[Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

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[Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

Post by Nepeta33LeijonAC » #438177

Byond account and character name: Nepeta33Leijon, Marianne Crystyl
Banning admin: Coconutwarrior97
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server ban
Ban reason and length: Killed a admin-event player and his piano mob. 36 hour ban.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 22:49:02, EDT
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil
Your side of the story: During a bit of a hectic moment in the Sleeper Room, I took a few shots with the HoS gun and accidentally shot the piano dead. (To be fair, he was using the piano to fuck with and slide players around hectically. Still, didn't mean to shoot it.) After this The Count swore to kill all Security, and decided to start by coming for me. After a failed attempt to tase him and a lot of running away he began to beat me to death with baseball bats before the Captain and the HoP came to my aide. Once healed I gave the crew permission to kill the Count for attempting to kill me, and within moments he was on the ground in the Medbay lobby. HoP then assisted me in taking his corpse to the crematorium, where we incinerated the body after he burnt to death due to Chapel exposure.
Why you think you should be unbanned: While I believe the ban is fair, I don't believe the full story was explained where the Count attempted to kill me first due to an honest mistake, and that I instead just shot the piano and the Count without rhyme or reason. While I had went AFK to tend to some visiting family I was apparently PM'd about this matter and had failed to respond due to my lack of presence, and was consequentially banned.
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #438210

Alright, heres what I can make out from the logs. The first instance the count/count piano are involved in combat occurs here:
[2018-09-07 22:11:00.265] ATTACK: Relyksboa/(Carmen Eckhardstein) has attacked BHat0451/(The Count) with stunbaton .

The time when you were gravely injured by the count occurs here:
[2018-09-07 22:36:25.223] ATTACK: BHat0451/(The Count) has stunned Nepeta33Leijon/(Marianne Crystyl) (NEWHP: 12.5)

You were then healed here:
[2018-09-07 22:38:02.003] ATTACK: Hulkamania/(Doctor Honkenstein) has injected omnizine into Nepeta33Leijon/(Marianne Crystyl) via the sleeper (NEWHP: 31.8)

For some reason I cant find the logs where the counts HP reached zero but this is the earliest time I can find the count as dead:
[2018-09-07 22:40:04.514] ATTACK: ExcessiveUseOfCobby/(Lola Cobblestone) has stripped the monocle off *no key*/(The Count) (NEWHP: -135.5)

The main cause for concern Ive found in the logs is this:
[2018-09-07 21:36:40.364] SAY: Nepeta33Leijon/(Marianne Crystyl) "KILL THAT VAMPIRE" (Head of Security's Office (117, 181, 2))
[2018-09-07 21:36:47.445] SAY: Nepeta33Leijon/(Marianne Crystyl) "NO MERCY" (Head of Security's Office (117, 181, 2))

This happened more than 30 minutes before the first combat the count got in and I believe that first combat he got in with the security officer was as a result of your announcement. So why did you make that first announcement in the first place? I cant find any record of the count or the count's piano causing any harm before that announcement so I see no valid reason for your ordering the death of the vampire. Also I've lowered your ban from 36 to 24 hours since you've taken the time to write a ban appeal.

For reference, I got the logs from: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... und-93577/
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

Post by Nepeta33LeijonAC » #438216

I had made that announcement as a joke due to The Count quite literally beginning to count every tile on the station. I was not aware of the harm coming to him due to this until now, and I take responsibility for that one, it was on me.
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #438247

The whole situation seems to have arisen due to some mistakes you made. However, I don't believe you showed any malicious intent to kill and after a certain point I do believe the vampire became valid to kill. In the future, make sure you communicate your intentions clearly to the crew, and try to be more careful with lethal weapons. I will unban you since you have a great attitude, willing to admit any mistakes you made and are willing put the effort into a ban appeal about it. On my part I'll admit I probably should have spent a little more time investigating the situation because it proved to be much more complex than I originally thought. We all make mistakes. I hope you have many more fun rounds ahead of you!
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

Post by Nepeta33LeijonAC » #438278

Thank you kindly for the unban. I'm glad we were able to wrap this up nicely! Have a good day.
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Nepeta33Leijon - banned for killing a counting vampire

Post by Cobby » #438289

nice thread.
Voted best trap in /tg/ 2014-current

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