[DISCORD] <Hellas#7671>

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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:45 pm
Byond Username: Chaznoodles

[DISCORD] <Hellas#7671>

Post by Chaznoodles » #624424

Discord Username: Hellas#7671 / Chaznoodles.
Commonly Used Names: Chaznoodles.
Banning Admin: Terranaut.
Ban Reason: 'actively causing drama'
Time Ban Was Placed: Some time ago.
Your Side of the Story: After querying if DevilIso, a mentor, was going to be unbanned from discord after they blew the whistle on a now ex-headmentor sending unsolicited sexual messages to a minor, it devolved into argument and deflections. Rather than participate and cause further problems, I left in solidarity with another community member who felt the same. Terra banned me shortly afterwards in a "you can't quit, I fire you" move. Nobody else who participated in the conversation was banned, the blame for the situation was unfairly put onto me in an announcement and further conversations to shift the topic away from the cause. The above discord name was later banned after I rejoined, having cleared my original discord out.
Why You Think You Should Be Unbanned: It's been some time, I have no interest in causing issues.
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Byond Username: Terranaut

Re: [DISCORD] <Hellas#7671>

Post by terranaut » #624526

This was brought to me via Discord DM so I'm going to quickly leave my impression of the matter at the time.
I don't particularly care about this anymore as I'm not actively involved with TGMC administration anymore but it was my impression at the time and still is that, yes, you were indeed 'actively causing drama', ie. riling people up with this while we were trying to deal with it. I said this back then and I'll say it again, the bans happened for two reasons; not because of the whistle being blown per se but because it was done by posting a dump of (private) chatlogs in general and basically going "yo guys look at this shit!" and secondly because whoever posted them - I think it was DevilIso - didn't even have the decency to blot out the names of the minor in question. As he had shown he had no ability to handle private information he was removed and soon after you while you were spreading the same pictures around via DMs to basically anybody who asked which got you one of the iirc three bans that were handed out during that whole fiasco.
I'm not going to comment further on this unless requested by whichever admin is going to handle this.
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Re: [DISCORD] <Hellas#7671>

Post by SpaceLove » #624528

The account you have appealed for was banned by me. Since it is to my understand your old account that was originally banned by terranaut was deleted by you. A lot of time has passed since your last appeal. The Administrative team has decided to lift this ban. However I should remind you that you are still on thin ice. You are welcomed to the discord server if you agree to not cause, stirr or bait anymore "drama" or unnecessary chaos. As well as follow the rules to your best ability.

I will invite you in your DMs.

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