Newfriend doom prophet policynut

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Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #619685

Main thread is now serious post only, so YES I'M BRINGING BACK POLICYNUTS
- TL;DR that isn't a TL;DR
- Bed englesh
- Autistic/moronic/underage poster
- "tgstation is doomed"
- Nonsensical claims
- It is actually disgusting the way you treat the people on your server like actual children and force-filter people through a backwards-ass "I'm sorry for what I did wrong daddy, please unban me" bureaucratic process that heavily favors your administration and offers no benefits to the players.

Your rules are disgustingly, obsessively strict and arbitrary and your punishments are non-commensurate. You personally attack players and accuse them of being "shitlers" or bigots or any other label you can slap on them to make them look like the undeniable villain of the situation and you the brave hero dealing with incorrigible children making your server a safer place.

You are not some fucking mega-corporation with millions of customers to address, and you're not a one-man lone operation without so much as an intern to answer calls. It wouldn't kill you to treat people like PEOPLE and not just faceless emotionless consumers of a product who, should they disobey the terms of service in even the slightest manner, can't even be considered human at all.

What's even worse is you obsessively get involved in every tiny little scuffle. Just because someone ahelps something doesn't mean it's a major fucking thing that needs to be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment you can think of. Players are, believe it or not, functioning human beings with brains that can solve their own problems if you let them and don't annoyingly reinforce this "come to me if you need help, but don't you fucking dare EVER try to solve your own problems" environment. You can't even fucking handle the workload you are creating for yourselves by doing this and are banning people left and right for minor infractions and giving major long-term bans for things that could be handled IC or didn't even truly inconvenience anyone for more than a span of a few fucking minutes.

Asking -- no, DEMANDING -- every single player to memorize your incredibly obtuse rules and process before even so much as touching your server is unfair and ridiculous. The only rules a typical player needs to abide by is the golden rule of "don't be a dick," and STRICTLY enforcing rules beyond that is just spiteful. You create an environment where every single player is effectively held hostage by your rules and every single round will inevitably end with admins and players bickering over rulings on arbitrary shit that doesn't matter and didn't fucking hurt anyone to begin with. Players have to constantly ask for rulings and subrulings before acting on anything. Anything can be stretched and considered "griefing," anything can be considered a bannable offense, and everyone is walking on incredibly thin ice at all times because everyone knows not only that the admins are geared up to punish the players but that the other players are ready and willing to abuse this in order to ruin someone else's day.

Something doesn't go your way? Someone robusts you? Sec imprisons you for pushing a mime? Want to get back at them? Don't solve it IC, go bitch to daddy admin and get them forcibly removed from the server for inconveniencing you. If you want to take your frustrations out on some random fuck, just ahelp it and you are GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED to get a guardian angel that will undeniably punish the player that wronged you and you get a fucking pat on the head for using the bullshit system that encourages this toxic childish environment of "I'll tell mom on you!" that so many people find disgusting.

But even if your rules WERE perfect (they're not) and your admins WERE infallible (they're not) and your ban appeal system WAS fair and just to the player (it's not), you still have a discord environment where players are encouraged to tell you to fuck off, git gud, and ahelp it or possibly even to kill yourself for being a griefer and a server environment where people behave like insipid territorial animals.

And while I'm fucking at it, your "no bigotry" rule is absolute bullshit. I have people telling me I'm a piece of shit that should kill myself, I get a fucking asshole that beats me nearly to death and calls me a "stupid bitch" because I called a shuttle on lavaland without realizing they were heading for it on the station and I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule. But that rule isn't there to prevent bigotry or make players feel welcome or create a community of helpful and polite individuals, no. It's just there so you can arbitrarily make snap decisions on people based on what language they use, and if they dare to speak a word that you consider """bigoted""" regardless of the context or intent then that's an on-the-spot ban to save you time and trouble because "they were probably a dumb edgelord anyway."

This whole experience from the very beginning has made me feel like a helpless child, with players that griefed me and admins that insulted me every goddamn step of the way. I try to talk one-to-one with the admin about the issue and I'm told "fuck you, use the form." I don't even get a chance to talk to the person I "griefed," and I don't even know if they give a shit about this any more. I don't know who it was and I don't care and I doubt they care as much as you do.

