port spy_thief from goon

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port spy_thief from goon

Post by FrozenGuy5 » #380340

port spy_thief from goon

it's a gamemode where essentially you are a traitor and there are many more traitors aboard. you get an uplink except you don't have TC or a shop. you get objectives instead e.g. Get John Foobar's left arm, then you have to bring it to a location e.g. Primary Tool Storage where you teleport it to syndicate command (nowhere essentially) and in return you receive a reward, a random syndicate item.

you have to complete the objectives on your uplink X number of times THEN you should've completed your FIRST primary objective. your SECOND primary objective is to eliminate every other spy_thief and be the only one.

sounds easy, right? however it's a bit more difficult than you think, it's quite clever and fun.

EDIT: https://wiki.ss13.co/Spy_Thief explains it better
Last edited by FrozenGuy5 on Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: port spy_thief from goon

Post by onleavedontatme » #380351

We've tried double agent style things and they end up nuking the whole station and hoping their target is collateral or just joining security to sell everyone else out
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Re: port spy_thief from goon

Post by cedarbridge » #380357

Remember double agents? Do you believe DA would have been improved by removing roundstart uplinks?
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Re: port spy_thief from goon

Post by Saegrimr » #380410

I liked DA, it was all the chaos of a rev round without conversion bullshit.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: port spy_thief from goon

Post by Dr_bee » #380588

cedarbridge wrote:Remember double agents? Do you believe DA would have been improved by removing roundstart uplinks?
To be perfectly honest, yes.

The major problem of DA was that if you got a kill objective as a traitor you basically could meta that it was DA and use your stupid amount of TC to just destroy the station to hope your target dies, except there were 12 people doing that, so it ended up with the station in ruins 3 minutes into the round from murderboning and roundstart syndiebombs.

limit the powerful items and make it based on RNG, and you make murderboning a bit less attractive. Add non-kill objectives and blowing giant holes in the station becomes less attractive as it would make stealing things safely harder.

Plus it means the round has a natural progression and rising stakes as it goes on longer. Antags start out weak and grow in power instead of starting out with 20TC worth of murder power.

This is a good idea.
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