[MrAlphonzo] Hamoud al-Habibi- can we please re-investigate my ban?

Appeals which have been closed.
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:20 am
Byond Username: Qfmysteryman23

[MrAlphonzo] Hamoud al-Habibi- can we please re-investigate my ban?

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #591104

Byond Account: Qfmysteryman23

Character name: Normally its Cleans-His-Ass but in this situation it was Hamoud Al-habibi.

Ban type: server

ban length: Perma

Reason: "Your record is garbage. Your record has continuously been garbage. You immediately try to replicate the thing you got banned for last time but wording it differently. Honestly, when I looked at your record, I was amazed you were not perma'd sooner."

Time of ban: 2020-11-26 at 04:43:45

Server: Sybil

round Id: 151002

We all know what happened

Please Re-investigate my ban. I literally broke no rules since my Ban note is false as all hell. The ban that MrAlphonzo is referring to before my current ban is this: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 34&t=27910

If you read it carefully, even though I kinda messed up and at first I thought I was banned for the Islamic Gimick, it turns out I was actually banned because of the law that made the AI "Put people to death."
MrAlphonzo however, believes that I was banned because I gave the AI laws that were pertaining to Islam, even though that is not the case. My current ban makes literally no sense because the laws I gave to the AI was just re-worded asimov, I shall also remind you that I was the captain(Highest ranking crew Member) and I never gave the AI laws that said to murder people. At least my laws could give protection to non-humans as I literally said "All creatures are equal in the eyes of Allah." This meant that Humans, Lizards, Moths, etc etc, where all protected as long as they "submitted to Allah." My laws were honestly more fucking fair than shitty asimov which is literally just a murderbone law set.

/tg/ sybil is a LRP server and yes I know that does not mean "No Role-play" but I literally made those laws so I could generate new role play experiences organically instead of by being forced, and it was still with in the confines of the rules. Anything outside of me being banned for something that is not true would just be speculation(which isn't even allowed in a court of law)

This ban is extremely unfair especially since I did not break any rules. The only rule that I might have broke was the "Admin discretion" rule.

If I get unbanned, I promise I wont do the Islamic Gimmick again, and if you don't believe me; just put me on a probation or something and if I do it just perma-ban me again and don't let me appeal. I was an active player on the server and I would really like it if I could come back and be involved with the community again.
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Hamoud al-Habibi- can we please re-investigate my ban?

Post by Domitius » #591112

Your original appeal for this, linked here, was closed with the condition to go grab a voucher from another server and to appeal in a year.

For context the full response is below.
After reviewing relevant rounds and taking in the extensive background of your record this ban will be upheld.

Every instance after a ban has been lifted you've pursued in self-antagonistic actions and have hindered the rounds of other players to the benefit of nobody. Paired with the observed inability for you to show any progress in improving or changing your behaviour for the better has exhausted the good will and patience that the various members of our team have had for you.

Go grab playtime on another server and come back with a reference in a year. I will not continue to force the community to suffer you until you've shown a remarkable improvement.
If this was a single shift where this incident happened this wouldn't be a ban and hardly a note. The ban was in place because of your continued self-antagonistic behavior after being warned about it.

Some ban appeals before have been accepted before their asked for date. However you have not shown in your original appeal or your second appeal here any good faith attempts at satisfying the condition of a voucher which puts us into the sad position where we will not consider the appeal.

I understand you're frustrated with the situation but this is now the third appeal you've made and it's time to let it go.

The ban will continue to be upheld. Please try appealing again in a year from the date of your original ban, 2021-11-26.

Any further appeals before that date will be met with further administrative action.

Edited: Several spelling mistakes, sorry.

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