libby is being a retard again peanut

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libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Reeeee » #583118

Bottom post of the previous page: ... 14#p583114

Look at this motherfucker talking to kicking-bird johnson to pass time on 4 hour shift with recaller going haywire to pass time and getting banned for it.
What a fucking retard honestly.
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Re: SibbyLnow Neaput

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #583348

You know there's already a peanut for this right
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: SibbyLnow Neaput

Post by Timonk » #583350

Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: SibbyLnow Neaput

Post by Timonk » #583351

Oh it's in the wrong forum
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timonk » #583352

Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by cacogen » #583359

"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be Hitler will eventually be flooded by actual Hitler who mistakenly believes he's in good company." - Rene Zellweger
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Reeeee » #583363

Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by thehogshotgun » #583365

Not cool to badmouth icebox my man
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #583366

Bruh don't try to pull "heh I know I banned myself by being an autistic monkey in both ahelp and the appeal its fun" and then turn around and pretend that some grave injustice was committed against you and that the community is out to get you.

Same way you tried to go with "BRO I LIED IT WAS JUST SHIT TALK OH MY GOD ???" after you literally said "heh I just have to say it was a lie and I'm off the hook".

Also before you try and tell yourself "heh you hated me before this you're just biased" I had no fucking idea who you were until this autism fest.

Editing to add 'I like oranges' in the same rant that includes "THEY GOT RID OF TESLA WOW FUCK YOU" lol
Last edited by XivilaiAnaxes on Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Mothblocks » #583367

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
im always saying this
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #583368

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
Wall of runes.
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Byond Username: Wesoda25

Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by wesoda25 » #583369

How Much Does Shutting the Goddamn Hell Up Cost?

Summary: Gravel Delivery Prices
Minus crushed rock costs $12-$35 per cubic yard while clean crushed rock costs $30-$50 per cubic yard. Delivery and spreading can double those prices. However, the more material you order, the less the total cost. Delivery is usually free of charge up to 10 miles.


Crushed rock is a type of gravel that has been mechanically broken down into small pieces and sorted by size. It is a highly versatile product, used for driveways, pathways, flower beds or as a base for concrete, pavers, asphalt, retaining walls, sheds or foundations.

Crushed rock is a very strong and durable material, and it offers great traction. It is available for delivery by the cubic yard, typically by landscaping supply companies that also sell products such as mulch, sand and soil.

About Crushed Rock Delivery
There are two basic types of crushed rocks: minus and clean. Both are available in a variety of sizes and colors, but they are used differently.
  • Any crushed rock with the word minus in the description (3/4-inch minus, for example) will also contain smaller pieces of rock, dirt and/or sand. This type packs down tightly, making it ideal for established driveways without drainage problems, as well as a base material for porches, patios, walkways, driveways and the like.
  • Clean crushed rock does not have the smaller pieces of rock, dirt and/or sand. If it is advertised as 1/4 inch, all pieces are that size. Because clean crushed rock does not pack down tightly, it is not ideal as a base. But it is great for new driveways or those with drainage problems. It also works well for decorative pathways, walkways, plant beds and flower beds.
If you’re unsure of which type to buy, ask a professional, particularly if you have problems such as excessive erosion, improper drainage or muddy conditions.

Crushed rock is typically sold by the cubic yard (27 square feet). Before you place an order, you’ll have to url= ... ulator.php]determine the square footage of the area you need to covero/url] and how deep you want the rock to be. As a guideline, one cubic yard covers about 324 square feet, one inch deep. Similarly, it covers 162 square feet, 2 inches deep.

p.b]psize=125]Pea Gravel Cost o/size][/b]
Expect to pay between around $35 per cubic yard or $40 to $45 per ton for pea gravel delivery. The price will decrease significantly for large quantities of pea gravel. If you are looking for a color other than gray, the cost will increase.

Pea gravel is a small hard stone that is about the size of a pea. The most common size is 3/8 inch. It is smooth and generally round with no sharp edges. It is frequently used in home gardening and decorative landscaping projects such as accenting flower beds and gardens.

Cost of Crushed Rock Delivery
The price of crushed rock depends on the type and size you select, and the amount. It is also heavily influenced by your geographic location. Prices in big cities are easily double what they are in many rural areas.
  • Minus crushed rock is less expensive, ranging from about $12-$35 per cubic yard, not including delivery or spreading.
  • Clean crushed rock usually ranges in price from $30-$50 per cubic yard, also not including delivery or spreading.
Delivery and spreading charges vary, too, but in many cases they will double the price. The more you order, however, the less per cubic yard delivery charges will be.

Source: ... costs.html
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by trexter555 » #583370

this says a lot about our society
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:29 am
Byond Username: ArcaneDefence

Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by ArcaneDefence » #583372

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:R
II'. E,'. T'.

C20. MSO''. A SSD. FT. F.

I. U"", I', TG.
A,,,, I'.


T"". Y.

S''. O', I'. R,,''. T''-"". (IO,'.) Y',.

E''. A,'/.

A, TEG SM. II TG. T',? W.
T. E. FTG.

S'. I.
A. I','I'g.

M'". I' 2D 200.
I,'s T.
JI. JC,""''.

T'. A.

W... FD.

N',. W'. I'. II. G,.
I'. B,.


4"" MSO' SSD.
I have removed all lowercase letters and a substantial number of spaces in this post.

You're welcome.
Last edited by ArcaneDefence on Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Armhulen » #583373

Cobby wrote:
Armhulen wrote:
Domitius wrote:
Domitius wrote:I've been playing Arcanum for a few hours now and am stuck. I am in Shrouded hills, have down as much of the mine as possible (have to go see Sarah), helped Doc Roberts foil the bank robbery, and ratted Jongle out to Constable Owens, who now has guards on the Steam Engine. I am unable to leave, since I agreed to help Owens clear the bridge and the bandits there won't trust me, nor am I strong enough to beat them in a fight - have tried literally dozens of times. I did not spend any CPs on pickpocketing and have been unsuccessful stealing the key to the gate bridge as well. Can sometime give me some advice on either what else I can do to level up in town (still need 1009XP to level up) or to get out of town and go to Dernholm? Thanks!
Please can somebody give me some advice on leveling up I'm really stuck. I've already invested several hours and I don't want to restart my game.
When are you gonna play bloons tower defense 6 with me :^(
probably uses subs like a lil bitch
admiral brickell just came out and they work really well with top path buccaneer and bottom path sub
so i'm willing to forgive B)
imsxz wrote:im really sick of ss13 btw its a chore to even open up this forum im just so against this sort of adminning that im rolling in my grave. if u ever thought i was an ok admin in the past, consider if an appeal of yours was skimmed over and discarded like this. thank u for coming to my dead talk.

