Non-existent RP

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Non-existent RP

Post by The_Silver_Nuke » #516060

This is a personal grievance of mine, and I feel a need to express it in some way. I've clocked around 1100 hours into SS13 since my debut in March, and one thing that I've always tolerated, less so as I get more experienced, and intolerably as of late, is other people barging into the various departments I'm working in and just completely side showing me. An example from my latest round is as follows;

I'll be sitting in Medical twiddling my thumbs for wounded patients to come in so I can fix em up and toss em back out, and this happens sometimes during the slower rounds, someone will come in with a dead patient slung over their shoulder, plop em down on the surgery table, and start operating immediately. I'll request that I be the one that operates, as it is my job, and they will respond, "No go away I've got this." For me, this is a personal insult. I may not be as experienced as some players, but I do try hard and often to play my role to the best of my abilities.

I would like to at LEAST be able to play the role that I was able to be assigned to. It is literally what my entire shift exists for. I sit through two hour rounds not being able to do a god damn thing because someone will just come through and usurp me from my position. Can we at least PRETEND to have SOME semblance of RP on these servers? I mean, what else am I supposed to do if not my job? Go tide? I'm sick of tiding everywhere and just taking what I want and doing what I want, or being a general nuisance.

I would like for there to be enforced restrictions as to what a single role can be capable of. Whether this be through coding or through rules, I feel it would be a great improvement. Ideally this would be accomplished through coding, as I wouldn't want to have the admins on these servers have to enforce RP. One, it would be incredibly unlikely to actually be followed through with, and two, it would just create that much more work for them to do, perhaps changing the role of admin on TG on a fundamental level from a GM to an authoritarian figure.

So in summary, the RP on TG has gotten just out of hand lately, whether this be through a change in the community or me simply becoming more aware of it, it doesn't matter which to me. I would welcome a change, and am open to suggestions on how to do this.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Tarchonvaagh » #516061

if only more people would feel like this...
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516064

Restricting what your character can do based on roles through code has been brought up every now and again and has always been denied and for good reason. What if there's no doctor? What if all doctors are dead? Nobody can do medical? Fuck no. What if you're a rev trying to sneak in and revive a revhead in a loyalist medbay but you physically cannot fucking do it because of role restrictions? It's an awful idea for a ton of reasons. I can even understand somebody who recovers a body from a bad guy or hazardous environment wanting to make sure he comes back to life (as opposed to a potentially traitor doctor saying "I got this" and then cremating the body).
I also really don't have any sympathy for the complaint of sitting around and twiddling your thumbs. Get a portable CMC, pinpointer, ask the CMO for his belt defib, grab some meds and go around proactively healing/reviving people. Get a medical belt and fill it with surgical tools from an Autolathe, grab a stack of rods and silver and you can do surgery anywhere. There's a lot of ways to play Medical that don't force you to sit on your ass and whine about people actually playing the game.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #516065

Be the change you want to be I guess. Try to RP the best you can, even if people piss you off just keep on truckin'. That is what I always do and I'm always eventually rewarded with some fun interactions and situations, even if there are plenty of other ones where I get frustrated dealing with tiders and the like.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by The_Silver_Nuke » #516066

@terranaut I share the same concern over coding restrictions, and the example you gave was an excellent one. But there exists LRP and MRP servers who get by just fine without this coding restriction that use the TG codebase. How do they enforce their RP? Additionally, from your second paragraph;
terranaut wrote:I also really don't have any sympathy for the complaint of sitting around and twiddling your thumbs. Get a portable CMC, pinpointer, ask the CMO for his belt defib, grab some meds and go around proactively healing/reviving people. Get a medical belt and fill it with surgical tools from an Autolathe, grab a stack of rods and silver and you can do surgery anywhere. There's a lot of ways to play Medical that don't force you to sit on your ass and whine about people actually playing the game.
It makes it sound like the only way to play medical is to completely abandon the role of surgeon, and to just be a paramedic instead. yeah EMT's are a subset of medical that are very important, but what about the tableside doctors? They should just be shoved aside and forgotten? I have a problem with this mindset. Additionally, roundstart medical personnel don't get access to maintenance, with the exception of the CMO. And what if there is no CMO? There is no access to the locker unless you go to the hopline and jostle with the dozen assistants trying to finagle their way into getting AA, or tide it. And then this falls back to the tiding problem I had earlier. Tiding just doesn't sit well with me anymore, and I would like to find a solution that doesn't immediately jump to tiding any time you encounter a problem.
Last edited by The_Silver_Nuke on Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #516067

