[Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

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[Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by ArgentSand » #479499

[admin name] player name - fluff text

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: ArgentSand - Adrian Grim
Banning admin:Optimumtact
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server
Ban reason and length: 1440 Minutes - Reason: Randomly murdered the HoS for supposed incompetency and being annoying.\n\nSHould have just demoted them. this is Random Murder as a non antag
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 3:30 am EST/GMT-5 give or take. 102573 for game/round ID.
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: Basically head of security in question started the round off immediately valid hunting and fucking over the clown traitor, and went off after the bartender too. The greytiders proceeded to steal unsecured syndicate gear that she didn't secure, as well as her own locker and a lot of security stuff for funsies - which I'm not sure was ever fixed or punished for and as far as I'm aware they just fucked off pissing people off and doing whatever.

Traitors being handled REALLY QUICKLY by a valid hunting hos, lead to a Psuedo-Extended round that was pure anarchy. Xeno got far, R&D was done, a lot of mining and looting, Cargo did stuff, A lot of stuff was chaoticly finished and there were even people having sentient mobs and stuff. The head of security kept trying to call the shuttle and eventually deconned and stole the communication terminals to force a round end - which the purged AI (not my doing) and some emagged borgs (mine), and another AI/Shell were attempting to stop.

I proceeded to "Fire" the hos, sending the borgs and my newly completed Durand via punch, laser and ending with a missile to the approval of AIs, and people.

This was...at least 2-3 minutes before the shuttle actually arrived.

I mark the head of security, who also warned me of consequences if I were to "just try and stop me, see what happens.": I charge them with: Sabotage(Breaking communication terimnals), Grand Theft (Communication chips?), Dereliction of Duty(Fucking off to valid hunt, not commanding security, not fixing all the looted security gear from 10 minutes into the game, and several syndicate level gear they left unsecured) , and Mutiny (for not obeying to cease recalling edit: calling the ship, we wanted to stay), despite being told to by Captain (I.e. Me) and the rest of the crew to not call.

Why you think you should be unbanned: First off, I was in the middle of typing my "explanation" of to why I murdered the hos before I was just banned because I don't get a chance to defend myself and taking longer than a minute to type something is a no no. I'm fairly certain I have some leeway with head of staff murdering by: 1. Being the Captain. 2. It turning into a Psuedo-Extended round for all concerned. 3. hos disobeyed order. 4. hos "threatened" i.e. "just try and stop me". 5. Killed 2-3 minutes before shuttle landed - To the point it landed while I was dragging their corpse into robotics for "readjustment"/borging.

I'm putting this under "fun round shenanigans" and I'd like to note I was the Captain during a ending psuedo-extended anarchy funtime 2-3 minutes before shuttle landing they didn't miss much after death besides obviously being salty; but you piss off the entire crew and no shit you're gonna get murdered.

it was a chaotic shit anarchy round that no one really cared about --> and was ending. My main principle of the matter, is I know it's a short ban; but I'm offended I didn't get a chance to RESPOND to my "reasons for doing so instead of just demoting"; and the sheer principle of doing so before I even respond to the question. Something something, proper procedure, letting people respond, and it's a bullshit round thats ending so realistically besides the salty person that *got executed by the Captain for offenses garnered*.

Would it be different if the emagged borgs under my name did it after telling them to "take care of her"?

To reiterate, my main point is "At least let me finish f***ing responding before you outright ban me" and "It was a chaotic anarchy fun round, and they had it coming; the game was a few minutes to ending" followed by "Potentially reasonable reasons per space law and Captaincy"

I can understand semantics and following the rules - but a 24 hour ban for ruining some valid hunting powertripping fun time who brought a round others were having fun in to an end?

I'm going to assume the hos in question is't Optimumtact because I don't know names. Someone look up in that round ID who it was and compare it to their known behavior if anyone cares... Sunshine Day or something was IG name.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by ArgentSand » #479500

All in all, I'm complaining purely on principle of not getting to finish my reply back via adminhelp.

It was a weird round and weird shit happened, so I submit to the better judgement of everyone else; it's late and I'm probably insane anyways from sleep deprivation.

I'll just go grind warframe instead of spessmen.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by oranges » #479501

I thought you had stopped replying because you didn't say anything after my last ahelp, that's my bad.

TBH, I can see an argument for it being an IC escalation argument given that you were both coming to blows over the shuttle, I'm just not sure why you went straight to shooting them with your fancy new mech.

It seems kinda coincidental
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by ArgentSand » #479502

Because I overestimated their capabilities and preparedness. I assumed, like me: they also had a lot of shit at that point --> but they were severely under-armed.

And I went mainly straight to shooting because the borgs attempted first, and the AI tried to lock in a room - but the old disposal chute trick was used. The AI also locked them in a room with me in which I proceeded to murder them in --> let alone the borgs also still trying to hunt em down until I told them it was taken care of.

The ai even cheered using the text to speech thing that "The hos got exploded by a missile by Captain".

It was also near the end of a round in which was in itself just weird and pure anarchy.

Lastly *I had a fancy new mech to make sure I didn't get murdered by them in, I'm personally surprised I even caught up with them, Durand's a slow bitch*.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by oranges » #479503

Here's the game logs of you and sunshine day, you definitely had some arguments and interactions, but I don't see anything that justifies shooting them to death?
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by ArgentSand » #479504

I did leave them alone for 90% of the round, and helped them out earlier with the clown.

The clown traitor then became my trusty Borg Steed --> NARC.

