R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

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R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #530449

Whether or not we want to really admit it, the way R&D works right now is fundamentally broken. Not the concept, mind you - that's sound - just the way everything meshes is very pall-mall, very obfuscated in some really weird ways. Here's my take on R&D right now:

  • Lots of cool stuff that's easily accessible
  • Basics are easy to understand (Spend point, unlock items)
  • Easy to iterate on (Making new techweb nodes is incredibly easy, only a few lines of copy-paste code)
  • Practically infinite scaling
  • Cool stuff is too accessible, making special things like Durand, particle rifle, portal gun feel much less special
  • Requires very little input to work. Practically the only thing you need to influence it is the 50k bomb, which can be made in under twenty minutes
  • Causes departmental bullshit
  • System is hard to understand in some very odd ways, such as departmental items aren't clearly outlined, every console can research anything without knowing where you can print it
  • Heavy disparity between active and passive point generation
So what should be a cool system that lets you decide what is more important to research and open the doors to fun, drastically overpowered tech in the late game is a round requirement that's turned at least two job slots in Science into babysitters for the tech web. Not to mention the hell that is trying to unlock something while another department is spending all the points.

So how do we fix it? Here's some ideas I've heard.
  • Convert passive to active point generation. I still like this idea, as it requires people to actually do their job, but it doesn't fit with the current system very well - your hard work can be trivialized if another department just steals all the points for their shit, not to mention that point balance is hard as hell to maintain.
  • The old "deconstruct for tech levels" system. I also never really hated this, except that it made rounds pretty formulaic and turned things into what we have now where the first fifteen to twenty minutes are a mad dash to get tech as high as possible, then get all the cool shit and fuck off somewhere else.
  • Convert all active to passive, flat generation, require unlock 'milestones' that need experiment data or special items. This is an interesting way to look at it and, at least partially, what I'm rolling with here. I'll go more in depth with my plans for this in a moment. This is nice because it's easy to balance and does a better job of gating technology so we don't get the current "Tech is done in thirty minutes, now what" problem we have.
Here's my concept: Departmental Techwebs.

Each department will have access to a research terminal, as they do now, where the head of that department (the actual station heads plus the QM) can purchase upgrades using a departmental balance. Fairly similar to the idea of department budgets, except the method for getting points won't be quite as easy to game. Security will have access to weapons nodes, service will have access to botanical and cooking upgrades, medical will be able to research biotech and surgeries, and so on. The station's heads will decide what is worth spending those points on to actually upgrade their departments, instead of it being the responsibility of a department that won't use half of those upgrades. I'm working on suggestions for how to handle the issue if heads aren't present, but I think something as simple as "decon the console and multitool the board to clear head access requirement" would be okay.

But how will departments gain points? This is something I'm still working out in my head, and suggestions are more than welcome. Some departments are easier to reconcile with this idea than others - Medical can get points through surgeries and chemical bounties, Engineering can get it through Atmos mixing or excess power, Service can get it through botany and food bounties, and Science through Xenobiology research and genetics discoveries. Cargo and Security are a bit less easy to come up with ideas for, so I'm looking for suggestions. It also might be prudent to just have Cargo piggyback off the Service department, as they're technically a part of it anyway.

So how will unlocking nodes work with this rework? Here's a general idea of what the process from starting research to high efficiency parts might look like:


The big change here is the inclusion of node locks - areas where specific items or research will be required to move past them. These will never be explicitly complicated or extensively difficult to get, at least in the case of what we have now in the game. Further, more game-breaking stuff might take some real effort to unlock, but the general idea is this: As long as people are doing their jobs, these will never be a major concern. Orange and Blue cores are pretty easy to get and often are already done by the first split in XB, so this wouldn't be too difficult to get. The requirements would be the same every round, so no RNG is involved, past actually getting the items themselves in some cases. These locks can be anything from a specific item from Lavaland to a moderately rare plant to a certain number of dissection notes in Medical or a specific chemical.

What about lowpop? That's a question I'm still asking myself. I'm wondering how hard it would be to just roll back to the old behavior if there are less than 15 players on, but that might be a pretty big code bloat issue. This might just be as simple as removing the lock behavior and cranking up the passive point generation for lowpop rounds.

Concepts down the line include a full overhaul of the Science department - Scientist as a job will no longer exist. Instead, it will be broken up into Xenobiologist, Researcher, and Geneticist. Which means, yes, Genetics is moving to be a purely Science job in my concept, with the cloner staying in Medical for obvious reasons. Anyone can operate it and it damn near runs itself in late game, so I don't really see the point in leaving them over there.

