Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

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Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by kevinz000 » #204042

Lets brainstorm programs/features for the baystation modular computers port, as we only have 6 right now. This will make it have a gameplay incentive to keep the NTnet relays online.
I'l start off with: Tie in PDA systems with the NTnet systems. Everything is normal, except the PDA server becomes constructible, and PDA messaging becomes part of the "NTnet firewall settings" that heads of staff (was it just RD and captain/HOP? I dunno.) can access (Might not do this if balance is an issue as then the heads of staff have a direct wireless capability to sabotage it, as well as anyone with a head of staff tablet or console).
However, if heads get wireless control of anything relatively important (Like PDA messages!), make programs not just require access to download it, but to scan your ID when it's opened to verify that you infact have authority to be using it.
PDAs would send a special message to the NT network to another PDA. This is treated like any other old packet and included in the logs. Considering telecoms logs are absolutely huge (tracks every radio conversation in teh round, accessible in telecoms with a computer) I don't think that the "If there's more logs then 999 the game won't work right" arguement applies. etc etc etc.
ADD ACCESS CHECKS WHEN NETWORK CONTROL APPLICATIONS LIKE THE "NTNET DIAGNOSTICS AND CONTROL" ARE OPENED OR USED TO TURN SOMETHING ON/OFF. Right now someone can just steal the RD's tablet and turn off wireless comms and completely stop all network traffic, making everything connected unable to send anything which is a problem if we use the system for PDAs, records and stuff.
Add a COMMUNICATIONS CONSOLE TYPE THING, MINUS THE SHUTTLE CALL/RECALL.. This will make it actually balanced as you can't recall spam while running around with your handy tablet and all access.
Add security records and medical records. This shouldn't be too hard I guess, compared to the other things? we already have code for that with PAIs only you can't modify. (Would probably need access checks for these to be in.)
Add security cameras. Yay. Bay doesn't have it yet apparently but I believe in our coders.
Teleporter/telescience control from a tablet? (Mekhi wants to buff science again)

Oh yeah. Being able to trace the location of a wireless, or really, wired (has to be longer delay for wired advantage! like WAY longer.) devices, based on number of relays. With 3 or above you can get exact area and coordinate location. With 2, you get a couple (2-3) areas the device might be in so security can send their officers to bust someone for pda harassment. With 1, you get a large amount of areas as well as the quadrant/subsection of the station it's in. The more relays you have the faster triangulation is. Wireless device triangulation with 3+ should really be fast so you can just bust someone for messing with records wirelessly if we ever decide to deal with the balance implications of making portable record editors. Balance concerns, ruining everything right?

Acidproof the tablets so daisy can't melt them.

More syndicate-y, antag-y, evil-y programs to be used on the network.

I just really want to see this feature used more rather then the boring "This is a circuit board for <x> type of computer! And no, this computer won't do anything else but <x>! Therefore we need to have a console board for each type of thing we want to do instead of having a modular system.", as it's quite fun to have these things around and to mess with them in game.

EDIT: Also, if the RD's roundstart tablet has anything special, give one to the captain too and make both acidproof.
If something requires a roundstart generated key, it should probably have a way of being hacked into witout needing antagonist help, no matter how hard it is to do so. I'm pretty irked that if the CE loses his PDA key at roundstart somehow, it's impossible to get in unless you have a malf AI in your pocket.

Double EDIT : If the RD's roundstart tablet isn't special, make it do something special and indestructible because RDs need more love. Or make a new sysadmin job and give that to it. Sysadmin job = pull the plugs when someone's screwing everyone over with the network. :^)
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Armhulen » #204055

Make traitors be able to buy tablets that can send files to other people (prolly hacked ones and WGW) and dos the tcomms internet like the 1337 hacker neckbeard they are
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Chiefwaffles » #204097

Add a flashlight hardware thing.
Replace PDAs with really sucky tablets that only have space for a single program.
Add more hardware restrictions to programs.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Anonmare » #204114

I'd say tablets could be slotted directly into consoles for direct download/upload if they can't already. And pAI devices can be installed into tablets for easier carrying and give them access to the tablet functionality. Meanwhile, being loaded into consoles can allow them to be used to download files and brute-force hack to get files their master shouldn't. Is slow and very obvious however.

A crew monitor program that starts pre-installed on the CMO's tablet and bridge console.

Engineering tablets could get a diagnostic tool they can use on doors to get a finer control over them, but can't affect a functionality if the wire is cut and takes a BYOND second or two to make the connection. (For example: A traitor engineer might use it to stealthily bolt off certain areas or shock an area they know their target will make a run for. Or a legitimate one could use it to diagnose what, if anything, is wrong with a door and quickly fix it in half the time it would take, unless the problem is a cut wire.)

Roboticists and the RD console get a simple bot management program that relays their status to them and also allows them to remotely modify their settings. Beepskies and EDs have to be manually tuned while emagged bots only send output, but won't accept input. Possibly make syndicate programs that remotely emag bots but notify the intrusion detection system, if it's on.