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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Anonmare » #516068

Skill checks but instead of denying you from doing something, it just takes longer/has a chance to fail

Also I swear if another one of you fucks ignore the clearly available defibrillator in the cloner one more time - I'm breaking the damn thing
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by annoyinggreencatgirl » #516069

The_Silver_Nuke wrote:I would like for there to be enforced restrictions as to what a single role can be capable of.
A counterpoint to this is that such mechanical restrictions actually deride RP in the sense that a static name medbay main happening to play assistant or sec or something could and would sensibly know more about medbay than many players who actually have the job at the given moment.
How far would you be willing to take this? Only engineers can plug cooling juice into the engine when it's delaminating or operate SMES or APCs or hack doors? Only the bartender can mix drinks? Only the HoP can use an ID console? Only a roboticist can weld damaged borgs?

I am not in favor of the code deciding what players are allowed to know how to do, nor do I think it would lead to increased or better roleplay.
If you want to support coding changes that might result in better roleplay I think the avenue to push for is valuing and enriching jobs through making them more complex, critically functional, and interesting/fun, and focusing way less on combat and antag stuff.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516070

The_Silver_Nuke wrote:snip
I'm not saying that surgeons are irrelevant and that EMT is the only way to play medical.
I'm challenging your playstyle and telling you to try something different if a part of your complaint is "I sit around a lot doing nothing".
I mained sec and then later medical on Citadel, a self-proclaimed MRP server with the kind of restrictions you want vaguely enforced by rules.
I spent the first 10 minutes or so every round:
- Dressing up in the EMT outfit with CMC, Pinpointer, 2x spray cans each of silver sulf and styptic and some pills
- Bothering the CMO / a Borg / Captain for the compact defib
- Getting full medbay and maint access (and sometimes CMO and/or basic departmental access) and a job title change
- Getting tools and gloves to get into places I don't have access too and coloring the gloves in blue because it looked nice with the EMT outfit
- Going back and making some Synthflesh patches for emergency use
- Going out and healing idiots and recovering bodies.

Initially I started asking chemists for drugs and my synth patches but they turned out to be retarded smoothbrains and meth huffers more often than not so I just barged in and did it myself which eventually got admins to bitch at me ("why is an MD doing Chemistry??? ree!"). I could've circumvented the issue and followed the rules "properly" by just joining as chemist and then doing everything listed above but then I'd take up one of two chemist slots and not one of like eighty MD slots. A completely artificial and needless rule conflict.
Overall, my insistence on preparing like this led to RP, since I usually went through Engineers for the gloves at least and those needed some convincing to pass with them, had to talk to the HoP for my access, to someone to get the CMOs shit etc. Of course there was also conflict with people who disagreed with my methods, but that's RP too. It also led to some very satisfying moments where everything was going to shit, all of sec was dead in space and I hacked into EVA/CMO for space gear and recovered their bodies so they could try again and get the bad guy and I could say that I played a major part in helping the crew win.

tl;dr If your complaint is "I sit around a lot doing nothing restricting myself to one tiny aspect of what my job could theoretically do and then I get upset when someone else does it as part of something bigger they started and want to see to finish" then you should question your playstyle first and code/policy second.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by The_Silver_Nuke » #516071

terranaut wrote:tl;dr If your complaint is "I sit around a lot doing nothing restricting myself to one tiny aspect of what my job could theoretically do and then I get upset when someone else does it as part of something bigger they started and want to see to finish" then you should question your playstyle first and code/policy second.
I really don't have a problem going out and playing as an EMT, actually doing so could be quite fun, and HAS been fun for the times I've done it. However the way you make it sound is that it's either EMT or nothing, and that is just not okay. And that goes on a tangent from the core root of the issue, that being that people will barge into medical and just do your job, kicking you out of it. Your issue with the chemists is one thing, I myself have often had to deal with chemists on TG not making ANY medicine and instead devoting their entire rounds to making meth, so I definitely see where you are coming from. That's one thing. Someone really putting in effort to do their jobs is quite another.

