Cat Ears Peanut

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Cat Ears Peanut

Post by SkeletalElite » #583935

Bottom post of the previous page: ... ead#unread

Cat girl static plays captain for a round but changed to human and wears cat ears

gets mad when AI thinks they're a catgirl and treats them as such
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #584579

If you want an AI that's the crew's bitch instead of all and only human's bitch, you should change its laws to be as such.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by ArcaneDefence » #584588

What punctuation shouwd be used when wowds awe insewted ow awtewed in a diwect quotation?

When wwitews insewt ow awtew wowds in a diwect quotation, squawe bwackets—[ ]—awe pwaced awound the change. The bwackets, awways used in paiws, encwose wowds intended to cwawify meanying, pwovide a bwief expwanyation, ow to hewp integwate the quote into the wwitew’s sentence. A common ewwow wwitews make is to use pawentheses in pwace of bwackets.

What punctuation shouwd be used when wowds awe insewted ow awtewed in a diwect quotation?

When wwitews insewt ow awtew wowds in a diwect quotation, squawe bwackets—[ ]—awe pwaced awound the change. The bwackets, awways used in paiws, encwose wowds intended to cwawify meanying, pwovide a bwief expwanyation, ow to hewp integwate the quote into the wwitew’s sentence. A common ewwow wwitews make is to use pawentheses in pwace of bwackets.

How awe squawe bwackets used awound cwawifying ow expwanyatowy wowds?
Wet’s wook at an exampwe:

Quotation with bwackets used cowwectwy awound a cwawifying wowd:

“It [dwiving] imposes a heavy pwoceduwaw wowkwoad on cognyition that . . . weaves wittwe pwocessing capacity avaiwabwe fow othew tasks” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 107). [1]

Nyote: Bwackets awe pwaced awound the insewted wowd in this exampwe to wet the weadew knyow that ‘dwiving’ cwawifies the meanying of the pwonyoun ‘it.’

Quotation with pawentheses incowwectwy used in pwace of bwackets:

“It (dwiving) imposes a heavy pwoceduwaw wowkwoad on cognyition that . . . weaves wittwe pwocessing capacity avaiwabwe fow othew tasks” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 107).

Nyote: Pawentheses awe used incowwectwy in pwace of bwackets in this exampwe, making the insewted wowd wook wike it couwd be pawt of the owiginyaw text.

Wet’s wook at anyothew exampwe:

Quotation with bwackets used cowwectwy awound an expwanyatowy insewt:

“[D]wiving is nyot as automatic as onye might think; in fact, it imposes a heavy pwoceduwaw wowkwoad [visuaw and motow demands] on cognyition that . . . weaves wittwe pwocessing capacity avaiwabwe fow othew tasks” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 107).

Nyote: Bwackets awe pwaced awound the insewted wowds in this exampwe to pwovide fuwthew expwanyation of the “pwoceduwaw wowkwoad” discussed in the owiginyaw text.

Quotation with pawentheses incowwectwy used in pwace of bwackets:

“[D]wiving is nyot as automatic as onye might think; in fact, it imposes a heavy pwoceduwaw wowkwoad (visuaw and motow demands) on cognyition that . . . weaves wittwe pwocessing capacity avaiwabwe fow othew tasks” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 107).

Nyote: Pawentheses awe used incowwectwy in pwace of bwackets in this exampwe, making the insewted wowds wook wike they awe pawt of the owiginyaw text.

How awe squawe bwackets used to hewp integwate a quote pwopewwy?
Wet’s wook at an exampwe:

Owiginyaw diwect quotation beginnying with an uppew case wettew:

“The heavy cognyitive wowkwoad of dwiving suggests that any secondawy task has the potentiaw to affect dwivew behaviow” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 108).

Integwated quotation with bwackets used cowwectwy to indicate a change in wettew case:

Sawvucci and Taatgen pwopose that “[t]he heavy cognyitive wowkwoad of dwiving suggests that any secondawy task has the potentiaw to affect dwivew behaviow” (108).

Nyote: Bwackets awe pwaced awound the wowew-case wettew‘t’ to indicate that the wettew case has been changed. The quotation is intwoduced by a signyaw phwase, which makes the quote an integwaw pawt of the wwitew’s sentence; as a wesuwt of this syntacticaw change, the uppew case ‘T’ in the owiginyaw is changed to a wowew case wettew.

Wet’s wook at anyothew exampwe:

Owiginyaw diwect quotation wwitten in the past tense:

“Nyot coincidentawwy, dwivews have been incweasingwy engaging in secondawy tasks whiwe dwiving” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 68).

Nyote: The authows’ wowds appeaw in the past tense in the owiginyaw text.

Quotation with bwackets used cowwectwy to indicate a change in vewb tense:

“Nyot coincidentawwy, dwivews [awe] incweasingwy engaging in secondawy tasks whiwe dwiving” (Sawvucci and Taatgen 68).

