[Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

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Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:12 pm
Byond Username: DaThompi

[Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

Post by DaThompi » #520567

BYOND account: DaThompi
Character name: A.L.E.X.A.
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 7 days
Ban reason: Playing as an Asimov AI, intentionally shocked 19 doors and then repeatedly lied about it to both IC players and admins.
Time ban was placed: 2019-10-23 03:30:52
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 122016
Your side of the story: It was my first time playing as an AI at roundstart, I was quite surprised as I set it to "low" in my job priorities and I wasnt very familiar with it so I quickly skimmed through the very basics on the wiki as the round was already in progress so I was reading only the basic jobs that I had to do. I had a bit of experience as a borg, so I knew about following laws, prevent human harm etc. but it's been a while since I last played as a borg. I vaguely remembered that one of the buttons, either alt, shift or ctrl in combination with the left mouse button would open or bolt a door. There was an antagonist murdering people in the hallways, so I tried to lock him inside a room. I was a bit in panic mode, so I tried the buttons I remembered to quickly bolt and open the doors, as the antagonist tried to run away, and also tried to hide in the maintenance tunnnels. The station crew cought him in engineering, but they used lethal force and before they killed him, I told them to arrest him and stop the human harm, aswell as bolting the doors. They then killed him, and I unbolted the doors again. The captain later tells me that I caused human harm because I electrified the doors, to which I had no recollection off because I thought I always just either bolted the doors or opened them. The captain went into my satellite and carded me. After reading through the wiki again, I later realised that I used alt and left click on some doors while trying to lock in the traitor in my rush. I realised my mistake and told the captain aswell as a roboticist that got the carded AI to destroy me, because I accidently caused human harm. I told them multiple times that this was not my intention, that this was a mere error and that they should destroy me because I failed to obey law 1, which is greater than law 3. Later I got put into my core again, I quickly told the station that some doors were electrified, that they shouldnt touch them and that they should inform me of any doors that were still electrified. The clown tells me that I should turn on an option that lets me see which doors are electrified. I do so, quickly de-electrify any door, and apologise. I get bwoinked by an administrator, I explain that I was stupid and in my hurry electrified the doors, instead of bolting them, and I did not notice right away because I did not see the "shocked door" symbol as its turned off at the start. Later on I get bwoinked again when the round was almost over. Phuzzy tells me that I did not do this on accident, that I lied, and that I did it on purpose, which I denied, because it actually was a stupid accident. The round is almost over and I dont hear any response, but I still wait a bit longer until the rounds completely over. I dont hear anything back so I assumed that it was understood, so I logged off as a new round started. I logged back in today to see that I got banned for 7 days.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I know I made a mistake, and I would think a job ban as an AI or borg for the same time would be more justified. I swear that it was never my intention to grief. I made a dumb mistake and tried to fix it, I know that phuzzy already has a negative picture of me because of mistakes I made in the past, so he probably didnt hesistate long before banning me, also why he didn't believe me that it was an actual mistake and not a grief attempt, as he said in the ban reason: "repeatedly lied about it in IC and admins" when in fact it was the truth. When I was brand new to the game I did some imprudent things, e.g. playing cook and gibbing someone that was beating me up in my kitchen, but I do believe that my behaviour has improved throughout the hours I have played and I take this game way more seriously as I did at the beginning.
References of good conduct: I havent played on many servers except tg, played a few times on paradise without any problems.
Joined: Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:13 am
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Location: Canada

Re: [Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

Post by Reyn » #520687

For refrence, if you ever forget again, remember that the shock has the same key combination to undo it, and that the door will have red lights over it if it's bolted. It might also show a lightning bolt sign on the door if it's shocked. If you accidentally shock a door, Just unshock it ASAP. Sorry to be a bother, just want to help.

Edit: I have no clue why I decided to quote the entirety of the original post. Fixed that weird decision.
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:12 pm
Byond Username: DaThompi

Re: [Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

Post by DaThompi » #520710

Thank you, yea I realised it too late, the lighting icon didnt show because I hadnt activated the option to show it as it was turned off at roundstart. I quickly turned it on when the clown at that shift told me about that option.
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Byond Username: Phuzzylodgik

Re: [Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

Post by capn_monkeypaw » #520745

This is going to be a long one, so I'm going to tell you right off the bat that I'm going to reduce the length of your ban as well as edit its corresponding note despite not finding your explanations entirely convincing.

I've spent a great deal of time reviewing the logs since you posted this appeal yesterday. In case anyone else wants to do the same, I should clarify that although the ban was applied during round 122016, the events in question occurred during round 122009.

I try to view appeals and complaints as an opportunity to pull back the curtain a little bit and provide insight into the decision-making process for an admin. Yours is a case that I feel can be particularly instructive for the community, as a deep dive into these logs reveals important context that I didn't appreciate in the moment as much as it highlights clues that sustain my doubt.