p.s. i like libby and coffee as people regardless of whatever this is, sorry for being mean ok but i remain biased towards my core values of being a janny
You're forgetting rule -1: no retards. all speds should be able to be shipped off to brazilstation, randomly being a knuckle dragging concrete licking sewer living god offending sippie cup retard to admins for seriously zero reason is and has always led to bans, so when they act surprised and snarky that this time suddenly led to a ban i merely laugh and prepare to gravelpost. this same attitude also comes up when asking them for their side of a story or looking into any other issue with them as part of one party as evidenced by MSO looking into how they conduct themselves in ahelps.

tl;dr i hate people being dicks for the sake of being dicks, these people are going to make every necessary interaction with them grating as hell, they need to be shaped up
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Armhulen » #583374

How Much Does Shutting the Goddamn Hell Up Cost?

Summary: Gravel Delivery Prices
Minus crushed rock costs $12-$35 per cubic yard while clean crushed rock costs $30-$50 per cubic yard. Delivery and spreading can double those prices. However, the more material you order, the less the total cost. Delivery is usually free of charge up to 10 miles.


Crushed rock is a type of gravel that has been mechanically broken down into small pieces and sorted by size. It is a highly versatile product, used for driveways, pathways, flower beds or as a base for concrete, pavers, asphalt, retaining walls, sheds or foundations.

Crushed rock is a very strong and durable material, and it offers great traction. It is available for delivery by the cubic yard, typically by landscaping supply companies that also sell products such as mulch, sand and soil.

About Crushed Rock Delivery
There are two basic types of crushed rocks: minus and clean. Both are available in a variety of sizes and colors, but they are used differently.
  • Any crushed rock with the word minus in the description (3/4-inch minus, for example) will also contain smaller pieces of rock, dirt and/or sand. This type packs down tightly, making it ideal for established driveways without drainage problems, as well as a base material for porches, patios, walkways, driveways and the like.
  • Clean crushed rock does not have the smaller pieces of rock, dirt and/or sand. If it is advertised as 1/4 inch, all pieces are that size. Because clean crushed rock does not pack down tightly, it is not ideal as a base. But it is great for new driveways or those with drainage problems. It also works well for decorative pathways, walkways, plant beds and flower beds.
If you’re unsure of which type to buy, ask a professional, particularly if you have problems such as excessive erosion, improper drainage or muddy conditions.

Crushed rock is typically sold by the cubic yard (27 square feet). Before you place an order, you’ll have to url= ... ulator.php]determine the square footage of the area you need to covero/url] and how deep you want the rock to be. As a guideline, one cubic yard covers about 324 square feet, one inch deep. Similarly, it covers 162 square feet, 2 inches deep.

p.b]psize=125]Pea Gravel Cost o/size]i/b]
Expect to pay between around ub]$35 per cubic yard or $40 to $45 per ton[/b] for pea gravel delivery. The price will decrease significantly for large quantities of pea gravel. If you are looking for a color other than gray, the cost will increase.

Pea gravel is a small hard stone that is about the size of a pea. The most common size is 3/8 inch. It is smooth and generally round with no sharp edges. It is frequently used in home gardening and decorative landscaping projects such as accenting flower beds and gardens.

Cost of Crushed Rock Delivery
The price of crushed rock depends on the type and size you select, and the amount. It is also heavily influenced by your geographic location. Prices in big cities are easily double what they are in many rural areas.
  • Minus crushed rock is less expensive, ranging from about $12-$35 per cubic yard, not including delivery or spreading.
  • Clean crushed rock usually ranges in price from $30-$50 per cubic yard, also not including delivery or spreading.
Delivery and spreading charges vary, too, but in many cases they will double the price. The more you order, however, the less per cubic yard delivery charges will be.

Source: ... costs.html
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by remanseptim » #583375

Blu is first seen sleeping as a young hatchling in an empty nest in a tree hollow. Awakened by the singing of his fellow birds in the rainforest near Rio de Janeiro, Blu dances along with them. During the song, he watches a female Golden Conure attempting to teach her chicks how to fly for the first time, and thinks of flying for himself — until smugglers start capturing the other birds. During the chaos, Blu, distracted slips out of the tree. During the fall, he makes a vain attempt to fly, but fails to do so and is also captured. Alongside other captured birds, Blu is caged, put on a plane, and almost brought to an exotic bird store to be sold. On the way, the back of the truck carrying him is forced open (due to the driver not paying attention to the traffic light), and the crate containing Blu falls onto the streets of Moose Lake, Minnesota. A young girl named Linda Gunderson finds the crate and promptly comforts the scared chick and promises to take care of him, later naming him Blu.

Over the next 15 years, Blu and Linda became the best of friends, with Linda throwing him birthday parties, taking him to spelling bees (one of which she wins at the age of 14), and even to her high school prom. As he gets older, he meets two Canada Geese named Alice & Chloe who mock him daily. One day, an ornithologist named Tulio Monteiro comes to the bookstore where Blu and Linda live, and tries to communicate with him, but fails. Afterward, he informs them that Blu is the last male of his species, the Spix's Macaw, and that he must mate with the only remaining female for his species to be saved. After Tulio tries to throw Blu halfway across the room in a failed attempt to let him fly, Blu attempts to fly by himself by looking at an airplane book and taking notes. However, during his attempt to fly, he changes his mind at the last second and gets entangled in Christmas lights. Blu and Linda are reluctant at first to catch the flight to Rio, where Tulio's aviary is located, but finally agrees to do so.

