[StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

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[StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by poopbutt69 » #26737

Post Content:

Byond account: Poopbutt69

Character name: Alatar The Red (in this round, usually random name)

Banning admin: Stickymayhem

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 6:14 9/2/2014 EST

Ban reason and length:

Reason: Violating rule 1. 10k minute week ban.

Your side of the story:

So let me start by saying I like Stickymayhem and I think he is a great admin, I just disagree over this ban and it feels out of character for him. It is a 10k minute ban, so it is not the end of the world for me if it is not lifted, but I just felt like I have a strong enough case that I should post it here.

So, round type was wizard. I ended up dying pretty early and seeing wizard as a ghost. Wizard is probably my favorite antag role, so I hovered around him as ghost to see if he might summon an apprentice, but instead saw he summoned some magic for the crew. Seeing this and his name which was “NO NOT FUCKING WIZARD”, it was safe to assume he was going to do 5 x summon magic and guns and I didn’t feel like spectating that shit so I alt tabbed to do some other stuff.

Later on, about 5 or 6 minutes later, for no real reason, I lazily alt tab back in and see that somehow I actually AM an apprentice now. Fuck.

When you become an apprentice there is smoke and shit and you are pretty much always summoned on the wizards home base. Well, there was no smoke, I wasn’t on the home base, I was next to a security officer (that’s bad), in the small room that connects to the gulag shuttle with no way to escape (that’s bad) and the majority of the chat window covered by the ENTER YOUR NAME here box.

I fucking straight out panic, I have no idea how long ive been afk and I am not sure if he is cuffing me because I cant even see the chat box. As quick as I can I try to exit the box and magic missile before i do anything, in case he is cuffing me.

Naturally i completely misclick into a fireball. Not only do i misclick, I misclick into a wall, lighting myself on fire, making myself deaf, and knocking myself down. The officer is unharmed, apparently, hes not on fire nor knocked down. (though i dont know why he seemed like he was 2 tiles from the explosion). I panick some more. Anyway, I expect to be beaten to death. No. he just stands there.

now, at this point I am VERY confused as to why he hasn’t arrested me or beat me to death, but I am very injured and very deaf, i am also trapped. I dont know what to do. I remember my scroll and port to medbay to heal myself, im in red health and very close to dying.

Once I step foot into medbay I get admin helped almost immediately saying “did you just fireball the wizard” and im thinking to myself… no. no I didn’t. unless... fuck. The officer was the wizard. Which would explain why he didnt beat me to death. Essentially, I fireballed myself into a wall next to the wizard, panicked and ported out. Suguri, the wizard, is pissed and makes sure to inform stickymayhem of his anger at me.

What proceeded was a 20 minute admin help session resulting in me being banned for being a dick.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

I'm basically here to try and say, i never meant to be a dick and it wasn't my intention if i sounded that way. Throughout the 20 minute ahelp session, I was in medbay, surrounded by people, trying to heal myself, survive, fight, figure out how to help the wizard and reconnect with him, and just generally play the game and keep it moving after that mistake, because at the end of the day i just wanted to undo what i did by recovering from it and making the round fun again.

But stickymayhem did not let up on the ahelps, he kept messaging me again and again, until I was forced to have to go hide in a trash can for 16 minutes just so I could talk to him. I was, admittedly getting a little frustrated because I felt like I had told him all there was to the story, (there wasnt much to it, i fucked up.) i didnt know why he insisted on keeping talking to me, i just wanted to fix the round i had broke. but he never gave me that chance.

the wizard was alive for the entire time the ahelps were going on, and eventually died because i wasn't there to help him. i wanted to reconnect with him and protect him, I feel like stickymayhem not only stopped me from doing that, but then banned me for it.

Regardless of what stickymayhem believes, I actually was and am really was sorry and genuinely never meant any harm to the wizard. I am a panicky guy and I panicked, and the only reason I was at all curt with him on the admin help was because I was trying to salvage the round by surviving, which was impossible with the constant admin messages and him telling me how im banned and im an asshole and all this shit, and I’m just confused and trying to play the game after making one mistake.

Really, in the most simple terms I feel like I was entrapped by stickymayhem. He continued to pester me with admin helps again and again and again until I snapped and then banned me, not for the incident (which he claims he never intended to ban me for, so why the constant ahelps?) but instead banned me for snapping at the harassment. When I apologized for snapping he said “too late” then chose a very random assortment of antag roles to ban me from, for a very random amount of time, 10k minutes. I just wanted to play the game and have fun. I make mistakes like everyone else, I just feel like I was punished severely when I tried so hard to establish that I did not make the mistake out of malice.

