[Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

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Byond Username: Shiraizawa

[Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Shiraizawa » #603445

BYOND account: Shiraizawa
Character name: Random posiborg
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason:
You have been banned by Cimika from the server.
Reason: Rule 11 - Player said a bunch of transphobic things IC :
"Hating on trans"
"See? THis is why I hate trannies"
"Trans scum"
"RD is a trans!!"
"You seem to lack in brain activity" (Referring to a someone they called trans)
-Cant see how is this relevant
"No idea why you'd entertain the idea of promoting mental issues, cockroach"
"You either have xx or xy, thats all, everything else is a degeneration"

When questioned about this, the player doubled down, stated they will not stop themselves if they get in a conflict with someone again, as well as stated :
-I did not in-fact say this, I said I will only do this, if provoked, just as I wouldnt kill someone, unless its to protect myself
"Just perma me instead, this is toxic"

if you can't bring yourself to follow the rules and not express your opinion on said matter on our servers, then I see no reason to keep you around.
The problem wasnt that I expressed my opinion, it was that you dont like negative opinions about this topic
This ban is permanent. The round ID is 164351.
To appeal this ban go to https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=7
Time ban was placed: 2021-06-18 16:12:27
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry my beloved
Round ID in which ban was placed: 164351
Your side of the story: Commented on the conversation.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I dont usually talk to others for this exact reason, it gets me banned. In this shitty society everyone gets offended at whatever they hear, if its directed at them or not. I still wanna play tho
The whole conversation:
Brnuo Dworf (as The Robocop) says, "Borgs"
Brnuo Dworf (as The Robocop) says, "Get him out" I was a borg so I started to pull cal, as he was next to to the guy saying this
Amelia Mason says, "Her, and, no" I didnt even see this
Brnuo Dworf (as The Robocop) says, "Not cap"
Brnuo Dworf (as The Robocop) says, "Rd"
Mechanicus Knight states, "Oh"
Microsoft Borg states, "Laws" A fellow borg was talking to me
Mechanicus Knight states, "I will not state for you, silly"

At this point, Rd decides to disassemble me, after flashing me

Microsoft Borg points at Amelia Mason.
Amelia Mason says, "Nah"
Amelia Mason says, "It's good"
Microsoft Borg states, "Then why its open"
Possibly referring to my cover, since rd disassembled me
The creature screams, "He is human"
The creature screams, "Transhuman if you will"
Microsoft Borg states, "Oh well"
Mechanicus Knight states, "Yikes"
Mechanicus Knight states, "I hate transies"
I was talking to the morph, had no idea who he directed his message to
Got flashed by RD, cell taken

Amelia Mason asks, "Repeat that ?" [
Mechanicus Knight states, "Its the truth"
Amelia Mason says, "Repeat that."
Mechanicus Knight states, "Ive been makde for this"
Mechanicus Knight states, "Hating on trans"
She was a human, i was asiimov, I complied
SLI-358 says, "See? THis is why I hate trannies"
This is when he deborged me
SLI-358 whispers, "Trans scum"
She was running around, this is where I started to direct my messages to him, after being deborged
Amelia Mason says, "Shut up"

He started to run around all the place, without doing anything

SLI-358 says, "You seem to lack in brain activity"
SLI-358 says, "Running around without a clue"
SLI-358 says, "Or a reason"

She engaged with CE, spoke in single words

SLI-358 says, "Speak in sentences"
Amelia Mason says, "Shush"
SLI-358 says, "I will not, cockroach"
This cockroach part was a reference to Path Of Exile, Lady Dialla, who keeps referring to the player as "not-a-cockroach"
Amelia Mason says, "I'm only keeping you alive so you can be handled, shut up"
Rule 1 broken??? Was held captive in bag for a good 20 mins, then fried and eaten
SLI-358 says, "Sad you have to handle negativity, cockroach"
I started to hate on him specifically
SLI-358 says, "I am crying internally"
Amelia Mason says, "Thanks for providing"
SLI-358 says, "The left will never be right"
SLI-358 says, "They can only be wrong"
Funny cuz directions
SLI-358 says, "Oh, you are alive, cockroach"
She was in RD room doing nothing just standing for a good couple of mins
Amelia Mason says, "Yeah i was just telling the gods what you told me"
Amelia Mason says, "Nothing more"
Amelia Mason says, "Don't worry"
SLI-358 says, "I have nothing to worry about, cockroach"
SLI-358 says, "The truth is harsh, but afterall, its the truth"
Amelia Mason says, "I mean
Amelia Mason says, "Even if what you said was a joke at the start"
Amelia Mason says, "It clearly wasn't towards the end"
SLI-358 says, "It wasnt"
SLI-358 says, "I am programmed so that I cant lie"
SLI-358 says, "Getting butthurt over a borg in a shift kinda proves my point though"
SLI-358 says, "Of being a left, cockroach"
SLI-358 says, "This isnt safestation 13, afterall"
Amelia Mason says, "Blatant violation of the nanotrasen code of conduct"
I did not harass anyone, until I was provoked by being deborged, they took it on themselves, when I wasnt even talking to them
Amelia Mason says, "Get fucked"
SLI-358 asks, "Was it blatant though?"