One shift yesterday that I was quite satisfied with was when there were a bunch of lings causing havoc around the station on Sybil, delimbing people and creating corpses. I was swamped, and that was the most enjoyable MD shift I have ever had. Despite me being the only MD on shift, and people dumping 3 bodies at a time into Medical, I had so much fun. I would toss one body into cloning, perform tissue reconstruction on another, and that would leave one backlog usually, since there were no other doctors, or chemists to make medicine even, but I really felt IMPORTANT. I would receive thanks such as, "Thanks Doc," and "I owe you." I felt like a proper doctor.

I'm more than willing to walk the walk, but the problem starts when I go to make the walk, but am prevented from doing so by others not respecting that, and shunting me out of the picture completely. So, by telling others to just play the way YOU want them to play, you're missing a key underlying point of the issue, and that is that people don't respect other players.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Lumbermancer » #516072

In a perfect world department security would enforce access.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by The_Silver_Nuke » #516073

Lumbermancer wrote:In a perfect world department security would enforce access.
That's not gonna happen in a million years :honk:
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Bluespace » #516080

Anonmare wrote:Skill checks but instead of denying you from doing something, it just takes longer/has a chance to fail

Also I swear if another one of you fucks ignore the clearly available defibrillator in the cloner one more time - I'm breaking the damn thing
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Calomel » #516084

Well, for one, tehre's the fact that sometimes people are incompetent. if a person is not doing their job, someone will have to do it for them.
And it's always medbay, ain't it? medical doctors tend to be the ones complaining about people breaking in, most probably because if
someone tresspasses anywhere else they'll get forced out. Hence the problem; Medical does not enforce its boundaries.

At this point tehre are two routes to take:
- Accept that people will barge in regardless and just liberate the non-surgery area to the public.
- Enforce medical area so people can't just barge in.

Expecting people to suddenly respect medical is both unattainable and illogical. Why would I subject myself ot a long
triage and healing process when taking a pill takes 5 seconds. And that is implying the doctor knows what he's doing.
The new changes have made it harder to self-medicate, but Chemistry knowledge is not hard and the vendor is right there.
On a game-play perspective, you want to spend the least amount of time in medical, because it takes away from your actual
job/RP gimimck/Whatever you're doing.

There really isn't a viable solution to the medical problem, i am afraid, people will not subject themselves to long triages,
when it's something simple and identifiable. And trying to enforce it will only make people resentful. Work
around it, accept it, or seek your RP elsewhere, for you'll only burn yourselves like this.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Anonmare » #516086

Idea: Remove Medbay, remove chemistry, remove cloning and remove anyway to heal damage or come back into a round from the code. All damage is now permanent, all deaths are final and there are no respawns. Paranoia will reign once more.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by The_Silver_Nuke » #516089

I personally don't play Medical a ton, in fact this is just a problem that I am noting from my short time playing Medical. But the issue regarding a lack of RP doesn't cease occurring in other departments. Though I will say, that the department with the least amount of issues as far as RP goes, is going to be Engineering, because most of the time instead of character interactions you have engineers spewing technical jargon at each other.


But yes, Medical is hard to defend from people elbowing their way into your job, after all, how can you fault someone for trying to save lives? You aren't exactly about to start cutting someone up for starting a surgery on a patient. Though that is a possibility. Currently Medical is being reworked so it's hard to tell just how much of an impact future changes will have on your round, but at the very least you can try to let the people who want to play as doctors, play as doctors. And this falls back to the lack of respect issue. It's always, "MY" round, not the round. People are so self centered that they fail to see just what kind of impact they are having on the overall player experience by butting in. It's just that, players should try to be more considerate, and to think about other players. RP is just a part of a larger issue it seems.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Calomel » #516094

This aspect of "lack of respect" is honestly one of the defintiory aspects of tg station: Noone respects anyone or anything.

