[Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

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[Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552728

Discord username: Blutarch Mann#1457
Commonly used names: goof
Banning admin: CoconutMage
Ban reason: @ing the discord moderation staff because a user told me to kill myself. Official reason listed is "repeated drama stirring", which is a lie.
Time ban was placed: 11:18 PM PST, 4/2/2020
Your side of the story:
I was arguing with a user about Families and game design in ss13. I told them their game design opinion was fucking garbage, because it was. They then proceeded to tell me to "kyhs" and called me a homophobic slur. Now, when I was banned from tgstation's discord ages ago, I was banned for telling users to kill themselves. I was told under no circumstances is "kys" ever allowed on the discord. This policy was never updated as far as I was made aware, as it was a perma offence.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
This ban is illegitimate. As I said in my DMs to CoconutMage afterwards, it is not "drama stirring" to file reports with administration over rule breaking behavior. We have fucking ahelp in the video game for this exact situation, but we don't have an equivalent in the game's discord for situations in which a moderator might miss rule breaking behavior occurring, so I pinged Discord Moderators for this. I was then banned for "drama stirring" because I filed a report on what I was led to believe was a never-ever allowed thing almost on par with doxxing in the tgstation discord. Like, that's the severity that the admins who banned me from the tgstation discord originally made out telling people to kill themselves was.

I have been harassed many, many times on the tgstation discord. Many, many fucking times. Always in violation of rule 1. Except that administration told me its not actually bannable, then proceeded to tell me that admins refusing to enforce rule 1 on blatant harassment isn't admin complaint worthy.

I filed reports on these, and was told not to ping administration with the Discord Moderator role for harassment reports before as long as it doesn't cross the line. Which I respected. However, I was under the impression this report was okay because telling people to kill themselves was, as far as I was literally told by the administration when I was banned, The Line. Like, that was where the line was crossed, where it turned from "haha goof is mad about getting banned from github" to "alright we're banning goof from the discord now that was too far"

Telling people to kill themselves is not okay. This was the central point of my unban appeal from the discord originally, because as I have said, I was banned for telling people to kill themselves.

I was explicitly told by the administration that had banned me from the discord originally that "kys" is never allowed. My original discord ban was for telling people to kill themselves, I'd fucking know this.

So, I did the only thing that we have available to report rulebreaking behavior on the discord because tgstation administrators had made it very clear that reporting users to discord support for abusive behavior isn't allowed either, and I pinged discord moderation with a screenshot of and discord channel link to the offending content, being the user telling me to "kyhs faggot".

The headmin CoconutMage proceeded to kramer in with this nuclear take, that reporting things that headmins told me previously weren't okay ever at all whatsoever is "drama stirring"
1. it was not a "scuffle", the user and I were arguing about game design and doing the usual "yeah your opinion is shit lmao" and they chose to escalate it to both A. target my sexuality as a gay man, and B. tell me to commit suicide, the very thing that I was told is NOT OKAY AT ALL WHATSOEVER


i attempt to explain this to the admin, they don't care at all and proceed to ignore it completely, going off about how it's "case by case".


I was not told that "kys" is a case-by-case thing. The last thing I was told by the tgstation administration is that kys is never okay.

Perhaps this was a lie made up to excuse permabanning me. Perhaps not. Who fucking knows. But above all else?

It's not fucking drama stirring to report rulebreaking behavior, especially when said rulebreaking behavior is behavior that the reporter was explicitly told is never okay at all under any circumstances, otherwise we need to ban players from the game for getting their ahelps wrong. Because I got permabanned from the discord here for effectively getting an ahelp wrong because nobody told me the unwritten goddamn policy on "kys" changed.

I'm expecting this appeal to get tossed with some garbage about how I'm "missing the point" or whatever but there's no point to miss here. I tried to report a user to the discord moderation for violating a very basic rule, with the only tool I have available aside from DMing random people with Discord Moderator(which is Admin Shopping and isn't allowed as per community rules), and got tossed out for bullshit drama stirring arguments. I'm incredibly disappointed in the tgstation community. I've made many attempts to reach out and keep in touch with players and administrators to ensure a productive working relationship, and this is explicit double standards being used against me.

But goof, why didn't you know the policy changed?
I was never informed, not even in my ban appeal about telling people to kill themselves, that telling people to kill themselves was now "case by case okay or not okay". I was not informed of this policy change.

Quite frankly, it feels more like I was banned because it's easier to ban the openly gay man who has spoken multiple times about being gay who's not okay with being called homophobic slurs, than to ban the people using homophobic slurs against me. This is disgusting behavior from the tgstation administration at large, and I had high hopes that I wouldn't be unfairly targeted.

But it seems that isn't the case, since people are withholding critical information like "telling people to kill themselves is okay now sometimes", even in ban appeals where telling someone to kill themselves was a critical part of it.