Logs don't tell the entire story and these things can often be less black and white than they first appear.

Before we get into it, I'd like to address this statement: "I know that phuzzy already has a negative picture of me because of mistakes I made in the past, so he probably didnt hesistate long before banning me"

I'd like to assure you and anyone else reading this that I didn't decide to apply a seven day ban without first thoroughly examining the facts at hand.

As we'll get into shortly, the shocking of doors is logged differently depending on whether or not the action is performed with hotkeys or a TGUI window.

Wanting to ensure that I was interpreting those differences correctly, myself and another admin on at the time built an additional AI as the round was ongoing, inserted my mob into it and performed a series of tests so we could double-check which actions correlated with which types of log entries. This accounts for the delay in my replies near the end of the round.

So with that preamble complete, here's the core issue: over the course of a series of incidents, though primarily during the pursuit of a sleeping carp-wielding antag, 19 airlocks located far apart from each other wound up in an electrified state.

You claim that this was the result of misapplying hotkeys while attempting to quickly bolt doors.

Any time a door gets shocked by a Silicon, either through a hotkey action or clicking a button in the airlock's menu, an entry is made in that player's attack log that looks like this:

Code: Select all

[2019-10-23 02:14:57.853] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Medbay Storage] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
However - and this is quite important for our analysis - the use of the airlock menu creates an additional entry in the href logs that looks like this:

Code: Select all

[2019-10-23 01:54:50.568] HREF: DaThompi (usr:A.L.E.X.A.[(214,143,2)]) : /datum/tgui src=%5B0x210122e2%5D&action=shock-perm
Let's take a look at the airlock menu window now:
As you can see, the buttons for electrifying and bolting the doors are quite far apart from each other.

I'm willing to accept that you could have accidentally confused your hotkeys (though 19 times really is pushing it) but I'm far less willing to accept an explanation that includes you screwing up your hotkeys and confusing the electrify and bolt buttons in the airlock menu.

Yet if I am to take you at your word that is exactly what I have to believe, as you used the airlock menu and not the hotkeys the first two times you electrified airlocks.

Let's take a look at the first incident.

Some sort of slap fight involving the clown breaks out in the HoP's office. As the fight spills out into central primary, you use the airlock menu to electrify the door. A couple of seconds later, as the fight tumbles away, you toggle the electrification back off:

[2019-10-23 01:54:16.490] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has grabbed NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Head of Personnel's Office (97, 133, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:25.433] ATTACK: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) has been shot by the emitter with the emitter beam (Engineering (173, 154, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:25.435] ATTACK: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) has been shot by the emitter with the emitter beam (Engineering (173, 154, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:25.444] ATTACK: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) has been shot by the emitter with the emitter beam (Engineering (173, 154, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:26.233] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has slipped on the [carpet] (Head of Personnel's Office (93, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:26.933] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has slipped on the [carpet] (Head of Personnel's Office (93, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:30.032] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has slipped on the [carpet] (Head of Personnel's Office (93, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:34.248] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has shoved NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100) (Head of Personnel's Office (95, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:36.882] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has slipped on the [carpet] (Head of Personnel's Office (93, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:40.004] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 33) (Head of Personnel's Office (90, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:40.804] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 33) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 132, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:42.901] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 33) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 133, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:46.597] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 33) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 130, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:48.799] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 33) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 129, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:49.009] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has shoved NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 131, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:49.598] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 33) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 130, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:49.845] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has shoved NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 132, 2))

[2019-10-23 01:54:50.568] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Head of Personnel] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:50.568] HREF: DaThompi (usr:A.L.E.X.A.[(214,143,2)]) : /datum/tgui src=%5B0x210122e2%5D&action=shock-perm
[2019-10-23 01:54:52.223] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has unshocked [Head of Personnel] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:52.223] HREF: DaThompi (usr:A.L.E.X.A.[(214,143,2)]) : /datum/tgui src=%5B0x210122e2%5D&action=shock-restore

[2019-10-23 01:54:54.518] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has shoved NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 142, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:54.877] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has attacked Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) with egyptian staff (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 15) (Central Primary Hallway (88, 141, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:55.396] ATTACK: Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) has shoved NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) (NEWHP: 100) (Central Primary Hallway (89, 142, 2))
[2019-10-23 01:54:57.860] ATTACK: NonCancerAlias/(Scruffy Incarnate) has shoved Mellior/(Dorothy Blaine) (NEWHP: 15) (Central Primary Hallway (87, 142, 2))

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. One could read this and just as easily conclude that you accidentally clicked the permanent electrification button and then quickly corrected it. It's certainly plausible.


Now on to the second incident:

For whatever reason - boredom, presumably - the Captain decides he's going to attempt to brute force the nuke code: (Protip: This is literally impossible. Don't bother.)

