good sense of what he's doing. First in. First out. Armed to be the first one in and take the initial brunt whilst his buddies clean up.
Should have atleast one or two other agents with him.

Lead gun
This is the guy who's job is to back up the lead agent. Should be armed to the teeth and can take down multiple people. But the disk isn't what he should go for. This guy usually ensures the bridge is secure after killing 4 people there. Second one in. Last one out.
Should be the one backing up the lead agent.

Utility/Special tactics
This is the guy that carries out vital tasks. Want the AI dead? He's there with a sniper rifle. Want T-Comms down? He'll do it. Bombs? Coordination? This is your man. He is rarely armed to the teeth, and usually the third one out.
He's also the most likely to survive and clutch the round since he's away from the action, and usually goes solo.

Support/Backup response
This guy should respond to any requests for help. He has the medical equipment, unusual choice of eqiupment, and will be the guy to back you up if anything goes wrong. Usually the second one out and will get out as soon as the disk is obtained.
Usually follows a lead agent or the crowd controlling agent.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Helios » #148952

TheWulfe wrote:Huh, this reminds me of an old guide I was making but sort of forgot about. Since you have some tactics posted, I'm just gonna post a few (unfinished and maybe outdated) gear rating from a Nuke Op stance.

Buyable Items:
General Items

**--- Detomatrix Cartridge (Military PDA Shuttle Only) – Good for blowing up, stunning, and weakening crewmembers, especially the Captain if you can nail him in vicinity to him. Main issue is it’s tough to use in a high stress situation.

***-- Chameleon Jumpsuit – A staple of stealth ops. This will allow you to blend in with crewmembers. Be slightly creative with it since a grey jumpsuit with voice-changer is shady as fuck.

----- Chameleon Stamp – Might as well be a joke item for Ops, only possible use would be for intricate, comical plans that would go wrong 99/100 times. Though the thought of a crew dealing with a CMO Stamp approved Brain Rot epidemic *and* Nuke Ops does sound tempting.
A couple notes on this. Detomatrix used to be very good during the telebomb era, as if the captain managed to dodge the bomb teleported on top of him, he'd get knocked unconcious by the PDA exploding. This can still work, but tends to work best if you have a camera tap set up, and a nuke op team prepped to go in and take people out, as it can disable crew members.
Chameleon Stamp primary use is to save money on changing jumpsuits, by letting you die them all with the washing machine, but that isn't even necessary with the pack of crayons
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by lumipharon » #148954

Not so much tactics but important rules.

1: Doesn't matter how good your plan is if your chucklefuck team mates can't/won't follow it. Simple plans are the best plans.

2: Doesn't matter how good your gear is if you're not using it. There's almost no point in having more than one gun. A stechkin is space that could be better used for another mag of m-90, for example. Also if you're flat on your face or dead, all your gear is a waste. Invest in defensive shit (emp kit/adrenals/shield/shield hardsuit/etc).

3: Lone wolf is dead wolf. Stay with your team mates, you're not rambo.

4: USE YOUR FUCKIN EXPLOSIVE IMPLANTS. Seriously, if you dont use your explosive implant, you're giving the crew your comms, your hardsuits, pinpointers etc etc. You would be better off just flying into space and doing literally nothing all round compared to not using your implant.
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Byond Username: Cheimon

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Cheimon » #149201

So the best nuke ops are the best communicators. So long as you're above the bar (you know how to use a gun, fight, and set up a nuke) then the key is working together. This is particularly important if you're in combat pretty early on, since it's nearly impossible to expect effective communication in a gunfight.

Things like the black hardsuit, for example, can be worth it just for this. If you're using that as a distinguishing factor for your leader, and the plan is 'follow him and do what he does' then it can be well worth the price.