But goof, you were told not to ping discord moderation with harassment reports anymore!
I was under the impression that, because nobody had fucking told me the policy changed, that telling people to kill themselves was still an extremely serious offence that was still bannable.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552731

and if you think my accusations of the administrations of past intentionally fucking with me is just made up, check out that time they falsely accused me of doxxing sawrge, never apologized for falsely accusing me of doxxing sawrge, and fabricated claims that I doxxed sawrge to drag my name through the mud all because an admin was upset I said they made a bad call on a ban appeal in the designated shitposting board
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552735

like, i can't stress this enough, telling people to kys is an offence that Discord, the service, will ban users from their platform for, so not only was that post in violation of rule.1 its also in violation of the dont break discord tos rule.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552740

Also "how could the admins have known you were gay" feel freebto control f the discord for all the times i openly stated i was gay or requested people stop calling me homophobic slurs because im gay, because it's a lot of times
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by MrStonedOne » #552869

Goof has a serial problem with intentionally egging people on and then reporting them to mommy the moment they cross some line, while repetitively crossing these very same lines themselves.

I'm going to say that any bans goof got for "kys" would have likely been more based on goof's history and less bans that stand on their own.

but most importantly i'm going to say that no discussion or decision on this ban can come while the reported discussion has not been screencapped and linked.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by MrStonedOne » #552870

[10:23 PM] Blutarch Mann: also, lmao no objectively false, when we ran a test there before some chucklefuck did a server crash intentionally, people were recruiting, actually roleplaying their gangs, and doing their objectives
[10:23 PM] TooFewSecrets: i'm mad they took the lines out
[10:23 PM] Hugbug: Intern ERT is insanely fun because they almost never give you direction with it
[10:23 PM] Blutarch Mann: at bagil
[10:23 PM] Blutarch Mann: @TooFewSecrets intern will return as a full feature
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: also
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: never trust bagil to behave
[10:23 PM] Blutarch Mann: oh okay now that i debunked your point you're just gonna move on and ignore it completely
[10:23 PM] Blutarch Mann: okay, cool
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: its about what time of day.
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: if the shitkings are on bagil
[10:23 PM] Hugbug: Bagil is weird.
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: all bets are off
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: if they arent
[10:23 PM] Blutarch Mann: totally just gonna ignore the fact prime time hours bagil literally played the gamemode perfectly correctly, with said "shitkings" online
[10:23 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: its great
[10:23 PM] Commander Cody: how long ago was this test
[10:24 PM] Blutarch Mann: it was literally less than a week ago
[10:24 PM] Blutarch Mann: you fucking nerds
[10:24 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: so not in recent time is what you imply
[10:24 PM] Commander Cody: was it during prime hours
[10:24 PM] Blutarch Mann: yes
[10:24 PM] Hugbug: I murderbone on 20 pop, then got slaughtered with an exploit that then continued a murderbone, and then there were 3 murderboners and they all completely ignored me to let me try and get a flight potion from xenobio...
[10:24 PM] Commander Cody: hm, alright
[10:24 PM] TooFewSecrets: top 10 satisfying images

[10:24 PM] Blutarch Mann: @Coastfront_lord_pillow a week ago is literally recent what the fuck are you smoking
[10:24 PM] Hugbug: Bagil's a weird place at times.
[10:24 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: I deem 2 - 3 days recent.
[10:24 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: 1 week is medium
[10:25 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: 2 weeks is a while
[10:25 PM] Blutarch Mann: you're a fucking idiot
[10:25 PM] Commander Cody: ad homo nymph
[10:25 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: me have disagreement, me mad, me insult - blutarch mann
[10:25 PM] Heretic: You either have a interesting round on bagil, or get drop podded by nukies 6 minutes in
[10:25 PM] Hugbug: I'm more concerned about where families will go when players have gone through it multiple times.
[10:25 PM] Blutarch Mann: heres my evidence:
1. "a week isnt recent"
2. "gameplay reacting to my murderbone isnt ok"
3. "families sucks"
[10:25 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: oh man i have different opinions than you
[10:25 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: therefore i am an idiot
[10:25 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: is what you are saying
[10:25 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: fuckoff shitoid
[10:25 PM] Blutarch Mann: yeah because your opinions are fucking trash buddy, ive tried to explain why politely but you wont change your objectively trash opinions so eat shit lmao
[10:26 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: kyhs
[10:26 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: faggot
[10:26 PM] Blutarch Mann: your opinions dont fit with the design vision of the game
[10:26 PM] Heretic: It's rare, but gives me a good laugh when nukies decide to use the pod. people panic like no tomorrow.
[10:26 PM] Commander Cody:
drop pod into cargo
die because you drop prodded in the one place where everyone is armed
[10:26 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: "design vision"
[10:26 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: define.
[10:26 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: game started off as 15 people killing eachother roundstart
[10:26 PM] Commander Cody: yeah because your opinions are fucking trash buddy, ive tried to explain why politely but you wont change your objectively trash opinions so eat shit lmao
[10:26 PM] Heretic: Last time i dropped in cargo, i crushed 2 people and the other guy got shot up by turrets
[10:26 PM] Hugbug: Why don't people aggressively land by the armory more often?
[10:26 PM] Heretic: then the turret shot a fuel tank
[10:26 PM] Hugbug: The penetrator turrets are AMAZING
[10:26 PM] Heretic: and i spent the round as a deaf nukie
[10:26 PM] Blutarch Mann: @Discord Moderator user is telling me to kill myself, seeing as telling people to kill themselves is behavior that quite literally got me banned before, i demand this user be banned from the server as per past precedent
https://discordapp.com/channels/3268221 ... 9440784416

