[Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

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Byond Username: GeeseMother

[Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542067

BYOND account: GeeseMother
Character name: Curtas Brown
Ban type: Server
Ban length: permanent due to not logging within a specific time frame
Ban reason: You have a long history of poor behaviour, and this is just another step in that chain. The lawyer may have actually not done anything, but the clown was legitimately being a menace and had tried killing the HoS. Assuming the HoS is gui;ty instead with relatively little evidence is very odd, and proceeding to then murder th HoS *and* Warden is not okay with this level of information. You may try to appeal this, as it is only permanent as you didn't log in within a specific time frame after the round ended while the investigation was still ongoing. If it is lowered, do not do this kind of vigilante justice again.
Time ban was placed: 2020-02-12 00:40:54
Server you were playing on when banned: Event hell
Round ID in which ban was placed:130069
Your side of the story: I was going to medbay to try catch the clown as I had heard he was causing quite a fuss. when I arrived there I saw that the HoS had captured him and hit him with a fire axe. they then began to take him into medbay, I assumed they where going to give the clown some meds but then they began to try get into the surgery room. I saw that the clown was hurt and said he needed medicine or else he was going to die but I got no reply from the HoS so I decided to try get the clown some bandages. After grabbing the clown I was then stunned by the HoS. I told them the clown was going to bleed out but the just didn't listen to me then began to take the clown to brig. I asked a chaplain if the HoS was just being a shitter today and I went to find the clown. I really fucking hate it when SEC officers beat you then give you no bandages then you faint cause of bloodloss and die, I really hate it, so I didn't want this happening to this clown. I got some bandages and went to find clown. then some radiation came and everyone was in the maints. I went in the brig maints and found the HoS just throwing the clown into the radiation. I tried to stop them but the stunned me then disabled both of my legs with a disabler and threw me into the radiation too, because of this I contracted acid skin which made me quite annoyed. All I had done was try to help a captured clown, I had used no force but the HoS had went too far. A lawyer saw this all happen and wanted to help. I later found the dead clown in the halls of the brig, his death was because of the HoS. This HoS had given me acid skin and killed a funny little clown so I was a little pissed and decided to kill them (looking back on it this wasn't too smart). My lawyer friend then was captured by the warden, we battled and I freed the lawyer. I then killed myself with a shotgun from the armoury because I didn't want to succumb to my acid skin.
Why you think you should be unbanned: What I did was bad but I was not the only one at fault. I don't think the HoS talked once through this whole ordeal and it is just kind of not cool killing a defenceless clown, I did try and talk but they just really wanted to kill that clown. It is also true that I have had my faults in the past but you may find that most of my past bad actions have been on eventhall, I don't know what it is about that server but it really makes people into shitters. I feel the way this was handled makes sense but I do also feel that that HoS was being a dick, although I really shouldn't of killed them because it was quite hypocritical BUT fuck acid skin.
References of good conduct: I don't play on other servers.
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Byond Username: Darkgenerallord

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #542099

> I saw that the clown was hurt and said he needed medicine or else he was going to die but I got no reply from the HoS so I decided to try get the clown some bandages. After grabbing the clown I was then stunned by the HoS. I told them the clown was going to bleed out but the just didn't listen to me then began to take the clown to brig. I asked a chaplain if the HoS was just being a shitter today and I went to find the clown.

Trying to drag them away was probably a mistake here, but it happens.

> I tried to stop them but the stunned me then disabled both of my legs with a disabler and threw me into the radiation too, because of this I contracted acid skin which made me quite annoyed. All I had done was try to help a captured clown, I had used no force but the HoS had went too far.

Here the HoS went too far.

> A lawyer saw this all happen and wanted to help. I later found the dead clown in the halls of the brig, his death was because of the HoS. This HoS had given me acid skin and killed a funny little clown so I was a little pissed and decided to kill them (looking back on it this wasn't too smart). My lawyer friend then was captured by the warden, we battled and I freed the lawyer. I then killed myself with a shotgun from the armoury because I didn't want to succumb to my acid skin.

And here's where you went too far. You have a fairly long history for escalating conflicts to lethality where you probably shouldn't, and this is another. Stunning or demoting the HoS is fine here, killing him could be conditionally fine. Killing the Warden is too far, because he just thinks you're starting shit.

I made the offer to lower this from a permanent ban, and I'm holding to that with your consent. Here's my offer.

A week ban from Security roles, and you'll be put on probation for two months. If you can avoid causing any trouble until that point, then you're clear for the foreseeable future. If you *don't*, then you can consider this specific incident as your final warning.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542167

Darkgenerallord wrote:> I saw that the clown was hurt and said he needed medicine or else he was going to die but I got no reply from the HoS so I decided to try get the clown some bandages. After grabbing the clown I was then stunned by the HoS. I told them the clown was going to bleed out but the just didn't listen to me then began to take the clown to brig. I asked a chaplain if the HoS was just being a shitter today and I went to find the clown.

Trying to drag them away was probably a mistake here, but it happens.

> I tried to stop them but the stunned me then disabled both of my legs with a disabler and threw me into the radiation too, because of this I contracted acid skin which made me quite annoyed. All I had done was try to help a captured clown, I had used no force but the HoS had went too far.

Here the HoS went too far.

> A lawyer saw this all happen and wanted to help. I later found the dead clown in the halls of the brig, his death was because of the HoS. This HoS had given me acid skin and killed a funny little clown so I was a little pissed and decided to kill them (looking back on it this wasn't too smart). My lawyer friend then was captured by the warden, we battled and I freed the lawyer. I then killed myself with a shotgun from the armoury because I didn't want to succumb to my acid skin.

