We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

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We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #548083

Bottom post of the previous page:

Specifically the n-word.

I personally don’t give a flying fuck if you say it, enjoy saying, or believe that saying it is okay. I’m obviously not a fan, but that's not why I'm proposing this change.

It should be banned because it offers little value to the roleplaying experience here. Running around screaming the n-word is not a remotely realistic gimmick under our current rules (which disallow playing characters that are insane (see item 1 in link)). The l-word variation used to refer to lizards is similarly incredibly dull and as unimaginative as ‘shitcurity’. Racist characters should be allowed, but only if they can do so in a creative way that isn’t acting like a child who just learned a new naughty word.

Additionally, discussion surrounding the n-word pop up with alarming frequency, go nowhere, and make everyone mad. Concurrently, it is impossible to reach a conclusive answer on what is and is not allowed. Even if that were the case, that line would continually be challenged by those members of the community who enjoy toeing the line.

I propose that the n-word, and usage thereof, be considered a violation of Rule 3, with a similar punishment structure (1 warning, increasingly long bans for repeated offenses).

Given that this is a contentious topic, I would like to request that discussion in this thread remain civil.
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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by CDranzer » #548871

actioninja wrote:
CDranzer wrote:This entire thread has been censorship proponents accusing their opponents of being bad-faith edgy racists. I really don't think you want to take the ad hominem angle.
I don't care what your motivations are, I care what you're doing. And what you're doing is treating minorities as lesser than you while arguing that it's fundamentally okay because you're being nice to them.
"You're the real racists!"
I actually have a working theory that this has nothing at all to do with race, and the n-word is a complete red herring, but I don't think the thread is ready for that truth bomb yet.
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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by XDTM » #548873

CDranzer wrote:
actioninja wrote:
CDranzer wrote:This entire thread has been censorship proponents accusing their opponents of being bad-faith edgy racists. I really don't think you want to take the ad hominem angle.
I don't care what your motivations are, I care what you're doing. And what you're doing is treating minorities as lesser than you while arguing that it's fundamentally okay because you're being nice to them.
"You're the real racists!"
I actually have a working theory that this has nothing at all to do with race, and the n-word is a complete red herring, but I don't think the thread is ready for that truth bomb yet.
I said that outright, it's not about the race itself, it's about the people who either think it's ok to be racist or think it's funny to pretend to be one. I'd make the same arguments if people were using the (((jews))) brackets, or any other unmistakable signal of racism/sexism/etc, word or not.
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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by CDranzer » #548875

XDTM wrote:
CDranzer wrote:I actually have a working theory that this has nothing at all to do with race, and the n-word is a complete red herring, but I don't think the thread is ready for that truth bomb yet.
I said that outright, it's not about the race itself, it's about the people who either think it's ok to be racist or think it's funny to pretend to be one. I'd make the same arguments if people were using the (((jews))) brackets, or any other unmistakable signal of racism/sexism/etc, word or not.
Oh no, my theory is way more fun than that.
Maybe later in the hut.
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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by Flatulent » #548882

Rohen_Tahir wrote:
Ty the Smonk wrote:
The Respected Man wrote:We should ban people who DONT say nigger
Mothblocks, winter 2020, “successfully” preventing bagil death with relevant data wrote:You seem to be under the fallacy that reinforcing that Bagil is a TDM shithole where you must carry bolas and spears on you at all times, while looking for the next valid to hunt down is a positive change to the server. I don't. The data suggests other people don't.
imsxz wrote:I give up there’s too many furries
cacogen wrote:i asked oranges how often he plays and he deleted the post
cybersaber101 wrote:Welp, you guys let a terrymin become a headmin, thousand years of darkness.
Vekter wrote:I jerk off Nist a bit too much but he's honestly one of the best silicon players on the server. B.O.R.G.O. is also pretty good.
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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by Tarchonvaagh » #548903

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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by teepeepee » #548924

The Respected Man wrote:We should ban people who DONT say nigger
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Re: We Should Ban Epic Gamer Words

Post by MrStonedOne » #548949

These threads never start with enough nuance, and even when it does get brought up, by the next page the nuance is gone again.

Racial slurs? is "jew" or "the jews" a slur? its almost universally used as a slur. How about cracker? gringo? kike?

Gendered slurs? cunt/dick? (just one of the two isn't an option)

Epic gamer words? i don't see most of those getting banned, "ethics" and "journalism" don't seem like slurs to me, "your mom" is getting close, but not quite a slur

oh? did you mean faggot? ya gamers loved that word back in my halo days.

Can we seriously stop calling the n word the gamer word, for somebody who spends most of their gaming time in community servers where maturity was enforced, the obvious answer to what word people meant when they were referring to "the gamer word" for me was quite honestly faggot, not nigger.

Please remake this thread on better grounds.

In the Op, you should start dialog on topics like what categories of slurs should be off limits. Why should a gendered slur like dick be allowed but not a racial slur like kike (or should it?)?

How about Venue? IC? OOC? Forums? Discord? why or why not.

How about context? Quoting somebody saying the slur non-ironically? Quoting the slur or message that got you banned in a ban appeal? Quoting a black comedian saying a soft a? How about a hard r?

Try to actually flesh out some details on where the line should be rather then start an argument on rather or not the non-existent vague and undefined line would go to far. Because at this point everybody is arguing from a different perspective and different assumptions.

XDTM wrote:
Kryson wrote:
Vekter wrote:Saying a slur would probably get you fired at work.
Nope, not everyone lives in the American nightmare realm. I wouldn't even get a written warning.
Not everyone lives in the nightmare realm where racism is tolerated at work either.
Conflating saying racial slurs with racism is a special kind of obtuse that serves no purpose other than to try and escalate a debate into an argument. You are just as much the reasons these threads always go downhill as the people on the other side bitching about slippery slopes. You're viewpoint is not universal, either attempt to build understanding or admit you had no plans to converse and just wanted to virtue signal about racists.
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