[10:27 PM] Commander Cody: lmao
[10:27 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: Okay ban me.
[10:27 PM] Coastfront_lord_pillow: nerd
[10:27 PM] Commander Cody: do it no balls
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by MrStonedOne » #552871

What got you banned from the discord in the past:

What you reported:

What you also reported:
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Qustinnus » #552889

to add onto MSO's post another thing goof reported:

https://i.gyazo.com/323371846e8055efb41 ... 746e95.mp4

4 images were posted in total (Relatively mild for some of discussion-general's spam)

after this a direct warning to not ping discord mods constantly
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552930

Go away floyd, i already covered that part in the OP and you're an asshole anyways and most importantly your shit is off topic cuz this isn't about past pings this is about the fact i was banned for reporting a user who told me to kill myself

@MSO thanks I couldn't get more screencaps of the thing since I didn't expect an admin to ban me for reporting someone who escalated "hey you're a fucking idiot" to "kyhs faggot"

But as shown none of this conflicts with my OP so why'd you delete every post?
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Dr. Aura » #552935

iamgoofball wrote:@MSO thanks I couldn't get more screencaps of the thing since I didn't expect an admin to ban me for reporting someone who escalated "hey you're a fucking idiot" to "kyhs faggot"

But as shown none of this conflicts with my OP so why'd you delete every post?
Because your narrative is only your interpretation of events, which is possibly tainted by your thoughts and perspective, whereas direct screencaps are objective to what actually happened more than any one involved parties' word could be. To assume that anyone is outright telling the whole story objectively when they provide evidence or circumstances based on their recollection is, by a legal standard, not advisable for adoption to the record. Alternatively, 'Source: Dude Trust Me' does render prima facea accounts free from contradiction from later, verifiable evidence. Case in point: you omitted MSO's screenshots to begin with, which inherently conflicts your interpretation of events leading up to your ban.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552936

I """omitted them""" because I didn't have those screenshots to begin with asshole, i didn't have time to screencap them before I was banned
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Dr. Aura » #552937

iamgoofball wrote:I """omitted them""" because I didn't have those screenshots to begin with asshole, i didn't have time to screencap them before I was banned
Omission of the circumstances of the interactions that lead to the ban, not the screenshots. All you said was someone 'harassed' you and then Coco went nuclear with an unrelated post facto PM screenshot, MSO is providing objective evidence of what happened to contextualize what you glossed over. This is called the 'facts' of a case, being circumstances related to the events that lead to this point.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Cobby » #552939

Sharing content glorifying or promoting, in general, self-harm or suicide. This includes any content that encourages others to: cut or injure themselves; embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or commit suicide rather than, for example, seeking counseling or treatment. Online communities have the power to lift people up from dark places - be the kind of person who lifts others. If you notice that someone is in need of urgent help, please contact your local authorities.
Note - we do not actively monitor and aren’t responsible for any activity or content that is posted; however, we expect server owners, mods, and admins to uphold their servers to these guidelines and we may intervene if community guidelines are not upheld.

Goof is right on this so he or anyone else could report the user and potentially the server if we do not ask people to not post things of this nature. Context per the discord guidelines is irrelevant, it just says flat out to not do it.

Brining up things that happened back in 2018 is kind of odd to post for the "hypocrisy" take. Yes goof was a shit for it and he was banned for it (hence why you're pulling those scs from a ban appeal), I don't see how that's relevant except to prove that we've banned for similar (albeit more graphical?) instances in the past so it's understandable why he would have reported it for someone to evaluate?

Not that any of this matters considering he was banned for repeated drama stirring and not for reporting a kys comment per the ban reason, which I'm guessing is another episode of the "history ban but i'm going to reference one episode as if that's the sole issue".

A more accurate ban reason (whether good or bad to ban for) would be what MSO posted, which is:
Goof has a serial problem with intentionally egging people on and then reporting them to mommy the moment they cross some line
But it seems like the thread is being derailed into hyperspecificity.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552944

Dr. Aura wrote:
iamgoofball wrote:I """omitted them""" because I didn't have those screenshots to begin with asshole, i didn't have time to screencap them before I was banned
Omission of the circumstances of the interactions that lead to the ban, not the screenshots. All you said was someone 'harassed' you and then Coco went nuclear with an unrelated post facto PM screenshot, MSO is providing objective evidence of what happened to contextualize what you glossed over. This is called the 'facts' of a case, being circumstances related to the events that lead to this point.
yeah, I didn't have the fucking screenshots, can't you read
Cobby wrote: Not that any of this matters considering he was banned for repeated drama stirring and not for reporting a kys comment per the ban reason, which I'm guessing is another episode of the "history ban but i'm going to reference one episode as if that's the sole issue".
I don't have a history by administration standards either.

My biggest bans were:
1. Falsely accused of doxxing sawrge. This was proven false, Sawrge even came in to say "yeah he didn't dox me". His post for that is still on the forums. I never received an apology for this and admins still occasionally claim I doxxed sawrge.