Medical's area is a war zone, and doctors are ignored completely.
Chemists have to watch their door like a hawk because people might get in and start making shit.
Or just have the chem dispenser stolen.
Cooks had to be given CQC because poeple kept breaking into the kitchen.
Janitors get their carts taken and spaced without notice.
Engineering is always under duress from asistants trying to get insuls or tools.
Science is mostly safe, mostly 'cause barely anyone knows how it works, and is difficult to access.
Cargo is a playground, and the ORM and autolathe are common targets for anyone trying to score tools.
'll refer to the numerous shitcurity/tider topics that have been made here over time, they better
illustrate how Sec gets sbsolutely no respect.
And for silicons and heads, there are also topics about it as well.

All these things can be prevented by basic communication. They ocurr and will continue ocurring. That is
the climate Tg station has, for better or for worse, and no coding on the planet will change it. you are
entitled to nothing, and specially no respect, no matter what role you have.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516098

A part of the issue is that - especially now with Dynamic on Terry at least - things are so fucked up when the shuttle is done refueling that it's generally gonna be called as soon as possible. People know this, at least subconsciously, and that as a result a round is gonna be 30-45 minutes. When a round is 30 minutes, you dont have time to chat for 5 minutes with a coworker to get what you want because that's a big fucking chunk of your round and you probably want to get one thing or another done. On Cit, the shuttle almost never gets called manually. It gets autocalled after 2 hours or so and likewise people know this and thus don't feel rushed with whatever it is they want to do, and taking your time to stop and talk and make a request rather than hacking in and doing it yourself won't ruin your plans. The reason this is possible is because even for antags murderboning is discouraged/illegal save for some objectives and that includes turning the station into a husk with maxcaps for no reason.
I'm not saying that I want these kind of rule changes for /tg/, but you're not going to have people simply ditch the gameplay aspect for some very short-lived RP. You can't really have both in a fulfilling way when rounds are as short as they are.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by deedubya » #516110

terranaut wrote:A part of the issue is that - especially now with Dynamic on Terry at least - things are so fucked up when the shuttle is done refueling that it's generally gonna be called as soon as possible. People know this, at least subconsciously, and that as a result a round is gonna be 30-45 minutes. When a round is 30 minutes, you dont have time to chat for 5 minutes with a coworker to get what you want because that's a big fucking chunk of your round and you probably want to get one thing or another done. On Cit, the shuttle almost never gets called manually. It gets autocalled after 2 hours or so and likewise people know this and thus don't feel rushed with whatever it is they want to do, and taking your time to stop and talk and make a request rather than hacking in and doing it yourself won't ruin your plans. The reason this is possible is because even for antags murderboning is discouraged/illegal save for some objectives and that includes turning the station into a husk with maxcaps for no reason.
I'm not saying that I want these kind of rule changes for /tg/, but you're not going to have people simply ditch the gameplay aspect for some very short-lived RP. You can't really have both in a fulfilling way when rounds are as short as they are.
People aren't asking for high RP. People are just asking for non-antags to respect the laws of the station, and respect the boundaries of departmental access.
Galatians 4:16 "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?"
hey imma teegee admeme compliment me on my appearance here

flattering compliments people have given me:
oranges wrote:honestly holy shit deedubs you're a dent head
wesoda25 wrote:deedub is one of the people that makes me wish i could block users on forums
IkeTG wrote:every post from deedubya is worrying behavior
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you're a poo head!!!!!
TheMythicGhost wrote:You're a moron, but that's really nothing new since you're Deedubya, and really at this point I'm just playing an instrument by speaking since your head is so goddamn empty these words are resonating as they pass through.
Lazengann wrote:What's interesting about deedubya is the guy has no reading skills or comprehension and his ADHD is so severe he can't read through a single thread but he shows up to argue anyway
annoyinggreencatgirl wrote:you really are almost superhumanly retarded dude, holy smokes.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Anonmare » #516111

BuT iT iS mY rOuNd
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by wesoda25 » #516113

I see this shit happen, but not very often, to myself at least. I’ll usually ask people for stuff and let them do their jobs, unless I’m antag and don’t want any delays or risks.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by crashmatusow » #516114