When they arrive in Rio, Blu meets Nico and Pedro, who give him some tips on how to attract a female. Once they arrive at Tulio's aviary, Blu is put off by the fact that his intended mate Jewel had badly scratched one of Tulio's assistants. However, when he sees her, he instantly falls in love. Blu tries to follow Pedro and Nico's advice, but Jewel, only interested in escaping, angrily rebuffs and attacks him because they "just met" and because he tried to kiss her. Watching through a video surveillance camera, Tulio activates a disco ball and plays Lionel Richie's Academy-Award-winning song "Say You, Say Me". Blu declares that he had nothing to do with that, but tells Jewel that it's not such a bad song, then begins to sing along with it. Jewel pounces on Blu and attacks him, but Linda and Tulio assume they are mating, causing them to promptly leave the aviary to give them some privacy. Jewel continues to try to escape after the fight occurred, while Blu tries to sleep through it and argue about humans. Later, Blu and Jewel are captured by a boy named Fernando, who brings them to a band of smugglers, assisted by the head smuggler Marcel's pet cockatoo, Nigel. Jewel and Blu tries to escape the smuggler's hideout by playing dead, but Jewel is pinned by Nigel just before she manages to escape via a ventilation vent. Blu and Jewel are chained together and locked up with many other captured birds. Later, Nigel approaches them and explains the reason for his evil nature, as well as the reason behind his hatred of "pretty birds", by singing a song. Afterward, Jewel makes an escape (assisted by Blu, who unlocks the cage's latch, which he mentions is "just a standard slip-slide bolt"). When Jewel tries to fly, Blu is forced to admit he cannot fly, much to Jewel's dismay, and they are forced to escape Nigel and the smugglers on foot, making their way into the jungles near Rio, much to Blu's displeasure. He does, however, get to sleep on a beam of the Vista Chinesa as he reveals his tricks on how to get up there without flying. On the other hand, Jewel tells him that the uniqueness of birds is their ability to fly (when he asks "who needs it") and that it is their freedom and independence from anyone. Blu responds that it seems a little lonely. Jewel suggests they get some sleep. Blu bids her good night, then says the same to Linda, knowing she is somewhere out there.

In the morning, Blu tries to compromise a way to break the chain but fails when he accidentally triggers his contraption himself, making him and Jewel get squashed against a rock. They are then set upon by a flock of baby toucans, whose father Rafael offers to take them to his friend Luiz to get the chain off. Eva is initially reluctant for Rafael to go, but after some persuasion, she tells him to hurry back. Blu is forced to explain he cannot fly, so Rafael also tries to get Blu to fly off a cliff, telling him he just needs to "feel the rhythm of [his] heart"; but Blu, still terrified, changes his mind at the last moment, making himself and Jewel land on a hang glider after tumbling off a cliff face. Enjoying the feeling of being in the air, Blu extends his wings while perched on the hang glider, causing himself and Jewel to be blown off the hang glider and onto the beach below. Rafael then leads them to a fruit stand, which takes them into the city. There, Blu once again meets Nico and Pedro, who informs the group that they had just missed the trolley that Luiz took to his workshop. While they wait, Nico and Pedro take the group to a bird's samba club. Once there, Blu, whose childhood memories are stirred by the music, starts to dance. With a little nudge from Rafael, Blu dances with Jewel, culminating in her singing beautifully, which captivates him. Just before the two kiss, the club is raided by a horde of mischievous marmosets, hired by Nigel to find them. After a brief stand-off, a battle ensues, during which the trolley arrives, and Blu and Jewel are given a lift there by a Roseate Spoonbill named Kipo.

On their way to Luiz's garage, Blu, with help from Nico, Pedro, and Rafael, uses romantic music to try to tell Jewel how he feels about her but is foiled when he inhales a stray flower petal, causing him to choke just as he was about to confess his love to her. When they finally arrive, they are surprised to learn that Luiz is a bulldog, and even more surprised that he intends to use a buzzsaw to cut the chain. In the ensuing chaos after he slips on his drool, Luiz catches the chain in his mouth, causing his drool to seep onto Blu and Jewel's legs, lubricating them sufficiently to slip out of the shackles. At first, Blu was overjoyed that he was free again, but his joy quickly fades when he sees Jewel flying through the air and rejoicing in her regained freedom, knowing that he and her will have to part ways. Jewel notices that something is wrong, but he coldly tries to brush her off. Jewel retaliates by chiding him for not being able to fly, which Blu responds by claiming that he never wanted to go to Rio in the first place and that he hates samba (shocking his friends, especially Nico, given his enjoyment in the birds' samba club), and walks away angrily. However, not long later, he is soon informed by Pedro and Nico that Nigel has captured Jewel, and decides to mount a rescue, using Luiz as a steed.

Blu and his company follow Nigel to the Carnival parade. Spotting Linda, Blu is briefly torn by his longingness to be reunited with Linda, but quickly reasserts control and instead decides to focus on saving Jewel. Once he finds her in the smugglers' float, he tries to set her free but gets caged himself by Nigel, alongside Rafael, Pedro, and Nico just as he busies himself with her cage's lock. After Marcel drives the smugglers' float away from the parade to the abandoned airport, they are loaded into the smugglers' plane, along with all the other captured birds. Fernando tries to free Blu and Jewel when loading the birds into the cargo bay of the plane but is noticed by Nigel and Marcel, stopping him.

As the smugglers' plane starts to head away from Rio de Janeiro, Blu rigs a bungee cord to a fire extinguisher to bent the top of his cage (referred to by Nico and Pedro as "popping the cage"), allowing him to escape. Then, he busies himself with the escape of others. As he flips a lever to open the plane's cargo bay, all the other birds escape, except for Blu, who is still afraid of flying. As Jewel tries to comfort him, Nigel attacks Blu, pins him down, and attempts to strangle him. Jewel tries to assist Blu in the battle, but Nigel knocks her into the plane's wall, making an empty cage fall on her wing, breaking it and making her no longer able to fly. This angers Blu and as Nigel mocks them, he tracks a nearby hissing sound and notices that a fire extinguisher is nearby. He manages to grab the bungee cord attached to the fire extinguisher, hooks it onto one of Nigel's talons and pulls off the safety pin, sending Nigel crashing out of the plane's cockpit and into one of the propellers which promptly ceases to function, subsequently causing the plane to lose altitude. As Jewel slides off the plane's cargo bay and tumbles into empty space, Blu forces himself to put his fears aside and jumps after her without hesitation. He then has another memory of falling out of the nest. As he catches her in mid-air, Jewel yells at him for being crazy, but Blu tells her that he won't let her go as they are still "chained-to each other birds" [1], Blu is kissed by Jewel. Blu is suddenly heartwarmed by Jewel's unexpected kiss and is suddenly aware of the beating of his heart, and with renewed determination, extends his wings, and successfully swoops out of the nosedive just in time to avoid crashing into the surface of the ocean, saving himself and Jewel. Flying down to Linda, Tulio, and Fernando, Blu convinces Jewel, who is still wary around humans, to let Tulio tend to her wing. After some time, when Jewel has made a full recovery, Blu joins her in the wild, sharing one last goodbye with Linda with a fist bump at the Blu Bird Sanctuary.

