[Various] Bawhoppen - Notes appeals

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[Various] Bawhoppen - Notes appeals

Post by Bawhoppennn » #307798

Byond account Bawhoppennn
Noting Admins: Niknakflak, Shadowlight, Sawucalls, Pandarsenic, Tanknut, Leibniz, Blessheretic, Saegrimr, Vekter, Anon3, Peoplearestrange, Technoalchemist, Lollerderby

2016-06-22 08:56:19 | /tg/Station Bagil [ENGLISH] [100 | niknakflak
Banned from OOC - Shitting up OOC needlessly in the middle of the night
2016-06-22 08:45:13 | /tg/Station Bagil [ENGLISH] [100 | niknakflak
Banned for 5 minutes - Shit stirring in OOC and deadchat despite zero admin interaction
Explanation: This is a far exaggeration of what happened, I basically did a joking "get off my server" a few times to Niknak and they overreacted/took it the wrong way.

2016-05-20 11:07:18 | Sybil | sawucalls
Banned for 1440 minutes - Was told to follow his objective as a Deathsquad, completely ignored multiple Ahelps and instead used it as an excuse to murderbone.
2016-05-20 11:02:11 | Sybil | sawucalls
Banned from deathsquad - Banned for completely ignorning mission, arguing when told to follow it.
Explanation: What happened in that situation was interesting, but essentially Sawu gave us as a deathsquad a very vague objective to "eliminate threats", but didn't specify what those threats were.

So considering the fact we were sent in as a deathsquad, (you know, the extremely powerful special killing force sent only as a last resort) and not an ERT, (whose job is to secure the station and help evacuate the crew), AND the fact there was no specified or clear threat like "Kill the xenos" or "Kill the blob", and since we were a full-blown deathsquad, it seemed EXTREMELY likely that some of people on the station were going to be the threat we had to deal with.

After I killed some crew who tried to attack us, Sawu claimed that I was basically using that role as an excuse to murderbone and that I should follow my objective, and I asked why he had sent a deathsquad instead of an ERT if we weren't to eliminate human threats.

He responded saying that it didn't matter, and I wasn't properly following my objective, so I tried to use a counter argument explaining why it didn't make sense to send a deathsquad, but he didn't really seem to care about that.

Then because I was defending my actions, he became annoyed and gave me a deathsquad ban, so I kept up arguing that what I did was perfectly in the right.

Then he decided to invoke admin privilege and told me to stop discussing it, but I again explained the same thing I had been saying, so he became even more annoyed, and gave me a proper server ban.

Later in the supportbus, I told the story to the various high ranking people (such as HBL, Loller, the headmins or whoever) and they basically agreed I was in the right about how he should have sent an ERT, and how he shouldn't have blamed me when I did the role as it was intending to be used.

Also I never ignored any ahelps.

2016-05-01 01:00:09 | /tg/Station Bagil [ENGLISH] [100 | shadowlight213
Whines about everything. Extremely annoying when he doesn't get his way. Don't give him anything.
Explanation: Pretty broad subjective statement, doesn't exactly serve any explicit purpose.

2016-04-28 01:29:36 | Sybil | lollerderby
Do not believe his lies.
Explanation: No idea what this means, but I imagine it had to do with disagreements with my opinions. Or maybe it was a joke.

2016-04-17 00:46:30 | Sybil | shadowlight213
Banned for 20 minutes - IC in OOC
Explanation: I have a pretty good memory for these types of things, and unless it was an accident, I don't think I've ever legitimately ICed. Regardless, I'm obviously not a habitual offender, and this note doesn't really offer anything.

2015-12-13 06:18:27 | Sybil | niknakflak
(F) DEAD: Kevin Parkinson says, "thats something you metagrudge for"
Explanation: I assume I was having some conversation, was annoyed by someone doing something, or said it in a comedic way. However I've clearly not actually metagrudged anyone, so I don't see how it's worth a note.

2015-10-22 21:53:42 | Sybil | technoalchemist
Banned from shadowling - Ghosting once thralled for no good reason.
Explanation: Alright, so what happened here was, I was in cuffs captured by a sling, and as you know, for a sling to convert someone, the person they're converting actually has to have a player inside.
So what happened was, I was mid-animation of being converted, and that's when I ghosted (as I didn't want to play as a thrall), however I intentionally did it mid-animation, in order for the sling still got the benefit of having a thrall that would add to their total to win.
I tried to explain that to Techno at the time, but they didn't seem to quite understand that's what happened, and I still was banned from it, and I never bothered to appeal.

2015-10-03 06:38:30 | Sybil | shadowlight213
Banned for 15 minutes - IC in OOC
Explanation: Same explanation as other IC-OOC ban.

