[MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

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[MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #618419

BYOND account: Qfmysteryman23
Character name: Hamoud Al-Habibi
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent

Ban reason: "Your record is garbage. Your record has continuously been garbage. You immediately try to replicate the thing you got banned for last time but wording it differently. Honestly, when I looked at your record, I was amazed you were not perma'd sooner."
Time ban was placed: 2020-11-26 at 04:43:45
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 151002

Your side of the story: Has already been explained before, I gave an AI Islamic laws that were practically identical to Asimov but by doing that, I had done something that was too close for comfort as before this incident I was banned for giving the AI laws that allowed it to grief and murder people who did not say they converted to Islam. Although I have already said that my intentions the second time was to pretty much just to have Asimov laws that switched the word "Human", with "Muslim. Because of this, I understand why the admins would think I would use this Islamic Gimmick as an excuse to grief, that's because I had done that in the past.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
After practically waiting an entire year, I have become insightful about the actions that I took in the past and have learned from them and I promise to not do said actions again. If you are still on the fence, I wouldn't object to having parole or something similar to that.

References of good conduct: I have played on TGMC for hundreds of hours and if you were to ask the player base, they would tell you that I am one of the few people on the server who follows orders and who takes my job seriously. My behavior on other servers has been very good as I have received little to no bans or notes from any of the major servers I play on like Paradise and Goon. I was also a Mentor on TeguStation, Yes I know it is very low pop, But somedays it would reach 30+ players. I am also trying to become a moderator on Foundation 19. If you want some more proof, Ask mishu#7694(F19 Admin), or Kaga#4957(F19 Head admin) on discord regarding my behavior on the server.

Anything else we should know: I know that I made this ban appeal 19 days too early, But I have already waited practically an entire year. Please understand that making an appeal after 346 days instead of 365 does not change my sincerity, rather it shows my willingness to want to come back.
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by MrAlphonzo » #618434

You've neglected to mention anything in your appeal about how your behavior did not mesh well with rule 11.
The reason I mention this, I was approached by Sybil regulars and they took more grievances with your behavior they saw as bigoted more so than your self-antagging behavior through dumb AI laws.
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
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Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #618526

It was bigoted, and im not gonna deny it. But my ban reasoning since the beginning has been because it was self antag. Go back and look at the old appeals and Rule 11 is only brought up once by you and you say, "I don't even want to get into how this does not meld well with Rule 11, that is an entirely different monster." We never really even talked about Rule 11, Thus why I didn't bring it up.
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #618531

But I will explain how it does not meld well with Rule 11, I played as a person with a stereotypical Arab name and I acted in a way that was stereotypical of Muslims and the Islamic faith and my actions portrayed the religion in a bad light. Thus I apologize for it, and wont do it again.
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by MrAlphonzo » #618549

You were permbanned from both BeeStation and YogStation a little over half a year ago, and neither of those bans have been lifted. That doesn't line up too well with this:
qfmysteryman23 wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:16 pm My behavior on other servers has been very good as I have received little to no bans or notes from any of the major servers I play on
and, if anything, it makes you look dishonest.
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #618558

I wouldn't use my ban from beestation as an example. Yogstation, go ahead I guess. And what I was saying was the Servers I currently play on, not the ones im perma banned from because well, I cant play on them. My ban from Beestation was bullshit, to say the least. The reason for this was because during their dreaded "Green-shift weekend" Everyone was getting bored and tons of people also agreed with me on this, after an hour into the round with nothing going on, I used LOOC to ask a player if I could kidnap them and spice up the round for those playing security, he Literally consented to said kidnapping and I held him hostage while sec tried to rescue him fast foward a bit, the admins find this to be "Self-antag" even though I never killed anyone and the guy I kidnapped literally said that I could do it, and the banning admin wrote in my ban note that I was 'Shooting random people' which was blatantly false, I had accidently shot one person after trying to throw a laser gun but my 'R' button did not process the throw mechanic or something and instead it shot out a laser that hit a person at the end of a hallway. It was an accident and it only hit one person and yet they made it out to seem like I shot multiple people for no reason. Skip forward a bit and the person I kidnapped tries to defend me but it doesn't matter because Ruko already wanted me banned. Later on I also had people who played security that round tell me that I shouldn't have been banned because "You made the round more fun, we were bored as shit".

Now about yogstation, go ahead and use it.

when I said "My behavior on other servers has been very good as I have received little to no bans or notes from any of the major servers I play on" I meant the servers that I play on, Like TGMC, Goon, Paradise, and Foundation 19.
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by MrAlphonzo » #618563

I'm not a BeeStation admin, so I'll take your word for it that the permaban in of itself is worth contesting. However, in that same ban reason, the banning admin stated that "you had enough second chances." This gives me some concern, since your YogStation permaban, which you just said yourself is legitimate, says nearly the exact same thing in the ban reason.
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #618686

I was given a second chance on beestation after being permabanned for another shitty reason that I wont get into, and because of these reasons I will most likely never try to get unbanned from Beestation because its full of Admins who ban people just because they personally dislike them, but use rule 1 to justify the ban because "Admin discretion". And yes I technically was perma banned twice on yogstation, the first time was because I made a note removal appeal that I thought was unfair but I stopped responding on it because it wasn't gonna go anywhere. Turns out they have a policy of Permabanning people who stop responding to their appeals and they remove it after you start responding again. The second time was for doing something in game which was arguably quite minor(at first) but still rule breaking, thus I see it as a legitimate ban, unlike the ban from bee. You should also know that on yogstation, I was given much harsher punishments and bans for things that normally would not get a person a ban because I had prior bans on other servers, they even said this themselves. I understand why they would do this, and I don't really blame them either.

How ever, the biggest reason for why my ban stuck for yogstation was because a couple weeks later I ban-evaded and played on the server for a bit until they caught me, now of course this does not help me case, But I'm being honest with you. I also do hope you find solace in the fact that my reasoning for ban-evasion was not to grief the server or anything like that, but it was because I was having a pretty bad time in my life at the time and I was working almost 50+ hours a week and when I was home I just wanted to play a normal round of ss13. Thus why they didn't catch me griefing or anything like that, rather it was because I didn't use a vpn because at the Time I just didn't care. and this isnt me trying to justify ban-evasion, Im just giving incite into my thought process/state of mind at the time. How ever, the months following these events I started to play on other servers like Paradise and goon and found more interest in roleplaying and learning the game instead of just trying to troll and be Robust.

All I'm asking for is you guys to give me just one chance to show that I have changed for the better and that I would like to be a positive influence on the server instead of a negative one like I used to be.
Last edited by qfmysteryman23 on Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by MrAlphonzo » #618731

You were permabanned from tgmc this summer, and while it was lifted, I saw the banning admin say the same thing the admins who permabanned you on other servers said. A pretty bad pattern of behavior. And this is coming from a TGMC lead, a lead of a server you listed as an example of good conduct.
At face value, your appeal is quite good. But, the more I scrutinize your activities on other servers, the less confidence I have in you.

Tell you what. Since TGMC is our sister server, and you're already quite active there, if you get an honest to goodness vouch from the admin team at TGMC, I'll lift this, no questions asked.
Don't have to wait a year to come knocking again. Whenever you get the vouch, be it tomorrow, next week, you get the idea.

Until then, this appeal is denied.
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: [MrAlphonzo] Qfmysteryman23- Slightly early one year later ban appeal

Post by qfmysteryman23 » #618787

Works for me

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