[Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

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[Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

Post by Thomasasia » #478627

Byond account and character name: Thomasasia; Haley Hicken

Banning admin: Coconutwarrior97

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Banned from TG Servers

Ban reason and length:


Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2019-02-21 03:11:55

Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil

Your side of the story: I died somehow during the round, so I decided to spawn in as a Syndie to try some cool bomb ideas. I've never actually heated meth up to make it explode before, so I made a pyro grenade with ~200u of meth, put a monkey in the bomb testing chamber, and tossed in the grenade. It turns out that that kind of grenade makes a HUGE explosion, even causing a breach in chemistry next door. I think I went to medical to check the monkey's vitals or heal or something, and on the way I met one of my co-workers who yelled at me for causing a breach, leaving me feeling very underappreciated. Thus I threw the monkey carcass at him, which knocked him over (I think I also threw him after that). Once he got up, he threw the monkey back at me, leaving me bruised in addition to underappreciated, so I took out my rifle and shot near him, which was intended to be a warning shot, but was apparently taken as if I was aiming at him. Of course, no one would have accidentally missed such a shot, since he was close to me and I would have had some element of surprise. Regardless, somehow we skirmished our way into the radio room area (I think I had been shot at this point, but I don't remember), where he was holed up by the radio and I shot at him from the hallway using the scope until I finally landed a shot. However, my intention had only been to maim my adversary, and so instead of finishing him off, I ran towards him with the intent of dragging him to medbay, but he got up and ran further away, so I followed him in hopes of incapacitating him. Note that at this point I had been shot several times, since he had been fighting back viciously. However, when I rounded the corner he robusted me to death.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I feel like this was an in-character issue. We had an argument which we escalated, leading to shots fired. It wasn't as if I was some random aggressor. Also, my intent wasn't ever to kill my co-worker, as evidenced by the fact that after shooting him once, I started an attempt to bring him to medbay. In addition to all this, I was the one who ended up dead (and I don't hold a grudge against him, it was properly escalated).
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #478802

Alright lets start with the, "We had an argument which we escalated". Here are the logs for your argument:
[2019-02-21 02:38:34.100] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "NIGGA WHY" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:38:35.065] SAY: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) "huh" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 175, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:38:41.648] SAY: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) "i was testing bombs"
[2019-02-21 02:38:44.777] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "THERE IS A HOLE IN CHEM NOW" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:38:58.629] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "It is fine" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:39:04.326] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "our shift is almost done anyway" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))

Now to me, that seems like an argument which has been resolved. However; you decided to throw a monkey at them, which they threw back and then they essentially told you to go away:
[2019-02-21 02:39:10.751] ATTACK: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) has thrown the monkey (530) (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (181, 170, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:39:18.761] ATTACK: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) has thrown the monkey (530) (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (179, 170, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:39:22.866] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "take your shit" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (179, 170, 5))

You then responded with this:
[2019-02-21 02:39:24.126] ATTACK: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) has fired at [floor] with [.50 bullet] from Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 173, 5))
You say that it was a warning shot, which is somewhat plausible given the proximity but I just don't understand why a warning shot was needed if they told you to just fuck off. This seems more like an attempt to goad them into defending themselves.

The fight then carries on around the base where more shots are exchanged until you land a shot and passive grab them (Which seems to be where you are saying you were intending to bring them to medbay) they then end up killing you soon after that:
[2019-02-21 02:39:29.620] ATTACK: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) has fired at [advanced camera console] with [.50 bullet] from Syndicate Lavaland Arrivals (Syndicate Lavaland Arrivals (163, 170, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:39:48.275] ATTACK: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) has shot tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) with [.50 bullet] (NEWHP: 20.5) (Syndicate Lavaland Arrivals (166, 171, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:40:00.925] ATTACK: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) has grabbed tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) passive grab (NEWHP: 20.5) (Syndicate Lavaland Telecommunications (157, 170, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:40:35.800] ATTACK: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) has attacked thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) with energy sword[DC] (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -50) (Syndicate Lavaland Telecommunications (161, 170, 5))

So with all that in consideration it looks to me like you were baiting them into a fight, a potentially lethal one.
Honestly, even with the possibility that you were intending to bring them to medbay I just don't see that as complete absolution for the over-escalation you caused.
Also, you were explicitly warned to cut off this kind of behavior the day prior:

Given those reasons I am denying this appeal.

Logs retrieved from https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... 102151.zip . (The events which took place in this ban occurred the round before the ban was applied.)
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

Post by Thomasasia » #479070

You then responded with this:
[2019-02-21 02:39:24.126] ATTACK: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) has fired at [floor] with [.50 bullet] from Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 173, 5))
You say that it was a warning shot, which is somewhat plausible given the proximity but I just don't understand why a warning shot was needed if they told you to just fuck off. This seems more like an attempt to goad them into defending themselves.
I wasn't goading them, I was legitimately angry (IC & IRL) at them because of their language towards me, and their superior attitude.
Alright lets start with the, "We had an argument which we escalated". Here are the logs for your argument:
[2019-02-21 02:38:34.100] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "NIGGA WHY" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:38:35.065] SAY: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) "huh" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 175, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:38:41.648] SAY: thomasasia/(Makayla Rowley) "i was testing bombs"
[2019-02-21 02:38:44.777] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "THERE IS A HOLE IN CHEM NOW" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:38:58.629] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "It is fine" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
[2019-02-21 02:39:04.326] SAY: tallvisit/(Pheobe Butterfill) "our shift is almost done anyway" (Syndicate Lavaland Medbay (182, 177, 5))
Here I am, doing a downright fantastic job, and this guy comes running at me spewing racial slurs, telling me that I'm doing a shit job due to some minor structural failure (which I had intended to fix anyway, in order to test an acid grenade). Before I even get a chance to tell him I'm sorry (which wouldn't have been true anyway, since I was only doing my job), he says "It is fine" like he is my superior officer or something like that. What Is fine? I never apologized, so why is he "Graciously" forgiving me? What if it wasn't fine, would he have shot me or thrown me in the brig? The idea that this cunt is putting himself above me to reprimand my GOOD WORK (presumedly so he could go on some kind of power trip or something) really enticed me, which is what lead to the escalation on my part. I'm sorry if my actions seem harsh or spontaneous, but there really was in-character reasoning behind it.

As for this:
I took what you said to heart during all the rounds of those two days, and I made hundreds of units of meth and probably hundreds of meth pills which I gave out to everyone who wanted it. Before you sent me that message, I was kinda under the impression that it was ok to give people non lethal drugs in their sleep (especially if the officer arresting them says I can do it), but after you reprimanded me I did my best to make huge quantities of drugs for everyone to enjoy, but NEVER against anyone's consent. It is unfortunate that this misunderstanding occurred so close in proximity to the warning that you gave me.

If you decide to repeal the ban, I will be very grateful, and I'll certainly take steps to revise my behavior in order to better suit the culture of TG servers, which is a nuance that I have evidently missed.
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #479143

The fact that you'd get upset enough to start a lethal fight with someone over them attempting to resolve a situation peacefully is just plain bad. You've received many chances in the past to rectify your behavior, and I think we've given you enough. So I'm sticking with denying this appeal.
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

Post by Thomasasia » #479222

You should really ban the other guy instead. Not only did he kill me while my intent was obviously nonlethal, but he also called me the N word, when I am in fact only 1/4 black. This is, of course, in addition to his baiting, incitement of violence, and painfully obvious banbaiting.
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Re: [Coconutwarrior97] Thomasasia - argument escalation

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #479508

Its obvious to me your posting is now just low effort and in bad faith. Ive made my decision and I’m locking this thread now.

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