In the final scene, Blu, Jewel (now his significant other), and their three chicks Carla, Bia, and Tiago fly and sing in their new home.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by remanseptim » #583376

A few years after their first encounter, Blu, Jewel, and their three children, Carla, Bia, and Tiago live the perfect domesticated life in the magical city that is Rio. Blu and Jewel dance at the New Year's Eve party, then they suddenly see Rafael and get worried since he was supposed to take care of the kids. They learn that he gave the children to Luiz to babysit them. But when they see Luiz, the kids are nowhere to be seen. He tells Blu and Jewel that he left them with Tiny, adding that she's an "excellent babysitter". Tiny then claims that she is a "terrible babysitter", and Blu and Jewel stop the kids before they light the fireworks she was attached to. Blu then frees Tiny, but gets strapped himself and lands on the arm of Christ the Redeemer. Blu remains as domesticated as ever and he is reveling in the conveniences of modern life. A perfect day for him is making pancakes for Jewel and their kids and plopping on the couch to watch a soccer game. He is definitely in his comfort zone, living large and like a human. However, Jewel is concerned that their children are becoming increasingly more like humans than birds, and that they may lose their original nature as birds. When Linda and Tulio discover a wild Spix's Macaw deep in the Amazon, Blu reluctantly agrees to go on a short trip suggested by Jewel to assist in their efforts to find them. Blu tells his buddies of his travel plans, but Nico, Pedro, and Luiz warn him of the myriad dangers that could lie ahead in the wild. But the ever-positive Rafael encourages Blu, reminding him “Happy wife, happy life!".

Blu thought the city of Rio was wild, but he didn't experience the true meaning of wild until he traveled to the Amazon rainforest. He is originally slightly reluctant to make the journey and shows discomfort, but admits that he’ll do it for the good of his family. After all, what could go wrong on a family vacation? Before they can begin their journey, Blu made some preparations for their 2000-mile journey to the Amazon. To do this, Blu enlists the help of a GPS device, much to Jewel's disapproval, to help them navigate across Brazil. He packed other items in his fanny pack as well, such as bug spray, water purifier, Band-Aids, the All-in-one Adventurer's Knife, and several other kinds of equipment. Blu and his friends and family unknowingly take many wrong turns in their trip, until Jewel points them in the right direction, allowing them to reach their destination.

When they arrive in Manaus, they hitch a ride on a riverboat and take a much-needed break from flying. During the ride down the Amazon, Jewel notices Blu is still indecisive about their adventure. She decides to cheer him up by thanking him for coming along. Upon their arrival at Blu's intended destination, Blu and Jewel stumble upon the other Spix's Macaws at the Amazon sanctuary, where they discover, to everyone’s and especially Jewel’s shock, that the leader of the Spix's Macaw tribe is Jewel’s long-lost dad, Eduardo. Initially grateful that Blu has brought Jewel back into Eduardo’s life, the stern patriarch quickly becomes a disapproving father-in-law. Eduardo -as Blu soon realizes- is very strict with him, and is unhappy that he has so many ties to humans and their tools, like his ever-present fanny pack and GPS device.

As the family settles into this exciting new world, Blu finds his learning curve to be a steep one. He is unable to handle even the most simple and important tasks, like building a nest and foraging for food. Blu not only feels out of place in the jungle but also feels out of place with the entire flock of birds even if they are from the same species, probably because they don't share any of his lifestyle choices. If meeting a critical father-in-law wasn't enough, Blu must also be content to Jewel’s childhood friend Roberto. Blu feels not only threatened by Roberto but is mildly jealous because of Roberto's ability to charm any female Spi x's Macaw. To Blu, the Amazon rainforest feels like the most exotic or foreign place it could for a bird that originated from Minnesota or Rio.

Meanwhile, unknown to Blu, Jewel and their friends, their old enemy Nigel (who actually survived the plane's crash and shredding by its propellers) is plotting revenge on them with his new minions, Gabi the tree frog, and Charlie the anteater. After an arduous "training session" with Eduardo, Blu expresses his worries to Rafael, Pedro, and Nico, most notably about Jewel's recently wild behavior by snapping at a stray fly the previous evening, and they tell him to calm down. As they are talking, Nigel, disguised in torn leaves, walks past them. Owing to his disguise, Blu does not recognize his old nemesis, and Nigel, right now a little too into his new act, passes Blu without acknowledging him.

After dreaming an idea in the midddle of his sleep, Blu tries to make Jewel happy, fearing that she may leave him, so he decides to forage around the jungle for a Brazilian nut (her favorite) for her. As he was foraging for the nut, he unknowingly steps into the Red Macaw Tribe's territory. Dissatisfied, Felipe, the head of the tribe, declares "war" to decide who keeps the entire Brazil nut grove. Both tribes head to the Pit of Doom for a decisive soccer match. After some time, Blu ends up being a player in the game and tries to prove himself to the tribe. Although his soccer skills were surprisingly good for a first-timer, he ends up scoring for the wrong team, much to everyone's disappointment. Blu then tells Jewel that he probably doesn't belong in the Amazon and would like to return to Rio, but Jewel tries to reason with him that the Amazon may be their actual home, not Rio. They both then have an argument, and Jewel then tells him that he has to figure what he wants to do and "start thinking about [them] instead of himself". He then leaves with his fanny pack and GPS, heading towards Linda and Tulio's campsite.

Blu flies to Linda and Tulio's camp in the jungle, intending to say goodbye because he has decided to stay with his family in the Amazon. As he readies himself to leave, he trips over a destroyed radio transmitter, stirring up confusion and suspicions. However, he is followed by Roberto, who thinks he is a traitor to his species. During their argument, they are both surprised to see a logging harvester destroying the jungle. Blu yells at Roberto to move out of the logger's way, but Roberto is frozen in fear of humans. Blu then shoves Roberto out of its way at the last second, saving them. After seeing Roberto panicking, Blu successfully reasserts his control by slapping him across his face, telling him to snap out of it and to warn the tribe while he finds Linda and Tulio. Blu then finds Linda and Tulio and unties them from the tree they were captured at, before flying to the loggers' base of operations, surveying their progress of destruction in the Amazon Rainforest in shock and dismay before flying back to the tribe.

