[Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

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[Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

Post by CoolDude223334 » #623156

BYOND account: CoolDude223334
Character name: Jack Anton
Ban type: Security ban and ban
Ban length: 1 day ban from server, perma ban from security roles
Ban reason: Received a Supermatter Sword as a Christmas gift. Ended up using it to dust two people during the round. One tried to steal it(valid) the other had a verbal disagreement with the player. Video evidence from the second shows this kill was clearly unwarranted.
Time ban was placed: 12 AM.
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round 175387
Your side of the story: Vex had begun to speak to me after a player had led me toward someone making improvised shells, that I was not interested in at the time. He said the ghost of one of the ghosted players wanted him to welderbomb me, and when I said "you are not dumb enough to go through with that, are you?" he responded "am I?" or something to that effect and when I said I'd stop him before he could do something like that, he then said he could use "ranged stuns" on me. I told him to back off and he didn't. I saw him pull out a syringe gun and I swung once. then told him to back off again. He then shot me with a chemical syringe, with chloral hydrate in it, and I used a bola on him and dusted him. After that, someone shoved me and ran with the sword.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I aready had one person try to take the sword from me, and when a CMO begins to threaten me directly after that, being already on edge, I was prepared to be shot with a syringe, and and I did get hit with a syringe. And immediately after being dusted, somebody then shoved me and took the sword. I never asked for a SM sword and I had no way to know if Vex wasn't going to inject me with some deathmix he could have made. Even after that I was swamped in traitors, incompetent heads, and people attacking me BECAUSE I dusted Vex. I don't see why I have to be playing in "bad faith" when throughout the rest of the round and even before WITH the sword, seeing as how you pointed out Lukas was valid, I was attempting to de-escalate situations and find solutions to problems that are NOT round removal. I was trying to act within good faith, but Vex directly started to threaten me. I do not see where he tried to "de-escalate" seeing as how he started this issue and was threatening me the entire time.
References of good conduct: Notes from my past have directly pointed out that I co-operate with admins, and that I at least try to constantly play in good faith.
Anything else we should know: Even if I do get unbanned from sec, I will take a break likely. I've already only sporadically played rounds lately, but it seems like every time I try to get on and play more, that I get bwoinked for shit I barely can control and end up getting sec bans, to the point where now im being labelled as playing in bad faith because of it, when even in those notes I calmly explained my reasoning why I did what I did and how I saw things, without insulting anybody. If players are going to call me shitsec and tell me to never play HOS again, the role I main because I like interacting with as many departments and people as possible, and if every time I try to play, admins are going to find new excuses to ban me, then I guess I'll find other things to do if I am not welcome. Vekter, I am not trying to say your being biased and I don't want to insult you, as you are a good admin who I believe makes good calls most of the time, but I do hope you re-consider this. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a Merry Christmas, man.
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Byond Username: RuneQuester

Re: [Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

Post by Rune_Quester » #623164

This is a video of the exchange with Vex. He did not pull a syringe gun when you swung with the sword first. Also, you threw the bola BEFORE Vex had done anything when he followed you the second time. Vex then panicked, because he was typing, and had gotten bola'd, and you were up in his face with an SM sword. So, of course he shot you with a syringe gun, and of course, instead of doing any other option, you round removed him

Skip to about a minute and a half in to see the event
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Re: [Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #623166

I would like to add further evidence from Rune_Quester's linking of the video. Not only did Anton immediately try to get Vex while they were standing there without the Syringe Gun drawn, but even when it was drawn, there was never a single syringe fired. The only time the syringe was fired, was after Vex had been bola'd while typing, and Anton had started charging and missed once.

The claim that "he then shot me with a syringe, with Chloral Hydrate in it, so I bola'd and dusted him" is a flat out lie in the appeal.
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Re: [Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

Post by Vekter » #623167

Hey man, thanks for appealing. I'm gonna lead off and let you know I'm not going to be lifting this ban at this time.

Your reasoning kind of falls apart when we look at the screen capture from Vex's perspective. As Rune pointed out, you tried to swing the sword directly at him and only missed because he moved. This kind of throws your whole "I felt threatened" thing out - you directly threatened him with a weapon that completely round removes him in one hit, whereas he had a weapon that ended up putting you to sleep. It's also important to note that he did not draw his syringe gun during the second altercation until you hit him with the bola. Also worth noting but not really relevant to the appeal is that the syringe had morphine in it, not CH.

You have a pretty lengthy history of poor escalation on your record when it comes to both sec and command. As I said in our ahelps, either you are entirely too paranoid to actually play these roles or you are acting in bad faith.

I think it's also important to note that the appropriate reaction to being given something like this is to adminhelp that you have it. I'm not going to grinch and tell you "You are not allowed to have gamebreaking things during Christmas", since that's kind of the point, but admins would likely appreciate knowing that something broken is in play.

I would be willing to reduce the ban to a month only on the basis that you did receive an item from the tree that absolutely should not be given to anyone under any circumstances and I can respect that likely had an effect on your decision making. Please understand that further acting up as a head or security member would result in a permanent role ban. Is this acceptable?
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: [Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

Post by CoolDude223334 » #623170

I'll accept this, but I still 100% disagree with you. That "lengthy history" also includes me always being respectful and trying to figure out where and how I may have done something wrong. I don't even play command much besides HOS and when I do, such as HOP, I normally just stick to doing that job and not bossing people about. While I do admit to incidents in the past, I honestly have been disappointed with most of the recent bans, as while some of my older infractions I do agree with as me doing bad things, lately it's felt targeting me for mistakes for situations where I lack some key information due to external circumstances, though it's been three admins and having THREE admin all hate me for no reason is a bit stupid and not at all what this is. This also fails to see how Vex is a CMO with a telebaton that can steal my sword in a single swipe, and that he approached me and began to speak about welder bombing me. As I was looking at is-a-lizard making shells and likely preparing to fight Lukas, rather then the ghosts I assumed where around me because I had the sword, I heard Vex say the ghosts told him to welderbomb me. Even through the rest of the round being attacked by Zachary with traitor equipment and Andrew Ryals who had a esword on him, I went against the captain in murdering those two, because the captain proved to be unreliable, and that he immediately jumped to asking me to murder Zachary rather then just arresting him, and I told him no because I thought he should just be brigged, or rather that he shouldn't be, because I saw he was mad about Vex, and that brigging him wouldn't be worth it, while I had bigger issues to handle, until the wizard turned out to be friendly. I do thank you for shortening the ban. Even if I do not agree with the ban at all, if your not willing to completely remove it, I am still willing to take a out when given one. I likely won't play for a while seeing as how I seemed to have ruffled a few feathers and had my mood soured myself. And hindsight is 20/20, I should have taken the advice of Zachary and cremated the sword. Thanks for taking the time to read this and consider my side, and if this is all, I do hope you enjoy your Christmas.
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Re: [Vekter] Cooldude223334 - Sec perma ban.

Post by Vekter » #623173

I understand completely, but you have to look at it from my perspective. From talking to other admins, it feels to us like you have poor decision making under stress, which is one of the biggest things you need to succeed at both Command and Security positions. We have to look at the big picture and that might result in us not being able to trust you with those positions.

I highly recommend you take the next month to play other roles and re-evaluate how you handle stressful situations in this game.

Your ban has been reduced to a month.
Last edited by RaveRadbury on Sat Dec 25, 2021 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Response to peanut
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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