2. Getting banned for telling users to KYS. This is mentioned a ton of times in the the thread.

3. That one time Sawrge rule zero'd me out of the blue fnr and it immediately got overturned by Kor the headmin at the time cuz it was a bad ban.

4. Fucking up a chemical bomb on a wizard and getting a 7 day because I missed and got the crew with my chemistry grenade instead.

Y'all seem to forget, I can see my notes every time you put me in an admin position. And I do check my damn notes. I got a recording of them around here somewhere, I'd need to find them though.
Cobby wrote:A more accurate ban reason (whether good or bad to ban for) would be what MSO posted, which is:
Goof has a serial problem with intentionally egging people on and then reporting them to mommy the moment they cross some line
But it seems like the thread is being derailed into hyperspecificity.
I reported the user in the OP for crossing the line that the administrators had explicitly told me was the line.

My previous reports were valid under a literal reading of Rule 1 of the server, but the admins said they wouldn't enforce rule 1 as written so I stopped pressing that issue.

Once again, because it seems to have slipped your mind, I was clearly banned for reporting a user telling me to kill myself.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552948

oh yeah also I can't use Discount Lightbulb as a name, forgot that one
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552955

Nabski wrote:You can also view your notes by using the "view-admin-remarks" command, so you likely don't need to refer to a saved copy somewhere.
yea but it missed anything from before like, 2015 since that was when we added the public notes feature, old stuff isn't public

also, lemme get this straight:
1. it's peanut posting for admins like oranges and sometinyprick to post that they think the ban is bad and why its a bad ban

2. its not peanut posting for admins like Dr aura to post that they think the ban is good and that its a good ban

very good moderation team, definitely not showing obvious fucking bias
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552963

alright pulled up my notes, my admin history
1. bad captain names - a very minor thing
2. """shilling my PRs in ooc""" which is a stupid thing to note me for but you OOC banned me for it for some fuckin reason, this got lifted though
3. that time rshoe decided to be a total prick and ddos the servers like a fucking jackass, already talked with MSO about this one
4. making a really, really long PR name, dayban for this
5. a day ban for purging the AI and uploading a pokemon meme with a reference to "also has a previous note about shit laws" but I couldn't find this previous note even with admin powers
6. an ic in ooc ban - a very minor thing
7. sawrge's shitty rule zero claiming that I was a "troll", immediately overturned by kor
8. falsely accused by ausops of doxxing sawrge, proven false and my ban was overturned but no apology given to me by the admins
9. told that Discount Lightbulb isn't an okay name for the glowy lightbulb people, which is dumb
10. an on and off ooc ban that I don't remember why it was placed, think it had something to do with the sawrge rule zero cuz ausops was involved and tried to keep me perma'd but kor talked them down to an ooc ban because it was stupid

and that's it

all my notes are either small potatoes or bans that were overturned due to being bad
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Karp » #552966

I have unsecreted your hidden notes due to all being IC issue notes that auto-secreted. Enjoy it if you like op.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552975

Karp wrote:I have unsecreted your hidden notes due to all being IC issue notes that auto-secreted. Enjoy it if you like op.
thanks, lemme amend my previous post:

oddly enough the ban for a fucked up suicide bomb against a wizard isn't in here and I don't know why, I know Kevin placed it tho
my notes:
Banned - IC in IRC, 2013, aranclanos
self explanatory, also 2013
Uploaded a tcommscript which spammed WGW to everyone on the common radio. Due to power failure (because the engine wasn't set up, due to said engineer uploading bad scripts!), it couldn't be fixed until it was too late. If this ever happens again, consider a jobban. 2013, neerti
ya lol this is true
Observed - Burning people as changelings but most of them weren't even changelings according to his own words. 2013, Ali-en219
actually not sure how I didn't get banned for this
Banned for 5 minutes - IC in OOC plz no, 2013, pandarsenic
self explanatory, also 2013
OOC in IC. Func (?) U Vehicle says, "You wanna space (?) me because I hurt your metafriend you imported from NTstation sure"General spewing of OOC terms in IC chat, 2015, skorvold
How about we don't log on for the sole reason of linking a screamer into OOC pretending its a poll of some kind. 2880 minutes, 2015, saegrimir
ya, bad move, not sure if I got banned for this one or not as there's no mention of a ban here
Uploads really stupid laws, 2015 Saegrimir.
i miss this admin he was cool, so basically I would go to the "Post interesting AI lawsets" threads and upload random lawsets from that, it was pretty funny ngl but backfired horribly a lot of times so the note is warranted
HoPs onto OOC to shill his PR and gets into fights when they're not well recieved. I muted him a few times but if he keeps doing this just start giving him bans, 2015 Ikarrus
i disagree with this note because at the time we didnt have a good way to collect player feedback on changes so talking in OOC was the only way to get player feedback
boy i remember when i cared about denying the greentext to antags
Blew a cyborg after CE asked for it to be locked down on radio. Was talked to about jumping to conclusions like this, 2015 Ikarrus
ya, bad move
Banned for 1 minutes - Okay seriously don't spam OOC. We get it. You made a PR. Congratulations Shinji., 2015 Saegrimir
evangelion sucks and also ya ooc spam is bad
Banned from OOC - No, 2015 Ausops
i dont remember what this is about, its been 5 years
Banned for 120 minutes - Get out with that shit, 2016 Lzimann
same with this one
Banned for 120 minutes - You are entirely too drunk to be playing right now, 2016 Saegrimr
playing under the influence, bad move
Banned for 5 minutes - Stop with the WGW analysis, 2016 shaps
wgw is art
Banned for 30 minutes - Get out, 2016 Lzimann
i dont remember what this is about, its been 5 years
Consistently chooses horrible names, like the worst I have ever seen, if he does dumb shit like that again gib/ban him., TechnoAlchemist 2016
my names are art
Appearance banned - Consistently shit names. Lollerderby 2016
not sure what the tipping point for this one was
10 antag tokens, for services to be rendered (not really), 2016 hornygranny
i miss u HG come back bro this community needs you
Banned for 700 minutes - Reply PM from-Iamgoofball/(Thgewjc Captiasn): im rghrhfallyyyf cjijknf druhnnfkek right nwo i dfeloiieifdm inn ooeoc Constantly drunk spamming OOC and IC. Sleep it off, come back when you're sober, man., 2016 Krusvik
playing under the influence is bad
(MANUAL BAN) "Reply PM from-Iamgoofball/(Thgewjc Captiasn): im rghrhfallyyyf cjijknf druhnnfkek right nwo i dfeloiieifdm inn ooeoc Constantly drunk spamming OOC and IC. Sleep it off, come back when you're sober, man." To further expand upon, continued to be unable to speak coherently in ahelps, ooc, or ic for the entire duration of the round. Sentence shortened to a more appropriate duration. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID)
he shortened the ban
Banned from Librarian - Rule one violation., Lollerderby 2016
okay so this one's actually a funny story, basically I read porn into a tape recorder, put it in a box in a bag next to a handheld radio, and it was looping porn readings forever
funniest shit I've ever seen, but yeah was a dick move
Failed to heed warning rename after signing up as XxXxBSTCaPtnEvErZxXxX (HOP) and spammed the station comms. Put down by BSA fire, but this was only funny enough to avoid a spam ban once., 2016 Dorsisdwarf
i cant believe the RNG on the job selection did me dirty like this
Banned from Atmospheric Technician - Shooting SOMEONE with a flamethrower full of freon for trying to space a can of freon., 2016 Saegrimir
i think this was either timed or just overturned but spacing department equipment is one of those things that iirc gets you marked as valid for the department, but freon is dead now RIP :(
Warned - Spamming chat with clicking some pinpointer thing, 2016 Saegrimir
i dont remember the context behind this one
Has shit captain names that are basically ooc names and throws a fit when you change them. start banning when you see it again., 2016 Aloradyl
i suck at names, this is true
If he just sits in the lobby, and shills or shitposts in OOC, mute him. If he joins and actually plays, unmute him, 2016 Shadowlight213
admins were ticked off at me campaigning for headmin and talking about my PRs in OOC, shitty note tho bc this isn't bannable now
Banned from OOC - From Shadowlight "If he just sits in the lobby, and shills or shitposts in OOC, mute him. If he joins and actually plays, unmute him.", 2016 Saegrimir
shitty ban as the original note was shitty, was overturned IIRC after discussing it with a headmin
(MANUAL BAN) Please explain on the forums why rshoe is crashing the server on your behalf after you asked him on steam for his support., 2017 MSO
alright so basically i posted on rshoe's steam comments page asking him to put an "I'm commander shepard and this is my favorite store on the citadel" style comment in support of a shitpost PR I was making, I logged off for the night and woke up to a stickyban from MSO because apparently rshoe decided "hm yes I'm going to ddos the servers now"

long story short i dont talk with rshoe anymore cuz of this
(MANUAL BAN) Poking the sleeping bear., 2017 MSO
the above ban
putting long PR names is spam, good ban
Banned for 1440 minutes - Purged the AI and uploaded a freeform law that just said "GOTTA CATCH EM ALL" leading to the death of many and a ton of ahelps etc etc and also has a previous note about shit laws
not my finest moment
my application to be an admin from back in the day
Banned for 90 minutes - you know better than to ic in ooc when you're mad
IC in OOC, standard stuff
(MANUAL BAN) Relentless troll, contributes nothing but shitstirring and flaming. If you hate the game and community so much just play on another server. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID)
sawrge's completely random rule zero ban, kor had it removed but ausops would only okay it if it was upgraded to an OOC ban for some reason, i don't remember the details as it was all done in discord PMs