Blu later returns to the tribe to hear that Jewel won't leave without him, and briefly touch beaks as they reunite. Blu then convinces the entire tribe that his knowledge of humans is, for once, useful to them, and convince the tribe to cancel their evacuation ordered by Eduardo, choosing instead to fight back. Blu, Jewel, Eduardo, and all the other blue macaws then attack the loggers (Blu taking the lead), quickly gaining the upper hand. Halfway through the battle, the Scarlet Macaw tribe alongside other animals come to help them fight the loggers. As they are finishing the battle, a loud "BOOM" ricocheted through the air, accompanied by an ominous plume of smoke. Blu tracks the sound and smoke to Big Boss, the head logger who is setting some dynamite to detonate and fell the trees nearby. Determined to save the tribe and the rainforest, Blu cuts the ropes binding the dynamite to the trees and grabs the dynamite, flying skywards, hoping to set them off at a safe distance. However, as he does so, Nigel, still in disguise, clings on the chain of dynamite, pursuing and attacks him, revealing his true identity to Blu a few seconds before the dynamite explodes in mid-air, shocking Jewel, who was watching their progress from a distance, with fear that he may have died in the explosion. However, both Blu and Nigel survive the explosion and end up entangled in vines, upside down and unconscious from the explosion, but still alive. When they both regain consciousness shortly afterward, Nigel attacks Blu, failing to do any real damage and promptly have a feather fight. Gabi tries to shoot Blu with a "poisoned" dart but fails to aim correctly and accidentally hits Nigel. The rest of the tribe finds them, allowing Blu to reunite with his family and promptly listens to Nigel's death speech before seemingly dying. Gabi, saddened by Nigel's "death", consume a drop of her own "poison" and also seemingly dies. However, it is revealed by Bia that Gabi isn't poisonous, pointing out that she is actually just a normal tree frog, distinguished by her pink spots. Upon hearing this, Nigel and Gabi stare at her momentarily. Nigel, still alive, charges toward Blu and his family in a vain attempt for vengeance. Blu shields Bia and Tiago with his wings instinctively, but Gabi grabs Nigel's feet, still overjoyed that they are still alive, and drag him away. Blu then looks at Jewel before shrugging and flies away with his family.

In the end, Blu, Jewel, and their family and friends all celebrate together at Pedro, Nico, and Carla's "Amazon Untamed" performance, and Blu decides he might feel at home in the Amazon after all. Jewel suggests a compromise, allowing Blu and his family to spend summers in Rio.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by remanseptim » #583377

In between the first and second films, Blu visits Linda at the Blu Bird Sanctuary, where she has made him waffles. While there, he hears that the Sanctuary is in danger of being sold. He flies back to his family and tells them. Jewel suggests they could live in the wild, which worries Blu. Instead, he suggests they raise the money to save the Sanctuary themselves. After explaining to his family what money is (to the best of his knowledge), Blu has the idea to go and see Luiz, reasoning that since the bulldog has lived in the city all his life, he would know how to get money.

Luiz turns out to have next to no ideas about how to get money. After hearing a bald man admit he would "pay a million dollars" for something that could grow his hair back, Blu suggests they find something that does just that. Luiz then tells them the story of a lost civilization that supposedly had an elixir that could regrow hair, hidden inside the Pedra Da Gavea, a cliff face that resembles a human head. Blu and Jewel decide to go and investigate the monument, leaving the kids with Rafael, Nico, and Pedro.

As they near the mountain, Blu is scared by a baby bat named Basil, who is himself scared by Blu, causing him to drop his stick, "Jeffrey". Basil's family arrive, and, believing Jeffrey to be one of their clan, go after Blu and Jewel. Blu and Jewel enter the Pedra Da Gavea through a small hole, and they find a small amount of elixir left. They are then attacked by the bats (Who had been directed there by Nigel), which inadvertently causes a cave-in, trapping Blu and Jewel.

Bia, Carla, and Tiago then arrive, having slipped away from their babysitters, calming the bats by explaining who "Jeffrey" is, and that they returned him. Blu is at first glad to hear from them, then yells at them for following. Bia deciphers some hieroglyphics, finding what seems to be a way out. However, they accidentally release Ssssalbatore, who attacks them. Blu tries to distract Ssssalbatore but is flung outside. Ssssalbatore follows, smashing through the rock. When the giant anaconda corners the blue macaw family, Blu tells them he loves them. The bats then attack Ssssalbatore, and Blu joins in, covering the snake's eyes. Ssssalbatore slithers down to Rio, with Blu (his talon stuck in one of his scales) hanging on for dear life. Jewel manages to get Blu free just before Ssssalbatore drops into the ocean.

The next day, Blu and his family lead Linda and Tulio to the cave, where the bat clan has taken roost. At first, disappointed that the elixir is gone, Blu and his family are ecstatic when Tulio discovers that the bats are an undiscovered species and that he and Linda can get grants to study them, saving the sanctuary. Blu thanks his children for saving him and Jewel, adding that he doesn't know whether to be mad at their babysitters for letting them get away, or thank them.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Dat_Legion » #583382

Yo guys put me in the screenshot when this gets uploaded to digg
Korusho/(Khal-Thrask) (DEAD) "Rod Sterling"
Korusho/(Khal-Thrask) (DEAD) "Should be permanently banned"
Korusho/(Khal-Thrask) (DEAD) "for all the crap they commit"

"But Manwe put forth Morgoth and shut him beyond the World in the Void that is without; and he cannot himself return again into the World, present and visible, while the Lords of the West are still enthroned."
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by cacogen » #583384

I really do feel like the middle aged capacity to care about landscaping represents a sort of death of the soul.
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Armhulen » #583385

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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Kendrickorium » #583389

ugh this thread was amazing until you all ruined it with the autistic walls of text
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timonk » #583398

Read libby rants in a trump voice they are funnier like that
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #583399

Timonk wrote:Read libby rants in a trump voice they are funnier like that
+1 lmfao
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by legality » #583402

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
See you in 17 days
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Hulkamania » #583403

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
big if true
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timberpoes » #583404

Negative gamer yikers.
/tg/station Codebase Maintainer
/tg/station Game Master/Discord Jannie: Feed me back in my thread.
/tg/station Admin Trainer: Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by skoglol » #583405

"This is all your fault, Fortune."