Saegrimar was right
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516118

deedubya wrote:People are just asking for non-antags to respect the laws of the station, and respect the boundaries of departmental access.
And I'm saying it's not going to happen while rounds are 30 minutes long.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by deedubya » #516120

terranaut wrote:
deedubya wrote:People are just asking for non-antags to respect the laws of the station, and respect the boundaries of departmental access.
And I'm saying it's not going to happen while rounds are 30 minutes long.
Eventhall should not be used as a barometer for /tg/station's round length as a whole.
Galatians 4:16 "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?"
hey imma teegee admeme compliment me on my appearance here

flattering compliments people have given me:
oranges wrote:honestly holy shit deedubs you're a dent head
wesoda25 wrote:deedub is one of the people that makes me wish i could block users on forums
IkeTG wrote:every post from deedubya is worrying behavior
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you're a poo head!!!!!
TheMythicGhost wrote:You're a moron, but that's really nothing new since you're Deedubya, and really at this point I'm just playing an instrument by speaking since your head is so goddamn empty these words are resonating as they pass through.
Lazengann wrote:What's interesting about deedubya is the guy has no reading skills or comprehension and his ADHD is so severe he can't read through a single thread but he shows up to argue anyway
annoyinggreencatgirl wrote:you really are almost superhumanly retarded dude, holy smokes.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by crashmatusow » #516121

I’m pretty sure its actually referencing high pop terry.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #516126

You 100% cannot effect the change you want with a bunch of forum posts or essays or whatever. You have to be the change you want to see, full stop. It’s sucks, it’s hard, and you’ll wind up on the losing side of a given situation waaaaaay more than you’ll come out okay. Given enough time this MIGHT be enough to begin swinging things the direction you want.

Nothing else is going to work.
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OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Dr_bee » #516145

Atlanta-Ned wrote:You 100% cannot effect the change you want with a bunch of forum posts or essays or whatever. You have to be the change you want to see, full stop. It’s sucks, it’s hard, and you’ll wind up on the losing side of a given situation waaaaaay more than you’ll come out okay. Given enough time this MIGHT be enough to begin swinging things the direction you want.

Nothing else is going to work.
Lets give up on any systemic change based on changing policy or code! That sounds like a great idea that will totally not lead to the few players who actually want to RP burning out extremely quickly from dealing with grey-tiding shitlords.

That was sarcasm if you are thick.

Goonstation got rid of its tiders by admin intervention, nothing says /tg/ cant via that method as well.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by wesoda25 » #516147

lol just go to goon already bee
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by The_Silver_Nuke » #516152

deedubya wrote:People aren't asking for high RP. People are just asking for non-antags to respect the laws of the station, and respect the boundaries of departmental access.
Exactly this, just so much this.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by FloranOtten » #516158

The_Silver_Nuke wrote:
deedubya wrote:People aren't asking for high RP. People are just asking for non-antags to respect the laws of the station, and respect the boundaries of departmental access.
Exactly this, just so much this.
You know, besides that you're asking for a change to enforce higher RP based on what people can and cannot do.
OOC: BeeSting12: i love you floran

1. You may not injure a revs are non humans or, through inaction, allow a revs are non humans to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by revs are non humanss, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Give me feedback!
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #516162

Dr_bee wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:You 100% cannot effect the change you want with a bunch of forum posts or essays or whatever. You have to be the change you want to see, full stop. It’s sucks, it’s hard, and you’ll wind up on the losing side of a given situation waaaaaay more than you’ll come out okay. Given enough time this MIGHT be enough to begin swinging things the direction you want.

Nothing else is going to work.
Lets give up on any systemic change based on changing policy or code! That sounds like a great idea that will totally not lead to the few players who actually want to RP burning out extremely quickly from dealing with grey-tiding shitlords.

That was sarcasm if you are thick.

Goonstation got rid of its tiders by admin intervention, nothing says /tg/ cant via that method as well.
We’re never going to have a headmin or admin team that’s willing to deal with the clusterfuck if they tried to policy the server into the right place.
Statbus! | Admin Feedback
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by NoxVS » #516164

I mean TG is LRP, what do you expect?
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thehogshotgun wrote:How does having jannies like you, who have more brain tumor than brain benefit the server
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Ayebee123 » #516165

the day someone asks me for tools instead of wrenching the orm will be a good day
[insert funny stuff here]

i play the guy who's scared of bees and the dark, also known as Abe Merc.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #516167

kill the weak

eat the strong
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #516343

SS13 needs less moderator micromanagement of what players can and cannot do, not more.