I feel like I was picked on, in the simplest terms, and I’m still trying to figure out why.

If anyone is interested this is the full admin log, with nothing taken out. Again, if I am at all flippant in any of these responses, remember I am being attacked by the entire crew as he is messaging me, and that this takes place over 20 minutes.

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Did you fireball your wizard?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: no
PM to-Admins: i fireballed some fucking security dude then ran away
PM to-Admins: im fine now though
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Apparently it hit the wizard
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: well i was pretty fuckign deaf
PM to-Admins: from the fireball
PM to-Admins: and stuff
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: And deafness means you can fireball the wizard then teleport away?
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: The guard was your master
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Maybe by stopping the murderbone bus for two seconds before checking who the master was
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: murderbone implies i tried to kill him bro
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You fireball MM'ed him immediately
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: i fucking hit magic missle and i hit fireball on accident because i spawned next to a fucking sec officer
PM to-Admins: YEAH DUDE
PM to-Admins: what would you do spawning next to a fucking sec officer
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: 1: Protect Suguri, the wizard.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: ok listen
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: that is your only objective
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: i cant fucking type to you
PM to-Admins: and play at the same time
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: This is no different to a construct attacking it's master
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: so if youre goign to fucking ban me or whatever
PM to-Admins: then go for it
PM to-Admins: like i dont evne fuckign care
PM to-Admins: i spawned next to a sec officer, panicked fireballed him and left
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: then you fucked up
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: like, obviously that was not a griefing intent
PM to-Admins: youre the one thats fucking me up right now because im surronuded by people
PM to-Admins: and i cnat fucking type to you right now
PM to-Admins: like the game is on going
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: And you fucked up Suguri's round
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: so i dont know what you fucking want from me
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Go somewhere quiet.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: ?????????????
PM to-Admins: if you cant understand how i was confused then
PM to-Admins: theres literally nothign i can see
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Your attitude is pretty horrible.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: how is my attitude bad
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Your first actual text says in big words the name of your master
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: youre fucking like
PM to-Admins: dude i was fucking alt tabbed
PM to-Admins: came in and saw the fucking 'name your wizard shit taking up half the screen'
PM to-Admins: and im next to a fuckign sec officer
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Along with the Protect Suguri objective
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: so obviously i went to magic missle and get the fuck out
PM to-Admins: the first thing on my mind was to fucking get out of there nad i didnt see shit about suguri
PM to-Admins: right now im literaly afk talking to you
PM to-Admins: how is this a good idea on your part
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: It was a confusing situation but you should really should have taken a moment to see what was going on and been less abrasive in ahelps
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: and now you made it MUCH worse
PM to-Admins: because im fuckign sitting here ahelping you
PM to-Admins: like, couldnt this have fucking waited
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: All you gave me was indignation because I was ruining your round while you've ruined someone elses and couldn't give less of a shit
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: im trying to fucking do whatever i was summoned to do
PM to-Admins: and youre fucking like, i dont know what you are trying to do right now
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: I think that ship has sailed
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: you obviously know it was a mistake
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: I'm trying to get you to understand why it is this ban is going to be fairly long.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: that was in part because i clicked fireball instead of magic missle, which was a mistake because i was fucking panicked
PM to-Admins: dude
PM to-Admins: how are you going to ban someone for an accident
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: This is 20% the mistake and 80% your appalling attitude
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: dude
PM to-Admins: what do you want me to say im sorry i fireballed him i obviously didnt mean to fuck him up
PM to-Admins: it was an accident and i was alt tabbed
PM to-Admins: like i feel like youre personally attacking me
PM to-Admins: when it was a fucking accident and im saying im sorry
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You're not sorry you fucked up you're sorry you're getting banned for it
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: ??????
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: The first thing you did was get pissy that I was messing with your round
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: thats not true at all
PM to-Admins: jesus christ
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You didn't apologize until you realized you were getting a ban
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: because i didnt think you could fucking ban people over shit like this
PM to-Admins: and im still 99 percent sure you cant
PM to-Admins: like, i have no problem with you and i actually AM sorry i hit the guy
PM to-Admins: but if you think it i did on purpose and that i need some ban or something then youre misunderstanding completely me
PM to-Admins: ive said im sorry, we've established it was an accident
PM to-Admins: i just wish that i could like understand whats going on
PM to-Admins: because i feel like i dont understand what your point of view on this is at all
You have been jobbanned by stickymayhem from: wizard.
The reason is: Was spawned as apprentice by an antag and fireballed them immediately before taking his bearings. Mistake wasn't great but this attitude was utterly appalling, particularly as he accused me of picking on him and was actually angry that I was interrupting his round after he fucked with someone elses.
This jobban will be lifted in 10080 minutes.
You have been jobbanned by stickymayhem from: cultist.
The reason is: Was spawned as apprentice by an antag and fireballed them immediately before taking his bearings. Mistake wasn't great but this attitude was utterly appalling, particularly as he accused me of picking on him and was actually angry that I was interrupting his round after he fucked with someone elses.
This jobban will be lifted in 10080 minutes.
You have been jobbanned by stickymayhem from: operative.
The reason is: Was spawned as apprentice by an antag and fireballed them immediately before taking his bearings. Mistake wasn't great but this attitude was utterly appalling, particularly as he accused me of picking on him and was actually angry that I was interrupting his round after he fucked with someone elses.
This jobban will be lifted in 10080 minutes.
You have been jobbanned by stickymayhem from: revolutionary.
The reason is: Was spawned as apprentice by an antag and fireballed them immediately before taking his bearings. Mistake wasn't great but this attitude was utterly appalling, particularly as he accused me of picking on him and was actually angry that I was interrupting his round after he fucked with someone elses.
This jobban will be lifted in 10080 minutes.
PM to-Admins: i dont know why youre doing this, you know im going to post this on the forums
PM to-Admins: this is like completely a personal attack
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: I'm sure you will.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: I barely know you. This isn't personal.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: it is and i have the logs to show that
PM to-Admins: like i dont want to fucking go with this drama shit
PM to-Admins: i dont know why you would want to do this
PM to-Admins: can you please just, like explain to me clearly why youre doing this, i want to understand. if i understand i wont post a forum shit about it because i dont want to do that
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You made a shit mistake because you weren't paying attention or whatever. And that would have been fine if you had been sorry, felt bad or shown any kind of understanding that what you did utterly shit someone up.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: Instead you were horrified that I would dare to intrude on your round, accused me of letting emotions get into it and making this a personal attack, and otherwise acted ridiculously all the way up until you realized this was ban-worthy behaviour.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You were a dick. That's rule 1.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You have a weekban from teamantag and wizard.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: i am sorry for being a dick and i actually am legitimately sorry about fucking up the wizard
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: It's not the end of the world but you acted like shit to be honest.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: like it wasnt at all something i did on purpose
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: You didn't show it for a long while.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: in all honesty i was in medbay panicking and trying to fucking like survive and shit
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Stickymayhem: I can deal with mistakes if people show some damn humanity about them before they realize it's going to adversely affect them.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.
PM to-Admins: and if that panicking sounding like, indignity or anger at you the nim sorry
PM to-Admins: i genuinely didnt think it was a big deal in part because he seemed fine when i left as well so i mistook the gravity of what i did
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by Hibbles » #26761