"Shut the fuck up, Frost!"

Two figures in blood-red spacesuits sat in a darkened interrogation room. Their hands were zip-tied to the back of their respective chairs. As agents of Waffle Corp., they, along with three other operatives, were sent to Space Station 13 on a mission to nuke it to oblivion. Unfortunately, with such a low success rate on nuclear operations such as these, Waffle Corp. figured it could save more resources by sending a rag-tag group of temp workers with a small allowance of supply credits to carry out the job. It obviously ended in disaster.

Agent "Frost" had heard nothing from her fellow agents on her syndicate radio channel ever since they boarded the station. The station's channel, however, was full of cheers and gloating over yet another successful defense against rival company marauders. Agent "Fortune" couldn't bring herself to care about anything other than the numerous bullet holes in her suit that would not stop bleeding.

Light suddenly flooded the room as its single door opened. A portly man clad in black stepped in. His face was obscured by a gas mask that failed to contain his multiple chins. Frost could easily tell from his outfit that he was the Head of Security for the station. Following shortly behind him was a mime, obviously deputized due to the pile of security gear clipped to her form. Completing the entourage was a battered security cyborg. The mime leaned against an invisible table as the HoS prepared to grill his captives.

"You do realize that gravity of your situation, right?" He asked. The two agents remained silent. "The rest of your friends are all dead. We let you keep your radios just to let that sink in." He paused for a bit. "Now, tell me, where is the disk?"

The HoS was greeted still with silence. He wasn't a very patient man.

He waddled over to Frost and attempted to stare her down. Neither could see each other's eyes through their visors, but she instinctively looked away. He wheeled back and sent a meaty, armored fist into the side of her helmet. The impact was padded enough from her own armor, but she barely managed to keep herself upright in her chair.


Fortune finally piped up. "Isn't that borg Asimov?" She asked. The mimed grinned and looked over to the cyborg in the corner, holding up four fingers with her left hand. The borg quickly beeped out a statement:

"Four. All organisms clad in red spacesuits are not human and are a threat to the station."

The HoS followed up the borg by throwing a haymaker at Fortune. She, too, lacked patience, letting out a heavy sigh as she reeled back from the blow. She nudged open a fake molar in the back of her mouth with her tongue, and bit down hard on the switch to the explosive implant hidden inside of it.

Frost was completely blown off of her seat from the resulting blast. The HoS didn't even have time to blurt out a curse before the wind, and much of his equilibrium, was knocked out of him. The mime, however, was always one step ahead of everyone. She had placed an invisible wall between herself and the captives, just to keep her pristine striped shirt free of any spilled blood from a good sec beatdown. She did not flinch at all as chunks of the operative splattered across the rest of the room in a deafening boom. The sole remaining agent was dazed on the floor, wishing that explosive implants were standard-issue for operatives like they used to be. At this rate, she knew that her fate lied in an electric chair, behind Nanotrasen bars for life, or on an operating table to be debrained and borged.

Once his hearing came back, the HoS attempted to straighten out his now-shredded coat and stood over Frost. "Screams," he said. "Hand me that e-sword you picked up earlier." The mime deftly took a small black handle out of her pocket and tossed it to her boss. With a flick of his wrist, the handle loudly emitted a meter-long beam of red light. Frost knew her time was up. She tried to squirm away from her captives, but made little progress as her cuffs miraculously stayed intact after the explosion destroyed the chair she were strapped to. The HoS pinned her in place by stomping his boot squarely into her gut. The laser blade now hovered a breadth away from Frost's visor.

"One last chance," he said. "Where is the disk?"

No reply was given. The HoS unholstered his energy gun with his free hand and fired a full charge of disabler beams straight into Frost's chest. She winced just briefly before feeling her whole body go limp. Every one of her muscles eased as her legs sprawled out on the cold metal floor. The HoS removed his foot from her stomach, taking in a better look at her hapless form. Despite the layers of armor plating that covered her body, the HoS could tell that his captive must have looked great under her suit. The crimson rig was snug on her body, with the thick ballistic padding accentuating her chest and thighs. He had a plan on what to do with her, but he had to make sure her suit stayed on, lest the security borg in the room be freed of its fourth law.

"Screams," he said. "How much time we got till the shuttle arrives?" The mime held up four digits on each of her hands. "That's all I'll need then."

Without much grace, the HoS traced around the agent's crotchplate with his e-sword. Frost weakly cried out as the blade singed her inner thighs, weakened still from the disabler shots. Her armor gave way, revealing a smooth snatch adored with a small tuft of hair. The HoS wasted no time once his eyes finally met the prize he had searched for his whole life. Unzipping the bottom of his jumpsuit, he freed his johnson. It was fully erect, throbbing at a whopping five centimeters. Frost could do nothing as he forced her legs apart, crudely prodding her sex as his flabby girth weighed heavily against her body. Cheesy Honker crumbs and bits of space twinkies adorned his greasy neckbeard. His matted hair smeared across her visor, making her, at the very least, grateful that she forgot to turn her internals off after boarding the station. She wasn't very wet, but in her relaxed state it wasn't too hard for the HoS to finally ram his small package into her.

Frost tried to look away from the blob of a man that wriggled over her form . She saw that the security borg looked like it was on its last legs after Fortune blew up. It was if it was standing vigilant to make sure the last known threat on the station was properly taken care of. The mime, on the other hand, beamed with joy as she did her best impression of a professional photographer with a cheap Polaroid camera. Her attention snapped back to her captor as once she realized his breathing was getting heavier, along with his walrus-like blubber undulating even faster. Suddenly he tensed up, letting out a guttural wheeze signaling the victory of losing his long-held ticket to wizardry. Frost could barely feel him inside of her, but his virgin load did impact the walls of her pussy hard enough to remind her that today was not a safe day for her. She wanted to cry, but she barely had enough strength to even blink in her current state.

