regarding a recently leaked conversation

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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Gigapuddi420 » #565733

Bottom post of the previous page:

I retired on good terms; no point holding a position I have no more interest in doing.

It makes me laugh this guy is talking about ss13 servers entering this late stage of collapse like it isn't some perpetual drama cycle that comes about every few months to make mountains out of mole hills. TG will always be a "sinking ship" to someone and it'll continue to sail into the sunset despite it.
Imperfect catgirl playing a imperfect game.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Kingtrin » #565734

terranaut wrote:
Gigapuddi420 wrote:
terranaut wrote:he's right you know
yeah, it's been collapsing for years now and will continue to do so in proud tradition of our history.
the way you phrase things makes me never know if youre being genuine but you deadminned self so theres that
Do you seriously think people behave fundamentally different on discord? Discord is a far more effective social platform than this forum, and this attracts more people by its nature some of whom will be absolute douchebags. If the argument is that people who were decent suddenly turned evil because they made a discord account then lolok.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Owegno » #565739

Bobbah, I have some genuine questions for you. Why is it only now that your chat with Nervere, Wilchen and Jmad has been leaked that you realize they were a toxic influence on you? Furthermore, how did you even know it was leaked? Given where the leaks were posted you shouldn't be aware of the fact your chat got leaked, unless you are still in contact with individuals involved in leaking admin channels.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by bobbahbrown » #565740

Owegno wrote:Bobbah, I have some genuine questions for you. Why is it only now that your chat with Nervere, Wilchen and Jmad has been leaked that you realize they were a toxic influence on you? Furthermore, how did you even know it was leaked? Given where the leaks were posted you shouldn't be aware of the fact your chat got leaked, unless you are still in contact with individuals involved in leaking admin channels.
as i said in the original post of this thread, "and yes obviously someone mentioned this to me, but honestly i just wanted to talk to it please don't focus on that part"

it was mentioned to me by someone who cares about me and didnt want me to get hurt, they didnt want any drama for anyone involved

as ive said previously in this thread i am not really good at disliking people and if people are nice to me doubly so, im trying to be honest in saying that i just want a place to fit in and these people were offering it to me

i just dont want any more drama owegno the past 2 days were very not fun and i desire for things to just be normal, i dont wish revenge or ill intent to anyone involved; i just dont want people to dislike me

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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by teepeepee » #565741

Owegno wrote:how did you even know it was leaked? Given where the leaks were posted you shouldn't be aware of the fact your chat got leaked, unless you are still in contact with individuals involved in leaking admin channels.
tell us who's the snitch, or you get the ditch, bobbah bee
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Owegno » #565742

bobbahbrown wrote:[quote="Owegno"Snip
as i said in the original post of this thread, "and yes obviously someone mentioned this to me, but honestly i just wanted to talk to it please don't focus on that part"

it was mentioned to me by someone who cares about me and didnt want me to get hurt, they didnt want any drama for anyone involved

as ive said previously in this thread i am not really good at disliking people and if people are nice to me doubly so, im trying to be honest in saying that i just want a place to fit in and these people were offering it to me

i just dont want any more drama owegno the past 2 days were very not fun and i desire for things to just be normal, i dont wish revenge or ill intent to anyone involved; i just dont want people to dislike me[/quote]

Very well. I appreciate your response and I will respect your wish as I mainly wanted your response so I could make up my mind on this situation.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565743

imagine being so fucking lame that the only way you can interact with a community is by lurking on third party sites with the other dip shits everyone hates and wait until you find someone in the community who seems vulnerable so you can hit them with basic cult style love-bomb techniques to befriend them solely so you can later leak your conversation and say SEE THEY WEREN'T SO GREAT BECAUSE THEY TALKED TO ME, THE HUGE SHITTER. wow dude you sure showed us that you're still a fucking faggot pseudointellectual who thinks he's fucking Sephiroth, keep posting on singulo about how great your life is without /tg/ but that people keep "dragging you back" because despite the fact that everyone thinks you're a cauliflower-headed retard you can't seem to fucking extract your self from tertiary methods of community communication for a game where your one fucking claim to fame is pretending a taser was your penis and trying to rape someone, and reading a fucking book to no one for 2 hours.
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epic gamer thought process

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #565745

Super Aggro Crag wrote:Facts.
look, i ain't saying im sephiroth

but im basically sephiroth with these master schemes :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades:
yeah thats right im epiccccccccccccc
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Denton » #565749

Super Aggro Crag wrote:hot fire
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565750

lmao he's writing angry letters on singulo after reading that nice digg spacing you fucking queer
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #565751