From what we've got here, I have to say that this looks like a serious case of assuming-bad-intent, we'll refer Sticky to this thread at once to hear from him.

EDIT: Never, ever, do this
PM to-Admins: so if youre goign to fucking ban me or whatever
PM to-Admins: then go for it
PM to-Admins: like i dont evne fuckign care
ever. If you've ever interacted with your parents or a school teacher, you know why.

EDIT 2: We have an 'admin prison' area in Centcom that's surrounded on all sides by unbreakable walls, and far out of comms range of any z-level. A person there is literally trapped without admin help getting out, and thus it's a good place to put people as you question them. As it turns out, it also helps if the person is busy, or being swarmed, and you need to talk to them. Teleport them to admin jail to walk calmly, and when you're done, just send him back.

Also, Sticky will respond to this by next morning.
Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:01 am

Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by poopbutt69 » #26769

Alright, thank you for responding to the post.

Yeah, it was a dumb thing to say. I was really frustrated at that point.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by NikNakFlak » #26790

Ran a background check.

Poopbutt69 has connected from two CIDs. One of which matches the poopbutt69 account, where as the other matches both the poopbutt69 account as well as an account called: themiamicheat.

On top of this, the Poopbutt69 account has connected from at least, 9 IPs.
When all the IPs were ran, four more accounts popped up.
avivtel: Which has a ban for calling restart votes for no reason
toala: permabanned for: "Bombing escape hall and then logging off."
incrediblekunt: (MANUAL BAN) Permabanned from assistant for grey tiding and attempting to get another player banned for retaliating. Doesn't seem to understand the point. Giving him a permajobban that he can appeal on the forums.
thebosscortez: No bans

On top of this, the account themiamicheat appeared in many of the IP results for the other accounts such as thebosscortez.
Lastly, the forum account poopbutt69 has posted from two IPs, one of which matches the poopbutt account, the other which matches both themiamicheat account and thebosscortez account.

Notable info to take into account.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by MrStonedOne » #26802

