RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

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RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by RG4 » #15736

RG4's simple and efficient guide to getting high research levels without being a retard!
This is mostly for Research Directors who find it hard to get RD levels or otherwise idiots.

Step 1: Starting out
Getting 3 syringe guns, depending on who you are you might not need these but 3 of these from robotics with get you up to materials 4 in almost an instant, same with EM,Biology, and Data Theory. The latter 3 will be level 5 when you're done.
Step 2: The easy way
Use the intellicard in your research office to get you to materials 5, now you're can really start cooking! Start getting to engineering up to 3, this can be achieved with any tool in a tool box then deconning a welding gas mask. Then you'll be able to a Rapid Parts Exchanger, this will make upgrading any machine infinately easy. One thing also helps as well, make a flame thrower and get a piece of plasma from Xeno-Biology, this gives you plasma 3.
Step 3: Upgrading and you
Craft 3 Super Matter Bins(SMBs),4 Pico manipulators,1 High-Powered Micro Laser, and an Advanced Scanning Module. After making these get them all in the parts exchange device and upgrade your machines. This is VERY IMPORTANT, as it cuts down on material usage and will save you heaches in the future, along with upgrading the Deconnstructive Analyzer you'll increase your chances at RDing items.
Step 4: SMES your way to power!
Now once your machines are upgraded begin to craft Exo-Suit Fabricator and SMES boards and decon those. These boards shoot your engineering and power manipulation levels up to at least 6 and will also boost the chances of deconning a Pico or SMB. Now once you did that decon a Pico or SMB these will give you Materials 6!
Step 5: Hey look at that, Materials 7!
So now you got Material 6, Power 6,Engineering 6,Biology 5,Data 5,Plasma 3,Blue pace 1 or 2, and Illegal 1. With plasma at 3 start making a Portable Chem Dispenser as it saves you from going to Chemistry when you need acid. Now you want Materials 7, and Mining is shit or dead! Say no more, just head on over to the AI upload chamber and get the AI to give you the high risk boards like, Oxygenistoxictohumans,Purge, and Onehuman, these will decon materials 6 but give you 7 without the need of mining!
Step 6: Bluespace and You
Bluespace typically is never RD as much due the lack of items to actually give BS levels aside from telepad boards, but who cares let upgrade the fucker anyway! What you wanna do is get the Teleporter board in your office and decon that, then head to the teleporter room (where the hand tele is located) and disassemble the teleporter. You'll get blue space crystals and a teleporter station board. Decon 1 of the crystals and the station board, with that you'll be able to make more in the circut imprinter and get that fucker up to 5 or 6!
Step 7: Combat!
This one is by far the most easiest to level up provided you followed Step 1. What you're going to want to do is decon the toolbox or if you already haven't a flame thrower for Combat 1 and Plasma 1. You'll be at Combat 2 and have the ability to make DURAND and GYGAX weapon boards in the circuit imprinters, make around 3 and after you decon them you should be at level 5! With level 5 comes things like Advanced E-Guns,Laser cannons, SMGs and Ion rifles. Decon things like combat shotguns to get X-Ray rifles!
And there you have it a very efficient and otherwise simple guide to doing research without the need of mining or wasting precious minerals you need to build your own stompy mechs. This should actually help out anyone new to RD or people who don't know how to do RD as fast!
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by imblyings » #15744

> without the need of mining or wasting precious minerals you need to build your own stompy mechs.
> Getting 3 syringe guns
> roboticists face when all that metal and glass wasted
> deconstructing teleporter
> needing three durand/gygax weapons boards for weapons 5
> people posting these guides
> dumber people follow these guides like a bible and get pissy when you do something different in game or tell them they're wrong

the below guide however, is currently one of the more efficient and cheaper methods, if not the cheapest. The guide can be done completely in research without needing to go out.
>get toolbox
>deconstruct analyzer, gives you electromag 2, pretty sure it gives you engineering 2
>make stun prod and flamethrower using two rods, a welder and wirecutters and cable cuffs, no tank needed for the flamethrower
>decon the flamethrower then stun prod. Gives you combat 2 and plasma 2, then combat 3
>chuck in a micro manipulator, this gives you materials 2 and data 2
>chuck in a tracking beacon for bluespace 2
>chuck in two high cap cells for power 2 then 3
>make mesons for engineering 3
>make pAI for data theory 3
>make mining drill for materials 3 and power 4
>print off an exosuit fab board, decon it for data 4 and engineering 4
>make advanced matter bin and decon for materials 4
>steal the rd's intellicard because he's a nerd or break into tech storage and take the intellicard and gloves if they're there
>decon that for materials 5 and data 5
>sync to robotics

at this point you can make pico manipulators and super matter bins and hipower lasers

upgrade all your shit

>ask robotics for ONE syringe gun, ONE mech taser, TWO super caps, ONE grav catapult
>you don't literally need anything else for your first request.

>decon taser for weapons 4
>get durand/gygax board for weapons 5
>bribe cargo with upgrade parts or something for a combat shotgun for combat 6 for xray lasers
>decon two super caps for power 5 then power 6
>decon grav catapult for bluespace 3 and electro 4
>decon syringe gun for electro 5
sync with robotics, ask them for a wormhole gen, decon that for bluespace 4

>make SMES board, two of them, for engineering 5 then engineering 6. Not sure if you can skip deconning two super caps before making SMES boards to do power and engineering in one go but guides are shit mine included so the best thing for you to do here is to find out a more efficient way yourself.