This problem is basically created by the nature of the game (time-limited rounds) by the way. No one is going to spend ten minutes waiting for you to look up how to do surgery on the wiki when they only have 20-30 minutes before the shuttle arrives and their goals for the round are reset.

It's an unfortunate truth that once you become well-acquainted with SS13, every round becomes a battle of trying to do The Cool Thing® you had planned for the round before the shuttle inevitably gets called. That doesn't leave any time to stop and smell the roses. Behind every cool atmos thing you've seen a player build, every triple tesla setup in the bar, etc., there was a player who spent a whole round jumping over tables, speedrunning other departments' jobs, recalling the shuttle, etc. to get the necessary things in time.

This is one reason why Colonial Marines is so popular. It doesn't have a game design that is in conflict with itself. It doesn't matter if the game ends in 30 minutes or 3 hours, everyone is still satisfied.
Last edited by afelinidisfinetoo on Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Cobby » #516345

NoxVS wrote:I mean TG is LRP, what do you expect?
Voted best trap in /tg/ 2014-current
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Anonmare » #516346

>/tg/ is low RP
Legit when I joined it was advertised as MRP and things have been degenerating from my POV since 2017. I miss low pop basil
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by wesoda25 » #516358

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:It's an unfortunate truth that once you become well-acquainted with SS13, every round becomes a battle of trying to do The Cool Thing® you had planned for the round before the shuttle inevitably gets called. That doesn't leave any time to stop and smell the roses. Behind every cool atmos thing you've seen a player build, every triple tesla setup in the bar, etc., there was a player who spent a whole round jumping over tables, speedrunning other departments' jobs, recalling the shuttle, etc. to get the necessary things in time.
This is so true it hurts. The server almost encourages this behavior, since its the only way to pull off a cool project at times. Its ironic because due to this, both "good" and "bad" players will do it eventually, and it just creates a cycle.

Still, as of late I've been playing a bit differently. Maybe it's because I've exhausted most of the content and don't need to embark on such projects anymore. Regardless, I enjoy smaller scale things nowadays, and try to enjoy the little moments more than the grand finale. More often than not people will just spoil the end result for you anyways.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Sandshark808 » #516373

Dr_bee wrote:Goonstation got rid of its tiders by admin intervention, nothing says /tg/ cant via that method as well.
Goonstation is a hugbox filled with admin-led metacliques and undergirded by a fine mesh of barely-concealed resentment for the playerbase. I'd rather have even more chaos than become Goon, and I used to play there.

If people want to have something lasting and interesting, why not campaign for Sybil 2 to become a Persistent SS13 server?
The code is either Bay or Paradise (which I think is downstream of /tg/) and it can be forked on the git if we wanted to change stuff. The map saves and loads and people build the station out together in one long round.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516680

Anonmare wrote:>/tg/ is low RP
Legit when I joined it was advertised as MRP and things have been degenerating from my POV since 2017. I miss low pop basil
/tg/ was advertised as low RP (except there was some mild RP then) when I joined in 2012, what are you talking about?
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Lumbermancer » #516682

But do you remember when Rules included this paragraph?

This is a roleplaying game. The purpose of the game is to have fun roleplaying. Being an asshole, who ruins other player’s roleplay experience, just to win, is considered a ‘play-to-win’ style of playing. You can and will be banned for this playstyle. Be considerate of other players’ experience.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516692

No because that's way too specific to be something I could remember for even a week but I remember when people roleplayed despite or maybe precisely because retardedly imbalanced things such as sleepypen c4 or parasting maint were the antag meta and you could passive grab table someone on a table you carried in a hand to hardstun them for like 5 seconds. Now it feels more like an arms race between players and coders to find the next most broken thing until it gets nerfed into irrelevance or removed.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Gamarr » #516703

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:SS13 needs less moderator micromanagement of what players can and cannot do, not more.
This is a large issue and it is seconded only by the game needing a more solid foundation. Several points from others after that have said it well in that the rounds go too fast, among other things.