there are a few lines missing from your logs, and its a bit confusing to read with the --admin pm--- lines, so this should be a much easier version to read, and should contain the entire log:
[14:43:12]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Did you fireball your wizard?
[14:43:22]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: no
[14:43:29]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i fireballed some fucking security dude then ran away
[14:43:37]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: im fine now though
[14:43:49]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Apparently it hit the wizard
[14:43:55]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: well i was pretty fuckign deaf
[14:43:59]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: from the fireball
[14:44:02]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and stuff
[14:44:10]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: And deafness means you can fireball the wizard then teleport away?
[14:44:17]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i didnt fireball a wizard dude
[14:44:21]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: some fucking sec officer
[14:44:32]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: The guard was your master
[14:44:40]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: how would i possibly know that shit
[14:44:59]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Maybe by stopping the murderbone bus for two seconds before checking who the master was
[14:45:09]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: murderbone implies i tried to kill him bro
[14:45:20]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You fireball MM'ed him immediately
[14:45:24]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i fucking hit magic missle and i hit fireball on accident because i spawned next to a fucking sec officer
[14:45:29]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: YEAH DUDE
[14:45:36]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: what would you do spawning next to a fucking sec officer
[14:45:43]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: 1: Protect Suguri, the wizard.
[14:45:51]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: ok listen
[14:45:52]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: that is your only objective
[14:45:55]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i cant fucking type to you
[14:45:59]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and play at the same time
[14:46:12]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: This is no different to a construct attacking it's master
[14:46:13]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: so if youre goign to fucking ban me or whatever
[14:46:17]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: then go for it
[14:46:20]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like i dont evne fuckign care
[14:46:30]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i spawned next to a sec officer, panicked fireballed him and left
[14:46:38]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: then you fucked up
[14:46:39]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like, obviously that was not a griefing intent
[14:46:48]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: youre the one thats fucking me up right now because im surronuded by people
[14:46:53]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and i cnat fucking type to you right now
[14:46:57]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like the game is on going
[14:47:05]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: And you fucked up Suguri's round
[14:47:08]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: so i dont know what you fucking want from me
[14:47:11]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Go somewhere quiet.
[14:47:12]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: ?????????????
[14:47:42]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: if you cant understand how i was confused then
[14:47:46]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: theres literally nothign i can see
[14:47:49]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Your attitude is pretty horrible.
[14:47:57]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: how is my attitude bad
[14:48:04]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Your first actual text says in big words the name of your master
[14:48:05]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: youre fucking like
[14:48:11]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: dude i was fucking alt tabbed
[14:48:21]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: came in and saw the fucking 'name your wizard shit taking up half the screen'
[14:48:26]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and im next to a fuckign sec officer
[14:48:35]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Along with the Protect Suguri objective
[14:48:36]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: so obviously i went to magic missle and get the fuck out
[14:48:50]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: the first thing on my mind was to fucking get out of there nad i didnt see shit about suguri
[14:49:04]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: right now im literaly afk talking to you
[14:49:09]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: how is this a good idea on your part
[14:49:12]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: It was a confusing situation but you should really should have taken a moment to see what was going on and been less abrasive in ahelps
[14:49:19]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and now you made it MUCH worse
[14:49:25]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: because im fuckign sitting here ahelping you
[14:49:37]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like, couldnt this have fucking waited
[14:49:39]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: All you gave me was indignation because I was ruining your round while you've ruined someone elses and couldn't give less of a shit
[14:49:49]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: im trying to fucking do whatever i was summoned to do
[14:49:58]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and youre fucking like, i dont know what you are trying to do right now
[14:50:03]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: I think that ship has sailed