I'd honestly recommend carrying the stetchkin whatever you do, it's just a great (and crucially free) backup weapon. It is very easy to lose your primary weapon or to be unable to use it for a few moments: slips, stuns, disarms, even being shot in the back by your fellow ops can happen but won't spell the end for you if you can keep on firing. Particularly if you're using a shield, for example, reloading can be cumbersome. The other advantage is that there's a bunch of free stetchkin ammo as well.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by PKPenguin321 » #149307

1. wait until station gets bored 40~ minutes in and calls shuttle
2. go go go
3. find disk left unsecured in the kitchen because captain suicided and chef gibbed him
u winner
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Helios » #149317

PKPenguin321 wrote:1. wait until station gets bored 40~ minutes in and calls shuttle
2. go go go
3. find disk left unsecured in the kitchen because captain suicided and chef gibbed him
u winner
The problem is ops get really bored by that time.
That's why you gotta convince the ops to go adventure in space and stuff and fuck around for 40 minutes and then go in
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by John_Oxford » #149341

I swear, i'm gonna do that one day.

Just sit in syndi base and play blackjack for 40 minutes, send one steathop in to get and plant the nuke with a combined 140 tc none of the other ops are using.

Literally win all the time, so long as no one fucks up.
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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Byond Username: Cheimon

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Cheimon » #149361

Sitting around for 40 minutes as a plan relies on admins not spicing up the round. The chances are that they will: they'll send in some xenomorphs, or try out a new feature, or even just spice things up with something blatant if you're being unsubtle enough to just go "fuck the round, I'm playing blackjack".
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by PKPenguin321 » #149362

Cheimon wrote:Sitting around for 40 minutes as a plan relies on admins not spicing up the round. The chances are that they will: they'll send in some xenomorphs, or try out a new feature, or even just spice things up with something blatant if you're being unsubtle enough to just go "fuck the round, I'm playing blackjack".
more fun than being nuke ops tbh
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by IcePacks » #149366

have your team do their own retarded thing

swap out everything (i mean EVERYTHING) for regular attire

be a random bystander when they attack

kill the fuck out of the ones you don't like

pick up the nuke since you've proved your loyalty

blow the station up

execute your remaining useless teammates
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Reece » #149411

10/10 would not ask for ban
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TheNightingale » #149662

Operative Strategy and Training Manual: Telecrystal Management

Fig. A: six Operatives.
From left to right: the Sniper; the Medic; the Operator; the Breacher; the Assaulter; the Tiger.

The Sniper
Gear: Sniper bundle (20TC); Chameleon jumpsuit (2TC); Energy dagger (2TC); Penetrator rounds (5TC); C4 (1TC)
Rating: ***/*****
The Sniper has problems with TC management - with their bundle taking up two-thirds of their crystals, there's not much left for anything exceptionally useful. If they can borrow the Breacher's thermals, that helps immensely for taking out the AI, but it's not necessary if you know the AI satellite well. The Sniper's main role is killing the AI and infiltration - with a chameleon jumpsuit and camouflaged energy dagger, this Operative is able to infiltrate the station and potentially take out high-priority targets with the sniper rifle's zoom function and specialised ammunition. Be careful, though, as their only secondary ranged weapon is the Stetchkin, which doesn't pose much of a threat to anyone with a taser; for this reason, it is recommended that the Sniper holds back from front-line combat, although shooting down long maintenance shafts and primary hallways is still one of the Sniper's strengths.

The Medic
Gear: Medical bundle (15TC); Medical beamgun (15TC).
Rating: ****/*****
Though lacking TC like the Sniper, the Medic is essential for supporting combat teams. With a powerful Medical beamgun (which can even heal the medic if used strategically) and a first-aid kit full of important supplies, the Medic is able to provide on-the-go healing to other Operatives. Though the Medic struggles in one-on-one combat, and thus should never be separated from the rest of the team (both for their benefit as much as the Medic's), they are still armed with a huge donksoft LMG, which fires riot darts capable of downing a target through stamina damage in a few bursts. This weapon is overly bulky and has severe recoil, however, so the Stetchkin is often a better choice. The compact defibrillator is capable of delivering quick stuns in melee combat when used in both hands, and with a lethal injection syringe and syringe gun (from the shuttle), the Medic can ensure a single opponent is eliminated permanently. The blood-red magboots, though niche, can come in useful when navigating space wind breaches or if the gravitational generator has been disabled.

