/tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

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/tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by paprika » #177511

- Brute is now only caused by blunt injuries like punching/blunt weapons, blast concussions, and generally being thrown about the place.
- At a certain threshold, enough brute damage on a limb leads to a Broken Limb, which can be a broken ribcage, arm, leg, or skull.
- Enough brute might (?) lead to internal bleeding which can affect your overall blood %, my goal here would be to keep this simple and not have any real effects besides losing blood without it spraying all over the place.
- Brute is still easily healable with chemicals, and it heals naturally over time (maybe 1 brute per tick) making it the weakest damage type for deadly combat but good in a pinch if you can break someone's bones with something heavy or their skull with a toolbox.
- Breaking a limb renders it unusable (as if it was amputated) but it can be repaired by putting the limb in a cast for a certain period of time or fixing it with bone gel through surgery.
- Breaking your ribcage causes oxygen damage and makes it hard to breathe.
- Breaking your skull knocks you out for a while and causes you to bleed until it is fixed.

- This damage is a new damage type caused by sharp objects, and embedded objects. Basically anything that breaks your skin and causes bleeding.
- This is fixed by bandages, surgical staples (heals a fuckload of bleed damage all at once, but is a longer procedure), and chemistry cannot heal this type of damage at all.
- Chemistry can temporarily stop bleeding with salts and stuff, but ultimately the actual bleed damage needs to be addressed by fixing the damage with bandages.
- Obviously the more damage you have of this type, the more you bleed.
- Very easily temporarily fixable, but bandages wear off if there's enough bleeding damage on a limb requiring more permanent solutions like staples or synthflesh.
- This damage heals over time ONLY if you aren't currently bleeding from the limb in question. The best way of healing this damage is mending the wounds rather than sealing them with bandages, obviously.

Every other damage type remains the same.


- Mass produced for limb replacements by medical doctors, easy and cheap to make/order more as well
- Provides basic functions of the arm/leg in question
- Cannot be repaired
- Does not bleed
- After a certain threshold of damage, breaks and falls off the limb (oh no!)



- Made by robotics
- My limbs are augmented
- Can be repaired (brute damage by using metal rods, sharp/cut damage by repairing with cable coil, burn damage with a welding tool)
- Breaks, rendering it unusuable at its damage cap, but can still be repaired.
- Basically an upgrade to regular human limbs as well as an amazing replacement for lost limbs, but harder to aquire and install. Healing is also trickier because the supplies are construction supplies and healing burn damage requires welding protection.
- Can possibly have mods installed (armblades, anyone?)
- Clicking on an adjacent tile lets you pull yourself to that tile if you are prone (and not stunned).
- WASD/Arrow keys will not move you when prone still, because it's bad user feedback. Think WASD = legs, mouse clicking = arms/hands.
- You wouldn't be able to crawl if you don't at least have one arm. You could make an argument for crawling using only your legs but for gameplay's sake arms pull you along the floor.
- Huge movement delay for crawling. Leaves a big bloody smear.
- Blood injectors, basically medipens but quickly inject different types of blood instead. Replacement for the shitty IV-drip/blood pack system I ported from bay. Can be fabricated from the blood supply of medical. Drawing blood would use these too but have a delay (so you can't go around vampiring people instantly)
- Improvements to defibs and how they're charged. Removing the cell and charging it sucks. A dedicated recharger for defibs would work better. (Please make the 'gun' recharger less snowflake, add several different types of equipment rechargers with less shitty sprites)
- Add shrapnel particles to grenades for even more fun embedding.
- Make very low caliber bullets (9mm lol!!) have a higher chance for embedding in limbs
- Maybe add different types of bullets of the same caliber (hollowpoint, fmj) that do different things when it comes to penetration like split into multiple pieces of shrapnel in the body.
- DEFINITELY make it so bullets can penetrate objects/people and do damage to those standing behind them (less damage obviously, kinetic energy and all that)
- Imagine how fucking cool it would be for bullets to fly through windows without explicitly breaking the windows and shit

That's all I got, resident 'ideas guy' signing out
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by iamgoofball » #177564

thank you for actually writing a new medical design doc
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by kevinz000 » #177571

Better then goonfmed.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Wyzack » #177596

Sounds pretty cool actually
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by DemonFiren » #177659

Brute oughtta stay brute, but so far it seems neat otherwise.

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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by paprika » #177673

The problem with brute staying brute is that there's no way to make meaningful injuries or distinguishing between impact or cuts without adding a stupid baystation style injuries system which is really quite trash and the worst part of baymed
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Eaglendia » #177707

Been waiting for someone to hash out a system like this.

Bullets piercing through objects or people should have reduced damage/penetration on secondary targets. A high caliber round punching through someone and getting embedded in someone else or cracking ribs through an armor vest paints a pretty picture in my mind; we could also do more with armor types, things like bulletproof vests reducing incoming piercing damage to brute so a round might knock the wind out of you or break a rib instead of ballooning and tearing your organs apart.

Robotics augmentation should definitely get a major buff even if it has to be locked behind additional research or time (it already takes forever to fully augment a person). As is, augmentation gives you a bit more durability which works out to not being very useful because of the sheer number of items being thrown around with armor penetration gamemode to gamemode, and lets you heal with wires and things, which comes in handy. This comes at the cost of taking forever to heal (applying cables to burnt limbs takes several times as long as using bruise packs and infinity times as long as using a patch) and being pathetically weak to EMP (a fully augmented human takes more than 50% damage from one ion bolt or disable technology talisman in addition to a very long stun). If armor were more useful and these augments could have more abilities (armblade, toolbox arm, hulk punch, remote machine interface, gun arm, cloaking devices etc), augmentation would be a much more appealing option - EMPs would disable these bonus abilities for a time and perhaps deal some armor piercing damage or reduce speed of augmented legs, something to make the counterplay more interesting on both sides.

