[Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

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Byond Username: Riastlin

[Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Feasel » #621295

BYOND account: Riastlin

Character name: Feasel Easel

Ban type: Server

Ban length: 1 Day

Ban reason: Banned by the host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Riastlin) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: As the Warden shot a non-antag to death with no prior interaction or anything due to someone else calling the non-antag a traitor. As Security, you should avoid gunning down a person to death instantly because someone said something and should generallty try to use non-lethals first before anything else. This ban (BanID#57684) was applied by Knira on 20-21-12-05 22:01:25 during round ID 174259. The ban is for 1 day and expires on 20-21-12-06 22:01:25 (server time)

Time ban was placed: 20-21-12-05 22:01:25

Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil

Round ID in which ban was placed: 174259

Your side of the story: I was the Warden in a round that was escalating out of control due to multiple reasons. The primary ones were the following: Command getting wiped out, potentially malf/subverted AI (Multiple dead in AI upload/sat in general), Sec getting moped at the time (I was watching health on my console), and a Plasmaflood that was being released. I saw the HOP dying in waste disposal so at this point I had to do something so I rushed over. I get stuck into combat with a holoparasite + his master and I got teleported to space during the scuffle. I barely get back on the station near critical (thanks to quad sec) and an Engineers help. As I limp back to the main hallways, I see the "non-antagonist". I shotgunned them, why?

Well. Way earlier in the shift, the Detective had given me evidence about the particular individual. Lynn Nakamura. The Detective snagged a photograph of her playing with a holoparasite injector, with a box nearby. He also gave me prints. At this point that I'm near death and I see a suspected holoparasite user, I did the main thing a sec would do on Sybil. I shotgunned her before I might've been killed. I did notice that she didn't dust instantly but I had to say that she was a traitor so that I could carry her body to sec and have her searched.

Once I got her in sec and was searching, I realized the Detective had given me horribly bad calls. At this same time, Knira, started poking me. I told the Detective that he had fully fucked up while explaining to Knira about the situation. Knira seemingly ignored everything, specially the fact that other sec was telling me she was bad. The same round where all of command was being wiped out, subverted AI (literally doors got shocked + bolted as I was searching so I had to use remote while TALKING to knira), and so much more.

After telling the Detective that he fucked up majorly in his investigation, I got Lynn sent to medbay ASAP. But I think it was straight up too late. I feel like I kicked an admin's friend or something as the admin in question had straight up ignored every reason I brought up and they could quite clearly see the station had gone to hell. I'd have understand about shotgunning instantly on a server like Skyrat or Manuel or Paradise. But this was TG-SYBIL. LRP. I've seen sec do the same things I've done to no issue.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I think I bled my heart out on the previous bit but uhh. Yeah. I don't think it's fair for a ban + major note for something that I was misinformed and in one of the most chaotic parts of a round, even when I did try to get the person fixed. I was informed by the Detective that Lynn was a Holoparasite user which by sec policy is "lethals first"
Joined: Mon May 10, 2021 8:47 pm
Byond Username: Knira

Re: [Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Knira » #621296

I watched the previous events of you barely making out of space near arrivals and you walking out into the service area with you pretty damaged like you said but you were in fact healing, and you walked over to the kitchen and "before I might've been killed." She was across the table in the kitchen sitting still before you walked over and threw a bola and gunned her down instantly, and like I mentioned in the ticket, there were multiple ways you could've done this, like using non-lethals first after the bola. And I do understand the intensity that was going on during that round, but doing something like that is really poor for Security to be doing unless they know for sure. I don't mind reducing the ban down to a mere minor note because you were probably not thinking completely straight during all of that adrenaline going on.
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Byond Username: Riastlin

Re: [Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Feasel » #621298

The Detective had given me a photograph of her with the implanter. He also gave me prints when she left it behind. I threw the Bola before she went over the table, and I think she might've been shoved over with the shotgun? I don't know, I do know shotguns have a kick with improv.

I almost feel like I'm getting the shorthand of the stick because I'm almost 90% sure if an assistant just threw doublespear and ripped her head off with the Evidence I was given, no one would've cared. I had to make sure she was clean after shotgunning and when I did, I had informed that Detective that he messed up his callouts heavily. I had assumed that he'd attempted something and I recall he mentioned he was attacked by a holoparasite earlier in the round. Those were the main reasons that gave me no leniency for my situation.

I'd have attempted a non-lethal response if they were not a suspected holoparasite user with all the evidence stacked against them. I had sec "confirmation", photo evidence, and forensic evidence. And a potential claim by the Detective that they were not to be attempted with non-lethals.
Last edited by Feasel on Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Mon May 10, 2021 8:47 pm
Byond Username: Knira

Re: [Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Knira » #621302

You weren't using a shotgun to gun her down it was a machine gun created by another Admin that basically had infinite ammo, but there was no fighting in the logs other than Lynn saying "H" before collapsing dead due to the gun fire. I'm not sure where you are getting the shoved or anything from, but here's some of the logs at the end of you climbing over the table after she dies. And I would be surprised if you had the reflex to reload a shotgun like that and somehow have the ammo required to shoot someone across a table like that. Like I said earlier, I don't mind reducing this into a note.

Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:20 pm
Byond Username: Riastlin

Re: [Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Feasel » #621304

Uhh. That's a bug. I used specifically the riot shotgun and improvised ammo. I did /NOT/ use the Alamo Turtle. I left it in the Armory the entire shift as you could've seen the whole time you were poking me. I had the riotshotgun on my armor slot. I didn't have the Alamo Turtle.

I would know because I shot the shotgun. Not the admeme gun. And I wouldn't lie about it when it was exactly what happened. If you saw me kill her, you'd have seen improvised shells on the ground and not the pile of nukie-looking bullets that the Alamo Turtle was leaving.

At this point, I'd want to get to the bottom of this before I accept any note. I did not use the admin gun on Lyn Nakamura. I don't want it to be on a note about stuff that did not happen.

I used a shotgun with improvised ammo. I bola'd her on the public side of the kitchen counter. She fell into critical + died on the otherside of the kitchen counter.

Fuck, I wish I was like sinful who always had a recording on hand.
Last edited by Feasel on Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Mon May 10, 2021 8:47 pm
Byond Username: Knira

Re: [Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Knira » #621308

I admit fault there because it's been a moment, and the rate at which you fired the shotgun was almost identical to the machine gun. After some more thinking I've decided to get rid of it entirely the ban and note that is.
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Byond Username: Timberpoes

Re: [Knira] - 1 Day Server ban - Riastlin

Post by Timberpoes » #621335

Just to clean up a misunderstanding - Alamo Turtle was not the name of the gun. When it says Riastlin/(Feasel Easal) has shot Alamo Turtle/(Lyn Nakamura) with the bullet, it means you shot the player named Lyn Nakamura who had the account name "Alamo Turtle". "Alamo Turtle" was the account name (Like Riastlin is your account name) of the person you shot.
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