Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #249963

Bottom post of the previous page:

oranges wrote:
Sweets wrote:I have a couple of solutions.

-Give peacekeeper borgs...
Why do people think peacekeepers are meant to be anything but a slap in the face to the mad secborg players?
I realise this topic has been discussed to death and back, but I still feel its bad to have a borg module that isn't just underpowered, but is an active trap to new players/inexperienced borgs that harms their gameplay experience, not to mention the experience of the AI who relies on the borgs.

If the maintainer/design feeling is that there shouldn't be a security-oriented borg module, then lets just remove peacekeeper and be content.

If peacekeeper is meant to be a legit borg module aimed at keeping the peace, then lets improve his kit so that its not a basic failure of its intent.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Steelpoint » #249969

My major biases aside but I do agree with the idea of incentivising Security to act as a civilian Security Force and not a wannabe Spec Ops squad via encouraging Sec to do their jobs AND rewarding them with additional restock equipment or even slightly better equipment via the Sec Points system proposed.

Its easy to just flub off the entire system proposal as a Security Cargo addition, but in reality its mechanic that adds more of a in game goal to Security and it can help prevent the death spiral of losing the equipment and the tech advantage to every other department and antagonist.

Security will still be dependant on Engineering for repairs and construction, they will still be dependant on Medical for healing and recovery, they will still be dependant on Science for upgrades and very high tech gear and they'll still be dependant on Cargo for access to large quantities of general and certain supplies en mass. But a Sec budget reward system would finally give Security something to properly work towards in game that rewards sec for good play.

Considering all the great things our coders have been able to do, I do not think for a second that balancing and making a system to reward good play and punish shit sec is impossible.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by kevinz000 » #249972

lmao steelpoint isn't dead?
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Steelpoint » #249974

kevinz000 wrote:lmao steelpoint isn't dead?
I don't die, I just go on extended hibernation and browse the forums.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #249975

Steelpoint wrote:My major biases aside but I do agree with the idea of incentivising Security to act as a civilian Security Force and not a wannabe Spec Ops squad via encouraging Sec to do their jobs AND rewarding them with additional restock equipment or even slightly better equipment via the Sec Points system proposed.
If you want Sec to be a civilian Security Force then you're going to have to nerf every antag type to accommodate that.

You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't have a security force who is civilianized and a security force that is capable of fighting nuclear operatives, traitors armed with magic lightsabers, cults that cause people to explode, etc. etc.

There's a reason why we don't expect mall cops to be first responders to hostage situations.

Additionally, having a Sec Points system that is aimed solely at restocking (barf, rounds are pretty damn short anyway) or only "slightly better" equipment just means no one will care about the system.

Sec would just raid cargo at roundstart or, if you remove all sec crates out of cargo, cargo will become a awful department to work in AND sec will get steamrolled by every antag type focused around direct conflict.

Additionally, saying "Sec can get these things from other departments" when at any time they can lose access to those departments due to the antagonists is just a cop (hah) out.

Sure, give Sec objectives to work towards, that will help with some of the low sec population, but don't try to remove sec gear because "hurrr shitsec"
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Steelpoint » #249976

I'm not suggesting to go the Paprika route of literally turning Security into mall cops but to incentivise their ACTIONS to act in a more crew-friendly manner.

They get to keep their guns and equipment but they are encouraged to act in a minimal force, friendly approach.

If Sec acts in this positive manner, both in their interactions with the crew and them eliminating hostile threats in the appropriate manner (sending to a prison ship not executing in the gulag) then they are rewarded with more points to get better gear and additional gear to refurbish the Armoury as a incentive. If they act in a negative manner, by beating up the crew, abusing their power and wantonly executing whenever they can get away with it then they simply do not get any points at all and they cannot expand their arsenal nor get slightly better gear, at least from the sec point system.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #249978

Steelpoint wrote:I'm not suggesting to go the Paprika route of literally turning Security into mall cops but to incentivise their ACTIONS to act in a more crew-friendly manner.

They get to keep their guns and equipment but they are encouraged to act in a minimal force, friendly approach.

