[Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

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[Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

Post by StartShitGetHit » #502356

Byond account and character name: LewdKawaiiCatGirl (dont judge me)
Banning admin: Shaps
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Game server
Ban reason and length: Self Antag, 2-5 days (admin cant write a ban reason properly, so I need to guess my ban length)
Time ban was placed (including time zone): ~3:00 GMT+1
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Sybil
Your side of the story: Round started, got a request to play another game with friends. I deicied to go suicide in front of security, so I start smashing a window to get their attention. Not a single person comes out so I take out my internals tank and begin writing suicide verb, but then a security officer out of nowhere appears and begins chasing me for my vandalism act. Some guy pushes him over, causing him to drop his baton - I take it and run off. Later some more shitsec chases me, I just stun them and keep running (in the admin's words it was self-antag, I have no idea if that is the case, I haven't harmed a single security officer, not a single point of damage, only short stuns no cuffing/stripping etc. Reminds me of when I was playing security and I got stripped naked, cuffed to a chair and thrown into maintenance by a greytider for doing my job because it's "an IC issue", fair enough - start a fight get shit on I support this way of thinking.). Now here is where the ban reason starts - some genius snowflakes validhunting retards thought that apprehending an armed man with their shitty toolboxes/stun batons (mime/chaplain) is a good idea so they went for me, sneak attacked me - stunned and dragged to security. I obviously do not get shit on by such unrobust idiots so I fight back when stun timer runs out, first guy got beaten and thrown into waste disposal, apparently died because nobody helped him (enable your suit sensors when getting into a fight for no reason retard). Second time Im running away, chaplain runs up to me, takes a police baton out and smacks me, I wake up and let it go because seeing his name I knew from the start that the dude has already more serious problems in real life than a video game. What this complete fucking retard does is, take a go for me again - obviously sneak attacks me, taunts me by saying "Get bent" ( I been saying it to everyone I robusted so I got mad), thought that such an unrobust validhunter won't take the better of me, I timed his stun out, stunned him and gouged his eyes out, left him on the ground. Someone started dragging him to medical but I guess nobody helped him because he died - and what does this ABSOLUTE BIG BRAIN does? Of course he ahelps it and cries to admin, how could he die from attacking an armed man twice when his life been spared the first time? Fucking imebcile.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Going from rules page, "Escalation" " If a player wrongs you(theft, attacks, etc), you may retaliate. If you choose to retaliate with violence, you in turn have opened yourself up to violence. If you choose this route, do not expect admins to help you out if you die, even if you were not the original instigator. If you are concerned about being "kill baited" then consider calling security, using non lethal means to subdue your opponent, fleeing, or otherwise working things out (talking them down, getting your stolen items replaced, etc) ". So those people, instead of calling security, apprehended a man that was considered "an antag because he resisted arrest ( genius way of thinking ) " attacked him, turns out they're shit at the game, got killed instead then ahelped it? What the fuck? In which world can I chase people and start beef with them because they're wanted by the SECURITY? Exactly, security - if you want to hunt criminals sign up as security instead of wasting your job slot by validhunting. Yeah, a mime and chaplain should chase dangerous criminals and pick fights with them then cry to admins when they die - very fair cool, that's what other people that wanted to play on this job slot would do. Totally pathetic behavior, also props to the admin for banning me without giving me a chance to explain anything and not telling me why the ban is justified, what I did wrong (why do your job when you can slap a ban on someone, even tried to contact the dude on byond but instead of having a civil converstaion about my ban he blocked me and told me to appeal it here). I feel bad for admeme that has to read this ban appeal. have good night peace it's 3 AM and Im writing a ban appeal for a shity 2d game
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Re: [Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

Post by bobbahbrown » #502366

The round that this ban is based upon was round 112518 on Sybil, and the player was playing as Karson Pratt, the janitor. The ban was placed at approximately 00:56UTC on 2019-07-07. (src, statbus, scrubby)
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Re: [Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

Post by Shaps-cloud » #502367

The ban was 5 days

"Self antagging, started fights with sec and murdered 2 crew members who attempted to stop him while he was attacking sec as a nonantag janitor. Extension from 2-5 days for bad note history."