That's all I can think of right now to be honest.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by kust » #204154

A game similiar to pokemon go. I mean what could possibly go wrong playing it on a space station full of hazards? Also there should be in app purchases
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Anonmare » #204286

Oh and the Clown and Mime should have their own unique tablets with virus programs that don't do much except be mildly inconvenient or annoying. Like a clown program that can be renamed, armed and put on the file sharer so that when it's installed it forcefully occupies a program slot and does nothing but honk.
The Mime's virus program occupies a slot and makes all the words French. Or something like that.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by kevinz000 » #204291

Another thing I thought of :Why not give the AI its internal console with huge amounts of space and an advanced wireless card? I mean it IS the AI, doesn't make sense to not allow it to do that stuff innately and have to rely on a console the /meatbags/ build.

Oh yeah. And selfie cameras. Why the hell not? Go take some selfies with a nukeop.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Chiefwaffles » #204341

Just cut out the middle man and add a camera module thing.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Supermichael777 » #204355

Please no more sir we just get arbitrary script injection attacks.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Pybro » #204465

A text editor and printer on the standard OS. So I can send covert messages from the hacked cargo computer to the engine's power monitor. Or just ASCII art of dicks to the HoP's computer.

A way to send pictures, both to PDAs and other computers.

A way to trace what ID is using a computer.

Possibly a way to then spoof their ID (for computer signatures). May require physically planting a bug or something on the terminal in question. So you could slip into the HoP's office via disposals, put some doodad on his computer (be it a bug or a program), then when he uses his computer next it would scan his ID card's signature or whatever and beam it back to your hacker shack in maint.

A way to open doors and remotely via computers. Maybe put a signaller on the right wires and the computer can brute force open the door. Or the computer can beam your stolen ID code to the door and make it think you've got the right access.

Preferably, all of that could be done without traitor items or significant RnD work. Ideally you should be able to do some sneaky shit with the right malicious code, some legwork, and the various junk electronics and parts hanging around maint.

For Syndi shit:

A tablet that lets you bruteforce into any computer on the network.

A doodad that lets you use any computer on the network like a camera.

A device that you can put in your computer to succeed in the ID spoofing and such right off the bat, no legwork or code needed.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Armhulen » #204467

librarians need to have a speshul app that allows them to make ads and plague them all over the NTNET

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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Cobby » #204496

A Stock App for Cargo [and maybe this can be expanded to individual crew members if they want to amass currency over the round for god knows what].

Miner Scanner / Med Scanner / Plant Analyzer / Gas Analyzer / Surgery Scanner [tells you what to do next] . Requires a Scanning module, possibly with upgrades.

Photo App! Bonus points if you can add filters.

Voice Recorder App. Good for a roleplaying detective or a Reporter.

Music App?

'Found Your Friends?' App [an obvious reference to the iphone app]. Insert your friend's tablet ID and it will give you a rough gps coordinate. Saves people from having to clog up the GPS tabs.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Armhulen » #204522

ExcessiveCobblestone wrote:A Stock App for Cargo [and maybe this can be expanded to individual crew members if they want to amass currency over the round for god knows what].

Miner Scanner / Med Scanner / Plant Analyzer / Gas Analyzer / Surgery Scanner [tells you what to do next] . Requires a Scanning module, possibly with upgrades.

Photo App! Bonus points if you can add filters.

Voice Recorder App. Good for a roleplaying detective or a Reporter.

Music App?

'Found Your Friends?' App [an obvious reference to the iphone app]. Insert your friend's tablet ID and it will give you a rough gps coordinate. Saves people from having to clog up the GPS tabs.
Fun, wacky, rad. I like it! edit: No music app, for the same reason no PAI music
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Anonmare » #204798

I like the idea of being able to stun or otherwise hamper the AI with viruses if it gets an internal tablet plus I'm sure people would appreciate having another avenue of handling the AI. I'd like it if there were a few non-Syndicate viruses, maybe cargo can multitool their console and buy a crate of illegal software because if any one department is both shady and legitimate it's them.
It could include a IP hider, an email chain virus that sends a message along with a program that propagates the virus to a random non-infected device, that isn't the original sender, and occupies a program slot if you open the email (if that ever gets added), as well as a brute force DDOS that behaves the same way as the Syndicate one, but alerts the network+AI if it's uses on another computer.

As for the Syndicate viruses, Revelation gives the AI a long period of "unconsciousness", but the AI has to be tricked into opening it, while DDOSing it makes it unable to interact with station equipment and it's internal radio for a brief while (but can still see and look around) before it's firewalls kick in. Add in a saving grace period so you can't just perma-stun the AI with 40 tablets set to DDOS though.
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by tedward1337 » #204881

Armhulen wrote:Make traitors be able to buy tablets that can send files to other people (prolly hacked ones and WGW) and dos the tcomms internet like the 1337 hacker neckbeard they are
You called?
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by kevinz000 » #204922

[14:02] <Pirou> bda4058d kevinz000: <CoreOverload> yes, touching computer systems is strictly forbidden for now, but 20 metal fix should be fine
Nothing's happenin' till his rework gets in, folks.
Yes I do plan to give the AI an internal tablet/console.
Yes, I do think that revelation stunning the AI/emping it would be hilarious as fuck.
Yes, I do think that DDOSing the AI is going to be hilarious as fuck
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by Armhulen » #204928

we're in boys
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by cocothegogo » #205188

I really don't see the point of these
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Re: Nanotrasen Network (NTNET, AKA modular computers)

Post by kevinz000 » #205824

cocothegogo wrote:I really don't see the point of these
Oh yeah, nothing can be done since coreoverload is doing his revamp/redo/refactor/whatever to the computers so we can't touch it ^_^
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