If Sec acts in this positive manner, both in their interactions with the crew and them eliminating hostile threats in the appropriate manner (sending to a prison ship not executing in the gulag) then they are rewarded with more points to get better gear and additional gear to refurbish the Armoury as a incentive. If they act in a negative manner, by beating up the crew, abusing their power and wantonly executing whenever they can get away with it then they simply do not get any points at all and they cannot expand their arsenal nor get slightly better gear, at least from the sec point system.
The nature of the beast is though, that either this system will be too insignificant to be bothered with (because the rewards don't justify the effort) or will be so critical that it slants rounds in favour of antagonists who don't have to follow the same rules.

Think of cult/rev. By default security have to be way heavier then usual on crew, and may have to carry out executions if a steady supply of holy water/mindshield implants aren't available. This is not an if or a but, its a requirement to win the round.

If this system is crucial for security, then they'll simply lose cult/rev as they're forced to be nice to antagonists or else they won't get their stuff.

Also, you have the side issue that this creates conflict within security, where security officers acting brashly punishes everyone in sec, incentivizing sec civil war that will generally just help the antagonists.

As I say, I don't disagree with objectives that aim to guide security towards better play/give them something to do that isn't reactionary, but I don't think the associated "points" system will work as desired.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Steelpoint » #249981

The system seems to be proposed as a bonus to security to help them in more longer round types. While going full aggressive in most other game modes would hamper security's access to better equipment under this system, but I think in rounds like Rev it won't have any major impact on Security at all.

The simple reason being that rounds like Rev tend to be fast paced and are heavily focused on controlling Cargo, Sec for access to loyalty implants and weapons and Revs for access to a metric ton of weapons.


Think of it like this. In rounds like Cult or Traitor or similar, then this proposed system is designed to reward fairer Security play and for going out of you're way to be a positive influence, as a reward you gain access to security points that let you get better equipment or restocks of existing items. HOWEVER if the situation calls for Security stepping up and going aggressive then this system does not hinder or make these actions non-viable, you'll simply need to source better equipment from Cargo and RnD even more so.

The system rewards positive sec play, it does not punish aggressive sec play.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #249984

Steelpoint wrote:The system seems to be proposed as a bonus to security to help them in more longer round types. While going full aggressive in most other game modes would hamper security's access to better equipment under this system, but I think in rounds like Rev it won't have any major impact on Security at all.

The simple reason being that rounds like Rev tend to be fast paced and are heavily focused on controlling Cargo, Sec for access to loyalty implants and weapons and Revs for access to a metric ton of weapons.


Think of it like this. In rounds like Cult or Traitor or similar, then this proposed system is designed to reward fairer Security play and for going out of you're way to be a positive influence, as a reward you gain access to security points that let you get better equipment or restocks of existing items. HOWEVER if the situation calls for Security stepping up and going aggressive then this system does not hinder or make these actions non-viable, you'll simply need to source better equipment from Cargo and RnD even more so.

The system rewards positive sec play, it does not punish aggressive sec play.
I can't see how this system can be a reward for those round types though. In Traitor, sec doesn't tend to expend their resources very aggressively, since for the most part they're playing reactionary to reported incidents and trying to root out the antags, which generally involves more tazing and cuffing then it does flashbanging and shotgunning.

Cult is slower but still results in the same situation of sec being very heavy handed on the crew, and while resupplies are useful in a cult vs sec war where they need more shotgun ammo, flashbangs, etc, sec will need to behave similar to sec during Rev, if not arguably worse because deconversion is a slow, observation method that relies on the Chaplain existing, so executions will quite likely be needed.

The roundtypes that would incentivize getting resupplies are the same roundtypes that tend to be very fast. Nukies, Revs, Wizard, etc.

The system could work with equipment upgrades as opposed to resupplies, but really its a question of what those upgrades would be.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Steelpoint » #249986

From what I understand from Oldmans post, this system is meant as Security's way of remaining relevant towards the mid and end game of more longer rounds.

As he succinctly points out Security is the only major department that has no real progression system to it, Security starts at its peak and it all goes down from there, whereas all other major departments continue to build power throughout the entire round.