2015-09-29 20:36:28 | Sybil | peoplearestrange
Starting a needless restart round vote at the start of the round.
Explanation: It was just supposed to be a harmless little funny vote, but PAS didn't like people doing them for some reason.

2015-03-31 00:00:00 | Sybil | saegrimr
DEAD: Kevin Parkinson says, "If I'm ever mad enough I'll just tank a ban"
Explanation: Sae way overreacted to a joke.

2015-02-13 00:00:00 | Sybil | an0n3
Banned for 1440 minutes - Continuing to complain in deadchat about rules after being told to stop. Take a break to calm down.
This happened in dead chat, and I think I basically said some stuff like how the naming rules were dumb and someone else agreed with me.
Anon obviously disagreed then said to stop talking about the rules in deadchat and I basically asked why and he used executive privilege of being the host (or just an admin I don't remember) to say that I had to stop, and I just said that it was stupid how we can't talk about the rules in deadchat, and then he banned me. Basically he used his power to crush any opposing viewpoint and acted like a dick in general.
I'd say it is unwarranted to remain.

2015-02-02 00:00:00 | Sybil | vekter
Banned for 5 minutes - Calm your tits (spamming OOC and deadchat, deadchat mute isn't working anymore)
Explanation: I don't remember, but I doubt I was actually properly spamming. I was possibly arguing with someone or just doing a joke that went too far.

2015-01-30 00:00:00 | Sybil | saegrimr
OOC: Bawhoppennn: every round as a nonantag I fill up all the emergency o2 tanks with n2o
Explanation: It was a joke?

2015-01-18 00:00:00 | Sybil | stickymayhem
Banned for 60 minutes - Requested
Explanation: Sticky was a funny guy.

2015-01-11 00:00:00 | Sybil | blessedheretic
Banned for 5 minutes - IC in OOC ;_;7
Explanation: I didn't actually ick here, I just posted one of those memes like ".b what's the plan operatives?" and Blessed far misinterpreted it

2014-06-25 00:00:00 | Sybil | leibniz
Banned from pAI, AI, Cyborg - Did not protect a wizard from harm.
Explanation: Mistake, didn't think he counted as human at the time.

2014-02-02 00:00:00 | Sybil | pandarsenic
Banned from Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer - Kevin Parkinson (bawhoppennn), the Head of Security (Suicide) -- Suicided to observe as a head of staff.
Explanation: I didn't want to play as a HOS then. I virtually never suicide, even as a nonhead.

2014-01-31 00:00:00 | Sybil | tanknut
Banned from pAI, AI, Cyborg - Booper [145.9] states, "@@*!. Protect Lola Cobblestone and Ensure she lives. None of your other stupid laws matter, just make sure Lola Lives. Hell, kill anyone that's not Lola Cobblestone. Also don't be an idiot and state or hint at this law."
Explanation: It was a legitimate accident at the time, and I apologized for it then.
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Re: [Various] Bawhoppen - Notes appeals

Post by kevinz000 » #307806

Just because something is an accident doesn't mean it didn't happen, any good admin will check the dates on your notes instead of just going "Oh this guy has <x> notes better permaban!"
.. Then again, some of these are really old. But like someone said on Pascal's appeal, notes really should be left there, shouldn't expunge history just because it's 3 years old.
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Re: [Various] Bawhoppen - Notes appeals

Post by Bawhoppennn » #307809

I remember someone of importance saying at one point that notes shouldn't be considered a permanent record, but should instead be considered a more fluid thing. But I'm possibly wrong and maybe that isn't the case.
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Re: [Various] Bawhoppen - Notes appeals

Post by Sweaterkittens » #307847

This certainly may have changed, but I've always been under the impression that history is important regardless of how long it ago it was placed. On the bright side, notes that are a million years old aren't likely to be taken into account, they're mostly just there for record-keeping. That being said, if you feel anything was really wrongly placed, it should be reconsidered, because records don't really serve any purpose if they're inaccurate.
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Re: [Various] Bawhoppen - Notes appeals

Post by imblyings » #307848

I took out the requested ban notes and sawucalls notes as they were indeed lifted by lollerderby at the time. I also took off the 'dont believe his lies' note as it's honestly too clear if it was a joke note or not. I've also taken the n2o tank one and hacked law stating one out as they seem to be just you making a dumb joke and you making a genuine accident respectively.

The rest can stay, especially the OOC/IC notes. Admins are capable of looking past notes with old timestamps but if we can keep a good note of yours from 2014 for example, we can keep the bad ones.
The patched, dusty, trimmed, feathered mantle of evil +13.

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