This is going to require a lot of work, and the more people I get on board for this the better. So, by all means, ask me questions, point out my mistakes, help me forge this into a better general concept.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Horza » #530562

A red flag was immediately raised when I saw your flowchart about high-efficiency parts. Based on the way that Xenobio actually operates, there should be no expectation to have them develop anything than gold slimes for mob spam or to give themselves superpowers before murderboning. Their almost nonexistent interaction with the rest of the station unless the xenobiologist is a traitor is already an ongoing issue that many people have talked about but none have changed. It's the same sort of very optimistic and ultimately disastrously unrealistic notion that makes one think that botany could be completely interdependent with chemistry.

But the node locks are interesting as a concept in order to get departments to do their jobs, and thus those node locks should be unlocked by and work towards specific departments. Lock some engineering-specific tech behind a 1MW power output requirement, lock medical tech behind a quota of dissected corpses or produced chemicals, lock bluespace mining satchels behind that lavaland flora/fauna quota. Something like that. But absolutely under no circumstances make one department completely dependent on another doing their job, especially under lowpop conditions.

Another unaddressed issue with research as it stands is that departments without access to R&D consoles (namely, everyone but engineering with a hacked console) are utterly at the mercy of the scientists. Mining is lucky to get the ORM upgraded more than once, medbay machines regularly are not upgraded by roundend unless there's a competent scientist, and things like the kitchen/botany/bartenders are usually never upgraded unless the cooks/bartenders/botanists do it themselves. Botanists are better about this since they already have a long tradition of begging, borrowing, or stealing anything they need. I like to play Janitor and do the best damn job I can do, but part of that is the janitorial science upgrade that allows for floor buffers. About 70% of the time there's nobody at the science office to ask to research that node, no scientist listens to comms from a janitor, and engineering these days tends to not even know they can hack their console. So I have to break in to science or engineering to get the research done, and grab a BRPED with parts along the way to upgrade all the shit that science and engineering should have.
That's not even getting into the issues that botanists, cooks, bartenders, doctors, and chemists have with getting their shit upgraded and their tech researched.

All this to say that techwebs aren't the problem, it's getting scientists to engage with anything outside of science. I've basically never seen a scientist ever go outside of science aside from a half-hearted T2 upgrade run with a basic RPED, and I've actually legitimately never seen a roboticist go outside of robotics unless they've built their fuck-you gygax or durand. They have no reason to unless they're bored. If push comes to shove, people break into the science office to research their relevant nodes, and as HoP I almost always see competent miners coming to the HoPline 20 minutes in asking for science access so they can research mining techs.

So your system addresses the departmental issues, at least, which I'm happy about. But how exactly does a service worker go around making research points? Bartenders and cooks rarely make bounties, especially if they're somewhat tedious to make with already-limited resources. And what will they get from it? Maybe even less of a reward than with the current cargo bounties. Only janitors get a direct reward for their troubles but they have basically no conceivable way of making research points without a treasure-hunt system that assistants and cargotechs could do better.

It's an entire overarching issue with research that's been talked about to death for the past year or so that still boils down to "get science to go outside their autism forts and stop wasting points on making nanites and durands." The separate nanite research point system recently helped a lot with that.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by oranges » #530582

you didn't really discuss any of the points, you just generally complained.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Horza » #530587

Thank you for not reading my post, very productive
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by oranges » #530694

turns out im a mirror
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #530712

Nah, he's got some valid points.
Based on the way that Xenobio actually operates, there should be no expectation to have them develop anything than gold slimes for mob spam or to give themselves superpowers before murderboning.
The goal with this is to change this behavior in general. Xenobiology kind of sucks without the ability to get multiple cores per slime, so if they actually want upgrades, they need to put in some manner of work, even if it's just "kill a slime, grab the core, take it to Research".
Another unaddressed issue with research as it stands is that departments without access to R&D consoles (namely, everyone but engineering with a hacked console) are utterly at the mercy of the scientists.
So part of what I'm wrestling with here is whether or not to keep a unique role who's job is to upgrade machines or leave it up to the departments to do so. I'm not certain which one would be healthier for the game in the long run. Either way, having departmental research removes a lot of this dependency.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

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[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Mrhugo13 » #530753

So part of what I'm wrestling with here is whether or not to keep a unique role who's job is to upgrade machines or leave it up to the departments to do so. I'm not certain which one would be healthier for the game in the long run. Either way, having departmental research removes a lot of this dependency.
IMO it should be left up to the department(s), a specific job for it would become kinda useless once every machine on the station has been upgraded to it's fullest extent, and that isn't a hard thing to achieve with the bluespace RPED.
A job which can only be considered bloat after it's done its job isn't really healthy for the game.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by MisterPerson » #530786

The way machines get upgraded right now is not good. I know it'd be a lot of work to change it, but consider the system malleable.