You may make the point that Security starting at its zenith and then falling from there is intended, but if you're objective is to retain players in Security then this ideal is simply not compatible.

Another point one may make is that Security should be reliant on other departments for their progression. But from my own personal experience of playing this game for many years, and Oldman who has even more experience under his belt, this simply does not happen on any regular schedule, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've witnessed Cargo go out of its way to offer support and items for Security without prompt, same goes for RnD and Medical. Engineering being the exception since their assistance to sec is fixing the place after a bomb goes off.

But unlike what some may fear monger, this system seems to not aiming to replace the non-exsistant interdepartmental cooperation but to add a system to keep Security afloat during a round and as well as letting Security get access to some nice toys if they work for it. But if you're aim is to rush for premium items like x-rays, anti-stun implants and hoards of guns then you'll get better results from going to RnD, Med and Cargo, not by using this proposed system.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #249994

Steelpoint wrote:From what I understand from Oldmans post, this system is meant as Security's way of remaining relevant towards the mid and end game of more longer rounds.

As he succinctly points out Security is the only major department that has no real progression system to it, Security starts at its peak and it all goes down from there, whereas all other major departments continue to build power throughout the entire round.
Its a fair cop, they don't really have a progression system at present, but in part this is because they have no objective, other then the vague one of catching the round antagonist. Making their objective "be nicer" isn't particularly engaging or interesting, so I don't think it solves this problem.

Engineering's objective is to maintain hull integrity and ensure the station has power, Science's objective is subdivided into each area (Xenobio is get lots of slimes, R&D is get levels up, Robotics is build robots and eventually mechs, Toxins... doesn't really have an objective but that's a separate argument), Medical tries to keep people alive and retrieve dead people, Service departments are largely RP-oriented but have their own mini objectives like Botany making interesting plants, Chef making exciting food, Bartender making interesting drinks etc. You'll note none of these are as vague as "don't shitsec".

If you want to give security a progression system, you first have to give them objectives that mean something and can be worked towards, whether thats something like "build a perma prison" or "deputize atleast 8 people", etc etc. This might prove unpopular however, as department objectives were a thing for a while that went away.
You may make the point that Security starting at its zenith and then falling from there is intended, but if you're objective is to retain players in Security then this ideal is simply not compatible.
The complaint I hear from people who don't want to play Sec generally doesn't have to do with equipment, more to do with having a massive target on your back at all times and being probably the most scrutinized department in terms of bwoinks (this has decreased somewhat with admins backing off about brig timers, but its still more or less the case), not to mention being criticized no matter what you do.

Another point one may make is that Security should be reliant on other departments for their progression. But from my own personal experience of playing this game for many years, and Oldman who has even more experience under his belt, this simply does not happen on any regular schedule, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've witnessed Cargo go out of its way to offer support and items for Security without prompt, same goes for RnD and Medical. Engineering being the exception since their assistance to sec is fixing the place after a bomb goes off.
Part of the issue with Sec having inter department reliance is twofold. As stated before, they can lose access to an entire department depending on the actions of antagonists. If R&D is full of cultists then you're not getting squat out of them, and if an traitor bombs Medbay then they're not really going to do much for you.

Additionally though, you have the issue that sec by definition is a team paranoia role. Us vs them. Any other department could be full of murderers looking to fuck you. This is what leads to things like sec storming cargo and ordering things for themselves rather then ordering them at the desk, because theres a very real possibility that cargo has been subverted and will just fuck you about.
But unlike what some may fear monger, this system seems to not aiming to replace the non-exsistant interdepartmental cooperation but to add a system to keep Security afloat during a round and as well as letting Security get access to some nice toys if they work for it. But if you're aim is to rush for premium items like x-rays, anti-stun implants and hoards of guns then you'll get better results from going to RnD, Med and Cargo, not by using this proposed system.
Okay, I have several issues with this paragraph:

a) Don't refer to criticism as fear mongering, it doesn't make you look good nor help your case.

b) Generally speaking, points based systems that are inferior to equipment gained from another department tend to get downplayed/ignored. Its not infrequent for miners to ignore the vending machine in favour of R&D, and thats with a set of unique items that are quite potent by themselves.

c) Other then unlocking cargo crates with guns for R&D, I don't see how Sec can co-operate with R&D. Compare it to the symbiotic relationship between Mining and R&D. R&D needs minerals, Miners need equipment, Miners bring minerals, R&D gives them equipment. Sec needs premium equipment involving all research fields, and at best can supply them with Combat Use levels (which is a one off) or can run errands for them fetching specific items.

