[Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Appeals which have been closed.
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:14 am
Byond Username: Eraukon

[Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Eraukon » #476633

Byond account and character name: Eraukon, I think I was probably playing Saphira Bjartskular?
Banning admin: Subject217
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Perm
Ban reason and length: Ban Evasion (Seems bad but I'll explain in a moment.)
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2018-08-21 04:59:26 Eastern Standard Time
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): whichever was more popular at the time, I wanna say Sybil?
Your side of the story: So I was deployed to Germany for 4 years under which I was issued an IP Address that covers up my location on-base so no weirdos know where I live, its in our Internet Contract no way I could disable it without going to jail. I received a ban on my account Dyslexicgrampa while I was Overseas. (Terry was a 4 person server at the time but looks like you guys have been doing some good work on it, just checked and it had 30ish, Great Job guys!)

My military contract expired june of that year and had to leave the laptop I was playing on behind as it had some dead hajj pictures from deployment on it and some sensitive information for the army, so I wiped everything besides those and turned in that laptop, fast foward two weeks I settled in back into the U.S. I hadn't stored the Username or Password for that Byond account so I just made a new one to reflect that all of my Accounts from my email, steam ect are Usernamed "Eraukon".

Didn't think anything of it and forgot I was banned from TG as the ban was ages ago at the time and now is very old. I randomly get a bwoink after having a disagreement about a situation and asking if I was "dyslexicgrampa". I admitted to him I was and I was told by him to make an appeal in a month or two, I believe around sep-oct timeframe I made an appeal and it was denied saying to wait two more months to make an appeal. I got busy over the holidays with work and did some time to work on myself behaviorally and mentally as I have now since retired from the army for good so now I submit my second appeal after a few more months.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I did some shitty things back 2014 era (especially around the Oniitide timeframe) but have settled down since, just looking to get back into the game if you guys would be kind enough to have me, I totally have a huge history especially in my younger years and would totally expect being told to not appeal ever but I thought I should cast my stone so to speak.

I'm excited to see all of the new updates and maybe some old friends. However I fully reserve it to you guys, if you feel I need not come back I will leave. Lastly let me say that I am sorry.
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Byond Username: Arianya

Re: [Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Arianya » #476656

This was the resolution of your last appeal:
Arianya wrote:I went back to Paradise a second time trying to find any information on your time there, and was still unable to find anything.

With a less storied history I might just give the benefit of the doubt and lift the ban, but your time in /tg/ was notably full of unpleasant behaviour for all involved, so I'm hesitant to do so with nothing to support that you've changed your ways.

So I'm going to deny this appeal, but invite you to reappeal in a month or two with a reference from another server. I appreciate this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but I hope you'll understand the position I'm put in given your history.
Have you played consistently on a server that you feel would give you a good reference? If so what server, and under what ckey were you playing?
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

Source of avatar is here: https://i.imgur.com/hEkADo6.jpg
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:14 am
Byond Username: Eraukon

Re: [Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Eraukon » #476678

Ahh, I hadn't played on any other servers as explained I've been busy with work. Would you want me to spend two more months on another server? On top of the 4 months i've stayed away?
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Re: [Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Arianya » #477222

The issue is mainly that your history on this server was very unpleasant for all involved, players and admins alike. I appreciate what you've said in this appeal and the last regarding your life changes that you believe wouldn't cause this to be an issue going forward, but I'd like to have some second opinions to back this up.

So yes, I'd like you to play for a bit on another server before appealing. Basically under the same terms as last appeal: Reappeal this in a month or two having played on another server that you believe will give a good view of you as a player.
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

Source of avatar is here: https://i.imgur.com/hEkADo6.jpg
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:14 am
Byond Username: Eraukon

Re: [Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Eraukon » #477265

Okay I understand. Will do. What servers are you guys easily able to get into contact with?

Edited for clarification
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Byond Username: Arianya

Re: [Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Arianya » #477300

Pretty much any of the common ones. TGMC, /vg/, goon, yogs, paradise, citadel, CM, hippie, etc
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

Source of avatar is here: https://i.imgur.com/hEkADo6.jpg
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:14 am
Byond Username: Eraukon

Re: [Subject217] Eraukon - Permban

Post by Eraukon » #477306

Ok, I will play one of those for a few and see how it goes. Thank you. You can marked this as resolved. I'll come back in two months time.

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