I don't act aggressively purely out of malice or spite, I act aggressively when people act aggressively towards ME, and your playerbase does just that. It's not uncommon for someone to allcaps "GET THE FUCK OUT" if you are in a department you don't have ID for regardless of your reason for being there, and being aggressively grabbed and tabled is par for the fucking course. Your playerbase told me that aggression was the way to be a part of the server, and so when someone aggressed towards me by stealing something that was mine I aggressed back.

This would have been a minor issue at most, just a tiny nothing of a hiccup that nobody would have to pay any attention to if only you treated your players with respect and dignity, but you do not. And that's what hurts the most.

There are some genuinely nice people on the server and I don't want to say everyone is bad, but the environment is incredibly toxic at times and the admins promote that. The amount of disrespect and disregard and complete and utter lack of empathy across the board is astonishing. None of you want to offer even a second of your time to consider that I'm a human being with feelings that can make mistakes, nobody even thought to consider that maybe it was just a rare, honest, emotionally-driven mistake.

You treated me like garbage. You still treat me like garbage. You treat me like I'm not a person, just another number to file under the "lol ban this f*****" folder. You treat me as though every mistake I make is intentionally malicious and that I'm trying to go out of my way to ruin other peoples experiences, but from my end the only malicious ones are you. Admins who treat me like a naughty child and not a human being that can -- IF YOU FUCKING CARED TO TRY -- be reasoned with.

This whole ordeal is just disgusting.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #619686

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Domitius » #619688

Rohen_Tahir wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:23 pm Main thread is now serious post only, so YES I'M BRINGING BACK POLICYNUTS
- TL;DR that isn't a TL;DR
- Bed englesh
- Autistic/moronic/underage poster
- "tgstation is doomed"
- Nonsensical claims
- It is actually disgusting the way you treat the people on your server like actual children and force-filter people through a backwards-ass "I'm sorry for what I did wrong daddy, please unban me" bureaucratic process that heavily favors your administration and offers no benefits to the players.

Your rules are disgustingly, obsessively strict and arbitrary and your punishments are non-commensurate. You personally attack players and accuse them of being "shitlers" or bigots or any other label you can slap on them to make them look like the undeniable villain of the situation and you the brave hero dealing with incorrigible children making your server a safer place.

You are not some fucking mega-corporation with millions of customers to address, and you're not a one-man lone operation without so much as an intern to answer calls. It wouldn't kill you to treat people like PEOPLE and not just faceless emotionless consumers of a product who, should they disobey the terms of service in even the slightest manner, can't even be considered human at all.

What's even worse is you obsessively get involved in every tiny little scuffle. Just because someone ahelps something doesn't mean it's a major fucking thing that needs to be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment you can think of. Players are, believe it or not, functioning human beings with brains that can solve their own problems if you let them and don't annoyingly reinforce this "come to me if you need help, but don't you fucking dare EVER try to solve your own problems" environment. You can't even fucking handle the workload you are creating for yourselves by doing this and are banning people left and right for minor infractions and giving major long-term bans for things that could be handled IC or didn't even truly inconvenience anyone for more than a span of a few fucking minutes.

Asking -- no, DEMANDING -- every single player to memorize your incredibly obtuse rules and process before even so much as touching your server is unfair and ridiculous. The only rules a typical player needs to abide by is the golden rule of "don't be a dick," and STRICTLY enforcing rules beyond that is just spiteful. You create an environment where every single player is effectively held hostage by your rules and every single round will inevitably end with admins and players bickering over rulings on arbitrary shit that doesn't matter and didn't fucking hurt anyone to begin with. Players have to constantly ask for rulings and subrulings before acting on anything. Anything can be stretched and considered "griefing," anything can be considered a bannable offense, and everyone is walking on incredibly thin ice at all times because everyone knows not only that the admins are geared up to punish the players but that the other players are ready and willing to abuse this in order to ruin someone else's day.

Something doesn't go your way? Someone robusts you? Sec imprisons you for pushing a mime? Want to get back at them? Don't solve it IC, go bitch to daddy admin and get them forcibly removed from the server for inconveniencing you. If you want to take your frustrations out on some random fuck, just ahelp it and you are GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED to get a guardian angel that will undeniably punish the player that wronged you and you get a fucking pat on the head for using the bullshit system that encourages this toxic childish environment of "I'll tell mom on you!" that so many people find disgusting.