This holds true for basically every department. Security has nothing to really offer in terms of co-operation, while being paranoid, constantly running around trying to respond to "; HELP ENGINEERING" radio calls and being murdered and shouting at people in deadchat because their suit sensors are on full but their corpse is sitting in a locker in genetics maint. It doesn't make for very good "inter department co-operation", more "inter department dependency"
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Oldman Robustin » #250070

I think challenging security to "be nicer" is an interesting and engaging proposal. In an effort to encourage security players, admins have created a bubble around security that incentivizes them to play with the upmost brutality. Security that runs a deathcamp is almost never punished by IC or OOC mechanics compared to the security team that tries to act like decent human beings and takes risks by being merciful. If someone is upset that officers are executing people for trespassing into the brig, cutting off people's limbs for minor theft, etc. they still can't even attempt to harm an an officer or else they will be BWOINKED and even just pushing down an officer means you can be killed on the spot even during a relatively calm down.

So this is a nice way to reward/incentivize security to act more like a civilian/corporate security team and not a deathsquad. It's challenging because keeping prisoners on the station, alive and healthy, is not an easy feat. It's also good because it gives security an IC reason to behave well without the artificial and inconsistent method of admin-enforcement.

Anyway I've implemented the max'd suit sensors proposal, not surprisingly (see last year's meme-riddled post about coderbus hating security) even that modest proposal got heavy resistance but it managed to get merged in short order. With some of my faith restored, I might try to implement other modest pro-security measures, but I fear stuff like the prison shuttle is beyond my ability.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #250071

Oldman Robustin wrote:I think challenging security to "be nicer" is an interesting and engaging proposal. In an effort to encourage security players, admins have created a bubble around security that incentivizes them to play with the upmost brutality. Security that runs a deathcamp is almost never punished by IC or OOC mechanics compared to the security team that tries to act like decent human beings and takes risks by being merciful. If someone is upset that officers are executing people for trespassing into the brig, cutting off people's limbs for minor theft, etc. they still can't even attempt to harm an an officer or else they will be BWOINKED and even just pushing down an officer means you can be killed on the spot even during a relatively calm down.

So this is a nice way to reward/incentivize security to act more like a civilian/corporate security team and not a deathsquad. It's challenging because keeping prisoners on the station, alive and healthy, is not an easy feat. It's also good because it gives security an IC reason to behave well without the artificial and inconsistent method of admin-enforcement.

Anyway I've implemented the max'd suit sensors proposal, not surprisingly (see last year's meme-riddled post about coderbus hating security) even that modest proposal got heavy resistance but it managed to get merged in short order. With some of my faith restored, I might try to implement other modest pro-security measures, but I fear stuff like the prison shuttle is beyond my ability.
You are an Oldman Robustin!

You have been sent to the forums to deal with these Nanotrasen security scum. Complete your objectives and ensure no one catches you!


1. Post shorter OPs
Vague objectives are trash.

Also no one in game wants to play "Prison Simulator 2016", not the guards, not the prisoners. Theres a reason why putting someone in perma results either in them breaking a window and trying to spacewalk, or ghosting/suiciding.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #250078

Maybe sec get these "sec points" based on what percentage of the crew are alive.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #250079

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Maybe sec get these "sec points" based on what percentage of the crew are alive.
I'd actually really be up for Sec getting an objective that is told to all security at round start. Stuff like "Keep the brig clean" or "Deal less then a combined total of 500 damage to non-antagonist crew", which they then get called out on at round end.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Oldman Robustin » #250122

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Maybe sec get these "sec points" based on what percentage of the crew are alive.
Also a good idea that would be easy to calculate.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Dr_bee » #250155

