Using SS13 for an RPG campaign

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Using SS13 for an RPG campaign

Post by doom2hellonearth » #593237

Someone on the tg discord brought up the idea of using ss13 for dnd-esque campaigns and I felt intrigued. After thinking about it, I realized SS13 is perfect for it. It would all be in real time, so you wouldn't have to worry about rolling or anything like that. npcs could just be admin controlled for dialogue when needed, et cetera et cetera. has anyone tried this idea out, and if they haven't would they be interested if I attempted to try to do something like it and host my own ss13 campaign?
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Re: Using SS13 for an RPG campaign

Post by BONERMASTER » #593449

The game may be, but the people aren't. Speaking from experience, online DnD sessions always turned out to be the most incoherent shit I have ever witnessed, even with dedicated software and people that actually want to play. That said though, all of the maps we play on provide you with the dice and paper necessary to start a campaign in the library, certainly possible since I've been part in a bunch of these. If you want to try this out, that's what I would recommend, then you'll get some experience to make an opinion for yourself.

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Re: Using SS13 for an RPG campaign

Post by Screemonster » #593494

I mean, that's kinda what BYOND is for. Why use SS13 specifically to play D&D in byond?

I mean I guess it comes with a bunch of pre-written mechanics and stuff like that but I'm pretty sure there are fantasy games on there too.
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