[14:50:07]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: you obviously know it was a mistake
[14:50:19]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: I'm trying to get you to understand why it is this ban is going to be fairly long.
[14:50:23]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: that was in part because i clicked fireball instead of magic missle, which was a mistake because i was fucking panicked
[14:50:29]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: dude
[14:50:37]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: how are you going to ban someone for an accident
[14:50:38]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: This is 20% the mistake and 80% your appalling attitude
[14:50:43]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: dude
[14:50:59]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: what do you want me to say im sorry i fireballed him i obviously didnt mean to fuck him up
[14:51:04]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: it was an accident and i was alt tabbed
[14:51:13]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like i feel like youre personally attacking me
[14:51:22]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: when it was a fucking accident and im saying im sorry
[14:51:39]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You're not sorry you fucked up you're sorry you're getting banned for it
[14:51:44]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: ??????
[14:51:50]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: The first thing you did was get pissy that I was messing with your round
[14:51:55]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: thats not true at all
[14:51:58]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: jesus christ
[14:52:00]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You didn't apologize until you realized you were getting a ban
[14:52:11]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: because i didnt think you could fucking ban people over shit like this
[14:52:17]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and im still 99 percent sure you cant
[14:52:47]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like, i have no problem with you and i actually AM sorry i hit the guy
[14:53:04]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: but if you think it i did on purpose and that i need some ban or something then youre misunderstanding completely me
[14:53:27]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: ive said im sorry, we've established it was an accident
[14:53:49]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i just wish that i could like understand whats going on
[14:54:01]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: because i feel like i dont understand what your point of view on this is at all
[14:54:37]Stickymayhem temp-jobbanned Poopbutt69 from wizard for 10080 minutes
[14:54:44]Stickymayhem temp-jobbanned Poopbutt69 from cultist for 10080 minutes
[14:54:50]Stickymayhem temp-jobbanned Poopbutt69 from operative for 10080 minutes
[14:54:56]Stickymayhem temp-jobbanned Poopbutt69 from revolutionary for 10080 minutes
[14:55:14]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i dont know why youre doing this, you know im going to post this on the forums
[14:55:21]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: this is like completely a personal attack
[14:55:23]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: I'm sure you will.
[14:55:29]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: I barely know you. This isn't personal.
[14:55:37]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: it is and i have the logs to show that
[14:55:46]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like i dont want to fucking go with this drama shit
[14:55:53]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i dont know why you would want to do this
[14:56:21]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: can you please just, like explain to me clearly why youre doing this, i want to understand. if i understand i wont post a forum shit about it because i dont want to do that
[14:57:10]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You made a shit mistake because you weren't paying attention or whatever. And that would have been fine if you had been sorry, felt bad or shown any kind of understanding that what you did utterly shit someone up.
[14:57:53]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: Instead you were horrified that I would dare to intrude on your round, accused me of letting emotions get into it and making this a personal attack, and otherwise acted ridiculously all the way up until you realized this was ban-worthy behaviour.
[14:57:59]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You were a dick. That's rule 1.
[14:58:08]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You have a weekban from teamantag and wizard.
[14:58:16]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i am sorry for being a dick and i actually am legitimately sorry about fucking up the wizard
[14:58:21]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: It's not the end of the world but you acted like shit to be honest.
[14:58:25]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like it wasnt at all something i did on purpose
[14:58:30]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: You didn't show it for a long while.
[14:58:40]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: in all honesty i was in medbay panicking and trying to fucking like survive and shit
[14:58:56]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: I can deal with mistakes if people show some damn humanity about them before they realize it's going to adversely affect them.
[14:58:59]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and if that panicking sounding like, indignity or anger at you the nim sorry
[14:59:29]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i genuinely didnt think it was a big deal in part because he seemed fine when i left as well so i mistook the gravity of what i did
[14:59:49]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: so it was a miscommunication and whether you believe me or not i am sorry and did not mean to be a dick, and to show it im not going to waste your time with a forum post
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #26809

Thanks MSO

The full log makes a lot clearer why I banned him. He was indignant that I had dared interrupt his round and showed no kind of regret until I mentioned the ban. It's not an acceptable way to behave.

