[BrotherBeyond] Falxian/G04T - Assistant Permajobban Appeal

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[BrotherBeyond] Falxian/G04T - Assistant Permajobban Appeal

Post by Falxian » #589795

BYOND Account: Falxian (G04T was deactivated somehow and I fucked up like a brilliant mind I am by using a burner mail which I forgot now. I let admins know though and they mirrored everything to Falxian though.)
Character Name: Jim Stinger
Ban Type: Jobban: Assistant
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban Reason: Banned from Roles: Assistant permanently - "Excessive greytiding, very bad note history and a low playtime for that amount of bans. Has been warned less than two weeks ago about greytiding. Had IED'd brig roundstart which is what caused this ban. Appeal on the forums if you wish."
Time Ban Was Placed: 2020-11-12 17:46:27
Server You Were Playing On When Banned: Terry
Round ID: IDK
Your Side Of The Story: I was a massive shitter as an Assistant: I kept looking for fights, making people miserable, breaking into places and throwing funny explosive cans at Security for laughs. I was given a probation by I think BrotherBeyond and I fucked up, which resulted in the permajobban.
Why You Think You Should Be Unbanned: I got over the passive aggressive chimpouts and have opened my mind to a few innocent and harmless gimmicks I can pull off as an Assistant. If there's something I miss on Terry now, it's the freedom and flexibility of an Assistant. I could obviously get a job and do what the job entails, but sometimes I want to play a round without any responsibility and expectations.
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Byond Username: BrotherBeyond

Re: [BrotherBeyond] Falxian/G04T - Assistant Permajobban Appeal

Post by BrotherBeyond » #589868

Hiya! Happy to unban ya from assistant.
Should be lifted by the time you've read this but please do be more careful in the future since it's quite likely any future tiding bans will be a lot longer.

Have a good one mate.
Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:30 pm

Re: [BrotherBeyond] Falxian/G04T - Assistant Permajobban Appeal

Post by Falxian » #589872

Thank you very much.

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