The mime walked over and nudged her boss with the tip of her shoe. Looking up, he saw Screams-Internally point to an invisible wristwatch on her arm and then held up three fingers. "Think that's enough time for you to have a go, Screams?" The mime shrugged. She threw away her camera and started to loosen up her suspenders. As Screams fumbled with her security gear, Frost realized that the station's radio chatter had suddenly turned to static. She wasn't able to muse about this for too long, however. Screams was already rather excited, as indicated by the juices that trailed from her hastily-stripped panties. She wasted little time with switching places with her boss, mingling her legs with Frost's. Producing a maglite from her sec-belt, the mime easily inserted the handle into herself. Aligning the other end with Frost's entrance, Screams only lightly coated the makeshift dildo with the agent's own fluids before painfully shoving it home. Frost could only meekly gasp as the torch smashed into her cervix, pushing the HoS's seed ever closer to her womb.

Screams bit her lip in bliss while grinding against her captive. She had only about a minute left to enjoy herself before joining the rest of the crew in the escape shuttle. The flared end of the flashlight caused nothing but agony for Frost as it scraped against her deepest possible depths. Thankfully, the mime was also quick to please. She gritted her teeth as her orgasm silently washed over her just as the AI announced that the shuttle had docked with the station.

Breaking radio silence, a monotone voice rang out across the syndicate channel:

"Keep your head down," It said.

Electricity shot out from the nearby door before it suddenly popped open. Before anyone could turn to see what caused such a thing to happen, machinegun fire swept across the room. The HoS, with his damaged coat, couldn't take more than a few rounds before rupturing like a bloated sausage. The mime made the mistake to crane her head up in her state of ecstasy, only to have it instantly reduced to a pink mist. The security borg was already damaged beyond the state to even ready a weapon, and accepted its fate as a hail of bullets snuffed out what little life it clung to.

Frost knew who it was. The crew only assumed there were five syndicate operatives raiding their station. The trump card in play was a syndicate cyborg, purchased with most of the operative team's allowance. Frost never called out for the borg, just in case someone might have confiscated a syndicate radio. She held out on the slim hope that it was still operational, a hope that was briefly renewed once the station's telecommunications went offline. The syndiborg, casting a long shadow from the doorframe, rolled across the carnage it had just created. Towing behind it was the station's nuclear authorization disk that the operatives desperately needed to arm their nuke. The borg neatly freed Frost from her zip-ties with a swipe of its own e-sword.

"We have no time to waste," it said. "The nuke is already set up on the starboard solar panels." The borg peered at Frost's current state and seemed a bit confused. "Is this how Nanotrasen tortures their prisoners?" It asked.

Agent Frost untangled herself from the dead mime. Her strength was finally starting to flow back into her limbs. With a bit of a tug, she pulled the maglite out of herself and chucked it at the mime's bloody corpse. She then walked over to the HoS. He was still breathing. She took the e-sword out of his pocket, aimed it at his crotch, and turned it on. He let out a bloody gurgle to signal his testicles frying to a crisp. She left him in his agony after also pocketing his ID. Tore Hrafnsson was scrawled on the card. She was going to make sure the rest of his family would also pay if she ever managed to make it out of all this alive.

"Are you ready to go now?" It asked. "We have two minutes to complete our objective."

Frost tapped a button on her helmet. Switching her suit from Combat to Space mode, the ballistic nanogel that covered her rig evened out over the rest of her body. Anti-breach mechanisms sprang into action and quickly mended the open spot on her crotch. She nodded her head, got dat fukken disk, and followed the syndiborg out of the room.

This has been a reading of "Fluke Ops" By Guy Stevens. Please like and subscribe, and hit the notification bell to be the first to be notified of new videos. It really does help beat the algorithm.
Last edited by skoglol on Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by FloranOtten » #583406

Just in case anyone re-reads this years down the line, the gravelposting makes about as much sense to you as it does to me.
OOC: BeeSting12: i love you floran

1. You may not injure a revs are non humans or, through inaction, allow a revs are non humans to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by revs are non humanss, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Give me feedback!
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by NoxVS » #583407

I keep screaming but no god is listening
The weak should fear the strong
thehogshotgun wrote:How does having jannies like you, who have more brain tumor than brain benefit the server
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by MrStonedOne » #583408

Reeeee wrote:
MrStonedOne wrote:After looking at every ahelp you put out in the last two calendar years I now sincerely hope the headmins uphold this ban.
Imagine reading nothing but me talking to retards and then basing your character judgement on that.
Good job commie, you are dumb as shit.
Wait a minute! This whole operation was your idea!

>demand admins dig through 2+ years of logs for a supposed ahelp you sent that was ignored that you won't give any details on to narrow down the search.
>be surprised when admins seeing your 2 years worth of spammy, retarded, and cringeworthy ahelps causes them to form opinions about you.
Forum/Wiki Administrator, Server host, Database King, Master Coder
MrStonedOne on digg(banned), Steam, IRC, Skype Discord. (!vAKvpFcksg)
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timonk » #583409

MSO im gonna liveleak your animal furry porn rape scat snuff hard drive
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Thunder11 » #583413

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
Good riddance
IcePacks wrote:
MrFoster wrote:Back in my day, we didn't complain about lag! We used it to queue attacks!
That's thinking on your feet, soldier!
Quality Paprika from #coderbus wrote:[11:35.52] <paprika> holy crap so yeah i don't care about your opinion at all
oranges wrote:
Excuse me? Thats for sensible and calm rational debate, not for senseless whining.
Resident Catmin, please direct catposting to:
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by WineAllWine » #583416

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
Reminds me of Glenn's meltdown from the thick of it:
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #583425

Reeeee wrote:
Timonk wrote:Run for headmin next time please it's gonna be funny looking back at your complaint
I guess I could but you know there's not much left here to give a shit about. Entire community seems to act like they are the below age of consent if not physically then mentally, it's been declining ever since I joined but damn. The bar wasn't that high to begin with.

Coffeedragon just makes shit up and it sticks for 20 days cus of his metagrudge and some sort of echochamber effect. MSO is basically attacking me and adding fuel to the fire cus he's just so unbased retard he can't stop dogpiling. Amazing show of leadership from a person that rapes small animals after killing them to get it up and stores the videos of it on his separate SSD. Fits like a T tho. Fucking slowclap.

I think it's time to cut losses.
It was fun but yeah. Unless this whole "you said something" shit is completely 180 flipped, I don't have the trust nor the energy to play along with vast majority of the unintelligent, abrasive underaged children who populate TG nowadays.
As I have zero trust in any of this current matter to be handled professionally, without bias or backdoor dealing and backhanded methods or even, heaven forbid, rationally, I'll just fuck off now.