Not important convo

Amelia Mason asks, "Did you even read the rules ?"
Amelia Mason says, "Rule 11"
SLI-358 says, "Have, rather"
Amelia Mason says, "Especially"
SLI-358 says, "Sentences, whole sentences, cockroach"
SLI-358 says, "So its okay if you break a rule, but not if I do"
SLI-358 says, "This is exactly whats wrong with the left"
Amelia Mason says, "Even if i end up getting smitten for it, i don't really care"
SLI-358 says, "Its not okay to hate, but its okay to hate the haters"
Amelia Mason says, "You are hating"
SLI-358 says, "I know"
Amelia Mason says, "I'm hating on the hater"
Amelia Mason asks, "How is that problematic ?"
SLI-358 says, "Hypocrisy"
Amelia Mason says, "Except you choose to hold those opinions"
SLI-358 says, "And I stand by them"

I dont hate the homosexuals, I specifically hate the trans only

Amelia Mason says, "People don't really choose to be trans"
SLI-358 says, "They do"
SLI-358 says, "They actually do"
SLI-358 says, "You choose to lie below the knife"
Amelia Mason says, "I swear if it was that simple people wouldn't choose to be insulted"
Amelia Mason says, "And aggressed"
Amelia Mason says, "And thrown insults at"
Amelia Mason says, "It doesn't make sense the "they choose it""
SLI-358 says, "Being trans is not the same as being gay"
Amelia Mason asks, "Really ?"
Amelia Mason asks, "How is that so ?"
SLI-358 says, "Gay people exist ,they dont choose, but paying a large sum for meds to have your genitals swapped is a choice"
Admin convo:
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: Hey, we need to chat about the things you said about transgender people.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

PM to-Admins: Ban me instead, I stand by my point, I wont stop hating on them, especially after how they act.
I admit, i knew what was coming, because it happens everywhere. Freedom of speech, unless its against freedom. Its kinda funny how the left is more right today, than the right itself. In terms of eleminating whatever they dont like.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: Listen, you're entitled and free to entertain any opinions and thoughts that you'd like, but all we ask of you is that you don't express them IC or OOC, especially in a demeaning way.

PM to-Admins: They told me to repeat it, so I did

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: Do you think you could manage not to say such things again?

PM to-Admins: Nope, when its provoked

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: That doesn't give you the right to say these things, this is a completely different issue. When your ban expire, I advise you not to say these things again, or you will be banned again, more harshly this time.

So heres the issue, it wasnt directed at first, they took it on themselves and after being physically (in the game) attacked (deborged) I retaliated with words that I knew they would find insulting

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: Depending on how long ago you last played, you might not be aware of the latest host rule, I advise you to read through them again, especially rule 11.

PM to-Admins: Just perma me instead, this is toxic
I was quite heated in this moment, my anger towards the trans took the better of me
PM to-Admins: Of course you must priorities the mentally handicapped and take their hands in any issues

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: Are you sure this is what you want? All we need from you is to not say those things on our servers and you're free to play here.