I have a few questions. What purpose does science itself serve if the other departments both generate points and spend them to unlock stuff? Does science exclusively make the unlocks or are they more of a station-wide effort? Since you mentioned locks could be other technologies, how independent were you imagining the trees to be? How much of the entire tree should the station research in an hour? Two hours?
Vekter wrote: I'm working on suggestions for how to handle the issue if heads aren't present, but I think something as simple as "decon the console and multitool the board to clear head access requirement" would be okay.
Just have the computer or whatever for spending research be public access in the head's office. In lowpop, people will just break in, ask the AI to bolt the door open, or even just ask the AI to do the research for them. The definition of a non-issue.
Vekter wrote:The requirements would be the same every round, so no RNG is involved, past actually getting the items themselves in some cases.
Why? Seems like it would make things more interesting and dynamic to choose from amongst the same "tier" of item rather than having each round be exactly the same with the same old boring meta checklist. Might encourage people to play differently if their science requirements were for something they otherwise never would have even tried making (like bad slime cores, for example).
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #530979

I have a few questions. What purpose does science itself serve if the other departments both generate points and spend them to unlock stuff? Does science exclusively make the unlocks or are they more of a station-wide effort? Since you mentioned locks could be other technologies, how independent were you imagining the trees to be? How much of the entire tree should the station research in an hour? Two hours?
Science's purpose under the new system is twofold: they will actually still be researching and functioning pretty similar to how they do now, save for not being responsible for upgrading everyone or researching all techs. Roboticists will be responsible for robotics and nanites, Xenobiologists will be responsible for alien research and s l i m e s, Genetics will be responsible for turning monkeys into superhumans. The specific details on how the tree is going to look or work out haven't really been sussed all the way out yet, but the ideal is that in an average 90 minute round, you should be able to finish at least one major tech tree and unlock the top tier tech. There will likely never be a situation where the entire tree is unlocked unless it's an insanely long round and everyone's working together ideally.

Think of the tree like you would a tech tree in an RTS - lots of stuff to research up to a point, then you need a specific requirement to continue to the next tier. Just... not nearly as complex.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by MisterPerson » #531098

Ok, that clears things up quite a bit. I was actually gonna suggest making it so you couldn't unlock the whole tree in a round but you already wanted to do that apparently. It's MUCH better to do it that way.

Frankly I have bad memories of scavenger hunt R&D so I'm very worried that's what winds up happening again but with every department instead of just science.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #531218

MisterPerson wrote:Ok, that clears things up quite a bit. I was actually gonna suggest making it so you couldn't unlock the whole tree in a round but you already wanted to do that apparently. It's MUCH better to do it that way.

Frankly I have bad memories of scavenger hunt R&D so I'm very worried that's what winds up happening again but with every department instead of just science.
Nah, the requirements aren't honestly going to be that difficult to get if you've actually been doing your job throughout the round.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by StonebayKyle » #531298

I am in full support for more active research methods (I wrote a 1000-word post about it, with some potential ideas: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=24305).
Scientist as a job will no longer exist. Instead, it will be broken up
But I don't see how splitting up the science department has much to do with that or how it could fix any of the cons about R&D from the OP.
Cool stuff is too accessible, making special things like Durand, particle rifle, portal gun feel much less special
Splitting these things up may make specific items less accessible, but only on a "guess I gotta break into R&D as a xenobiologist" kind of way.

I enjoy playing science because of the freedom of choice the vague "scientist" job allows. I get to come up with a plan for what I want to do and change it if I get bored. When I try to just do general R&D research and station upgrading, it gets stale. So, I do a little bit of nanites and while I wait for that I do a little bit of xenobiology. Maybe come up with my own CE-style project. Same thing for just doing xenobiology. There just isn't enough player-made variety (same tech trees, same slime tiers, same routine to take) unless I come up with my own interesting project, which would be hard to do with ID restrictions.

Also, I think that it has kind of become the department's identity: Medical has plenty of very specific (some player-focused) jobs, cargo, security, and culinary are player-focused, engineering has clear goals, and science can basically do whatever they want.

Splittng up the jobs will heavily reduce our ability to create active research methods and would put science into more of a boring, set routine to do something as fast as possible with the least amount of player interaction possible. Just read the solution section of my post and some of the suggested ideas from other people to see why that is.
Reducing ID access for everybody in science won't suddenly create clear goals for the science department. I think it'll just create frustration.

I just can't see the reasoning for it.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #531489

It's worth noting that the new Science jobs will still have access to all of the R&D equipment, that's not going to be off the table. They can also always get a job change from the RD or HoP if they want to change duties at some point during the round.