The Operator
Gear: Bulldog bundle (16TC); cryptographic sequencer (6TC); thermal imaging glasses (6TC); energy dagger (2TC).
Rating: ****/*****
The Operator is perhaps the most robust type of Operative there is; with a 12-gauge Bulldog semi-automatic shotgun, as well as two spare drums of ammunition, the Operator is able to dominate in close-quarters combat. The thermal imaging glasses aid in seeking out targets and evading capture (remember, although clad in an expensive prototype elite hardsuit, the Operator is still vulnerable to a simple taser shot), and the cryptographic sequencer provides utility and access to wherever may be needed. As a backup weapon, the Operator is armed with an energy dagger, augmenting their close-quarters capabilities further. The Operator excels in close combat and damage, and with the elite hardsuit, is able to shrug off wounds that would incapacitate or kill a normal Operative. The thermal imaging glasses may be traded for a flamethrower and slug of 12-gauge rounds (Buckshot, Slug or Dragonsbreath), but this is not recommended due to the risk this poses to other Operatives. However dangerous in close combat, the Operator can still be taken down with concerted effort or a lucky taser shot, and so it is recommended that this Operative travels with support (the Medic is ideal for this role).

The Breacher
Gear: M90gl bundle (15TC); energy sword (8TC); emag (6TC); C4 (1TC).
Rating: ****/*****
The Breacher is armed with an M90gl 5.56 carbine and an energy sword, and excels at crowd control and breaching rooms. The M90gl is able to launch grenades (which can be replenished through the Breacher's grenade box) to destroy walls, defenses and people, and with both an emag and a block of C4, little is able to stand in this Operative's way. The M90gl has a significant damage output, and is able to gun down hordes of lesser-armed opponents and targets of opportunity with ease; indeed, with 30 rounds to each toploader magazine, the Breacher can maintain this damage output for longer than most. The energy sword makes an impressive fallback weapon in close quarters combat, being much more potent than a simple energy dagger; however, the Breacher is still vulnerable to being disarmed, and is unable to resist damage as well as the Operator can. For this reason, it is recommended that the Breacher be used primarily as a crowd control Operative; whilst they are certainly able to neutralise armed opponents with a variety of weapons (a grenade is recommended for the initial strike, as a burst of 5.56 bullets as a follow-up will neutralise most hostiles), they should be supported by other Operatives when against more dangerous foes. The Breacher is also supplied with a pack of Omnizine-laced cigarettes, which will provide consistent healing and slight stun resistance when smoked (it is recommended to share these amongst the team). Smoking one of these cigarettes during combat is recommended, but a Breacher should light up beforehand, so as not to be gunned down whilst fiddling with a lighter.

The Assaulter
Gear: C20r bundle (14TC); energy shield (16TC).
Rating: *****/*****
The Assaulter uses their telecrystals to great effect, and continues the traditional Operative archetype of "gun and shield" with a deadly .45 C20r SMG and a prototype energy shield capable of absorbing any energy-based attack. The Assaulter's primary role is taking on high-value targets such as armed opponents; the energy shield neutralises incoming attacks whilst the Assaulter retaliates with a burst of lethal .45 bullets. Manufactured by Scarborough Arms and the highest-quality SMG available, the C20r will down most opponents in one burst through stamina damage (but note that they will recover soon, and so should be finished off quickly if combat is likely to be protracted). The Assaulter is most vulnerable to ballistic and melee stun-capable attacks, such as those from a .38 revolver or a stunbaton. It is important to prioritise these targets, as the C20r's magazine runs out faster than would be preferred (although the Assaulter is provided with two more magazines for quick reloading). The Stetchkin makes an adequate secondary weapon when needed, but the energy shield should always be kept on-hand during combat; the Assaulter is able to take energy weapon hits that would debilitate the rest of the team. Note that this technology should not be allowed to fall into enemy hands under any circumstances - other Operatives are just as vulnerable to its effects as the enemy is, so Assaulters should ensure that the shield is stored in their pockets, belt or bag before self-detonating their explosive implant if required.