PM to-Admins: I said: If its provoked, I will retaliate

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Cimika: There are other ways to insult people than demeaning transgender folks, don't you think?
Again, at first, me saying it wasnt to insult others, they provoked it
PM to-Admins: Well, whatever, no reason to prolong this, you already choose their side, go ahead, do whatever, I will just have more reason to hate on the left
The issue was non-existent, until the leftie made it a thing.
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Byond Username: Shiraizawa

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Shiraizawa » #603446

11. Bigotry is not allowed.
Intentionally seeking to demean others due to their actual or perceived race, sex, gender, orientation or the like is not tolerated.
It is not our goal to create or enforce a list of banned words and instead our goal to eject bigotry from the community. Enforcement will be less PC based and more common sense based with that goal in mind.
The above rule applies to ALL OOC bigotry, even when expressed in IC. There is no racism in 2561, just species-ism, There is no homophobia, just xenophiliapobia, etc.
Admins are encouraged to use rule 1 to deal with instances where """IC""" bigotry is excessive or designed as a mask for ooc bigotry.

I wasnt intentionally seeking to demean others, they heard it and took it on themselves and held me captive. They totally entertained this conversation.
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Byond Username: Cimika

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Cimika » #603449

Hey, thanks for taking the time to appeal.

As it stands, the things I highighted in the ban reason are definitely you expressing OOC bigotry in character, which is definitely against the rules.

Like I explained to you in the ticket, as long as you can stop yourself from expressing this on our servers, I am willing to reduce the ban length if you agree to follow the rules.
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Byond Username: Shiraizawa

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Shiraizawa » #603456

I wont go around randomly shitting on random groups of people, if thats what you want, but if someone who attacks me and happens to be a person of that group, i will use whatever means to defend myself, be that physical or psychological.

tl;dr I wont.
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Byond Username: Cimika

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Cimika » #603457

This appeal is denied then.
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Byond Username: Shiraizawa

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Shiraizawa » #603462

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Byond Username: Somepan

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Somepan » #603463

I was the RD that round, and apologies if i misinterpreted what you meant at the start, though, after i deconstructed you, you immediatly jumped to using slurs and went into a rant about "the left" and "trannies". You didn't attempt to to recontextualize a SINGLE TIME.
A real shame you ommited the part where i epically owned you while debating too.
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Byond Username: MortoSasye

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by MortoSasye » #603473

Somepan wrote:I was the RD that round, and apologies if i misinterpreted what you meant at the start, though, after i deconstructed you, you immediatly jumped to using slurs and went into a rant about "the left" and "trannies". You didn't attempt to to recontextualize a SINGLE TIME.
A real shame you ommited the part where i epically owned you while debating too.
Post the logs to accompany your side of the story please
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Byond Username: Rohen Tahir
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Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #603499

Shiraizawa wrote:I wasnt intentionally seeking to demean others, they heard it and took it on themselves and held me captive. They totally entertained this conversation.
Shiraizawa wrote:who attacks me and happens to be a person of that group, i will use whatever means to defend myself, be that physical or psychological.
Contradictory. Please do not lie in appeals.
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Byond Username: Shiraizawa

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Shiraizawa » #603538

I didn't lie. I have the attention span of a duck and i cant focus on multiple things happening on the screen. I was ordered to get someone out, i tried, was told otherwise, someone said trans, caught my attention, i expressed my feelings towards this group, which is hate. It wasn't to hurt anyone present, but this I stated in
I did not harass anyone, until I was provoked by being deborged, they took it on themselves, when I wasnt even talking to them
This is the reason the whole agression happened. I expressed my feelings and someone getting personal because of that. This could be called OOC in IC, I admit, but then so did they do the same
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Byond Username: Somepan

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Somepan » #603547

MortoSasye wrote:
Post the logs to accompany your side of the story please
I would gladly, but proving that he didn't try to explain himself at any point would require me to post everything that was said between us, which he already did, to some extent. Though i'll post the link to the logs of that round.
https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/ter ... 1/game.txt
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Byond Username: Shiraizawa

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Shiraizawa » #604409

So uh, we already hit 1k on views with seemingly no actions taken in any direction. Can I have a reply or some kind of closure so that I can calm my heart?
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Byond Username: Cimika

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Cimika » #604413

Hey lad, the appeal is still denied and we are both currently waiting on the headmins.
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Byond Username: Jimmius

Re: [Cimika] Shiraizawa - Rule 11 retardation

Post by Jimmius » #604428

We're upholding this, it's extremely clear cut bigotry.

Headmin Votes:
Coconutwarrior97: Uphold.
Jimmius: Uphold.
Naloac: Uphold.

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