It was always like that but at least people were honest about that and didn't try to prove they are somehow better than the other retard in the line with one-uppance and some sort of pure cancer culture that has set in on some level beyond "yeah we are that" and instead you clap loudly when others act shit and fight each other and dogpile in with no concern over how that makes you look or how others might treat you after that.

There was a sense of community and even my worst "enemies" were fun people to argue with who didn't take it seriously. Years ago now it feels.
Funnily enough it's been years when i do think about it.

Sure, there's some good apples in there but I kind of already added those few on Steam or our interests just didn't align enough for us to talk. Or they just didn't want to get added but so it goes, I'm not gonna hound em to talk to me if they got other shit to do. Rest of you, burn if fucking hellfire, you aren't fun and you can't even talk with humans properly and have problems with common sense and being decent people to begin with. There's not a single new person that has joined that didn't immediately go full derp mode and echo chamber the same stupid shit everyone else says and copy-paste how you act from our community "leaders" who are absolutely the worst people who have ever claimed some authority on the internet. (I still like Oranges tho, he's fun.) You aren't fun to be around nor interesting to talk to, only thing i have to say to you is insults on top of insults because that's what you give me.

Entire community and how it's run has dropped down to levels of six year old's after discord was added to be part of it. Admins are running loose and free with pure bullshit, good one's quit pretty much immediately and/or quit when they figure out what a fucking mess this place is.
pretty sure one or two just stopped when you told them to enforce bullshit from up on high with no reasons given.
That's how it always seems to turn out in dying communities.

And coders are removing all the fun shit like black holes, massive fuck off teslaballs and fun to do projects like TEG and making SM run on empty clones. Insane shit was why I joined TG and enjoyed it. There's none of that left, is there? Warden shotgun was removed and people stopped playing security.
That kind of thing. Examples are plentiful and counterpoints nonexistent. Fun is verboten on TG.

Some of you might have noticed but nobody does anything about it since we are not allowed to talk about the protected class of coders or even criticize that shit without jumping some hoops and getting that right revoked as soon as you say something that coders don't like. I know i got immediately boot to the head when i pointed out a bug in how shit worked.
There's no way to get back to the fun shit even if community united and said "we want this".
And the pants on retarded argument is that you get to be a coder if you code shit with no quality assurance or playtesting. It's unfun, uninteresting shit that get's added and fun ideas die in a ditch or I'm assuming because the corecoders just tell people with fun ideas to fuck off or bully them to stop helping.
Your actions on forums pretty much tell me that is the case.

Most arguments are about vore dogs and how shoestealing is overpowered when it comes to coding and there's no sense of direction besides "yeah this fun shit is now gone". It's like you just stopped having any kind of fun in space with insane shit and just want a 2D combat simulation when the entire game breaks at 200ms lag to begin with while removing all the combat shit.
I dunno man, there's no cohesive content to enjoy in the current state of Teegee.
Jesus fuck you made Ice map. Jesus fucking Christ you are beyond dumb, who the fuck goes "yeah random round removals are fun" and community just goes with it since it's not allowed nor does it give a shit about the game anymore and it's not immediately pulled for being broken as fuck.

There's not much left on content left to experience anyway and best parts are being systematically removed. Atmos kind of was the last bastion and the waffle engine or whatever is just stupid as sin timewastey gimmick with no reason to do it to begin with.
And yeah, years of content but it's a downwards spiral at this point.

Added to the fact that literally everyone here hates me because of the idiotic reason that I argue back on everything when you act like shit towards me.
Well... Fucking Duh.
And the community managers seem to be actively telling people it's okay to personally attack others by joining in these days, that's real welcoming you fucking brainlets.

Not that I'm particularly sad about it all, time passes and we get bored of shit. Which is the main reason I'm fucking off. It's fucking fun to argue brainlessly on ban appeals with no hope of anything coming out of it. I can do that elsewhere I figure. Good times were had, bad times were had and I made friends.
I especially enjoyed insulting basically everyone around me since you are just that enabling towards my personal favorite pastime of being a fucking cunt.
It's not healthy tho and you should not spend your days on the internet calling others names. But, you do.

See you on the internet when we don't recognize each others usernames.
Good people know who they are and bad people don't understand any of this to begin with.
Best wishes and hellfire to each.

inb4 "good riddance" and MSO doxxing me to prove he's the better man after he bricks his animal rape porn SSD.
live under bed and eat shit from toilet
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timonk » #583426

i will forever be known as the man who summoned a 15 paragraph rant with just 15 words, a paragraph for each one
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by terranaut » #583433

saprasam wrote:when people act retarded ironically they attract retards who think they're in good company
ive seen that video too
[🅲 1] [🆄 1] [🅼 1]

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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Stickymayhem » #583436

This is what happens when you stagnate for years while your community grows past you

Very sad, we'll see him on the incel boards
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by remanseptim » #583437

*eats a steak in your path*
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by terranaut » #583438

Stickymayhem wrote:This is what happens when you stagnate for years while your community grows past you

Very sad, we'll see him on the incel boards
lol sticky browses incel boards
[🅲 1] [🆄 1] [🅼 1]

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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #583439

Stickymayhem wrote:This is what happens when you stagnate for years while your community grows past you
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by cacogen » #583446

saprasam wrote:when people act retarded ironically they attract retards who think they're in good company
Not sure what Rene was describing but it's like how pool's closed and the n word ruined 4chan
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Armhulen » #583447

terranaut wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:This is what happens when you stagnate for years while your community grows past you

Very sad, we'll see him on the incel boards
lol sticky browses incel boards
We love!
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by capn_monkeypaw » #583449

Jesus christ.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Bdudy » #583450

Well, this was a trainwreck
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by wesoda25 » #583451

Same time next week?
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timonk » #583453

libby is returning to the /tg/ board to make tg 2
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by PKPenguin321 » #583455

i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Timonk » #583458

I'm going to starr as the headcoder called tangerine
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #583460

We all live in a yellow submarine
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Re: libby is being a retard again peanut

Post by Kendrickorium » #583471

cacogen wrote:
saprasam wrote:when people act retarded ironically they attract retards who think they're in good company
Not sure what Rene was describing but it's like how pool's closed and the n word ruined 4chan
I still think pools closed was the fucking highest point /b/ eer got
that and the tom green raids were peak fucking 4chan

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