[sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

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[sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by humanoid » #617867

BYOND account: kalvinalva
Character name: Dirk Pennington if I remember correctly could also be Nanotrasen Station Supervisor if I was playing as an AI.
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Permanent - Accumulated 30 bans / notes over the course of three months. Roundstart suicide as AI and lying in ahelps within three days of ending a two month ban. You've had enough warnings, please find another server to play on.
Time ban was placed: 2020-08-11 02:06:17
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 143987
Why you think you should be unbanned: I'll be honest with you. I was a massive shitter and salty fuck in manuel back then. I did a lot of LRP antics that I should have not done, powergamed, annoyed a lot of people. The complete package. after I also played on bee (looongg story) and got banned. It gave me time to reflect on my actions. I Started playing on austation. Seen shitters just like me and see what they do and how their actions affects the playerbase. Realized what I have done in the past was wrong and changed my ways. Became an mentor in austation and had no notes since I joined the server.

I have changed significantly for the better since I got banned from /tg/ and wish to come back. I thought to myself that after all of those notes and bans that I my chances of getting unbanned are slim to none and turned to ban evading. I should mention that I did not do anything malicious while doing that. I played the rounds without Murderboning, maxcapping or anything outlandish like that. Just did the rounds according to my jobs. I had a shitty vpn changer and would get caught numerous times. this is when I thought to myself that I would never get unbanned considering the horrible action that I just did. It wasn't until an admin, Timberpoes caught me in my latest alt and talked to me about what I was doing, and I realized I have a chance. albeit a small one to get unbanned.

I am thankful you have banned me. if I was never banned I would have never realized the errors in my ways. here I am, asking you to unban me. I regret the things I did in manuel heavily, I promise that I will be a better player if I ever get unbanned.

References of good conduct: I became a mentor in Austation and have had no notes in the server after playing since December 2020.The host of Austation, Terra also vouches for my good conduct (and probably several other austation admins if I asked)
Anything else we should know: I have since changed my C-key to "humanlike" so in low chance this ban appeal gets accepted. please unban that too.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617868

Sylphet has since retired and I was the one who handled your most recent evasion ban, so I'll pick this up since I was the last admin to talk to you/ban you. Give me a moment to write something up!
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617870

Your record WAS absolutely abhorrent. You were banned and with good justification. I will not mince words with you on that front and you understand and accept that.

You have been gone for over a year. During that time you have shown insight and reflection into what went wrong and how your behaviour impacts other players. This is an attitude that shows increased maturity and growth over the time you've been away.

I will not be asking for a vouch. I will take the ~30 shifts you have evaded on our server without accruing any notes as proof of your claims that you have improved. This is an exception. I spoke with Rave before penning up this response to make sure I wasn't overstepping my boundaries. This exception is thanks for your full and honest handling of the ticket earlier this evening when I caught you evading. If you had lied, you would have been banned anyway and I would have been denying this appeal with far fewer words.

I am not denying this appeal. I will unban you.

I will do so under the condition of a 1 month probationary period being applied to your account.

The terms of your probation are simple: You will not be yeeted again if you accrue just one note, however multiple notes or a single ban for bad-faith play will grant any admin the right to re-active your permanent ban immediately at their own discretion.

You must use the kalvinalva account, there will be no escaping your past notes. They will stay as a reminder to you of your growth as a person from then until now and hopefully far into the future.

When your probationary period ends, that history will of course continue be with you. You will need to maintain a consistent standard of play to earn the goodwill of the admin team back beyond your probationary period, at which point your past shouldn't haunt you any longer.

I have confidence this is not setting you up to fail. I want you to succeed. This probation is not set in stone, but I want you to think long and hard about if you can genuinely manage it. If you have any concerns or worries, get back to me before accepting and I'll see what I can do.

You have used up your singular life with ban evasion. If you get banned and evade again, you should not expect any leniency from the administrative team in any capacity for a very long time. In the future, serve your time and appeal like everyone else, please. You have been formally lectured and warned.