Super Aggro Crag wrote:(incoherent dense paragraph of faux apathetic rambling)
It kind of reads like you're jealous that he's better at collecting friends than you. Maybe if you dropped your faux apathetic charade and unearned air of superiority you could make friends, too? Everyone likes a genuine human being. No one likes a social performer. Especially a bad one.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565752

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:(incoherent dense paragraph of faux apathetic rambling)
It kind of reads like you're jealous that he's better at collecting friends than you. Maybe if you dropped your faux apathetic charade and unearned air of superiority you could make friends, too? Everyone likes a genuine human being. No one likes a social performer. Especially a bad one.
imagine thinking forming relationships is about "collecting" friends like they're fucking commodities, no wonder jmad only insinuates himself into social situations so he can later use people for blackmail. this ain't pokemon kid.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Naloac » #565754

Super Aggro Crag wrote: FIRE
How can one man be so violently based. summing up my thoughts so perfectly.
Timberpoes wrote: Lepi was right all along.
I Might Be an admin, You should leave me feedback: ... 37&t=24032
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #565755

Upon further reflection, I believe what Bobbah is saying and that they fell in with some bad people. Scrubby and bee once more have my full, unequivocal endorsement. Furthermore, I applaud their commitment to transparency and openness.

Bee, I sincerely apologize for causing you any anguish and undue attention. I greatly look forward to collaborating with you in the future.

To the playerbase, I also apologize for my ugly behavior. This was uncalled for and should have been handled better. Please know that you can expect something like this to never, ever happen again.
Statbus! | Admin Feedback
OOC: Pizzatiger: God damn Atlanta, how are you so fucking smart and charming. It fucking pisses me off how perfect you are
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565756

Atlanta-Ned wrote:Upon further reflection, I believe what Bobbah is saying and that they fell in with some bad people. Scrubby and bee once more have my full, unequivocal endorsement. Furthermore, I applaud their commitment to transparency and openness.

Bee, I sincerely apologize for causing you any anguish and undue attention. I greatly look forward to collaborating with you in the future.

To the playerbase, I also apologize for my ugly behavior. This was uncalled for and should have been handled better. Please know that you can expect something like this to never, ever happen again.
this took a combination of both guts, moxie, and chutzpah, i hope we can all move past this period of ugliness, even if it's only to spite the fucking blackpilled doomposters who only flit between hero and singulo to scream /tg/ IS DYING I KNEW IT WOULD IT'S NOT THAT I'M A SHITHEAD IT'S THAT EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG into the void
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Shadowflame909 » #565758

Atlanta-Ned wrote:Upon further reflection, I believe what Bobbah is saying and that they fell in with some bad people. Scrubby and bee once more have my full, unequivocal endorsement. Furthermore, I applaud their commitment to transparency and openness.

Bee, I sincerely apologize for causing you any anguish and undue attention. I greatly look forward to collaborating with you in the future.

To the playerbase, I also apologize for my ugly behavior. This was uncalled for and should have been handled better. Please know that you can expect something like this to never, ever happen again.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Timonk » #565759

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:(incoherent dense paragraph of faux apathetic rambling)
It kind of reads like you're jealous that he's better at collecting friends than you. Maybe if you dropped your faux apathetic charade and unearned air of superiority you could make friends, too? Everyone likes a genuine human being. No one likes a social performer. Especially a bad one.
jmad alt detected
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #565760

Atlanta-Ned wrote:...
Let's recap:

So you pump-faked a resignation tantrum to try and get your way, then as soon as you realized that having power over others in an Internet video game is your one source of joy in life, you went back on your word. Suddenly your heavy-hearted principles didn't matter any more. It's weird how that happens.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565761

you made an account on this forum just to cry about not being about to play as an anime catgirl and call everyone that voted against allowing felinids "puritan prudes" and "antisex moral outrage crusaders"
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #565762

Listen. If your heart truly bleeds for the gentle innocent transfolke, shouldn't you be doubling, no, tripling down? You should be demanding (via resignation threat) that a transpositivity policy be put into place. If you value your Internet power more than your principles, what kind of man are you?

I put this challenge out to all of the transpositive mods and coders of /tg/: stick your neck out for the oppressed transfolk you allege to support. Resign unless /tg/ becomes a transfriendly safe zone.
Last edited by afelinidisfinetoo on Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by bobbahbrown » #565763

Atlanta-Ned wrote:Upon further reflection, I believe what Bobbah is saying and that they fell in with some bad people. Scrubby and bee once more have my full, unequivocal endorsement. Furthermore, I applaud their commitment to transparency and openness.

Bee, I sincerely apologize for causing you any anguish and undue attention. I greatly look forward to collaborating with you in the future.