Should have said 2->5 instead of 2-5. I normally would have done 2 days, but bumped it up due to note/ban history, including these in the last few weeks:
Banned from Roles: Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 1 week - Tiptoes the line between what's acceptable and not as a security officer and executed someone for suspicion of being a traitor due to him having a weapon that's not part of a botanist uplink.
Ticket #12: LewdKawaiiCatgirl/(Amaryllis Tanner) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) (FLW) (TP) (LOGS) (SMITE) (REJT) (IC) (CLOSE) (RSLVE): lmfao fuck this game this is exactly why I quit years ago, fucking inbred ass retarded shitsec fucks the round up then you get shit on by admins for solving the griefing situation, peace im taking a break big(?|F) fuck you to that inbred ass faggot retard that caused thsi shit

this is not an ok way to talk in ahelps
started a fight with another security officer, then stripped, cuffed and welded them in a locker when they fought back. you really need to adopt a more professional tone when playing security. this isn't at all appropriate.
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.
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Byond Username: LewdKawaiiCatgirl

Re: [Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

Post by StartShitGetHit » #502376

One quick clarification regarding this: " 2 crew members who attempted to stop him while he was attacking sec as a nonantag janitor. " - These people were chasing me around the whole station with no security near them, it was three of them but one gave up after getting stunned. They certainly weren't helping an officer in need , they actively hunted me around the station. I won't respond to the post below because it's just a weak attempt of provocating me and is breaking this forum rules.
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Byond Username: LewdKawaiiCatgirl

Re: [Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

Post by StartShitGetHit » #502452

I am going to be offline for at least the whole next day, so I would like to respond to any questions you might raise in advance and show my way of thinking, why the ban in my opinnion is bullshit.

First of all, after cooling off and re-reading my post it seems that I was trying to suicide by a security officer's hands - those were not my intentions, I simply wanted to have witnesses to my suicide, similar to people mass suiciding in HoP line. After the security officer got robusted by an assistant I scratched my suicide plans, the round was not worth suiciding anymore.
Second: I have been playing a lot of security and every single shift you get non-antag assistants rushing to HoP office/captain to steal shit, when I arrive to the scene they start fighting me in an attempt to escape. I accept it as part of the game, no one that I know was ever banned for such thing. They beat me up many times, that is part of my job. I think that I handled my escape from security better because I haven't attacked any security officers first, I have always fought back not dealing a single point of damage to them.
Third, in my opinnion the most important clarification: I have been playing a lot as mime (50+ rounds) and I like to pickpocket people's ID's and give them to clown, I have been straight up lynched by the people that I stole from and spaced, first time it happened to me I ahelped just to ask if it wasn't excessive and they said that what I have done is a huge asshole move because HoP on event hall isn't doing their job so I stole their access and I should have seen it coming. Fair enough - from now on I fully expected to die for stealing ID's. So the thing that I completely do not understand is why I have been banned for defending against people that picked the fight with me and ignored my every single attempt of resolving the situation peacefully, even chased me through the whole station, I am going to explain my point of view on the situation below:

1. I didn't start the fight, I was actively avoiding it. I stunned the people, just like the escalation rule says, and ran away. There are three steps to avoid "kill-baiting" which is, use non lethal force, flee the scene, call security. I did both of those in exception for the third because I was wanted by security, and above all I am not a snitch.

2. After stunning these people and running away, they went out of their way to find me and corner, assault then kidnap. One of them even nearly choked me to death.

3. So now, two people have beaten me up, kidnapped me and chased me around the whole station because for some reason they really wanted to turn me to security.

4. I stunned and beat up to crit a man that has kidnapped me and beat me up beforehand and hunted me down after I have ran away without harming him the first time, then I put him in disposal. The other man was beat into crit as well and left on the ground. Now I would understand how I could get banned if I spaced or hid them in some place so their body is hard to retrieve, but first of all - I haven't killed them on spot, they could have been saved. Second of all, THEY fucking attached to me like leeches and made my life hell by constant attacks, I kept trying to escape from them many times but as you can guess they cornered me so I had to fight back. If it was security that I have beaten up to crit - I absolutely understand the ban, however it were just two shitters that wasted a job slot by their shenanigans.

I completely do not understand how I, as a player, would ahelp being killed from a man that I have victimized by attacking, kidnapping and hunting him through the whole station because he ran away the first time.
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Re: [Shaps] [nsfw] LewdKawaiiCatgirl - validhunter gets robusted then ahelps it

Post by Shaps-cloud » #502483

Sorry I forgot to reply to this, I have no plans to lift this ban and will be denying it on the grounds of needlessly escalating to lethals as a nonantag against other nonantags using non-lethals. I'll leave the thread open for a few days in case headmins wish to intervene, thank you.
Last edited by Shaps-cloud on Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: lethals -> nonlethals
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.

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