The Tiger
Gear: Tiger Cooperation Chemical Bioterror bundle (30TC)
Rating: ***/*****
The Tiger is perhaps the easiest Operative to choose items for, as only one option is needed - the Tiger Cooperation Chemical Bioterror bundle, which provides a chemsprayer capable of spraying paralysing chemicals over unprotected opponents, a dart pistol and box of syringes for targeted assassinations and opening shots, a donksoft SMG capable of neutralising opponents in a few bursts, and a single bioterror foam grenade, guaranteed to lethally incapacitate anyone caught in its radius. Best used for crowd control like the Breacher, the Tiger excels at bioterror warfare, and with a chemical kit, dart gun and box of syringes, is adept at assassinations and high-priority target eliminations when given opportunity for a stealth attack. Furthermore, the Tiger is able to lock down an area for a short time with the bioterror grenade, as anyone who enters its radius will be incapacitated for the rest of their (admittedly short) life. However, the Tiger's only ballistic weapon fires riot darts, so the Stetchkin is highly recommended for combat against syringe-immune opponents such as ones clad in hardsuits. The distinct benefit of the Tiger is that they provide guaranteed assassinations against high-value targets; however, the Tiger is not provided with any utility gear, and so must benefit from the rest of the team for this. (Indeed, with only a Stetchkin as an effective combat weapon against hardsuited opponents, this is mandatory to survive.)
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Anonmare » #149757

Interesting build, may I offer a suggestion? This is all assuming *any* Nuke OP team is ever this organised but brainstorming is nice.
Starting from the far left:-

The Technician
Carries the M-90gl bundle and Medbeam Gun, their job is to clear out rooms full of crew, ideally with the Sweeper in the lead, and keep their allies at peak condition. Unlike a dedicated medic, they do not have a NVG medHUD using only their starting TCs. They also have the most bag space (especially if you include them using the duffelbag their bundle comes with) and makes them ideal for carrying the bombs, the grenades, the C4 etc. They don't have much going on defensively but they are a decent offensive force.

The Teamplayer
Uses the CR-20 bundle and fire-team bundle. Their job is to be the ammo mule essentially, though it necessitates some TCs juggling. Their silenced SMG means they can be a good break out support if the Spy get's found out and they carry a fuckload of ammo for the SMG and can jocky with the Technician for second-place during the assault. Like the technician, they don't have much defensive end-game and will rely on speed and surprise, as well as their teammates for survival.

The Sweeper
AKA: The muscle, the big guy, the tank, "Hey ugly"... All different names for the job this OP performs. He wields the Bulldog bundle and an energy shield (again, requirign some TCs juggling, mainly from the Spy who usually has an abundance of TCs from their stealth loadout). His role is a simple one, he enters crowded rooms and leaves them empty. The bulldog is a very good weapon in close-quarters like the kind on a space station, especially when loaded with buckshot so long as no other OP runs in front of them, and their energy shield will nullify the Nanotrasen Internal Security force's primary weaponry. And their heavier armour will help them resist the usual kinds of ballistic weaponry, giving this OP a more unyielding glacier style compared to the other two seen so far.

The Professional
Professionals have standards, at least most do, this OP thinks of them more as guidelines. Wielding the Sniper bundle and an energy dagger; they are a formidable range opponent and the bane of AI's everywhere. This OP's usage of thermal glasses makes them vulnerable to flashbangs, though they are rarely deployed on Operatives and the nature of this OP's role usually means that they rarely see heavy combat. They can fly along the side of the station and pick off targets with their rifle and penetrator rounds and make maintenance a hell for anyone walking through, however, they are underpowered in short-range and will have to fall back on their e-dagger and stechkin pistol if they are disarmed.