But even if your rules WERE perfect (they're not) and your admins WERE infallible (they're not) and your ban appeal system WAS fair and just to the player (it's not), you still have a discord environment where players are encouraged to tell you to fuck off, git gud, and ahelp it or possibly even to kill yourself for being a griefer and a server environment where people behave like insipid territorial animals.

And while I'm fucking at it, your "no bigotry" rule is absolute bullshit. I have people telling me I'm a piece of shit that should kill myself, I get a fucking asshole that beats me nearly to death and calls me a "stupid bitch" because I called a shuttle on lavaland without realizing they were heading for it on the station and I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule. But that rule isn't there to prevent bigotry or make players feel welcome or create a community of helpful and polite individuals, no. It's just there so you can arbitrarily make snap decisions on people based on what language they use, and if they dare to speak a word that you consider """bigoted""" regardless of the context or intent then that's an on-the-spot ban to save you time and trouble because "they were probably a dumb edgelord anyway."

This whole experience from the very beginning has made me feel like a helpless child, with players that griefed me and admins that insulted me every goddamn step of the way. I try to talk one-to-one with the admin about the issue and I'm told "fuck you, use the form." I don't even get a chance to talk to the person I "griefed," and I don't even know if they give a shit about this any more. I don't know who it was and I don't care and I doubt they care as much as you do.

I don't act aggressively purely out of malice or spite, I act aggressively when people act aggressively towards ME, and your playerbase does just that. It's not uncommon for someone to allcaps "GET THE FUCK OUT" if you are in a department you don't have ID for regardless of your reason for being there, and being aggressively grabbed and tabled is par for the fucking course. Your playerbase told me that aggression was the way to be a part of the server, and so when someone aggressed towards me by stealing something that was mine I aggressed back.

This would have been a minor issue at most, just a tiny nothing of a hiccup that nobody would have to pay any attention to if only you treated your players with respect and dignity, but you do not. And that's what hurts the most.

There are some genuinely nice people on the server and I don't want to say everyone is bad, but the environment is incredibly toxic at times and the admins promote that. The amount of disrespect and disregard and complete and utter lack of empathy across the board is astonishing. None of you want to offer even a second of your time to consider that I'm a human being with feelings that can make mistakes, nobody even thought to consider that maybe it was just a rare, honest, emotionally-driven mistake.

You treated me like garbage. You still treat me like garbage. You treat me like I'm not a person, just another number to file under the "lol ban this f*****" folder. You treat me as though every mistake I make is intentionally malicious and that I'm trying to go out of my way to ruin other peoples experiences, but from my end the only malicious ones are you. Admins who treat me like a naughty child and not a human being that can -- IF YOU FUCKING CARED TO TRY -- be reasoned with.

This whole ordeal is just disgusting.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by bastardblaster » #619691

What getting discord banned once does to a mf
Fucking christ I've met rabid dogs less reactive than that guy



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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Armhulen » #619693

I want to hear them say that they're completely wrong again. Is that so wrong? Don't blow me off!
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #619694

my post was deleted but raveradbury said it was funny
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Stickymayhem » #619695

Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:43 pm my post was deleted but raveradbury said it was funny
Tip: mask your rude ad hominems in big words and serious sounding language and the mods don't notice you're just dunking on a blackpilled nerd and not making a point
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Armhulen » #619696

This should have ended with "okay actually the server isn't dying"
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #619698

Stickymayhem wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:45 pm
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:43 pm my post was deleted but raveradbury said it was funny
Tip: mask your rude ad hominems in big words and serious sounding language and the mods don't notice you're just dunking on a blackpilled nerd and not making a point
i didn't do ad hominems you nerd
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Mothblocks » #619701

Tg is dying =(
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #619703


Already been there and done that with the doomer talk myself in the majority of my github rant-posts in ages past, and Kor (miss him) floored my with the same subject points about demographics changing, so eventually they'll learn to - and come to accept change in the game, if not ever stop being outraged :twisted: by it.

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by TheFinalPotato » #619705

the wheel turfs brother
My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #619707

Im more of a skate or die person myself.