I'm ommitting all the notes that are this(Banned from OOC - Lifted temporarily only if there is a test merge he needs to receive feedback on.) going forward since they're all referring to this ban
Banned for 0.1 minutes - Being a chumbis.
he ain't wrong
(MANUAL BAN) This is a rule 0 ban accompanying a forum ban with reason being “You constantly start shit or pretend to crusade for something good to start shit. Once upon a time I thought your deranged coding contributions were worth the trouble. Recent and not so recent behaviour from yourself has confirmed that not to be the case.”. Future headmins when they are pestered are well advised to consult with previous headmins/game masters on iamgoofball before considering unbanning him here or on the forums.
Here's the big one, the time ausops framed me for doxxing sawrge.
Note how the post tells future admins to go find and talk to old admins(read: him) before unbanning me. There was a huge amount of sketchy shit going on with this ban, starting with me being lied to about my ban reason three different times and ending with a forums mod literally having to whistleblow on the admin team for not having any actual evidence that I doxxed sawrge in the end. Overall, I hope this ban doesn't go this direction but if MSO is going to dig in his heels despite basically every community member including ones that definitely dislike me agreeing this is a bad fucking ban, then yeah this probably is going to turn into another week long slogfest of a ban appeal, again
(MANUAL BAN) https://i.gyazo.com/400f71ac3acf6974898 ... ddf2e8.png the people have spoken
catgirls aren't really that bad
Perhaps the most enlongated naming policy discussion, fucking hillarious but yeah, told not to use Discount Lightbulb and to come up with a new name.
discount lightbulb rules
His current ISP is causing him to potentially register as different IP's due to a dynamic IP, as he puts it. This isn't any deliberate attempt from him to avoid anything from our sides.
in the end I found out Comcast just handed me a new static instead of switching me over to a dynamic IP setup after I sent an angry phone call in.

overall, all my admin history is relatively minor shit and IC in OOC problems, with the big serious permabans being overturned after review because they were bad bans

i cant find the time I got a 7 day for a failed suicide bomb as the chemist against the wizard though and now I'm extremely confused
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552977

like honestly the only real takeaway here is that i pick bad names and that I'm bad at not IC in OOC but that stopped around 2017
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by capn_monkeypaw » #552983

I'm not sure why you're posting and discussing your in-game notes. You are not game banned.

You are appealing a Discord ban and it is your conduct on Discord that is at the heart of the question.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by oranges » #552984

Not sure why it was deleted since it's under peanut policy, but here again, is the previous thread where goof was banned for saying to people to kill themselves
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 1&p=456148

I'll quote the full comment from nervere
Ban baiting? You've got to be kidding me. I can understand why you were angry, goof - you got banned on GitHub and that's not a pleasant thing to wake up to.
There's no excuse for what you did, though. After harassing PKP because you thought he reported your account (he did not), you then told Francinum to jump off a bridge, because he said, "PKP, you're yelling at a wall that doesn't like you." You later told him to hang himself when he posted a popcorn emoji.

After a guy named Sean said, "lmao pranked", you told him to, "shove a rusty spike up your ass and dide from it". After I informed you that telling people to harm themselves was not acceptable, it wasn't long before you did it again, telling Sirenfal to hang himself. This was the last straw. I had already warned you for this just minutes earlier, even when you had already done this sort of thing in the past with Nabski, so I banned you. In between you encouraging people to harm themselves, it should also be noted that your conduct was abhorrent, verbally attacking anyone who said anything contrary to your beliefs. We have a lot of freedoms for conduct in our Discord server, but when you act like a toxic asshole and start to harass people, don't be surprised when you get dunked. I've attached a screenshot of what, in summary, got goof banned from the Discord server. For reference, I've also attached a screenshot of when he told Nabski hang himself.

The thing is, you already know what I've said above. You were there, you know exactly how it went down. I'm just explaining it for the record and for the observers reading.
Why would anyone think this is acceptable? Why do you? You don't just get do this sort of thing to people, even after a warning, and get away with it because "you were angry".
I thought that, by now, you would've learned that your actions have consequences. Apparently not.
This appeal is denied.
This directly counters what mso said
I'm going to say that any bans goof got for "kys" would have likely been more based on goof's history and less bans that stand on their own.
because it makes very little reference to anything other than a singular event in time where goof got his github account banned, the only historical reference is the incident with nabski.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552985

iamgoofball wrote:Go away floyd, i already covered that part in the OP and you're an asshole anyways and most importantly your shit is off topic cuz this isn't about past pings this is about the fact i was banned for reporting a user who told me to kill myself

@MSO thanks I couldn't get more screencaps of the thing since I didn't expect an admin to ban me for reporting someone who escalated "hey you're a fucking idiot" to "kyhs faggot"

But as shown none of this conflicts with my OP so why'd you delete every post?
well i actually clicked floyd's mp4 now and I've had my coffee

i am an idiot, Floyd is correct and was just posting information about the ban

apologies for friendly fire
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552986

capn_monkeypaw wrote:I'm not sure why you're posting and discussing your in-game notes. You are not game banned.

You are appealing a Discord ban and it is your conduct on Discord that is at the heart of the question.
my administrative history on the discord is getting banned for telling users to kill themselves, and getting kicked because I reported a user who was harassing me to the discord admins because it wasn't an arbitrary level of harassment despite the fact that rule 1 is crystal clear about harassment not being okay

as per that last thread, it is explicitly clear that I was banned for telling people to kill themselves
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #552992

oh yeah also that time oranges muted Floyd and I from #coding-general because we threw down too hard
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by MrStonedOne » #552997

I deleted orange's post because it was before the context was posted so it and the other posts in thread were not based on complete info.

