A large pile of assorted chemistry autism.

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Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:00 am
Byond Username: Lovegreenstuff

A large pile of assorted chemistry autism.

Post by lovegreenstuff » #533374

I've been playing a bit of chemistry lately, and some very particular ideas have wormed themselves into my mind. I have no clue what balance is so feel free to assblast me for having shit ideas or shit math. Also, a very longwinded and meaningless post ahead.

First off, some autistic complaining.

I'm fine with most of the Cobbychem meds in their current state, as they heal for good amounts per unit (15 and 10 per unit for libital and aiuri respectively) and bringing someone back from the brink of death is pretty damn manageable, with 100 brute healing from libital doing around 11/100 points of liver damage. I'm pretty sure the only reason people don't use them is because other meds exist like Oxan and Sali, which heal for no organ damage.

However, multiver is a fucking trainwreck. 0.2 toxin healed is fucking puny to say the least, and the roundstart pills (which are half grani) heals less toxin damage per tick then a fucking donkpocket, and the chem purging makes it so that the some of the time on the pill is without other meds. The lung damage to toxin heal ratio is godawful at any level seen in actual gameplay. Compared to the pre-Cobbychem equivalent we still have, pentetic, it does 1/10 of the toxin healed, need a whopping 9 other meds to be present at the same time to even be on par in terms of toxin healed. Multiver is an actual meme and the only thing it has going for it is toxin purging, which is something that has rarely ever been a concern, at least for me.

Sadly, syriniver is also woefully inadequate. Having both syriniver and its daughter chem musiver heals the same amount of toxin damage per tick as pentetic does, has only slightly higher toxin healed per unit, and in addition has an OD threshold in addition to dealing liver damage, and seiver is too esoteric for any chemist to use confidently.

Essentially, the toxin meds could really use a buff, something every medical player knows, especially multiver. Just bumping up the 0.2 toxin per med up to 0.4 toxin per med could make people actually use the shit in any capacity. I love the idea of using medicine alongside other meds in mixes, as that's something I already do, but there's no way to get it to be useful outside of the world's most autistic cryomix. At 0.4, it could have a niche use case: the cryox+clonex+mannitol+neurine cryomix that's occasionally seen. It would be on par with pentetic without purging the other chems, as it hits the 4 medicine threshold required to not purge medicines, in addition to only doing a mild amount of lung damage at 0.3 per tick, on par with the other Cobbychems.

Then there's granibitaluri. I don't see a reason for this chem to exist. It heals 1/12 or less than both libital and aiuri, is more time consuming to produce, and has an OD threshold for some reason. I could see it being useful if the degrading healing bit were removed and the production of it produced more, like barber's aid and space lube. If that happened, it might have a use as generic toe stub medicine or a filler med, but as it stands it's pretty worthless.

Dumb rant over, now for dumb ideas.

Empty medical gel cans. They're not very useful, essentially being multi-use patches capped at 5 or 10 units holding 60u total. Why not make it use held reagents more efficiently, like turning what is effectively 60u worth of chems into 90u or 120u? Power generally isn't a concern because cell chargers exist, so I don't think it's much of a balance issue. Cryo already has increased chemical efficiency, using around 1u of regeants to pour a lot more into a patient's bloodstream. Also, I think poisoning a medical gel can with plasma or amanitoxin would be hilarious.

As stated earlier, I love the idea of mixing reagents as well as the idea behind multiver, using the unique chems to affect how it handles toxin and purging. When I play chemist, I'm usually making autistic cryomixes with 14 different meds that nobody uses or patches with a buncha meds in them that nobody trusts. So, from the depths of my puny mind comes polyibitaluri. Healing nothing on its own, every other medicine present increases the amount healed, healing some brute and burn per unique medicine. Being worthless on its own would encourage people to mix medicines instead of just relying on homogeneous amounts of Oxan, Sali, and Pentetic (I still believe in multiver).

But what the fuck do I know, I'm just some dumbass who plays a spaceman game.
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Re: A large pile of assorted chemistry autism.

Post by Kryson » #533538

Syriniver heals toxin damage just fine.

It is both pretty efficient per unit and heals quite a bit faster than pent acid when used properly. 40% syriniver heals 5 tox per cycle for example.

I usually make 30% syriniver IV bags, but 20% is safer if you are not not monitoring their blood levels carefully.

i've overdosed my patients a couple of times when they had bad livers.

Even after Cobby's nerf it is still a good chem.

I think syriniver should be returned to just purging toxins again so it is easier to made autistic IV bag mixes.

But no major buffs to tox healers are needed in my opinion, we could even remove pent acid and be fine.
Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:00 am
Byond Username: Lovegreenstuff

Re: A large pile of assorted chemistry autism.

Post by lovegreenstuff » #533662

I mean, if you're using it for speed, it's either going to be inefficient and highly damaging to the liver, or you're using it a bit like sali and oxan, healing quickly to begin with but slowing down quickly.