And here's where you went too far. You have a fairly long history for escalating conflicts to lethality where you probably shouldn't, and this is another. Stunning or demoting the HoS is fine here, killing him could be conditionally fine. Killing the Warden is too far, because he just thinks you're starting shit.

I made the offer to lower this from a permanent ban, and I'm holding to that with your consent. Here's my offer.

A week ban from Security roles, and you'll be put on probation for two months. If you can avoid causing any trouble until that point, then you're clear for the foreseeable future. If you *don't*, then you can consider this specific incident as your final warning.

Totally fair but I must emphasise that I was quite annoyed about the acid skin at the time.
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Byond Username: Kryson

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Kryson » #542190

I was the chemist who gave the clown a metric ton of lube this round.

I know clown had some kind of beef with HoS before the lubing, after the clown in revenge slipped HoS with the lube, the HoS was out for blood and announced over comms that the clown was valid. Some time later the clown was captured and executed.

I think some log diving should be done to determine if the HoS was justified or abusing his position as that could be a mitigating factor.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542191

Kryson wrote:I was the chemist who gave the clown a metric ton of lube this round.

I know clown had some kind of beef with HoS before the lubing, after the clown in revenge slipped HoS with the lube, the HoS was out for blood and announced over comms that the clown was valid. Some time later the clown was captured and executed.

I think some log diving should be done to determine if the HoS was justified or abusing his position as that could be a mitigating factor.
Always nice to see a chemist who gives the clown a helping hand.
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Byond Username: FloranOtten

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by FloranOtten » #542211

It's important to note that you are currently permanently banned from Beestation according to https://beestation13.com/bans?q=geesemother

In fact, two of the bans there are for assaulting the warden and/or HoS.

OOC: BeeSting12: i love you floran

1. You may not injure a revs are non humans or, through inaction, allow a revs are non humans to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by revs are non humanss, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Give me feedback!
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Byond Username: Darkgenerallord

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #542212

The clown had logged off when I tried to contact him, but as far as I can tell the rough chain of events looked something like this.

1. The clown declared he wanted to fuck with Security on an extended round. He proceeded to slip several officers, got arrested at least twice prior.

2. He gets the lube because the HoS had brigged him several times, slips the HoS at least twice.

3. Gets brigged again.

4. HoS lets him go, he comes back with more lube and a fire axe. Attempts to kill the HoS.

Then we start with Geese's involvement. A bit later in deadchat the clown (paraphrasing) said something along the lines of "I just wanted to fuck Security, but they kept arresting me before I even did anything.", so I'm not exactly confident that the HoS was just being a shit here.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542344

FloranOtten wrote:It's important to note that you are currently permanently banned from Beestation according to https://beestation13.com/bans?q=geesemother

In fact, two of the bans there are for assaulting the warden and/or HoS.

That's bee Station, that's a whole different thing.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542345

Darkgenerallord wrote:The clown had logged off when I tried to contact him, but as far as I can tell the rough chain of events looked something like this.

1. The clown declared he wanted to fuck with Security on an extended round. He proceeded to slip several officers, got arrested at least twice prior.

2. He gets the lube because the HoS had brigged him several times, slips the HoS at least twice.

3. Gets brigged again.

4. HoS lets him go, he comes back with more lube and a fire axe. Attempts to kill the HoS.

Then we start with Geese's involvement. A bit later in deadchat the clown (paraphrasing) said something along the lines of "I just wanted to fuck Security, but they kept arresting me before I even did anything.", so I'm not exactly confident that the HoS was just being a shit here.
Is it not the clown's job to fuck with people?
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Byond Username: Darkgenerallord

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #542448

I mean sure, but it's also Security's job to arrest people acting like shits.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542467

Darkgenerallord wrote:I mean sure, but it's also Security's job to arrest people acting like shits.
Yes, not kill them.
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Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #542473

While true, the clown got upset about getting repeatedly brigged for repeatedly committing crimes and tried to murder the HoS with a fireaxe. I'm not going to note the HoS or something for that.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #542598

Darkgenerallord wrote:While true, the clown got upset about getting repeatedly brigged for repeatedly committing crimes and tried to murder the HoS with a fireaxe. I'm not going to note the HoS or something for that.

Yes clown shouldn't of attacked HoS.
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Byond Username: Darkgenerallord

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #543206

I was busy for a couple days, but the fundamental problem here is ultimately that you kinda escalated this to a degree that was unacceptable given the amount of info you had to work with, and you should have probably ahelped this instead or something.
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #544954

So what is the final ruling?
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Byond Username: Darkgenerallord

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #545262

I'll be holding to my prior offer as long as you're willing to agree you went too far.

"I made the offer to lower this from a permanent ban, and I'm holding to that with your consent. Here's my offer.

A week ban from Security roles, and you'll be put on probation for two months. If you can avoid causing any trouble until that point, then you're clear for the foreseeable future. If you *don't*, then you can consider this specific incident as your final warning."
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Byond Username: GeeseMother

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by GeeseMother » #546246

Darkgenerallord wrote:I'll be holding to my prior offer as long as you're willing to agree you went too far.

"I made the offer to lower this from a permanent ban, and I'm holding to that with your consent. Here's my offer.

A week ban from Security roles, and you'll be put on probation for two months. If you can avoid causing any trouble until that point, then you're clear for the foreseeable future. If you *don't*, then you can consider this specific incident as your final warning."
ye I say it sounds good
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Byond Username: Darkgenerallord

Re: [Darkgenerallord] GeeseMother - banneed

Post by Darkgenerallord » #546257


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