[subtlegraces] Sec Banned in a rev round for an arrest.

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[subtlegraces] Sec Banned in a rev round for an arrest.

Post by Starwars10 » #45869

Byond account and character name: Starwars10 (Jaiden Blackburn)
Admin: Subtlegraces
Time incident occured: About a week ago (11/19/14)
Detailed summary:
Im not here to appeal the ban but to simply bring light to the situation. Subtle graces banned me for a week from security and gave me a 2 day ban for: killing a silicone and perma brigging the mime after he told me it was my decision to do so. I managed to talk it down from perma sec ban to a week however I am not complaining about a 2 day game ban for the silicone since its fair but i feel like the admin had little to no respect for me or my side of the story. I would understand if i was warned, and blatantly disobey an order but i asked him if it was going to be a problem, or if i should simply release him. The admin said it was my choice. The hos also told me after a short interview that it was my decision. They both told me it was my decision. So i was unpleasantly surprised when i was promptly banned for perma brigging an implanted mime during a rev round, without being given any warning. It turns out that there was another person EVA (who i did not see) with the mime who actually committed the crime while wearing THE SAME EXACT THING, as the mime.

The icing on the cake though is that the hos murdered the mime literally a minute after i brigged him, he received possibly nothing for the murder. In short what happened was the mime was EVA north of armory who got mixed up in the disappearance of an officer. But instead of asking my side of the story, the admin kept telling me the mime was implanted. I acknowledged this and tried to tell him what happened with the HoS and how confusing the situation was, but the admin told me I "did not see logic" even though trying to calmly state what happened. After the admin cited "Reeducation --- immediate release" I assumed it was a simple misunderstanding as this wouldn't apply to the situation as the mime was implanted 10-15 minutes before this. i told them that I "believed it was a simple misunderstanding" but i was immediately banned after he told me to stop sharing my side of the story.

After asking what i should have done, i was ignored on the forum.
The entire time i showed nothing but respect, never once resorting to a curse, and telling the admin multiple times "if it is a problem i can release him". I wish i was shown the same respect i showed the admin instead of having my intelligence berated and banned for what was at the time a simple fix.


TL;DR I was sec banned for arresting the mime in a revround who had a taser, baton, cuffs and later attacked the hos (WHILE IMPLANTED) with a liquor bottle after being arrested for alleged murder.
Hindsight is 20/20, please put your self in my shoes admin. How could i have known there was another guy with the exact same outfit running around EVA? I only saw 2 guys! AGAIN WHAT SHOULD I HAVE DONE?
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Byond Username: Gamarr

Re: [subtlegraces] Sec Banned in a rev round for an arrest.

Post by Gamarr » #45899

https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=2009 Link to your appeal since it is Very pertinent, where others who had been there commented, including the hop who was watching as a ghost and even one of the two actual revs who had been in space outside the armory.
Edit: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1680 Found a second pertinent thread relating to you and being too dense/frothing at the mouth at anyone even looking like theatre personnel. It is not even that old.

As to your whining about me having weapons, it was because I was armed in the brig after being implanted, where the hoss had let me and the detective to get actual sec gear instead of the tripe we did have (which was nothing for me and the detective wearing his basic gear).
Starwars10 wrote:It turns out that there was another person EVA (who i did not see) with the mime who actually committed the crime while wearing THE SAME EXACT THING, as the mime.
He had a jetpack, I had a specialized, unique backpack that doesn't leave an ion trail and also has its own special sprite.

You had it out for me from the start as right at cargo you were demanding I lay down, while ignoring previous talk that said I was to be implanted and then had been implanted over security radio from both the captain and hoss (had been in contact with both over pda), and then was right beside you personally not long after at cargo entrance (you admit you had a sechud afterall in your appeal), and are too thick headed to notice the icon above my head, demonstrating how much of ally I was to you but you frothing at the mouth because 'MIME!' fogged up your vision a bit. Everything was there to tell you how friendly I was, visually and communicated to you over radios and in person from multiple people ICly, but for some reason thought I was some deranged space killer (while you yourself just lasered a cyborg to death as you tried to valid me outside armory in space).

Your continued shit flinging over this situation is proof of why you should not be allowed near the department for a lot longer than what you got since you keep trying to rehash it, for some inane reason.

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