Oldman Robustin wrote:
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Maybe sec get these "sec points" based on what percentage of the crew are alive.
Also a good idea that would be easy to calculate.
I like that, it gives an incentive to be a protector and not a soldier. have security get points based on the percentage of crew that is alive but also let them turn in confiscated traitor gear for big boosts of points, that would incentivize them to remove traitor gear from a round and release the traitor instead of killing them outright.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by PKPenguin321 » #250217

kevinz000 wrote:lmao steelpoint isn't dead?
he's an oldman alt why do you think they came back at roughly the same time
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Luke Cox » #250222

Big +1 on scoring sec based on the survival rate. The reason I almost always kill traitors is because there is literally no benefit to keeping them alive, and a considerable number of drawbacks. Just make sure that suicides don't count.
oranges wrote:
Sweets wrote:I have a couple of solutions.

-Give peacekeeper borgs...
Why do people think peacekeepers are meant to be anything but a slap in the face to the mad secborg players?
When I proposed them the idea was to make something that anti-silicon autists would accept while mocking them
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Cik » #250245

maybe someday someone will bother to fight oranges and we'll get a decent peacekeeper implementation
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by cedarbridge » #250250

Cik wrote:maybe someday someone will bother to fight oranges and we'll get a decent peacekeeper implementation
Borgs in general are in a bad place right now in their interactions with humans.

-flash nerfs
-flash buffs vs borgs
-no baton on standard making the cable cuffs all but useless
-peacekeeper's only peacekeeping tool is its memehorn
-medborg has no sedatives without emag/hack

As things are now, there's essentially nothing borgs can do about sec beating the shit out of somebody right in front of them short of bolting down the area and grabbing the victim and saxing. Doing either of these things just leads the sec crew to start screaming about rogue borgs and stroking their engorging validboners. Obviously we have cultural issues that made secborgs really hard to manage as either all-powerful validhunting turbohitlers or all-powereful antagged/hacked turbohitlers, but I still believe this was always a problem with the players and not the borgs.

We could easily:
-revert to click-to-stun flashes
-revert the buffed stun time vs borgs on flashes and flashbangs
-give standard borgs their baton
-give peacekeeper borgs a disabler but not cuffs or other weapons
-Move the peacekeeper tiredness solution to the mediborg hypo

We used to complain about borgs "powergaming" by dragging beepsky around. Now its almost mandatory because borgs have no other means to stop humans from murdering eachother while they're essentially helpless to watch. That's not even counting how cheap EMP is now.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by ShadowDimentio » #250274

Borgs will never be buffed except by accident because the coders are dumb and listen to the assblasted anti-silicon players that won't be happy until everything that dunks their unrobust asses is removed from the game.
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"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

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">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #250398

Its funny how if you try to nerf things like hulk or deswords you get shouted at for "GIT GUD LEARN HOW TO FIGHT SOMETHING YOU CAN'T STUN" but if you try to buff borgs you get shouted at about how borgs aren't meant to be security and its just for powergamey assholes.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Steelpoint » #250421

So the general metrics for tracking security through the round and rewarding them with "points" that has been discussed seems to be as follows.

Actions that generate points for sec
  • Percentage of crew population still alive
  • Processing high level prisoners off onto a literal prisoner transfer ship
  • Physical harm security personal have dealt to any member of the crew - Discussion on this warrants figuring out who is and is not a member of the crew, and deciding if this tracking number is based for the entire round or is only assessed every X amount of minutes (example: In the past X minutes Sec has dealt Y damage to the crew, security rewarded Z points)
  • Placing contraband (contraband being purchased antagonist items) into the contraband locker - Discussion on this should be asking how many points be rewarded for individual items placed, would it be worth it to a Officer/HoS to place a Esword or Adrenal Implant box into a contraband locker?
  • Successful deconversion of Cultists and other conversion based antagonists - Discussion on this is should more points be rewarded for antagonists that take more effort and/or resources to deconvert?
  • HoS/Warden asking the crew to lodge surveys of Security in the round, with positive reports generating security points
  • Lawyer is able to lodge reports to Centcom, these reports (and physical centcom inspections) can result in security getting points.
Actions that remove points from sec
  • Security dealing X amount of damage to the crew, not antagonists
  • Excessive executions of crew/convicts by security personal
  • HoS/Warden surveys generating negative crew reports
  • Lawyers reports showing Security in a bad light, and physical centcom inspections also generating a negative report.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Arianya » #250423

Steelpoint wrote:So the general metrics for tracking security through the round and rewarding them with "points" that has been discussed seems to be as follows.