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by IkeTG » #619714

Hypothesis: we permaban this guy from the internet and hook his keyboard up to the power grid
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #619728

"Make 1 headmin per server" is the only thing in the tldr (fuck its long) that didn't immediately make me think "man this guy has brain worms".

And thats only because its dumb on a more complicated level than a "WGW brings weirdos to the server" basic garden breed stupid.

Edit - I take it back "THIS IS AGAINST BASIC INFORMATION SECURITY" what a fucking tard lmao
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #619731

Rave said he'd forumban people for shitposting in that thread yet the OP continues to post unbanned.

0/10 he's literally just gatekeeping us.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Screemonster » #619734

Ban appeal: "god I didn't do anything wrong you're bullying me"
policy thread:
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Kendrickorium » #619735

holy fuck
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #619742

It's like if Fidel Castro moved to the US and started preaching about communism to the HOR.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Farquaar » #619743

Cosmodeus reminds me a lot of Nyaakuza. Think about it.

1. Sends shock images to people for no reason
2. Insinuates that there's an admin conspiracy to prevent them from "fitting in"
3. Makes long, rambling rantposts

All he needs is rapid mood swings and I've got my new favourite newfriend
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by wubli » #619744

argentina campeón :peel: :peel: :peel:
what's cooking good looking i'm jill desouza and i am here to try
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #619745

Oh my god I didn't realise this was the "set people on fire picture appeal" goblinoid lmfao nyaakuza competition confirmed.
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #619760

That brings me to one of my points I try to make in my original post where I stated that you guys are baiting people into creep posting by allowing woody got wood copy pasta. The very nature of something is copy pasted by others and they get punished for reflecting on something they've been exposed to in attempt to do what is actually HUMAN to do, "fit in", which you try to condescendingly say I'm not doing. ... 19cb0ad7aa ... c9e69a1f24
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #619761

wubli wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:08 am Image
yknow this is a REALLY weird graph and data set here because if you scroll back to oct 14 in his scrubby (easy enough) you can see there's only like... 7 rounds on the 14th. and under 5 hours that day as well
funky as fuck and I'll ping the bee over this one
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
play opus: echo of starsong
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by cSeal » #619764

whos nyaakuza and why do boomers keep mentioning them in this thread
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #619782

Cosmodeus wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:10 pm
TheFinalPotato wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:19 am I really think you have some misunderstanding about what a gamemaster is, but moving past that.
What do you mean by information security/exodia obliterate the community all at once? Are you talking about an admin just like banning literally all players or something?
Yes. Thank you for reading most of what I posted. I tried to correct my references to game master, being that I really meant everybody who isn't a trial admin. I've seen this happen to possibly at least seven communities I've partaken in, of which all of them used archaic "feel good" systems to decide rather or not someone should even get a chance to be a staff member, which this community heavily reflects that feel good system. Especially with people trying to impress certain members of the community that "just so happen to be of a higher status" and not just merely another person of the same rank, every single time, of which then that person decides they don't want to let others expectations down and shamed into doing whatever other people want to keep the feeling of being liked by the community that doesn't really like them, but likes their position or perceived social status. This mob mentality shit is what's going to lead to ultimately getting someone who exploits people who are easily susceptible to mob mentality to very easily climb their way up into the position that will give them access to server powers beyond merely controlling the round or the player base.

How it happens on every previous community I've been a part of-
-The community forms a mob mentality which begins attacking newer players that attract more attention then the attention seeking players who are "bottom fucking rank" and care about being accepted or "fitting in", which is pathetic as fuck and I feel zero sympathy for these low agency individuals
-Admins and possibly the host end up getting brown nosed so hard by people, they might actually like the feeling of everybody kissing their ass at once trying to raise their perceived pseudo intellectual importance. This causes the staff to get divided by the feeling of themselves, being admired by others, and makes their animal brain tell them they have to please others
-When this shit sticks around too long, it begins to creep into the higher ranks until it makes its way to the top of the ladder, at which point, the community is now primed for the destructive power vacuumed it just created on itself through ass kissers, mostly people who reply with negative comments to threads while never starting their own depending on what the "higher ranked" player, in this case the ranks you guys are using in the community, say in their opinions toward the post, hence the lack of agency these people have and why WGW is up for being scrapped at the moment
-"The Messiah" figure shows up as just a regular player who will be strangely "charismatic" in the community. This is a natural occurrence in communities like this where someone who is strangely likable seems to have cracked your code. They begin to manage to peer pressure intelligent people out of the community because intelligent people are their biggest threat. After this, they amongus up the ranks until they get access to as much shit as possible, even the donations if they can, or anything else
-Once they reach the peak that they can possibly reach, key word possibly, they then begin destroying the entire community as efficiently as they can order 66 style