To the playerbase, I also apologize for my ugly behavior. This was uncalled for and should have been handled better. Please know that you can expect something like this to never, ever happen again.
I appreciate Ned saying this a ton, and I really do stand by the stance that I don't think anyone was trying to do anything with bad intent; everyone just was going with what they understood the situation to be and I'm just glad that things didn't end up worse than they have so far.

I want to give a sincere thank you to all the people who reached out to me over the past two days with kind words and advice, as stressed and upset as I was over the past two days I was helped to remember just how many nice people there are in the community. I'd also like to apologize once more to those people who might have been affected by what I said or did in that chat or elsewhere, and can only hope that you'll come to forgive me at some point in the future.

I hope everyone is doing ok coming out of this.

bobbah "bee" brown

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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #565765

I love how everyone involved with this hilarious embarrassment is putting out "PR statements" worded like they're politicians, LOL
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by bobbahbrown » #565766

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:I love how everyone involved with this hilarious embarrassment is putting out "PR statements" worded like they're politicians, LOL
I think transparency is best in this kind of situation, and that's how I interpret making this post and the other post related to this situation. Perhaps a little irresponsible for me to bring it up, but I was very upset and concerned.

I'm not sure why you are so upset with /tg/station and those within it, but I hope you find peace in whatever it is that has you occupied. I can say with certainty that its so much less draining to have a positive attitude over a negative one. Don't let whatever has you caught up drag you down.

I let myself get caught up in the 'cool' appeal of being in-the-know of drama, and to be honest it clashes with how I want to be as a person. I'm not good at disliking people fundamentally, and I don't like conflict. This experience has made it clear to me that I don't want to be involved with those who wish drama upon the community, and I really just want to enjoy the positive times that I've had and will hopefully continue to have with the nice people that are around.

Last edited by bobbahbrown on Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Shadowflame909 » #565767

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:...
Let's recap:

So you pump-faked a resignation tantrum to try and get your way, then as soon as you realized that having power over others in an Internet video game is your one source of joy in life, you went back on your word. Suddenly your heavy-hearted principles didn't matter any more. It's weird how that happens.
he did get his way though

dootdoom imploded

AND he got re-adminned after using the nuclear decision of taking down

literally the ultimate "get your cake and eat it too" i've seen in /tg/ history
bobbahbrown wrote: bobbah
Also bobbahbrown, I feel like you feed haters too much.

I mean honestly, everyone was pretty apathetic about this situation, otherwise, you'd see someone aggressively making a 5 paragraph rant about how you suck.

The only one who was really upset about this whole thing, was you mr bee.

In conclusion, you kind of accidentally amped up the whole situation whilst trying to apologize for it
Last edited by Shadowflame909 on Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Armhulen » #565768

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:Listen. If your heart truly bleeds for the gentle innocent transfolke, shouldn't you be doubling, no, tripling down? You should be demanding (via resignation threat) that a transpositivity policy be put into place. If you value your Internet power more than your principles, what kind of man are you?

I put this challenge out to all of the transpositive mods and coders of /tg/: stick your neck out for the oppressed transfolk you allege to support. Resign unless /tg/ becomes a transfriendly safe zone.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by jcll » #565769

bobbahbrown wrote:
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:I love how everyone involved with this hilarious embarrassment is putting out "PR statements" worded like they're politicians, LOL
I think transparency is best in this kind of situation, and that's how I interpret making this post and the other post related to this situation. Perhaps a little irresponsible for me to bring it up, but I was very upset and concerned.

I'm not sure why you are so upset with /tg/station and those within it, but I hope you find peace in whatever it is that has you occupied. I can say with certainty that its so much less draining to have a positive attitude over a negative one. Don't let whatever has you caught up drag you down.

I let myself get caught up in the 'cool' appeal of being in-the-know of drama, and to be honest it clashes with how I want to be as a person. I'm not good at disliking people fundamentally, and I don't like conflict. This experience has made it clear to me that I don't want to be involved with those who wish drama upon the community, and I really just want to enjoy the positive times that I've had and will hopefully continue to have with the nice people that are around.

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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565770

Armhulen wrote:
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:Listen. If your heart truly bleeds for the gentle innocent transfolke, shouldn't you be doubling, no, tripling down? You should be demanding (via resignation threat) that a transpositivity policy be put into place. If you value your Internet power more than your principles, what kind of man are you?

I put this challenge out to all of the transpositive mods and coders of /tg/: stick your neck out for the oppressed transfolk you allege to support. Resign unless /tg/ becomes a transfriendly safe zone.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #565771

bobbahbrown wrote:...
You just spent your morning in precise PR statement word surgery, trying to suss out exactly what kind of performance will lessen the damage to your extensive friend collection. I wouldn't trade places with you, trust me!