I don't actually care if anything i posted actually changes anything, people hammering on about how justified or not justified a ban is when part of the justification of that ban requires context not yet provided is just noise.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by MrStonedOne » #553000


I'm not sure I can buy the argument that "go hang yourself, seriously, you deserve it" is anywhere near the same scale as a mis-spelled initialism in terms of seriousness. nor can i buy the argument that repeated variations of kill yourself sent to multiple people over the day are anywhere near the same scale as a single utterance.

And yes, these distinctions matter.

Ban baiting has always been bannable, and railing people up with abusive language then crying for Miss Finster when they respond back because they crossed some line you learned not to cross is just as much ban baiting as half the shit we ban for in game. Even if their conduct is itself bannable.

I'll agree that this is a new application of ban baiting bans, and might change how we respond to the appeal, but before we get there, i need some honesty from you relating to the core premise of this ban. Have you or have you not been prone to only pinging discord mods to deal with somebody you egged on?

If i were to audit your pings of @discord moderator, how many of them will i find relate to you pushing somebody's buttons, insulting their opinions, or otherwise personally attacking them, and then admin helping when you get metaphorically killed for it.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553004

The discord ping I reported and was yelled at for reporting was a user who out of the blue pinged me with "fuck you goof retard".

My other reports include reporting what I believed to be image spam (one of these was approved but the one floyd linked wasn't) and users posting harassing content before I was told the harassment had to be targeted harassment to count as harassment.

mis-spelled initialism

Did you seriously just try to argue that he isn't telling me to kill myself? Because discord admins would disagree.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553005

Also why the fuck are you arguing this ban? The banning admin hasn't even replied yet, we aren't at the level where it needs to be escalated to you.

I think it's pretty goddamn telling that the only argument for the ban is "he's not reporting it legitimately!"

I am fucking reporting it legitimately and I'm disgusted you're accusing me of fucking ban baiting. You've switched the goal posts on this ban from:
"you stirred drama"
When that was disproved you switched it to:
"its about his history"
When that was disproved you switched it to:
"You were ban baiting"
What's fucking next dude? What's the next new ban reason when this shit doesn't work?
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553012

for the sake of transparency I have heard from coconutmage regarding the appeal:
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by MrStonedOne » #553013

It's almost like I woke up and saw the digg thread and started getting involved.

It's almost like the fact you have a history of grandstanding over language mid argument is influencing how I view this situation.

It's almost like you shouldn't have gotten such a history if you didn't want it to influence people.

It's almost like you have QQ'ed to me about every single fucking ban you've gotten that I might as well get involved now so I don't have to play catch up in a week when you finally pm me on discord about the ban after the headmins deny it.

Hey, It's almost like i've been getting tired of your shit.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553016

MrStonedOne wrote:It's almost like I woke up and saw the digg thread and started getting involved.
I'm concerned you're getting your news about your community from digg and not from the community first.
MrStonedOne wrote:It's almost like the fact you have a history of grandstanding over language mid argument is influencing how I view this situation.
What the fuck are you smoking? Did you just switch the reason from "you have a bad history" to "you have a history of arguing about specifics in the case"? Because arguing about specifics is fucking important to not get, you know, falsely fucking accused of stirring drama. This appeal is clear as crystal. I was banned for reporting a user who told me to kill myself, with the user's statement being in violation of the server rules, in violation of what I was personally told by previous admins, and in violation of the discord ToS.

If this is because I'm citing the rules as fucking written to you, maybe stop writing rules you don't intend to enforce as written? People can't read your fucking mind, MSO. We can't fucking magically divine your definition of what is/isnt harassment from your fucking brain.

And if for some godawful reason this is about the sawrge thing again, once fucking again, I didn't doxx sawrge, I didn't do anything harmful to sawrge myself, and I'm fucking disgusted that people would harass him like that over dumb 2d spaceman shit. Shit, just recently some fucking weirdo showed up at /tg/station being all creepy psycho stalker at oranges and I reported that guy to you BECAUSE OF THE POLICY YOU LAID OUT THAT THAT SHIT AINT COOL.
MrStonedOne wrote:It's almost like you shouldn't have gotten such a history if you didn't want it to influence people.
I didn't "get" this history. You administrators gave me this history by repeatedly using me as a fucking whipping post by doing shit like falsely accusing me of doxxing sawrge, falsely accusing me of "intentionally" setting rshoe on the server, constantly screaming "YOUR HISTORY YOUR HISTORY" when my history when laid out in the actual goddamn facts show that I'm not actually a bad player or community member with every single major ban having been overturned due to either falsified ban reasons or literal goddamn admin conspiracy, or just successful fucking appeals where I admit wrongdoing like the appeal that got me unbanned from the discord in the first place.
MrStonedOne wrote:It's almost like you have QQ'ed to me about every single fucking ban you've gotten that I might as well get involved now so I don't have to play catch up in a week when you finally pm me on discord about the ban after the headmins deny it.
You were never fucking around, dude. Pardon me for being fucking surprised that you're active and posting when every single other incident you were completely radio silent for 1 to 2 weeks, and that not only are you posting but you're posting before the headmins even fucking get a chance to say anything about it.
MrStonedOne wrote:Hey, It's almost like i've been getting tired of your shit.
Yeah and I'm pretty sure the community is tired of your shit, dude. You kramer in with these garbage goddamn goal post shifts like some kind of corrupt shitbag. You've actively shifted the goal posts in this thread three goddamn times. I don't know why the fuck you and the administration insist on fucking with me like this. I just wanna contribute to fucking ss13 and be able to speak with the players. Then you let them run roughshod all over me, let them call me homophobic slurs, call me ableist slurs, let them tell me to commit suicide, and then when I finally go "okay, the suicide thing was over the line because the tg admins told me that's over the line" and I try to follow decorum by requesting a moderator step in to de-escalate the situation, you go "WHOA THERE HOW DARE YOU REPORT THE GUY TELLING YOU TO KILL YOURSELF" then make up three different bullshit reasons to ban me, switching to the next when they get disproved.