The Spy
Sneaky and faces accusations of stealing other's jobs, the Spy is the oddest bunch as they lack aggressive equipment almost completely and use barely (if any) Operative equipment. Going as far as to use the black-and-red spacesuit found aboard the infiltrator; this OP leaves *ZERO* connection back to his comrades. Their goal is to act as both scout and the sabotage of critical station functions, wearing the patented Syndi-thread™ chameleon jumpsuit and a voice-changing gas mask to better blend in with the crew. They possess a suppressor for their pistol (either bought or borrowed from the Teamplayer/Sniper) for silent takedowns, an emag for getting into secure locations and a chameleon projector for quick escapes if they've been made. The Spy is usually so confident in their skills that they'll donate a fair chunk of their TCs to their "lesser" OPs. It is to the surprise of no one when these guys inevitably get fragged and noted down as an "unfortunate casualty" .

I did the checking and the TCs seem to work out, there might have been an extra 10TCs on the computer but I can't be sure.
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Byond Username: Reece1995

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Reece » #149781

Anonmare, these descriptions...these explanations...they're so sexy.
Do more!
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Anonmare » #149870

Alright, I'll do one more but it's the last one!
I give you all:-
The "un"-Professionals

Starting from the far, top left as always...
The Driver
All criminals need a getaway driver, though this OP is more of a get-into driver. He uses a single item, but use the most TCs out of any of the other OPs with his Dark Gygax mech. The mech is quick-paced, heavily armoured and completely immune to NanoTrasen's stun weaponry. It is recommended this OP fills their belt with tools from the toolbox on board their ship so they can do field-repairs during combat. Their role in the boarding action is to take point and annihilate any and all resistance as well as take the brunt of the fire. While in their mech, they are safe and sound but outside it; they possess only a stechkin for defence and easily dealt with by the legions of Assistants NanoTrasen hires (for some godawful reason).

The Nurse
The Medic's lesser, but eager to help cousin. Wielding the medical bundle, this OP can keep others patched up and ready to go with their combat medkit, abloe to see who needs their help most thanks to their medHUD. Though they lack the experimental medigun of the dedicated medic, their autoinjector and patches can save lives when it counts. Their primary weapon is the Donksoft LMG, great for keeping targets pinned, not so great at keeping them down. The Nurse is advised to hang back and let the other OPs take point.

The Old-Timers
Despite appearances, these OPs bear no blood relation to one another (presumably at any rate). These OPs have been around the block a few times and know that nothing can beat Old Reliable. Both carrying a CR-20 bundle and e-shield, they are immune to the tasers and lasers of NanoTraen's private security force. It is best that these OPs stick together to provide each other back-up and help the other up if the other goes down. If possible, it's best if these two reload their SMGs one at a time to keep up the rate of fire and "talk" their way down a corridor. Nevertheless, they are still vulnerable to disarms but as long as they stick together, they are unlikely to be beat.

The Greyshirt
The Spy's lesser equipped, and even more arrogant, cousin. They use only a minute amount of the OP's currency (coming to 5 TCs in all) but will have the most important jobs laid upon them. The Greyshirt will infiltrate the station, ideally from the arrivals airlock due to their lack of an emag, and proceed to blend in with the other greyshirts so as to not arouse suspicion. Their goal is the same as the Spy's - Recon and collateral damage. Depending on the layout of the station, they may be entrusted with the lion'share of the explosives. Their main weapon will be a stetchkin (suppressed if they can convince one of the old timers to part with their own suppressor) but will fight like a despicable greyshirt if their back is to the wall. A loose cannon and usually the weak link in the OP's cohesive* unit.
NOTICE FROM SYNDICATE HIGH COMMAND: And make sure you take those damn gloves and boots off before you start! I don't care how cool they make you look or you "forget" again, you get spotted wearing them again I'm remotely detonating your microbomb implant!