I'm going to give some real advice to all of you young kids and old manchildren reading this thread currently: your Discord buddies are not real friends, they don't give a shit about you, you will never be loved by them no matter how hard you dance to their tune. You need to go out into the real world and talk to people face to face.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Shadowflame909 » #565772

Holy shit this thread is moving by fast. 5 new posts after editing something
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #565773

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:I love how everyone involved with this hilarious embarrassment is putting out "PR statements" worded like they're politicians, LOL
Sadly, this isn't like No Man's Sky where all they have to do is make the video game better.

Act too sorry and you'll be seen as a manipulative asshole.
Act too PR-y and you'll be seen as a manipulative asshole.
Act too apathetic ("yeah, im sorry, guys") and you'll be seen as an asshole in general.

Keep in mind that no matter how innocent or guilty you may think Bobbah is - there is no real, objective winning move in truly showing they are sorry here.
Last edited by Ayy Lemoh on Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by cybersaber101 » #565774

This whole thing is incredibly stupid. Shame on those who made a big stink of it.
The same poster, over and over and over and over and over and-
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by afelinidisfinetoo » #565775

Ayy Lemoh wrote:
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:I love how everyone involved with this hilarious embarrassment is putting out "PR statements" worded like they're politicians, LOL
Sadly, this isn't like No Man's Sky where all they have to do is make the video game better.

Act too sorry and you'll be seen as a manipulative asshole.
Act too PR-y and you'll be seen as a manipulative asshole.
Act too apathetic ("yeah, im sorry, guys") and you'll be see as an asshole in general.

Keep in mind that no matter how innocent or guilty you may think Bobbah is - there is no real, objective winning move in truly showing they are sorry here.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by NecromancerAnne » #565778

Armhulen wrote:
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:~bad transphobic shit opinions from assclown behind an alt because he's shakin'~
Don't post the cute frog, it doesn't deserve to be associated with that clown.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Shadowflame909 » #565779

In summary, this thread is like an episode of family guy where everyone goes and sits on the couch, ignoring the fact that peter blew up the hospital.

when jcll getting readminned

Edit: Okay below poster is now pulling out /pol/ tier posts and i'm seeing where everyones coming from.

Last edited by Shadowflame909 on Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #565782

afelinidisfinetoo wrote:r/smuggies
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by IkeTG » #565783

based bee and atlamta reunification, love to see it happen
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Cobby » #565785

every page this thread gets, i lose the equivalent amount of brain cells.

please stop i only have a few left!!!
Voted best trap in /tg/ 2014-current
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by IkeTG » #565786

Cobby wrote:every page this thread gets, i lose the equivalent amount of brain cells.

please stop i only have a few left!!!
for every 60 seconds in cobby's household, a minute passes ?
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Shadowflame909 » #565787

Arianya where are you to lock this thread.

It's rapidly degrading in quality and I feel like on the next page I'm going to see a femboy in a nazi uniform with a skirt
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565789

Cobby wrote:every page this thread gets, i lose the equivalent amount of brain cells.

please stop i only have a few left!!!
we're gonna make cobby a himbo
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by IkeTG » #565790

who let the dollar general catgirl outta the cage
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by NecromancerAnne » #565793

Someone take this cat out back.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by BONERMASTER » #565800

If our headmins had balls, they would permaban the shit out of rainbow man and put him on a blacklist now.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #565801

/tg/station in 2020 be like
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by terranaut » #565802

So we've successfully deflected from the whole business that admins aren't allowed to have friends on the no-no list if they wanna stay admins.
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Super Aggro Crag
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #565803

terranaut wrote:So we've successfully deflected from the whole business that admins aren't allowed to have friends on the no-no list if they wanna stay admins.
dont worry dude you're safe you're not a real admin and you dont have any friends anyway
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by Shadowflame909 » #565804

terranaut wrote:So we've successfully deflected from the whole business that admins aren't allowed to have friends on the no-no list if they wanna stay admins.
My angry takeaway before afelindisfinetoo derailed is that you can literally use a nuclear option to get people to change their mind and everything will work out

In less eloquent terms to further describe my viewing of the situation, atlantaned made headmins his corgi.
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by terranaut » #565806

Super Aggro Crag wrote:
terranaut wrote:So we've successfully deflected from the whole business that admins aren't allowed to have friends on the no-no list if they wanna stay admins.
dont worry dude you're safe you're not a real admin and you dont have any friends anyway
are you still mad you got banned from the dootcord before it got nuked lol
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Re: regarding a recently leaked conversation

Post by bobbahbrown » #565807

I think this thread has lived its lifetime and everything that can be said has been said

Shadowflame requested I lock the thread maybe its for the best


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