This isn't really a conspiracy theory or conspiracy, but something that people just "naturally do" without being able to realize or admit to it, even the abstracted "Messiah" character I speak of.
Reminds me of this
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #619793

wubli wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:08 am Image
how does someone play 150 rounds per day
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Qbopper » #619795

I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule.
o im laffin

whos nyaakuza and why do boomers keep mentioning them in this thread
god please don't ask just drop it for the sanity of everyone involved i can't do this again
Limey wrote:its too late.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by EOBGames » #619806

Not-Dorsidarf wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:56 pm
wubli wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:08 am Image
how does someone play 150 rounds per day
Wait hold on a second, I didnt look at this right. How the fuck are there even 150 rounds in one day on one server? That's over 6 rounds an hour over a 24 hour period, even when the servers are fucking busy that should be impossible, like not even statistically unlikely but impossible due to minimum shuttle call times.
Everyone's favourite internewt. Je maptiendrai.
In the rare event that I'm on the server, I'm either Inept-At-Job or Kayden Riker. Accept no substitutes.
If you've gotta contact me, hit me up on discord, as I don't really check forum DMs: @Emerald_or_Bust#1314
Beware the Chilledstation, for it approaches.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #619816

It's a bug - if you look at cosmodeus's total round count he's got less than that supposed 164 rounds on oct 14
already pinged the funny bee man over this one
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
play opus: echo of starsong
I'm an admin, typically on /tg/station Sybil. If you've got anything you'd like to say about me, my adminning, or my decisions, please comment in my admin feedback thread!
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by bobbahbrown » #619820

greetings peanut posters,

i have fixed the apparent bug, thank you for bringing it to my attention! turns out i forgot to take the count of distinct round ids, and was accidentally counting connections instead. nyoops!!


this is now resolved in version 1.1.5, which is live on the website now.

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Screemonster » #619823

okay cool so guy that's only been here since september is proclaiming "TG is dying" because TG refuses to bend to what he, a complete newcomer, wants it to be

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #619833

Screemonster wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 7:41 pm okay cool so guy that's only been here since september is proclaiming "TG is dying" because TG refuses to bend to what he, a complete newcomer, wants it to be

dear tg, tg is dying because i was banned for people burning alive in the general channel
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Screemonster » #619837

Omega_DarkPotato wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:23 pm
Screemonster wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 7:41 pm okay cool so guy that's only been here since september is proclaiming "TG is dying" because TG refuses to bend to what he, a complete newcomer, wants it to be

dear tg, tg is dying because i was banned for people burning alive in the general channel
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Kendrickorium » #619847

they completely ruined pda bombs and space adaptation guys tg station is dying fuck
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by cacogen » #619850

im gonna use tts to listen to their post like a podcast
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by XivilaiAnaxes » #619858

cacogen wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:54 pm im gonna use tts to listen to their post like a podcast
Use Microsoft Mike
Stickymayhem wrote:Imagine the sheer narcisssim required to genuinely believe you are this intelligent.
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by TheFinalPotato » #619863

Kendrickorium wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:36 pm they completely ruined pda bombs and space adaptation guys tg station is dying fuck
So true bestie so true
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #619865

I swear, this isnt a shits and giggles alt being orchestrated by me. I dont need to hide, though they are awakening a itch that needs scratching.

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #620473

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Armhulen » #620486

it's like alarm fatigue but for "tg is dying", can't take it seriously if i hear it every year without fail and then nothing happens
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by TheFinalPotato » #620511

Someday it'll really be dead, it'll be a hell of a thing to see
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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #621768

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Re: Newfriend doom prophet policynut

Post by cacogen » #621789

oh yeah ss14 and unitystation exist forgot about those

i wonder if eventually there'll be an official /tg/station server for one of them and then a fork

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