Fuck ups are fine but at least come into it acknowledging them and not getting pissed at an admin for questioning you about it. When you make a mistake like that it is far more important than your round. Your master died as a result of your fireball and you didn't care in the slightest that you killed them until it began to adversely affect you.

The ban is not random, it is a teamantag ban along with a wizard ban to prevent you rolling apprentice for the next week. It is not by any means harsh and I held off on a serverban that the other admins recommended at the time.
NikNakFlak wrote:Ran a background check.

Poopbutt69 has connected from two CIDs. One of which matches the poopbutt69 account, where as the other matches both the poopbutt69 account as well as an account called: themiamicheat.

On top of this, the Poopbutt69 account has connected from at least, 9 IPs.
When all the IPs were ran, four more accounts popped up.
avivtel: Which has a ban for calling restart votes for no reason
toala: permabanned for: "Bombing escape hall and then logging off."
incrediblekunt: (MANUAL BAN) Permabanned from assistant for grey tiding and attempting to get another player banned for retaliating. Doesn't seem to understand the point. Giving him a permajobban that he can appeal on the forums.
thebosscortez: No bans

On top of this, the account themiamicheat appeared in many of the IP results for the other accounts such as thebosscortez.
Lastly, the forum account poopbutt69 has posted from two IPs, one of which matches the poopbutt account, the other which matches both themiamicheat account and thebosscortez account.

Notable info to take into account.
While this is interesting it shouldn't be used in this thread. Let's resolve this first and then deal with anything pertaining to multiple accounts later.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by poopbutt69 » #26838

Those are not my accounts, with the exception of TheMiamiCheat. Which I used because I couldn't remember my password to this account.

I have no idea why you have so many accounts have an ip tied to mine, this has been an issue that I have even about posted here, multiple times, where my account showed up with a ban that is not connected to me.

When was the last time one of those accounts connected?
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by poopbutt69 » #26840

Also thank you posting the log Mr.StonedOne.

>>Fuck ups are fine but at least come into it acknowledging them and not getting pissed at an admin for questioning you about it. When you make a mistake like that it is far more important than your round. Your master died as a result of your fireball and you didn't care in the slightest that you killed them until it began to adversely affect you.

I apologized multiple times though. You assumed I wasn't sorry because "now i'm only sorry that I'm getting banned" or something, which is assuming malice that wasn't there. You then pressed the issue until I snapped, and blamed me for it.

Banning someone for getting "pissy" when you were, in my view, being very aggressive towards them from the start, and then eventually banning them because you made them get angry doesn't seem fair at all.

In fact I still feel like you are aggressive towards me as indicated by your use of the words 'pissy'.

I said before I actually think you're a great admin I just don't know how you could say you didn't make a mistake here, because it seems out of your character, at least from what I observed.

I feel like you never will admit you did anything wrong here, and I disagree with that.

Also I would like to say, once again, that I was never mad because I thought you were 'interrupting my round', if you read my post you would know that I was upset because I wanted to undo whatever damage I did by my mistake. I was mad I couldn't fix suguri's round, not my round, which was already ruined by my own accident.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #26842

I wasn't angry. I was stating facts.

[14:45:51]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: ok listen
[14:45:55]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i cant fucking type to you
[14:45:59]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and play at the same time
[14:46:13]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: so if youre goign to fucking ban me or whatever
[14:46:17]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: then go for it
[14:46:20]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like i dont evne fuckign care
[14:46:30]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: i spawned next to a sec officer, panicked fireballed him and left
[14:46:38]Stickymayhem -> Poopbutt69: then you fucked up
[14:46:39]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like, obviously that was not a griefing intent
[14:46:48]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: youre the one thats fucking me up right now because im surronuded by people
[14:46:53]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and i cnat fucking type to you right now
[14:46:57]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like the game is on going

I would describe this as pissy. You were angry I was interrupting your round.

[14:49:19]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: and now you made it MUCH worse
[14:49:25]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: because im fuckign sitting here ahelping you
[14:49:37]Poopbutt69 -> Stickymayhem: like, couldnt this have fucking waited

Go back and read the log thoroughly. You do not offer any semblance of regret before the word "ban" comes up fairly far down log. Instead you get furious that I interfered with your round and talk about it being an accident. You did not apologize multiple times. I assumed malice based on the quotes above and the fact you were swearing in almost every reply. You started out the conversation angry just at the fact I dared contact you about what happened.

