[KinglouisXIV]RG4 - Apparently escalation is bad

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[KinglouisXIV]RG4 - Apparently escalation is bad

Post by RG4 » #38948

yond account and character name: RG4ORDR - Barriss Offee

Banning admin: MisterStaub - KinglouisXIV

Ban reason and length: Escalating a fight after captain blindly me threw me into an open teleporter - 1 day

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 5:15-5:17 PM CST

Your side of the story: Spawn in as an engineer this round, do what I do and go out and set up the emitters and fields and lock them up like a good player. So usually as a pet project I usually do on the station is go into the teleporter room and fix the abandoned teleporter. Why, because you never know if someone is ever going to need it or they get sent there by accident they get to see a welcoming teleporter back to the station. Anyway I get into the room and prepare my journey. The captain comes in and stuns me which in all fairness is a good call considering I broke in, but instead of asking why I was in there or what was I doing, he tosses me through an open teleporter. Not only is that a shitty thing to do it showed how much he knows of even playing the damn role, not even a call to security til AFTER I was thrown through. Luckily he throws the hardsuit through and I get busy fixing the damn thing, so I fix it and get back through contemplating whether or not to kill the AFK man, but I choose not to because that wouldn't be fair. Anyway I go into space and find goodies and pretty much act on the call "Captain and AI are rouge." I had plans on getting the captain so I use the old break into AI core and draw them near, the captain is backed up by borg buddies who begin the chase, so I shot the borgs because borgs backing a decently comdom captain isn't exactly the best situation. It was escalated properly considering that getting throw through the open teleporter without being asked why,50/50 chance of dying because of cold and pressure doesn't warrant someone being pissed off at him.
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:30 am
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

Re: [KinglouisXIV]RG4 - Apparently escalation is bad

Post by KingLouisXIV » #39123

I'm of the mindset that the Captain can get away with a lot of stuff, so if his opinion of justice is tossing you through a mystery teleporter (with your hardsuit no less) in lieu of going out of his way to find handcuffs, that's fine.

I don't recall ever seeing "AI is rogue" call ever coming up or being acted on that round. All I saw was that you were tossed out, came back and tried to laser down the Captain and a cyborg in revenge, to which you were promptly dunked.

Here's the actual ban reason for clarification:
Was caught in the teleporter room by the Captain on duty, then tossed through the active teleporter with his hardsuit to the abandoned teleporter site. Later came back on station and decided it was a good idea to escalate the situation into full murder on the Captain and a cyborg. Please familiarize yourself with how we play this game at https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules

Anyway, since a day has passed (and usually why we don't appeal daybans?) this is resolved, and I'll motion it to be locked.

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