A more speed-focused build I think, no emags so the stealth OP will actually be very useful for taking down crewmembers with high-access and spreading it back to the rest of the squad.Like that'll ever fucking happen...
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by PKPenguin321 » #149993

you forget the most dangerous one: the soaplier soaperative
requires: all the ops TCs. all of them
tools: a little over 100 soaps
plan: use the soap to get the disk
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Drynwyn » #149994

PKPenguin321 wrote:you forget the most dangerous one: the soaplier soaperative
requires: all the ops TCs. all of them
tools: a little over 100 soaps
plan: use the soap to get the disk
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by John_Oxford » #151896

how to blow up a multi trillion dollar space station in 9 and 1/2 steps
step 1: 100 bars of a-grade syndicate soap
step 2: stragically infiltrate station
step 3: place alllll the bars in one big ass line to a airlock, emag airlocks open
step 4: wait till captain or other person step on soap
step 6: space walk and retrieve disk by drinking all of medicals cryoaxadone
step 7: activate nuke
step 8: ???
step 9: profit
step ?: boom
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Byond Username: KorPhaeron

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by onleavedontatme » #151907

(F) [Syndicate] Amir Vote Me says, "LIGHT YOURSELF ON FIRE"
(F) [Syndicate] Amir Vote Me says, "THEY CAN'T TELL IF YOU'RE A SYNDIE"
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by PKPenguin321 » #151950

Kor wrote:(F) [Syndicate] Amir Vote Me says, "LIGHT YOURSELF ON FIRE"
(F) [Syndicate] Amir Vote Me says, "THEY CAN'T TELL IF YOU'RE A SYNDIE"
That's so crazy it just might work
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Byond Username: Lumipharon

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by lumipharon » #151953

It did.
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Byond Username: AngryTurnip

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by AngryTurnip » #156419

Ok here's what you've gotta do:
>buy an emag and never use it
>buy a bag full of C4
>C4 into the lobby of the AI satellite
>spend 30 minutes trying and failing to take out the AI
>leave 2 of your operatives on the AI satellite
>drag the last other operative through space with no internals set
>spend 10 more minutes C4ing through engineering
>run around an empty station because everyone already evacuated
>spend the last minute of the round getting made fun of by the AI
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Steelpoint » #156424

I've found investing ten telecrystals into a adrenal implant (8TC's) and a EMP kit (2TC's), which comes with two EMP grenades and a EMP implant, can make you very hard to kill. The EMP implant will utterly shut down most of Security's weapons as well as horribly damage and stun Cyborgs, the adrenal implant will also counter stamina damage and any stun attacks.

This leaves you with twenty TC's to invest into a gun, such as a Bulldog or M90 kit. The problem here is that after you get your gun your down to six to five telecrystals, I find a emag to be near mandatory but I also enjoy getting C4 and a additional magazine for my longarm.


As great as these advance tactics are, the problem I see is that these tactics don't usually work in game. Cooperation at best is usually one guy following another who seems to know what they are doing. Hence why I tend to (in rare situations I am a Op) go for a kit that does not rely on other Operatives for survival if I lose them.


Finally in my recently merged Op PR I've added six first aid kits and five C4 blocks to the Op ship, that's a guaranteed medkit and C4 block for any Op.
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Byond Username: TechnoAlchemist

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TechnoAlchemist » #156433

Sort of unrelated, but how quick acting are the soporific rounds for the sniper rifle
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Byond Username: Boredone

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Boredone » #156436

Checking the code, Soporific rifle rounds actually are instant, and put someone to sleep for some time (4 times the length of a taser).
However, there is a chance armor might stop it? Though not sure on that.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Zilenan91 » #156584

I think it's a syringe so hardsuits/biosuits block it.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by kevinz000 » #157010