Separating the jobs is more to make it easier to balance each of them individually and to make things a bit more granular and, ironically, realistic. There's no job title called "Scientist", people specialize in a field. This also makes it easier to add more content to the Science department down the line.

I am, however, definitely going to read your thread as I get into rebalancing the tech tree.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by StonebayKyle » #531586

I am, however, definitely going to read your thread as I get into rebalancing the tech tree.
It's worth noting that my thread focuses on active point generation and getting rid of passives, not techweb locks. A combination of the two could be interesting, but techweb locks may be a bit harder to get right (which is why I haven't touched it).
Happy to give ideas once we get to that stage, though!
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by ragevirus » #531830

Vekter wrote:There's no job title called "Scientist", people specialize in a field.
Sorry to be the nitpicky guy but this isn't true. Science nerds do pretty much have to specialize in something during grad school and there are indeed many jobs in research that work within one specific field. But there are also a ton of research jobs with vague titles like 'Scientist II'. Type scientist into any job finding site and you'll see what I mean.
My irl job title for example is 'Project Scientist' and my job is to figure out how to pull off whatever crazy ideas the lab manager comes up with. This often requires me to branch far off from the stuff I originally specialized in. And this isn't an uncommon situation.
So having one catch-all 'Scientist' job in ss13 isn't really that unrealistic. Although it might not be ideal from a gameplay perspective.

But aside from that you're right that techwebs are fucked and desperately in need of an overhaul. Not sure if splitting the job of R&D across the station is the way to go but it's a good starting point for discussion. I like your effort here and the thought you put into the op.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Timonk » #532939

oh boy, here i go complainin again

1. where the fuck do i research strange objects now

2. morgue is way too big on meta

3. Genetics is way too big on meta

shit was all dandy before, i still dont get why it had to be moved around. i mean sure, experimentor was mostly useless but not as useless as 33 fucking morgue trays or 6 fucking genetics consoles
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Timonk » #533160

Box: we don't need an overly big patient room/"cloning storage" room

What if we made the experimentor room a deserted part of maint?
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #533370

Timonk wrote:oh boy, here i go complainin again

1. where the fuck do i research strange objects now
You don't until my next PR. I'm making that a function of the destructive analyzer, which I'm changing the name of to the research scanner .
2. morgue is way too big on meta
I agree, Edge is working on a job that's going to take up that space.
3. Genetics is way too big on meta
I don't agree but if I hear enough people saying they're not happy about it I might shrink it down and expand maint.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by Vekter » #535447

Working on the Xenobiology changes this week. Probably going to put the 'slime cores give research points' portion in before I actually convert it to a new job.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by nullbear » #540682

Make it so that prototyped/protolathe items have random numerical stats (within a range based on tech tiers available).
Then the ability to save the prototype to a disk, so it can be remade from an autolathe with the same values.

IE: Prototype Energy Cells having unreliable capacitance.
Energy weapons having 3-5 shots, slower/faster recharge, higher/lower damage, reduced/increased stun and range, etcetera.
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Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by jenqa » #567099

How about implementing new toxins bomb types? Requiring different mixes to give more points and money, like in a cargo bounty, but better. Me and trerri had a theory that a maxcap could contain any sort of super heated gas inside of it, but turns out we were wrong, the game is specifically coded for the plasma to be the only hot gas that reacts to make a maxcap explosion, I know this because I attempted a N2 trit/o2 maxcap a week ago and it didnt do shit, just sticked there.
If that was added, then research should be slightly more expensive, as you probably would get 100K points from a super heated pluoxium maxcap (each gas should have it's own heat requirement, like plasma needs to be over 10000K N2 could be 30000K and pluoxium like 60000K, etc.) you would get a shitton of points and with the current nerd research you could just use them to research the entire shit at once. It'd be better because the room itself is useless after making the first bomb and unless you are an antag you aren't going to do another bomb (if you are willing to steal o2 from engi and buy from cargo as well).
This would make scientists have to order more gas canisters since there aren't enough around the station to be used after the first bomb, and would create a lot more interaction around the game.





obi wan kaczynski
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:14 am
Byond Username: Into_the_woods

Re: R&D/Research Overhaul - Departmental TechWebs

Post by obi wan kaczynski » #579242

nullbear wrote:Make it so that prototyped/protolathe items have random numerical stats (within a range based on tech tiers available).
Then the ability to save the prototype to a disk, so it can be remade from an autolathe with the same values.

IE: Prototype Energy Cells having unreliable capacitance.
Energy weapons having 3-5 shots, slower/faster recharge, higher/lower damage, reduced/increased stun and range, etcetera.
this is a great idea
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