Code don't new items, modes, etc.; Game needs those items to be reorganized and altered to be coherent and work together. Maybe this means moving away from SS13 as a theme. It's a band-aid that needs to be ripped off because if there's no rp, what's it serving then.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Lumbermancer » #516851

terranaut wrote:No.
But do you agree with it, on principle?
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by terranaut » #516861

Lumbermancer wrote:
terranaut wrote:No.
But do you agree with it, on principle?
I think that when you add mechanics to a game that very clearly allow for victory or defeat, such as antagonists with objectives, punishing playing to win is kinda stupid and very non-intuitive. If that was the goal the correct course of action would be to remove victory and defeat, not punishing attempting victory.
As I mentioned both RP and gameplay were had and enjoyed many years back. It might be that things have changed too much or it might be that when /tg/station just started out, it was indeed /tg/-station, advertised exclusively there and by word of mouth from players - /tg/ being the, amongst others, roleplay board meant that you could assume people were generally interested in roleplaying, whether or not the rules strictly enforced it. Nowadays just the name remains and this is more redditstation than anything else.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Omni » #516875

terranaut wrote: As I mentioned both RP and gameplay were had and enjoyed many years back. It might be that things have changed too much or it might be that when /tg/station just started out, it was indeed /tg/-station, advertised exclusively there and by word of mouth from players - /tg/ being the, amongst others, roleplay board meant that you could assume people were generally interested in roleplaying, whether or not the rules strictly enforced it. Nowadays just the name remains and this is more redditstation than anything else.
As an semi-offtopic remark that's probably a good thing, seeing how literally nothing of quality has come out of nu/tg/ in many, many years.
Lumbermancer wrote:
This is a roleplaying game. The purpose of the game is to have fun roleplaying. Being an asshole, who ruins other player’s roleplay experience, just to win, is considered a ‘play-to-win’ style of playing. You can and will be banned for this playstyle. Be considerate of other players’ experience.
I am too new to know, was this really a thing? Cause it sounds hillariously arbitrary even for regular ss13's rules&policies.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by Tarchonvaagh » #516881

Lumbermancer wrote:But do you remember when Rules included this paragraph?

This is a roleplaying game. The purpose of the game is to have fun roleplaying. Being an asshole, who ruins other player’s roleplay experience, just to win, is considered a ‘play-to-win’ style of playing. You can and will be banned for this playstyle. Be considerate of other players’ experience.
put it back there
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by confused rock » #516910

where it go
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by legality » #516916

Post Summer 2011 and 2012, admin policy started becoming more and more stringent with regards to non-antags killing and critting other players because of the influx of griefers and line-toers. Prior to then, a crewmember inflicting violence on trespassers in their department who were doing things they should not be doing (e.g. taking medkits from medkit storage without asking) was very common. If you entered robotics without permission and started taking the roboticist's tools in front of them, you could expect to be flashed, swiftly killed via surgical saw, debrained, and, if they were in a good mood, inserted into the borg they were making. If you entered chemistry and started making something without asking the chemist, you could expect a beaker of poly acid to be thrown in your face and your critted body tossed into the hallway. Started smashing things in botany? Their deathnettles would crit unarmored you in two hits.

Simpler times. Admin and coding philosophy started going in the (imo) wrong direction after that and they've never reversed.
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Re: Non-existent RP

Post by ragevirus » #517086

I still think the best solution is to use one resource tg already has, excess server capacity, to address the issue.

There are a lot of us who would like to take the time to interact with crewmates, but it's hard when Gary Greyshirt just wants to do his own thing and doesn't give a fuck about departmental propriety. The problem is that people who only want to validhunt or do crazy shit with game mechanics are stuck on the same server with people who want to play out a round while also pretending to be spacemen. Not that there's anything wrong with validhunting, it's just not very conducive to the memorable interactions a lot of people look for in ss13.

Which brings me back to my original point. It's stupid that we have three US servers which are distinguishable by name only when the community is clearly divided along the RP spectrum. I maintain that designating servers for different levels of RP would lead to a better gameplay experience for people in every category.

I know that there are difficulties when it comes to creating an rp server. It's clear that will probably never happen at tg. So here's another idea. What if we label sybil 2 as a 'NO RP FUN ZONE' instead? Then people who want a crew vs antag deatchmatch would have their own server to powergame and go nuts. And we wouldn't need a bunch of new rules and administrators.

Hell maybe it could even be a rule free server. The fucking wild west where only the robust survive and Gary Greyshirt is king. Now that I think about it, that actually sounds better than a pure rp server.
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