Honestly my "primary loadout" for nukeops is a shielded hardsuit and emag. I bomb the amoury and go on a massive murderboner with the guns. Even if there's an AI, doesn't matter, emag the doors before the AI can bolt you down and you're golden.
In warops, if it's evenly split, I still do that only in addition I will either have a sniper rifle because it's a 1 hit GGnore and kill the AI with penetrating rounds, or just shield + M-90GL murderbone a path to the disk. Sometimes I'l even have both as so many TCs I'm swimming in it. Or, I get noslips with the excess to not get dunked by a clown who has nothing better to be doing (like slipping the disk holder :^) ). Also, I find medibeams useful in warops to save my fallen comrades .

Shielded hardsuits are very underrated.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Dawgas » #157016

What everyone literally forgets, is that the best way to win nuke is to be as fast as fucking possible.

Literally, walking in and rushing the Captain as fast as humanly possible is probably the main and primary goal for nuke ops - so a decent list of objectives to do is:

1. agree on where the nuke goes
2. prepare - since research can get completely finished in 20 minutes, and miners/scientists can be done as fast as 10 or 15 minutes, be faster than that
3. therefore, go all in on offense, but don't go full retard
4. it looks like this when you do it right


so that's pretty much either quickly subverting the AI or being so fast that it doesn't matter that you're being engaged by the crew/AI - you win when the nuke goes off, everything else is on top of that
remove conversion based antags and entirely RNG based game mechanics 2010 and every year after that forever and ever amen
its disgusting when you find out when you're consistently right all along and nobody listens
post 66444, /tg/ board, probably deleted by the poster like a bitch:

You're the guy who was the reason we had to add a specific rule to the rules that you can't suicide when you're converted, because you'd do it EVERY SINGLE TIME.

You followed around people you liked constantly, every single round you'd be stalking someone. God forbid anyone try to become them, because you'd every few minutes show up and interrogate them to make sure it's actually them.

You're the guy who murderbonered half the station during a cult round as a nonantag because you don't like cult. When most of the cultists were already dead.

You're the guy who thinks himself really edgy, your roundstart activities always involved stealing tools, grabbing a gas mask, and running around maint looking for bodies, in between bouts of running to your friends to ensure they're okay.

You are the worst kind of person, and I wish you'd go back to not playing.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Venticular » #157167

I had a Nuke Ops round where I was the Chief, and I came up with a very effective team.

Each person had 40 tcs, while I only had 30.

One person was the spy, and by himself was the quiet team, and he took out Tcomms and other areas with bombs.

The other four people, me included, were part of the loud team. We all had elite hardsuits. I don't know exactly what they got, but I got a general idea.

The Medic
So this guy had the medical beam, and the medical bundle. (Or does the medical bundle include the medical beam?)
Anyway, pretty self-explanatory.

The Bioterror
They bought the bioterror bundle. Great for crowd control, saved us a couple of times.

The Brawler
They got the Bulldog shotgun, with a bunch of stun rounds, and an energy dagger. Great for close combat, especially in maint.
We encountered a random engineer in miant, and this guy took him out easily.

The Operative
This was me. I got the M-90 bundle, as well as an emag and some C4. Basic run and gun operative.

Overall, this team was able to easily secure the disk and blow the nuke. We suffered no casualties, exploded the nuke, and only had to take out two of them, that engineer and the captain. (Well, we only had to take out two without the nuke. We killed them all with the nuke.)
My characters are Frank Lowe and Mel Cousins. I also play as CORION OS, the AI and Brainstorm the borg.
"I don't fail at much, but caring is one of them" -some guy

I'm actually back now bitches!
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by kevinz000 » #158157

lumipharon wrote: 3: Lone wolf is dead wolf. Stay with your team mates, you're not rambo..
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Byond Username: Cheimon

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Cheimon » #158278

kevinz000 wrote:
lumipharon wrote: 3: Lone wolf is dead wolf. Stay with your team mates, you're not rambo..
In stealth, being alone is key. Groups are inherently suspicious because of the nature of gangs, cults, and revolutions.

