[MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

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[MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Noodlecat » #614359

Should detectives changing their gun to the lethal .357 rounds be allowed ever, I personally think it should not be allowed unless there are nuke ops/blob/xenos/cult(as if you are gonna get anywhere with using ballistics on cult) or other antags that pose a threat to all crew and therefore can be validhunted freely.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Farquaar » #614362

Some detectives are loose cannons who live life on the edge. They're also supposed to be the ones who discover threats that haven't been discovered yet (a dangerous proposition). Makes sense that they'd be able to upgrade their weapon if they feel like it suits their character/playstyle.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Noodlecat » #614363

Doesn’t that fall under role play rule 9
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Farquaar » #614365

Noodlecat wrote:Doesn’t that fall under role play rule 9
It's perfectly consistent with rule 9, if that's what you mean.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Noodlecat » #614366

Role playing as a “loose cannon” falls under role playing as insane roundstart(role playing as insane after something traumatic has occurred is fine)
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Farquaar » #614368

Noodlecat wrote:Role playing as a “loose cannon” falls under role playing as insane roundstart
No it doesn't.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Noodlecat » #614369

loose can·non
noun: loose cannon; plural noun: loose cannons
an unpredictable or uncontrolled person who is likely to cause unintentional damage.

You really think nanotrasen would hire someone who would damage their station
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Noodlecat » #614370

And give said person a gun
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #614372

Literally yes.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by iamgoofball » #614374

Upgrading your gun to .357 gives it a chance to explode in your face every time you fire. It's fine.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Gigapuddi420 » #614375

I don't really understand where OP is coming from on this. The detective is already counted as security under roleplay rules and their sidearm is provided for self defense. So long as his response is proportional to the situation (example: their life is at risk so they shoot to kill) it shouldn't matter if they've dangerously modified their gun. If anything it's more interesting that the detective is packing a handcannon as a hold out, the loose cannon who is shit out of luck in a dark maintenance shaft with a nasty customer charging him down.

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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by sinfulbliss » #614376

Upgrading to 357 isn't an upgrade.. It's a downgrade. You really can only get 2 shots off before the chance of shooting yourself becomes way too high to be worth it, and even then there's still a solid chance you shoot yourself.

It doesn't make the gun better, it's just a kinda fun gimmick if you wanna be risky.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Screemonster » #614380

Remember kids, "roleplay" means "tedious realism" and the more tedious and """"""realistic""""" it is the higher the roleplay!

The gun's fine. It's thematic. Who gives a fuck about whether it's "realistic" that NT would give a loose cannon a gun and a badge, it's not "realistic" that they'd assign a fucking clown and a mime to a space station either.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Misdoubtful » #614381

Everyone literally gets stronger as the round progresses. 'Upgrading' the revolver so that it can blow up in your face follows this.

There's a difference between upgrading your revolver to validhunt and play2win and just making use of the mechanical gimmick available to you that's already within your job scope.

If the det is running around gat blasting antags for existing and just generally trying to be sec+ then things are already whack. The revolver might be attached to that problem, but it isn't the cause of it.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by terranaut » #614383

Kel's post in the other thread is the only post you need to read in regards to the whole revolver situation.

https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 15#p612966
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #614902

It's medium roleplay, not no fun allowed. If the detective wants to play russian roulette every time he fires his primary weapon in exchange for more damage then props to him.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #614927

Noodlecat wrote:Doesn’t that fall under role play rule 9
The Loose Cannon trope is a classic Detective story trope for a reason. Rule RP9 strikes me more as being "hey maybe if you're constantly praising the Syndicate 24/7 (as a non-antag), or consistently refusing to do your job when instructed to, so that you can build an illegal drug den in maintenance (as a non-antag) you probably wouldn't keep your job."

But "Damnit, Kowalski. You're a loose cannon...but you're a damn good cop." should be acceptable because it's A Classic Story Trope.

Otherwise you gotta ban every single Sec player who isn't communicating via phonetic alphabet.
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by dukenukemsucks » #615100

i don't think there is anything wrong with modifying the revolver, since .357 ammo is so scarce and the risk certainly plays off.
plus no one even uses the revolver for combat, it's either a last resort or something to scare people off AND sometimes as a utility with the special ammo you can load it with, you are better off using your baton or a e-gun in any case the detective is not meant to be arresting people or blasting antags
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by NecromancerAnne » #616198

It's worth noting, and I know this just policy so a bit off topic, that the revolver does get at least one shot off before it starts rolling the dice on misfire and you need to clean it.

This means you can use the revolver for one very specific usage. Shooting weapons out of peoples hands like a badass. (Or shooting out their legs since that's more practical)
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Re: [MRP] dets “upgrading” their gun to .357

Post by NamelessFairy » #617328

Detectives have access to a large variety of ammo types which have various pros and cons for different situations, modifying your revolver to accept a different ammo type falls in line with the rest of the detectives kit and as such is allowed on MRP.

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