Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

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Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Farquaar » #483889

Hello, friends. I've spent some time spriting and coding the addition of new donk-pocket flavours (with special boxes to go with them). So far, I've got the following:
  • Spicy-Pocket
donkrevolution.png (9.6 KiB) Viewed 2293 times
All the spritework is done, but I'm looking for people's thoughts in terms of gameplay. As you know, Donk-pockets, when heated up, contain omnizine, making them a good all-purpose healer. Should the new flavours also contain valuable medicines within them? Should they all have omnizine, or should each contain something unique? Let me know what you think.

My current thoughts:
The addition of new Donk-pocket flavours can be approached from two angles. The first would involve making all of the flavours just that: flavour. Aside from their taste and appearance, they would all be more or less functionally the same, being normal food that heals when heated up. The gondola-pockets might still contain gondola-toxin, but individual flavours would have little difference between them.

The second approach would be to give each flavour its own unique use. For instance, spicy-pockets would contain heaps of pyroxadone when warm, making them useful in the event of a plasfire. Teriyaki-pockets, in the spirit of their Japanese heritage, would contain mutadone. Problem is, now one has to bring game balance into the mix. The new flavours can't be useless, but can't overshadow the original Donk-pocket such that it loses its thunder. Plus, if the botany-chemistry rework is carried out, it might increase the value of rarer medicines substantially, which should be considered.

Again, let me know what you think. All ideas are welcome!
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by oranges » #483911

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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #483912

oranges wrote:shit
Can you elaborate?
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Shadowflame909 » #483923

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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Kryson » #483940

The omnizine could be partially replaced by saline-glucose, doctors delight, honey or even tricord in some of these if theme appropriate.

Gondola pockets could have psicodine and or mute toxin.

Berry pockets could have berry juice and barefoot or hearty punch.

Honk pockets could have banana honk or banana and maybe some laughter or happiness.

Spicy pockets could have black pepper, hot sauce and or condensed capsaicin(and maybe 1% chance to contain hell water?)

Teriyaki pockets could have soy sauce, sugar, rice + saline glucose.

Pizza pockets could have tomato juice or ketchup + saline glucose.

In addition they could also contain additives such as corn oil, glycerol, corn starch, corn syrup.

You could also make another flavour based on a completely alien dish. ive always wished you could cook more strange dishes from other planets.

Are they going to have a chance of spawning instead of a regular box?

Which ratio did you have in mind between normal and special boxes?

Are all special boxes going to be equally common or are some going to be rarer?
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by confused rock » #483952

where my vegan pockets at?
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Farquaar » #483978

confused rock wrote:where my vegan pockets at?
Funny thing is that Donk-pockets don't actually have the MEAT foodtype tag. I could fix this, but I think it's funny to think that Donk-pockets are so heavily processed that the "meat" inside can no longer be considered flesh from a dead animal.
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Dr_bee » #483996

Flavor would be the best way to put it, possibly with capsacin in the hot pockets to simulate spiciness and banana juice in the honk pockets for extra clown punch.

Making donk pockets powergamer fuel wouldnt really be a good addition to the game.
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Denton » #484191

That gondola flavored sprite is really nice.
Personally, I'm a fan of the stuff you can craft from other players or creatures. Lizards, carps, xenos, slimes, killer tomatoes, brains, clown/mime/wizard hat or mask stuff, and so on.
Force feeding the clown a clown burger is always nice.
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Re: Requesting Donk-Pocket Ideas

Post by Davidchan » #484195

Booze-Pockets (Any alcoholic variety.) For those with drunken resilience.

Chill Pockets (Ice Peppers + Donks) For those who liked freezer pops too much as a kid.

Donk-Conks - Meth infused Donks.

Donkette - 6 donk pockets fried together to make a baguette.

Minty Donk - Spicy cold flavor with a chance of fat gibbing.
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