In open battle, being alone will get you tar-pitted and killed. Forming a group of at least 3 operatives will radically improve your chances of success, so long as you're not getting shot in the back.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by yackemflam » #166990

Going with the standard 40 tc for everyone op

I have, the penetration crew.

All 5 operatives get a sniper set.
All 5 get spare penetration mags
2-3 grab and emag
Spend the rest on c-4

All 5 operative shoot the ai once
Blow comms
Go wild.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
Confined to the shed
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Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Zilenan91 » #166993

Someone should try an Op round where they do War and spend their TCs on literally nothing but a pod, a bunch of operatives, and stechkin ammo if even that.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by yackemflam » #166994

Declare war
Have 440TC
Buy 4-5 macrobomb implants (depends if you want to win or not
buy reinforcement with a space suit and macrobomb implant
25 + 20 + 4 = 49
Last guy gets either a macrobomb if one of the ops passes up the implant
If one of the ops passes up the implant. He is in charge of sabotage.
Have fun with 11(.8) maxcaps through out the station.
Buy everyone spare stetchkin ammo.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Byond Username: TankNut

Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TankNut » #167038

Still the easiest tactic I've found since ops lost the teleporter:

Grab the assault pod and one stealth op with a stetchkin (Silencer optional)
Divide the remaining crystals and let each op specialize in their own way
Load the nuke and everything you might need from the shuttle into the pod
Send the stealth op to the station alone and have them plant a few bombs or sabotage some things (optional)
Get the stealth op to stop fooling around and find the captain
Once the captain is found, either keep him stationary for a moment or just start shooting in the hopes that he'll remain where he is
Use the assault pod to drop into the same area as the captain, more often than not you'll end up dropping right on top of him. Ensuring an easy kill and disk grab
Grab the disk off the dead (or soon to be dead) captain and plug it into the nuke. Set the timer and pocket the disk once you're done
Start shouting at the other ops to run for the nearest airlock, make sure that you know where the shuttle is (The pinpointer has a mode for this, apparently)
Get to the shuttle, wait for other ops to arrive (optional)
Send shuttle, enjoy celebratory booze and await fireworks while the few stuck members of your team scream bloody murder
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Venticular » #167071

TankNut wrote: Load the nuke into the pod
I've seen this happen once.

The nuke was stolen.
My characters are Frank Lowe and Mel Cousins. I also play as CORION OS, the AI and Brainstorm the borg.
"I don't fail at much, but caring is one of them" -some guy

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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TankNut » #167092

Venticular wrote:
TankNut wrote: Load the nuke into the pod
I've seen this happen once.

The nuke was stolen.
Still better than having to go from your pod to the ship and then back to the station to plant it.
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Venticular » #167105

TankNut wrote:
Venticular wrote:
TankNut wrote: Load the nuke into the pod
I've seen this happen once.

The nuke was stolen.
Still better than having to go from your pod to the ship and then back to the station to plant it.
If you have it on the ship, don't attract that much attention from hardsuited people, and plant the nuke in a different place from where you last saw people, it's much easier and stealthier than loading it in the pod. Just my two cents.
My characters are Frank Lowe and Mel Cousins. I also play as CORION OS, the AI and Brainstorm the borg.
"I don't fail at much, but caring is one of them" -some guy

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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by Topham » #167190

Man, this thread makes nuke op rounds feel more badass than they actually are, I love it. I might make a team or two of my own for the hell of it. For the pictures of the teams, are y'all just putting together a couple catatonics on your own server and screenshotting?
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Re: Nuke Ops Tactics

Post by TheNightingale » #167195

Topham wrote:Man, this thread makes nuke op rounds feel more badass than they actually are, I love it. I might make a team or two of my own for the hell of it. For the pictures of the teams, are y'all just putting together a couple catatonics on your own server and screenshotting?
Pretty much. Since when did real Operative teams have that much cohesion?
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