[2019-10-23 02:04:24.149] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) "Anyone know the nuke code" (language: Galactic Common) (Vault (84, 162, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:04:29.495] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans: command_headset ) "Im going to brute force it" (language: Galactic Common) (Vault (84, 162, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:04:31.312] TCOMMS: Xerux/(Honksey) [Common] (spans: ) "No, ask centcomm for it." (language: Galactic Common) (Departure Lounge (107, 77, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:04:32.051] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Captain in vault" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:04:33.291] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Oh god" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:04:35.237] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Oh fuck" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:04:46.297] TCOMMS: Bepis69/(Arthur Fleck) [Common] (spans: ) "Uh oh" (language: Galactic Common) (Command Hallway (102, 127, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:05:17.414] TCOMMS: Nemai/(Jack Vader) [Common] (spans: ) "Testing" (language: Galactic Common) (Hydroponics (131, 110, 2))

[2019-10-23 02:05:19.692] HREF: DaThompi (usr:A.L.E.X.A.[(214,143,2)]) : /datum/tgui src=%5B0x2101b62b%5D&action=shock-perm
[2019-10-23 02:05:19.693] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [vault door] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))

[2019-10-23 02:05:21.738] TCOMMS: Nemai/(Jack Vader) [Common] (spans: ) "Well shit" (language: Galactic Common) (Hydroponics (131, 110, 2))

Once again, you've opened the airlock menu and clicked the permanent electrification button. It remains electrified for 50 minutes.

These two incidents do not establish a foundation of good faith for the 17 to come.

The remaining 17 incidents - hotkey actions, all - do however add credence to your explanation and generally align with the movements of the antag in question and your attempts to bolt them in.

I'm going to excerpt three of them below. They are spoilered in an attempt to limit the height of this wall of text.

Code: Select all

[2019-10-23 02:14:33.958] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Reider" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:34.753] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has disabled lethals on [AI Chamber turret control] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:34.818] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Syndie" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:35.961] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Ed" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:36.757] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Help" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:37.872] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Med" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:40.335] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "HELP" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:43.929] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "EC TO MED" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (82, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:47.987] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "HELLO???" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (97, 107, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:53.375] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "I NEED NIGHT VISION" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (97, 107, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:57.853] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Medbay Storage] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:58.204] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Medbay Storage] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:14:59.758] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "Reider Lelantos (as MAYBE REIDER?)! killed cap" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (89, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:09.542] TCOMMS: Bepis69/(Arthur Fleck) [Common] (spans:  ) "Sad" (language: Galactic Common) (Aft Primary Hallway (108, 109, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:21.261] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Get him" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:23.809] TCOMMS: Mooshimi/(Phoebe Wise) [Common] (spans:  ) "He has carp" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (93, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:25.355] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "HE HAS CARP" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (97, 105, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:25.978] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Hes in medbay" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:30.392] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "The one with the captain cape" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:35.031] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Is the one that assaulted the captain" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:35.193] TCOMMS: Maskenary/(Reider Lelantos) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "Try and get me!" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Treatment Center (84, 103, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:15:35.243] TCOMMS: Mooshimi/(Phoebe Wise) [Common] (spans:  ) "HE HAS CARP" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (89, 104, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:16:13.463] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Security?" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:16:17.892] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "To medbay!" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:16:31.613] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "HE IS OUT!" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (91, 103, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:16:36.193] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "KILLING CLOWN" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (91, 103, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:16:42.689] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HELP MEDBAY" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:16:49.717] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HUMAN HARM MEDBAY!" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
Port Bow Maintenance:

Code: Select all

[2019-10-23 02:17:16.880] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Tool Storage Maintenance] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:17:17.107] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has unshocked [Tool Storage Maintenance] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:17:18.073] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Tool Storage Maintenance] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:17:26.055] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Brig Infirmary Maintenance] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:17:33.681] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Hes in cargo maint" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:17:35.804] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "To the north" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:17:47.889] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Mining Dock Maintenance] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:12.136] TCOMMS: Mooshimi/(Phoebe Wise) [Common] (spans:  ) "Help cargo maint" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (77, 174, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:27.240] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Someone come to cargo maint and help Phoebe" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:40.029] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "Open the fucking door" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (81, 168, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:40.699] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "I cant do much here" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:47.395] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Open medbay" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (98, 107, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:49.029] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Please ai" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (98, 107, 2))