Surely you can see why based on the attitude you displayed in the log I acted. I was in-fact more lenient than the admins online suggested I be.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by poopbutt69 » #26848

Those aren't facts.

"you were angry i was interrupting your round"

That is not a fact. I have said multiple times that I was not angry about that at all. I wanted to fix what I apparently fucked up. "I can't fuckign type to you right now. like, the game is on going"

The game is on going. Meaning I still have to try to do whatever my job was that round, try and salvage it. Whether or not I messed up, I can't talk to you right now, because the game is on going. I still have to try.

That's what I was trying to say to you. Not "MY game is on going, how dare you interrupt my game", that was TOTALLY not what I meant to say whatsoever, I don't understand where you get that from.

I am reading the exact same log as you and it is seriously baffling to me where you are getting that from.

--"you've made it much worse"
As in, any attempt I could have had at helping Suguri, who was ALIVE at this point, is being made impossible by you, and the damage is being made worse.

--"Couldn't this have waited"
Can't you at least let me try to protect the wizard, do the same job that you are mad at me for not doing, can't you ahelp this after the round so I can at least try to salvage his round?

That's what I was saying to you.

>Surely you can see why based on the attitude you displayed in the log I acted. I was in-fact more lenient than the admins online suggested I be.

I do see that, initially, I was very rude, and I do appreciate that you were more lenient. I just feel like you should have given me more time to calm down, and tried to understand from my point of view why I felt confused and angry being accused of malice when I honestly was just trying to maintain the round that I had apparently disrupted.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by Hibbles » #27207

The person was initially not being cooperative but after you got to the heart of the issue it's clear they were sorry about it. It might look like just being sorry they're going to get banned, but... Let's cut through all the other stuff here. Through the stuff about attitude and all that. Sticky, do you think this was an accident?

As in, this happened without the person intending to break the rules. Why, or why not.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #27943

I do believe it was an accident at its core. But it seemed to me it was a mistake made from carelessness, and while ignorance isn't punished, killing someone without fully assessing the situation should be.

Again, this could be forgiven if they didn't demonstrate their game mattered more than anyone else's, but by getting so frustrated from the start that I had interrupted their game, that's what they showed.

I applied the ban under the advisement of the admins on at the time and under my own judgement and I thought it was appropriate at the time. A week teamantag ban is by no means a particularly harsh punishment.

But, I don't think it was intentional at the end of the day so I'm going to lift the ban now.

Edit: I also replaced the note with this: '"02-Sep-2014 | Banned from revolutionary - Was spawned as apprentice by an antag and fireballed them immediately before taking his bearings. Mistake wasn't great but this attitude was utterly appalling, particularly as he accused me of picking on him and was actually angry that I was interrupting his round after he fucked with someone elses. ~stickymayhem" Note has been removed based on HBL's decision in http://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 43&p=27943' to poopbutt69
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by poopbutt69 » #27992

I think sometimes, people just want to be listened to and acknowledged. Part of the issue was I felt like I wasn't being listened to or acknowledged in any way by Sticky. I don't think that was a malicious effort on his part, in the same way I never meant any maliciousness on my part.

While I wish that Sticky would at least try to admit that he misread my intentions, (and explicitly banned me by result of misunderstanding them) I do appreciate him taking the time to come to the thread and read what I have to say.

I hope that in future admin interactions he will take more attempts at trying to understand the players point of view, and compromising with them, especially in the cases where the player himself has not intentionally broke rules, and is more than willing to try and fix things.
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Re: [StickyMayhem] poopbutt69 - wiz, cult, op, rev ban

Post by Stickymayhem » #27993

poopbutt69 wrote:I think sometimes, people just want to be listened to and acknowledged. Part of the issue was I felt like I wasn't being listened to or acknowledged in any way by Sticky. I don't think that was a malicious effort on his part, in the same way I never meant any maliciousness on my part.

While I wish that Sticky would at least try to admit that he misread my intentions, (and explicitly banned me by result of misunderstanding them) I do appreciate him taking the time to come to the thread and read what I have to say.

I hope that in future admin interactions he will take more attempts at trying to understand the players point of view, and compromising with them, especially in the cases where the player himself has not intentionally broke rules, and is more than willing to try and fix things.
I will certainly do that. Feel free to poke me next time I'm on. This took a long time to resolve so you deserve something to make up for it.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman

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