Nyote: Bwackets awe pwaced awound the wowd ‘awe’ to indicate that the vewb has been changed to the pwesent tense, which is the pwefewwed tense fow most wwiting in MWA stywe. The past tense is pwefewwed fow APA stywe wwiting.

A wowd of caution: Bwacketed insewtions may nyot be used to awtew ow add to the quotation in a way that inyaccuwatewy ow unfaiwwy wepwesents the owiginyaw text. Quite simpwy, do nyot use bwacketed matewiaw in a way that twists the authow’s meanying.

Bwacket Use: Quick Summawy
Do Don’t
Use bwackets to encwose insewted wowds intended to cwawify meanying within a quotation. Use pawentheses when insewting wowds into a quotation.
Use bwackets to encwose insewted wowds intended to pwovide a bwief expwanyation within a quotation. Use pawentheses to encwose a change in wettew case ow vewb tense when integwating a quote into youw papew.
Use bwackets to encwose a change in wettew case ow vewb tense when integwating a quote into youw papew. Use bwacketed matewiaw in a way that twists the authow’s meanying.

[1] Sawvucci, Dawio D., and Nyiews A. Taatgen. Muwtitasking Minds. Oxfowd: Oxfowd UP, 2011. eBook Cowwection (EBSCOhost). Web. 20 Feb. 2012.

Twending Topics
Insewting ow Awtewing Wowds in a Diwect Quotation
Omitting Wowds fwom a Diwect Quotation
Quoting Pways and Poetwy in MWA
Using Footnyotes (APA)
Using Fiwst Pewson in an Academic Essay: When is It Okay?
Showten the Titwe of this Souwce in the In-text Citation
Abstwacts (APA)
So Youw Instwuctow is Using Contwact Gwading…
Pawagwaph Twansitions
Fowmatting Headings and Subheadings (APA)
Fowmatting the Fiwst Main Body Page (APA)
Fowmatting the Titwe Page (APA)
Fowmatting the Wowks Cited
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by Timonk » #584591 using OOC information in a current round
lol so im supposed to HRP now?
Armhulen wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:42 pm Thank you timonk sometimes you just need a timonk to jolt your CNS
joooks wrote:
Naloac wrote:
In short, this appeal is denied. Suck my nuts retard.
Quoting a legend, at least im not a faggot lol
See you in 12 months unless you blacklist me for this
Timberpoes wrote: I'm going to admin timonk [...]. Fuck it, he's also now my second host vote if goof rejects.
pikeyeskey13 wrote: ok don't forget to shove it up your ass lmao oops u can delete this one I just wanted to make sure it went through
Agux909 wrote:
Timonk wrote:This is why we make fun of Manuel
Woah bravo there sir, post of the month you saved the thread. I feel overwhelmed by the echo of unlimited wisdom and usefulness sprouting from you post. Every Manuel player now feels embarrased to exist because of your much NEEDED wise words, you sure teached'em all, you genius, IQ lord.

The hut has perished at my hands.

The pink arrow is always right.
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by cacogen » #584592

Fishimun wrote:Kat Ears???
this is true also of anime avatars and female characters
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by thehogshotgun » #584610

Skillywatt wrote:Killing “kat green” because they’re always a cat person is metagaming by the very definition. This post isn’t meant to defend or condemn anyone in this thread but going down the road of “well we have to view both sides and everyone always thinks you’re a cat person” is using OOC information in a current round.

You aren’t allowed to take apart atmos because you just died to a rogue AI plasma flood and you can’t justify murdering Kat Green as silicon because “they’re always felind”
Felinid metafriend detected
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by RaveRadbury » #584612

ArcaneDefence wrote:~all that shit~
Please tell me you ran that through something and didn't do it by hand, if you didn't you spent way more time on altering the post than I did on making it. I'm crying and shaking rn.
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by BONERMASTER » #584618

Yeah he did it by hand, every single word, he really liked what you were saying. No need to blush, this is the only time he has ever done that.
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Byond Username: ArcaneDefence

Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by ArcaneDefence » #584621

RaveRadbury wrote:
ArcaneDefence wrote:~all that shit~
Please tell me you ran that through something and didn't do it by hand, if you didn't you spent way more time on altering the post than I did on making it. I'm crying and shaking rn. ... 00#p583372

I have done far too many things for a shitpost :honkman:
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by Mothblocks » #584636

Misdoubtful wrote:[youtube]6XwWFE4a39o[/youtube]

Look at this cat getting a bath.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<
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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by remanseptim » #584638

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Re: Cat Ears Peanut

Post by cacogen » #584641

Jaredfogle wrote: [youtube]_VfSl0iGAus[/youtube]
This is trauma that will remain buried in that cat's psyche for all time. Chinese microwave
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this


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