>steal/lie/cheat your way into the ai upload for the freeform core and paladin core modules. Decon both for materials 7 because >mining >ever working

if mining ever shows up

>make boh, decon for bluespace 5
>make hypercap cell from robotics for power 7

for med research there are a few ways you can go about things
>if robotics is having a slow day, just take all their shitty normal mmis, decon all of them for med 4. That's okay because if you've done the rest of your research, you and robotics can make radio-enabled mmis and by taking away all their normal ones, you've hopefully forced them to see the light and use the mmis with radios.
>if robotics are using them, snag a health analyzer from somewhere. Decon that for med 2. Make a medhud for med 3. Make a mmi for med 4 (might need to upgrade your deconstructive analyzer or use a fab-made mmi). Make a radio enabled mmi or just use a mech syringe gun for med 5. You can also just spam used slime cores which is real neato because assuming xenobio is working, they throw out used slime cores by the dozen.

I'm pretty sure illegal tech is useless but if you like seeing larger numbers, just decon two energy relays when mining comes by with minerals

I have a feeling fully upgraded deconstructive analyzers can also analyze ultra-power micro lasers/phasic sensors, which means you can get electro 6. Wait I tested this recently I'm pretty sure it didn't work.

edit I forgot about plasma research. Once you've done the flamethrower you have plasma 2. Chuck in a sheet of plasma for plasma 3. Chuck in a PACMAN board for plasma 4. Do this after you've upped power and engineering research because pacman board reliability probably relies on that.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Kraso » #15748

if you need a guide on how to deconstruct shit for R&D you are hopelessly retarded
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by paprika » #15775


This is why I wish we went full goon.

With all of you rnd professionals there sure is a big fat lack of xray lasers when i'm shitting all over the station as blob.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Lo6a4evskiy » #15779

>deconstructing teleporter when you can just make tracking beacon that costs 20 metal or something

can you just delete this guide because it's bad
imblyings wrote:Spoiler
>asking for grav catapult and getting intelicard when you can just DA useless RD boards
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by oranges » #15894

>not using href exploits on the roboticist console to spawn all the items you need.

Fuck you guys are bad at this game.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by cedarbridge » #16020

Lo6a4evskiy wrote:>deconstructing teleporter when you can just make tracking beacon that costs 20 metal or something

can you just delete this guide because it's bad
imblyings wrote:Spoiler
>asking for grav catapult and getting intelicard when you can just DA useless RD boards
Either you're trolling or have no idea how R&D works. Tracking beacon only goes to lv 2 m80
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Lo6a4evskiy » #16046

Tracking beacon, teleporter board, wormhole gen.

Here you go, bluespace 4.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by allura » #16411

so, to sum it all up and give the guide that actually works (the first works but wastes, the second is mostly wrong)

micro manipulator
tracking beacon
teleporter board
high cap cell
mining drill
exosuit fabricator board
advanced matter bin
nano manipulator
3 mmis
radio mmi
gygax weapons board
combat shotgun
2 super cap cells
syringe gun
wormhole gen
2 smes boards
freeform and paladin core boards
pacman board
Last edited by allura on Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Lo6a4evskiy » #16413

Why would you shove so much crap in it?

First of all, R&D has many little basic items that are useless but can get you up 1-2 levels in some techs.

Like why would you put two high cap cells in it when you have a perfectly good and otherwise useless capacitor that is power manipulation level 1?

Before you say "battery is useless anyway", well, you cannot shove capacitor into APC when the power suddenly goes out. Or into a borg if there are no roboticists.

Seriously, before you do anything else, just pick those little retarded things in the eastern part of R&D, you'll get most techs up one level.

Used slime extract is bio level 4. Instead of taking MMIs or other shit like that, you can often get those if somebody's in xenobio. They are otherwise useless.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by allura » #16414

tested your post and adjusted the guide, lo6.
the mmis i still support because they're fucking terrible and you can easily replace them with radio mmis
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Lo6a4evskiy » #16488

What's pAI for, by the way? Never used it.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by elyina » #16490

can't wait for more people on sybil to follow this like the bible and go mental and start escalating fights when someone tries to go against it
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Lo6a4evskiy » #16491

People should just stop labeling their guides "best, mega cheap, mega efficient and mega quick". Coz they're not.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by RG4 » #16498

In all respect this is how I legitimately do this and it tends to be the fastest possible way I do anything for achieving RD levels. Give or take I'll hit material 6 or 7 in a matter of minutes of the round start with mostly everything else being level 5's or 6's. Follow what ever way you actually feel is best, if you like my preference then use it I'm not exactly stopping you lol. Plus this is more a new kid's guide to actually do it when there's 2-3 people always saying they're new to research.
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by allura » #16521

my guide isnt labelled anything, but i think that it's the way you should do it. rg4 is saying "I WROTE A GUIDE BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO FOLLOW IT". well that's not what guides are written for. follow my guide, do it. follow my guide and all will be ok
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Re: RG4's simple and efficient guide to being an RD master!

Post by Lo6a4evskiy » #16545

The important thing to say is that it is not the ONLY way to do R&D.

And yeah, I'm not talking about any particular guide, I'm talking about guides in general.
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