If this ban is about ban baiting, then the ban is invalid because I'm not fucking ban baiting, and ban baiting isn't a rule on the discord servers anyways so, Jesus christ dude.

If this ban is about drama stirring, then the ban is invalid because I filed proper procedure and directly reported a violation of the Discord TOS, the Server Rules, and the Literal Fucking Thing I Got Banned For 2 Years For to the moderators, and then got banned for it. There was no drama stirring. The only person stirring drama here is you, MSO, by fucking digging in your heels and refusing to accept that maybe the headmins made a bad fucking call and banned me for an illegitimate reason.

If this ban is about my history, then the ban is invalid because as laid out in this thread, I'm the victim of the headmins using me as a fucking whipping post with false accusations of doxxing and false accusations of asking rshoe to ddos the server. And if we're only talking discord history here, the ban is invalid because my serious discord history is "got banned for telling people to kill themselves, successfully appealed, then got banned because I reported someone who told me to kill myself".

Stop acting like a child, MSO. Because this is the sort of underhanded sketchy as fuck bullshit I expect from an underage hippie station player, not the grown ass adult host of /tg/station. I grew up. Why can't you?
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #553044

This ban was made based on repeated misuse of discord moderator pings which resulted in the repeated creation of drama. As shown here:
You’ve also been warned for it,

With this incident I did not consider a single instance of “khys faggot” as harassment or rule breaking. Frankly, it seemed rather ridiculous to me. You pointed out to me at the time that you had been told that the use of any form of “kys” is rule breaking. Which when I look at the related appeal doesn’t really strike me as such. That ban seems more for the continuing to tell people to kill themselves in descriptive ways. Though I can understand how you can come to that conclusion.

I’m going to unban you since this was a total of two incidents. This most recent one would have been better handled with a warning than a ban; specifically considering the confusion over “kys”. Going forward I’d ask that you stop abusing pings in this fashion.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553048

Thanks for lifting the ban. You didn't address anything brought up in the thread or admit the ban was made incorrectly, or that the accusations of drama stirring is incorrect because under your logic, you yourself made drama by banning me, and anyone who ahelps in game is making drama if a ban appeal is generated, nor did you apologize for any of the accusations your administration has levelled against me in this thread.

However, the ban was lifted, so this topic is now for policy discussion.

However, I'm still sensing some contention about the fact that "kys" literally cannot be allowed on the discord server period from your post. Like, at all.

Discord can and will straight up delete discord servers where the administration refuses to enforce its guidelines for trust and safety as Cobby laid out earlier in this thread.

Discort Trust and Safety doesn't fuck around with this stuff, and they are incredibly tight-lipped. Policy is "you get one warning to clean your stuff up by 24 hours and if we get another report, you're fucked kiddo" for servers, and that can end in either deletion of the server entirely or the owner of the server being banned from the service alongside people who were posting offending content. I hear they also have T&S spy on the server too when they send out the 24 hour warnings but I'm not entirely sure on the specifics of that and haven't seen it personally.

I haven't personally filed a report, for the record.

Please ensure that the discord server doesn't get deleted.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Hornygranny » #553067

We have considered in the past telling people to harm themselves absolutely forbidden territory, and as goof has said, Discord T&S absolutely will delete your server if people are doing that. I'm also skeptical that goof pinging moderators when people break the rules is misuse - why are they there? What is he expected to do, if participation is the discord is not tied to the forum or game?
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553089

I just had to open an admin complaint because an administrator talked about how I should have violence inflicted upon me. I'm absolutely disgusted by the behavior from the administration so far. Not only have I not received an apology for banning me for reporting a user who violated three super important rules, but I got to, after getting back into the discord, see that I had 3 pings in "#politics-containment" and check the most recent one to see an admin talking about how I should be "taken behind the shed".

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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553092

people could claim that I am "grandstanding about language" but I can't find any definition of "taken behind the shed" in common parlance and usage that doesn't mean imparting some level of violence upon an individual, be it lethal violence or just a general beating.
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by iamgoofball » #553108

i have retracted my admin complaint upon review
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Re: [Discord] Iamgoofball - Banned for reporting a user telling me to "kyhs faggot"

Post by Vekter » #553110

What a clusterfuck.

Appeal resolved.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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