You can see interactions talking about how they're valid hunting, which I also said over radio at some point in general to the crew.

I didn't care much for their attitude and told them earlier "You know someone took your locker and is handing it your gear, right?" but people were running around in sec gear all game and I don't even know where they disappeared off to.

The issue over the shuttle and forcibly dismantling communications lead to the main conflict, as I decided "Enough of their bullshit, they fuck around, which I'm fine with, and the clown now Borg they valid hunted is presumingly having fun with me, but they force called the shuttle against the general wishes/vote of the crew/captain."

I wasn't the only one after them, again, some borgs were also trying to **murder** them --> NARC was flashed and restrained for trying to "stop the hos" from abusing or fucking with someone. Don't flash the mediborg trying to presumingly stop you from causing harm against someone; but I don't know anything about that other than my borgo complaining about it. Added to the "They're causing too many issues as hos".

I presumed after "Just try and stop me, see what happens" or whatever line I'm paraphrasing that there would be violent conflict and an EPIC FINAL BATTLE but it was kind of anti climatic. I could've probably won with my sabre and nanites --> NARC reviving/avenging me if I did get killed.

I will admit the Durand was probably OVERKILL but I overestimated them.

Anyhow, if you don't mind it's 4:30 am, GMT/5-EST and I'm going to go to sleep.

I did hear about Sunshine's doings and such as said by NARC and generally whatever popped up on radio --> but the direct sabotage/mutiny/"just try me" threat lead to Overkill Durand stomp.

I'd like to note, as I said, I was attempting to borg them before the shuttle landed/I got banned because I thought I'd keep them in the game somehow like the Tator Clown's round they ruined via valid hunting.

I did kill the Clown, but after being a Severely Upgraded, Emagged, and Super Powerful Mediborg I think they didn't mind as much; they were also executed a confirmed traitor whose surplus crate the hos didn't secure leading to shit being handed out among the damn greytide.

My intentions were that of "Karma" for "All the issues you've caused or lead to" and "For threatening a severely overarmed Captain". I did mean to Borg them --> but the shuttle landed and then I got the ban.

I was open to rush cloning them with a potentially (we had parts for it) fully upgraded cloner if asked by a boop also. But seeing how they enjoyed 95% of a round alive and causing havoc, being killed in the last... 5 minutes for the... insert total time of round I don't think it was nearly as "Bad" per say.

It's not like I ruined their round at the beginning or middle, but at the very end.

Anyhow, I'm ranting and just typing stream of thought; I'd appreciate if you were open to lessening or getting rid of the ban: I wasn't acting entirely malevolent or malicious just in a "You've caused too much shit and now you've reached the tipping point of when someone with better shit fucks you over as you've done to others so far."

I'm not really a stabby murderboner type and can appreciate that other people are trying to have fun too. I've literally been a traitor an entire round, fucked off, and then proceeded to BRUTALLY MURDER my assassination target as the shuttle was close to landing. They got a lot of botany stuff done and were basically finished, and just didn't get to ride the shuttle. In fact if I generally have an assassination target, I'll go about the shift as usual with "I'm sure they'll die somehow" and merely checking near end if they actually did. Win win for everyone. Target dies, they played the game and didn't sit in deadchat for an hour.

Anyhow, I'mma sleep now. Thanks for your time and listening to my rambling. We should play Warframe sometimes, woosh.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by oranges » #479506

I think that's sensible, I've lifted the ban. Looking back you have a good note history, so I think I was overly harsh in stepping to a ban, rather than a note.

This is resolved unless anyone has anything else to add.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by ArgentSand » #479509

I *have* a note history?

Super for realsies final post beforesleep.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by Kendrickorium » #479510

the round was a long one.
the captain had me killed because I believe he was simply mad that I called the shuttle against his orders

deadchat was very informative about this,
-telling me he said he did it because "i was a valid hunting murderboner" or something
-emagged his own borgs and told them to kill me
-actively hunted me down in a mech and killed me
(I have no proof of this, this is what I heard from deadchat)

the shuttle was called once earlier, I then immediately recalled because the crew wanted to stay.
Half an hour later, with tators and greytiders dead, spiderlings were reported, which is when I decided that the shuttle was being called weather he liked it or not

I was told I was fired and that i was going to be arrested or something, told him to try it.
I was fully ready to demote HIM myself, what I didn't expect was an army of borgs and an AI to be after me, along with a rage induced captain in a full battle mech shooting missiles at me.

citing me for incompetence is laughable, you yourself said the AI was purged and did nothing about it.
I have no control over the crew swiping a crate full of syndicate shit when i'm busy dealing with a dual energy sword clown.

my round wasn't ruined, I smashed two antags, and dealt with some fun greytiders that made things very interesting
I deconned the comms consoles because I wasn't about to let the entire crew get eaten by changlings' spiders.
you should have done it yourself

if you wanted me, you should have come after me yourself and demoted me, not shoot a missile up my ass in an overpowered mech with an army of borgs following you.
I never once made any kind of hostile move towards you, only responded to your threat with "try it"
killing me in the way you did as completely uncalled for, and this was echoed by people in deadchat.
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by Dax Dupont » #479518

ArgentSand wrote:I *have* a note history?

Super for realsies final post beforesleep.
Only notes present
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Re: [Optimumtact] ArgentSand/Adrian Grim - Didn't even get to complete my response to explain before BAN

Post by oranges » #479631

yeah when I say you have a good note history I mean you have nothing in the way of priors for this type of thing.

Of course, you do now :D.

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