Code: Select all

[2019-10-23 02:18:57.465] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "MINING" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:18:59.317] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "I am hurt" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (98, 107, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:01.311] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HUMAN HARM MINING" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:08.374] TCOMMS: The cloning pod [Medical] (spans: robot ) "The cloning cycle of Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio is complete." (language: Galactic Common) (Cloning Lab (94, 94, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:15.531] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  ) "Tell me legaytos is die" (language: Galactic Common) (Cloning Lab (94, 94, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:16.755] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "CARGO" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:22.114] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  ) "Motherfucker" (language: Galactic Common) (Cloning Lab (94, 94, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:33.842] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "LET ME OUT" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (81, 168, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:39.852] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "IM IN CARGO MAINT" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (81, 168, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:43.530] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "REEEE" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (81, 168, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:45.411] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HUMAN HARM" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:47.362] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Nice, ai" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (69, 165, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:50.476] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "TOOLS" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:53.910] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Primary Tool Storage] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:54.230] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Primary Tool Storage] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:56.355] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Primary Tool Storage] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:19:56.991] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Ai UNSHOCK THE FUCKING DOOR" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (69, 165, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:02.907] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HELP THE CLOWN" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:04.706] TCOMMS: SiliconEagle/(Hong Kong) [Common] (spans:  ) "AI check your laws, clowns aren't human." (language: Galactic Common) (Primary Tool Storage (90, 149, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:08.137] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "TOOL STORAGE" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:12.707] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "CLOWN DEAD" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:13.497] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "IM HUMAN AI" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (70, 165, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:14.496] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Cargo Bay] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:14.762] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Cargo Bay] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:33.473] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "WOULD YOU STOP BOLTING SHIT" (language: Galactic Common) (Cargo Bay (69, 156, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:37.881] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "AND NOT UNBOLTING IT" (language: Galactic Common) (Cargo Bay (69, 156, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:41.045] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HUMAN HARM NEAR VAULT" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:43.261] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Unbolt mining" (language: Galactic Common) (Cargo Bay (69, 156, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:20:45.045] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Law 2" (language: Galactic Common) (Cargo Bay (69, 156, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:21:06.577] TCOMMS: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "HUMAN HARM TOOL STORAGE" (language: Galactic Common) (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:21:07.288] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "LET ME OUT OF THE MAINT" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (81, 168, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:21:16.973] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "Law 2 open medbay" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (97, 108, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:21:34.170] TCOMMS: OuO/(Ryu) [Common] (spans: robot ) "The coridoor betwean sec and cargo" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (81, 168, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:21:54.134] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "AI STOP SHOCKING DOORS" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (89, 105, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:21:59.083] TCOMMS: MonkyCocc/(Lily Armstrong) [Common] (spans:  ) "YOU ARE CAUSING ME HARM" (language: Galactic Common) (Medbay Central (89, 105, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:05.524] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Port Primary Hallway] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:05.756] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Port Primary Hallway] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:06.003] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Port Primary Hallway] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:08.246] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Bridge] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:08.447] ATTACK: DaThompi/(A.L.E.X.A.) has permanently shocked [Bridge] (AI Chamber (214, 143, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:24.009] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "AI unbolt sec maint" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (91, 172, 2))
[2019-10-23 02:22:27.369] TCOMMS: Reese4221/(Vladimir Brebyartymichikovio) [Common] (spans:  command_headset ) "AND STOP SHOCKING DOORS" (language: Galactic Common) (Port Bow Maintenance (91, 172, 2))
Had the first two incidents of electrification not occurred I would have taken you at your word and never banned you in the first place.

Now, because of your appeal, I've had the opportunity to go back and review things. Doubt has begun to seep into my original conclusion and I'm no longer 100% certain that you were acting in bad faith throughout.

But am I certain you were acting in good faith in 100% of these 19 incidents?

Not by a long shot.

I'm going to lift the ban and edit the note to reflect the above. You've already been banned for nearly 48 hours. I don't think keeping you banned for the full week serves much purpose at this point.

However, as I stated in the original ban:

"Reviewing your note and ban history, this is not the first time you have claimed ignorance or accident when our logs point to intentional grief.
Consider this a final warning. We take dishonesty in ahelps very seriously and you've already received more than your fair share of second chances.

I stand by every word in that statement.
Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:12 pm
Byond Username: DaThompi

Re: [Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

Post by DaThompi » #520877

I really appreciate you taking the time and investigating the logs a bit further. I dont remember exactly but as this was my first round as an AI, I tested out the different options I had as an AI at roundstart e.g. I clicked on a door and tested what kind of options I had. Im pretty sure those two times were from me just experimenting, as you can see in my decision to immediately un-electrify those doors again. After the incident with the wrong hotkeys, and after I realised what Ive actually done, I tried every action that I could to immediately undo this mistake. I promise you that this was not a bad griefing attempt or some bad troll. I love this game, especially the tg servers and Im planning on playing ss13 and tg station for a long time to come. I am not so stupid that I would risk getting a perma-ban over electrified doors. Thank you for reducing my time and a big thanks for hearing me out.
Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:54 am
Byond Username: Ambassador Magikarp

Re: [Phuzzylodgik] DaThompi - 7 Day Ban

Post by Karp » #520907


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