With your 30% syriniver setup, it would inject 1.5u each tick, healing 2.25 toxin per tick in addition to the 2 from syriniver and musiver for a total of 4.25 toxin healed per tick, a significant amount to be sure. However, to maintain this amount of healing, you'd need to keep pumping in syriniver past the point where musiver would've gotten the job done, lowering the efficiency and increasing the total amount of organ damage taken. To heal about 100 toxin damage at that speed, you'd need to inject about 36u in total, which would deal about 48/100 liver damage (7.2u or 24 ticks worth of unconverted syriniver dealing 19.2 organ damage in addition to the 28.8u or 288 ticks worth of musiver dealing 28.8 organ damage) IF it was done at peak liver health the entire time. It would also waste a massive amount of potential toxin healed, at best losing out on 264 toxin healing from the leftover musiver. I am aware that doing this is batshit insane because of the musiver overdose and such, but this is to make my point that using syriniver to heal quickly is hilariously inefficient compared to all other cobbychems.

If you're using it at peak efficiency, at about 10 toxin heal per unit, you might honestly be best off just syringing someone with a tenth of the syriniver as there is toxin damage, healing it all much slower over time than pentetic would, with 1u taking 8 ticks to totally metabolize with syriniver compared to 5 ticks for pentetic, and only increasing the difference the more you use.

None of this is to say that syriniver is terrible. If pentetic were removed, this would take its place guaranteed. But all of this combined with the rare sight of someone who actually decides to use syriniver instead of just tossing people in cryo because it's easier makes it underwhelming in my opinion.

Multiver is still trash though. It's main schtick of chem purging is almost never useful outside of people trying to drink entire tanks of welding fuel or something stupid like that, and it's shit at the only other thing it does which is healing toxin.

My math might be wrong and my calculations need to be checked in-game though. I'll get back to you if the math is fucked. My experience with syriniver in particular is lacking to say the least.
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Re: A large pile of assorted chemistry autism.

Post by Calomel » #533751

When talking about toxin related chemistry, bringing Calomel to the table is probably relevant. it is a very fast purger and is somewhat easier
to make than Sniriver/multiver/pentetic, so if purging is the problem, making Calomel is probably the right choice.

On anotehr note, the point of Sniriver compared to the other toxin chems is that sniriver is non-purgigng. both penttetic and multiver are purgers,
which means that you cannot have any other chems along with them, which is a problem if the patient has multiple damage types,
forcing either surgery and/or CPR (Slow and requires a doctor to be constantly on the patient). Sniriver is, at the end of the day
a very specific chemical whose main use only truly comes to shine when you cannot use the Cryo.

Pentetic also takes a pretty long time to make and has a lot of steps, so I think it's very fair that it outclasses the more easily made Multiver.
"Purging chemicals at incredibly hihg speeds."
Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:00 am
Byond Username: Lovegreenstuff

Re: A large pile of assorted chemistry autism.

Post by lovegreenstuff » #533772

Calomel wrote:When talking about toxin related chemistry, bringing Calomel to the table is probably relevant. it is a very fast purger and is somewhat easier
to make than Sniriver/multiver/pentetic, so if purging is the problem, making Calomel is probably the right choice.
I've been doing a lot of code-diving to better understand these chems, and I can say somewhat confidently that if I ever had to actually purge chems, I'd use multiver. Calomel purges at a rate of 2.5u, while baseline multiver purges at 5u for toxins and drinks. Hilariously, the purging rate is multiplied by unique medicines, so if you hit that 4 unique medicine threshold for not purging other meds, you'd literally purge chems at 10 times the speed at 25u per tick, which is honestly really unnecessary outside of pills with 1u of multiver. For some additional context, pentetic purges 2u of other reagents while Calomel does only slightly more at the cost of toxin damage for the healthy.
Calomel wrote:On another note, the point of Syrniver compared to the other toxin chems is that syrniver is non-purging.
Not quite true. It purges chems slower than multiver, but it and musiver in combination purges 0.6u of other reagents, which includes other medicines. The only thing they don't purge are each other and themselves.
Calomel wrote:Pentetic also takes a pretty long time to make and has a lot of steps, so I think it's very fair that it outclasses the more easily made Multiver.
I mean, in order to match pentetic, you'd need to make a whopping 9 other chems, and while the effort between the two actions are debatable, I'd say that for the effort, pentetic is way more effective all-around than mixing multiver with other things. This isn't made easier by the fact that a lot of chems have a different metabolism rate, oftentimes requiring more space in the pill or patch.

Even though syriniver is more complicated to use, since there are exact numbers on the wiki, most people would use syriniver over multiver just because they totally understand it.

Edit: I'm fucking blind, multiver isn't even good at purging at 0.5u not 5 base. I'd still use it over Calomel, but why the fuck does it exist?
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