Finally with Nanotrasen's sophisticated cloning, we should probably find room for biological prosthesis, for someone who just wants a new human arm; maybe you could grow particular body parts or organs in a cloning machine using an individual's DNA sample.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Sidon » #177720

The medical prosthetics should be something you can pick in character gen.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by ColonicAcid » #177723

make chemistry less shit and instead of trying to put actual real life chemicals you fucking idiots have no clue what they do just make something up fuck.

ie: if youre fucking using saline solution to CURE BLOOD LOSS YOU ARE DUMB

also who the FUCK uses diethylamine as a fertilizer

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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Steelpoint » #177724

We're in one of Paprika's good moods.

Joke's aside this is a interesting proposition.

A lot of it will come down to how easy/hard it is for the player to suffer bone fractures and akin.

One problem that will need to be addressed are solo/high difficutly antags and sharp/bullet/whatever attacks. We don't want a single bullet to ruin a Wizard's day, though this depends on both what unique medical supplies these people (Ops, ERT/DS, Wiz. etc) get and how effective standard medical supplies are.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Wyzack » #177725

ColonicAcid wrote:make chemistry less shit and instead of trying to put actual real life chemicals you fucking idiots have no clue what they do just make something up fuck.

ie: if youre fucking using saline solution to CURE BLOOD LOSS YOU ARE DUMB

also who the FUCK uses diethylamine as a fertilizer


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tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by ColonicAcid » #177736

Yes, rename that shit to activated charcoal.

holy shit goofball your entire existence is just to trigger me with anything biochemistry related i swear
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Anonmare » #177739

Could give Wizards a spell that let's them recover from certain ailments like fractures or being able to stop their bleeding. Downside being that it doesn't actually undo any damage you already have, just the effects of that damage. So even if you lost 45% of your blood and broke 243 bones in your body, you'd still be on the verge of passing out and basically immobile, but while under the effects of the spell you'll be able to move around just fine but the moment it wears off you'll collapse to the floor in agony as your body realises, "Oh shit my legs are made of fine powder".

OPs would need a second medical kit for things like broken bones. Make it like a field surgery kit that heals your broken bones, blood-loss or whatever ails you, while the combat med-kit is for treating non-debilitating injuries,
ColonicAcid wrote:Yes, rename that shit to activated charcoal.

holy shit goofball your entire existence is just to trigger me with anything biochemistry related i swear
Can we add activated almonds for the Chef to use?
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #177744

I like the sound of this. I'd also suggest replacing the epi pen(?) in everyone's internals box with something like QuikClot or an emergency tourniquet. Temporarily stops bleeding long enough to get to medbay.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by WarbossLincoln » #177752

You won't even need high caliber rounds to punch through people. Ball 9mm has a good chance to go through someone unless it hit a bone dead on. A full sized rifle cartridge could go through like 5 people if it hit right.

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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Armhulen » #177766

Atlanta-Ned wrote:I like the sound of this. I'd also suggest replacing the epi pen(?) in everyone's internals box with something like QuikClot or an emergency tourniquet. Temporarily stops bleeding long enough to get to medbay.
IMO I don't really like the internals box, it devalues gas grenades and other stuff. I would like a box with EpiPen and QuikClot, though
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Reece » #177770

Maybe some sort of 'wound foam' that stops bleeding temporarily, but if you move there's a percentage chance it breaks and you keep bleeding again?
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Wyzack » #177773

Activated charcoal will still kill you if you inject it in to your bloodstream. Just go back to a nonsense magical space name like dylovene, there is not as far as i know a chemical that can purge bloodborne toxins the way our antitox can
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
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tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #177780

If bullet penetration gets added (or hell, even if it doesn't), someone should steal the bullet hole sprites/code from the testing lab's paper targets.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Okand37 » #177788

Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by ColonicAcid » #177794

Wyzack wrote:Activated charcoal will still kill you if you inject it in to your bloodstream. Just go back to a nonsense magical space name like dylovene, there is not as far as i know a chemical that can purge bloodborne toxins the way our antitox can
Yeah true I guess actually.

I was thinking because you usually take it in pill form it would be fine but then again most poison in ss13 aren't even from food based sources so it would be pretty useless to begin with.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Reece » #177892

Wyzack wrote:Activated charcoal will still kill you if you inject it in to your bloodstream. Just go back to a nonsense magical space name like dylovene, there is not as far as i know a chemical that can purge bloodborne toxins the way our antitox can
Replace it with belt-equip rapid dialysis? click it to pull out a needle, jab it in someone and it sprays away the toxin damage as a squirt of blood?
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by iamgoofball » #177900

Reece wrote: Replace it with belt-equip rapid dialysis? click it to pull out a needle, jab it in someone and it sprays away the toxin damage as a squirt of blood?
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Reece » #177909

iamgoofball wrote:
Reece wrote: Replace it with belt-equip rapid dialysis? click it to pull out a needle, jab it in someone and it sprays away the toxin damage as a squirt of blood?
metal as fuck, I like it
Can't get blood poisoning if you have no blood.
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by Armhulen » #178135

Reece wrote:
iamgoofball wrote:
Reece wrote: Replace it with belt-equip rapid dialysis? click it to pull out a needle, jab it in someone and it sprays away the toxin damage as a squirt of blood?
metal as fuck, I like it
Can't get blood poisoning if you have no blood.
Complete fucking metal
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Re: /tg/med 2.0 (the death of goofmed edition)

Post by paprika » #178170

Removing toxins in your blood by replacing your blood sounds like a great way to buff toxin damage while making it more realistic and fun that isn't 'chug pills'
Oldman Robustin wrote:It's an established meme that coders don't play this game.
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