I am also heading to bed after posting this, so you have plenty of time to think about what I've said and whether you are happy to accept the terms or not, or if you have any worries that I may be setting you up to fail, in which case we can discuss things further.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by humanoid » #617881

Thank you for accepting my ban appeal! I didn't expect it was going to work. As for the terms of probation, it seems fair. I do wish to clarify that I didn't intend to escape my history. it's just that "humanlike" is now my main account and has the mentor role in austation, but it's fine I could switch between the accounts if need be. other than that it seems good!
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617885

I'll see what I can work out for you. Gimme a couple of hours and I'll swing back again and let you know what the dealio is.

Since I've agreed to unban you, this bit is just an ol' bastard on the Internet yells at cloud moment. My hope is that people who find themselves in a similar situation to you in the future won't repeat your pattern. Consider this my part of me giving back to the community, if you will.

I try to consider the - to coin a cheesy phrase - human aspect of what I do as a glorified video game daycare assistant.

Perhaps a controversial take here but... To me, evading is just natural human behaviour in the face of the system we have created.

We have a public and open appeals process where players feel like they have to prostrate themselves infront of the admin team and beg for forgiveness - When the reality is that we don't want you to say sorry and stroke our egos. We want to you identify what you did, why it was bad and why it won't happen again so we can unban you confident that you'll follow the server rules this time. We have peanuts with shitposters of all types chiming in their useless and unnecessary opinions.

When you look at ban appeals as a public shaming process, evasion just seems like the logical choice. It's easy to convince yourself the admin team will say no. I can't actually blame you for doing it. The first time, anyway.

That's why you've lost your one ban evasion life. You have engaged with the system properly and now understand how it really works. You don't get any more chances to evade bans and be handled with leniency.

The reality is that most admins just want players to follow the rules. When they ban, it's because the admin felt they had no other choice. When they permanently ban, it's because a player has consistently shown they cannot and will not play by the server rules - Or they've broken a rule so serious that only """permanent""" (pending appeal - If you're not blacklisted, you have a chance to return someday) exclusion from the game servers is justified.

To reverse that, you need to show that you not only can follow the rules, but will. Whether by vouch from another server, by a post that shows genuine understanding and introspection into how you ended up being banned or by raw passage of time; we actively look for reasons to unban players. Well, some of us do anyway.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617892

You can access your note/ban history via the OOC tab and using the View Admin Remarks verb.

I have removed the ban on humanlike and have added additional notes to it to document part of your history.

I have removed the server bans on petkiller, koboros and kalvinalva. The purpose of removing these bans is not so you can play on these accounts, but to make sure future audits don't link you to banned accounts which wastes everyone's time. Please stick to the humanlike account exclusively on our game servers. As a secondary purpose, you can access kalvinalva to view your note history, which I am only transferring over in part.

I have also removed the role bans for Security, Warden, Detective and HoS from kalvinalva. These bans were permanent and placed by Jack7D1 who is no longer an admin. I have combined them into this ban appeal. You are free to play security roles again.

Due to your evasion, there are additional blocks in place that will persist through all current shifts and prevent you logging in. You may need to wait for any ongoing rounds (from the timestamp of this post) to end on other servers before you can access them.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617897

Also, please don't get caught up in other players' poor antics anymore. I still have memories from your time as a player. Focus on your own game and make sure you're always following the rules. Distance yourself from those who are not. Hashtag pro life tips.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by kalvinalva » #617929

Alright. Thanks for this, and giving me a second chance!
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617931

As a reminder, I set up humanlike as your main account.

If you have any issues connecting, let me know. If you're able to connect okay, also let me know and I'll lock this up.

There's always chance I missed something while untangling things.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by humanoid » #617935

Yeah I still have issues connecting. I think you're missing a few alts? I'm still receiving a ban evade alert from "max0r"
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617936

Hot damn you've been busy. Let's see, max0r, humani, alteredstate, dus1ydave and biuedawn.

You're really making me work for this. This'll take a while longer while I run through and modify everything.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617937

Right. Give it a shot now. We'll see if there's any I missed.
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by humanoid » #617938

Alright I could connect to the server now. Everything seems to be fine. Thanks!
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Re: [sylphet] kalvinalva - A whole lot of shittery

Post by Timberpoes » #617939

Alright. Be excellent. o7

Locking this up and moving it onwards.
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