Actions that generate points for sec
  • Percentage of crew population still alive
  • Processing high level prisoners off onto a literal prisoner transfer ship
  • Physical harm security personal have dealt to any member of the crew - Discussion on this warrants figuring out who is and is not a member of the crew, and deciding if this tracking number is based for the entire round or is only assessed every X amount of minutes (example: In the past X minutes Sec has dealt Y damage to the crew, security rewarded Z points)
  • Placing contraband (contraband being purchased antagonist items) into the contraband locker - Discussion on this should be asking how many points be rewarded for individual items placed, would it be worth it to a Officer/HoS to place a Esword or Adrenal Implant box into a contraband locker?
  • Successful deconversion of Cultists and other conversion based antagonists - Discussion on this is should more points be rewarded for antagonists that take more effort and/or resources to deconvert?
  • HoS/Warden asking the crew to lodge surveys of Security in the round, with positive reports generating security points
  • Lawyer is able to lodge reports to Centcom, these reports (and physical centcom inspections) can result in security getting points.
Actions that remove points from sec
  • Security dealing X amount of damage to the crew, not antagonists
  • Excessive executions of crew/convicts by security personal
  • HoS/Warden surveys generating negative crew reports
  • Lawyers reports showing Security in a bad light, and physical centcom inspections also generating a negative report.
You can't have a metric for whether you dealt damage to antagonists or not that's accessible mid-round. Sure, it'd be pretty tough to correlate, but people have done spergier things to get their valids. Also:
  • Surveys will never be sent out. Either make negative reviews have no effect on points (thus encouraging sending them out) or just make the surveys entirely point agnostic
  • Lawyer report seems pointless, admins generally won't bother with a centcom official for something as minor as the Brig being covered in blood.
  • Placing contraband into the locker is going to become very messy codewise. Can the code differentiate between an empty adrenal box and one with a used implanter and one with an unused implanter?
    (I also think its bad because sec is never going to throw away contraband unless its literally worthless to them i.e. syndi soap, etc)
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Armhulen » #250621

add a private security force job that flies around the ship bringing in prisoners and giving security the good boy points that they truly deserve.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by ShadowDimentio » #250948

I throw away contraband all the time as a statement to how I can take your traitor ass to pound town without even needing the ebow I found on your buddy earlier.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Dagdammit » #251149

Small point rewards for filling out & submitting proper paperwork on any instance of someone getting brigged. (May be largely automated, i.e. shows punishment & crimes and requires warden's stamp of approval for submission.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Oldman Robustin » #251152

I'm holding off on the distress beacon proposal because coders were already opposed to the suit sensor thing, I'm not ready to fight 100 comments over that shit.

I'd like to see the sec point system move forward but most of it would be beyond my ability.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Haevacht » #251247

Oldman Robustin wrote:I'm holding off on the distress beacon proposal because coders were already opposed to the suit sensor thing, I'm not ready to fight 100 comments over that shit.

I'd like to see the sec point system move forward but most of it would be beyond my ability.
Coberbus will get you more coders talking about shit than people like jughu who are shit and just lurk github.

That said I disagree with most this shit. But yeah, IRC lad.
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Re: Delta has forced the need for sec overhaul

Post by Ezel » #251274

Haevacht wrote:
Oldman Robustin wrote:I'm holding off on the distress beacon proposal because coders were already opposed to the suit sensor thing, I'm not ready to fight 100 comments over that shit.

I'd like to see the sec point system move forward but most of it would be beyond my ability.
Coberbus will get you more coders talking about shit than people like jughu who are shit and just lurk github.

That said I disagree with most this shit. But yeah, IRC lad.
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