Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

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Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Tearling » #639718

Bottom post of the previous page:


On the surface how the fuck did this guy get banned.
This can't be a metagrudge on thoman's part because thoman was escalating based on something FormorA did IN THE ROUND.
And then the appeal gets denied for, and I quote, "but you both showed an in-game failure to understand how to avoid metagrudge conflict and poor, low-comm escalation routines."

Is there something in the logs I'm not seeing? This could be an escalation problem, but a metagrudge problem when Thoman was the one attacked? This is weird.
Last edited by Tearling on Sat May 07, 2022 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:41 am From my perspective, players just want to genuinely be listened to. And I don't mean it condescendingly, but to genuinely have their say and for admins to listen, process it and reply. Even if you don't give two shits about what the player is saying, even if you disagree with every part of what they say, players are less likely to leave an ahelp pissed off if you've listened to them and given a reply that directly addresses what they've told you.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by massa » #639944

This note is still bullshit?

One player with a genuinely horrendous reputation for banbaiting and being a little griefbot axes another player randomly. All bets are off, nothing that victim does can be faulted at this point.

This isn't manuel. Tearling has some insane starscream vibes/takes in this whole thread.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Nabski » #639945

massa wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 3:49 pm mf gupta comes at people for posting a whole ass paragraph then posts 4 times in a row
Just because his thoughts are smol like pp doesn't mean he can't have lots of them, also like pp.

Sorry Gupta
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by sinfulbliss » #639948

wesoda25 wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 2:21 pm Alls well that ends well, cool of YBS
Woah there pardner they still kept the note. Very nice of them to unban him half a day earlier than the ban would have expired by itself, but nothing has changed except they've revised the note from "metagrudging" to "poor escalation."
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by jortsandshirts » #639949

YBS is still in the wrong even having this as a note. They've displayed nothing but bad conduct here and this backpedaling meant to soften the blow as their tower of stupidity comes crashing down is a gross attempt to divert attention away from the fact that they are being genuinely awful. I don't care how annoying or abrasive people find Joe that shouldn't be taken into consideration when he did nothing lynchable or even remotely worth an unprovoked attack.

YBS made a bad call, wasn't even aware of the facts or that they were actually verifiably wrong in their information, shows little in the way of understanding that they were putting a boot to someone's neck without actually being correct in doing so and how bad that makes them and the administration look. This isn't just some nuanced little detail that was missed. This was egregious and shows that they're out to dispense punishments regardless of the facts of the matter.

Most admins, hopefully will take a look at the situation and then decide if punishments are warranted and taking the situation into context before doing so.
YBS decided the punishment, then looked to the situation on how to make it fit. They got it wrong, absolutely and undeniably wrong which tells me they aren't out to make the game better for everyone as a whole, they are looking for opportunities to punish people.

No note for this, no ban either, an apology should be given to joe and YBS should be noted for admin conduct for a number of reasons, chiefly leaking other peoples private information in communication, erroneous comprehension of the logs being used haphazardly to punish someone and just generally being a dismissive fuckwit.

Joe, let the headmins deal with this, you've requested a headmin review and YBS is still in there trying to change the narrative and adjust the facts to make him look like less of a fuckwit. In my opinion the admin in question who stuck to their guns should NOT be able to continue to interact with the issue after the fact and try to continue to alter the course of the bullshit. They told you what their answer was, you disagreed and requested a headmin review. That's where their interaction should fully end and they should NOT be able to run in later and go "Haha no no, look you're unbanned, see you're good, don't tell mom"

You copped this bullshit 7 day ban On May 3rd
YBS denied your appeal on May 3rd, around an hour later you requested an appeal.
Mothblocks dropped a truth bomb on May 4th, not a headmin ruling but just pointing out some OBVIOUS shit.
YBS tried to asscover on May 5th, after you had already sat out a couple days.
Now he's reducing your ban to a warning.

Buddy, you already served an unjust ban because of YBS, don't let him make you think he's fixing this by backpedaling now and bringing it down to a warning. That warning should be expunged and YBS reprimanded for the conduct they've shown. They've not acted in good faith because they made the lowest of efforts to actually check the logs and make sure their information was accurate. Checking the logs is not difficult nor is it excusable to overlook obvious things that are by point of fact the building blocks of ones reasoning for punishment. At no time does he actually acknowledge that a mistake was made on his part in anyway. He used another players private ban information in communication with a 3rd party. Then after you've requested a headmin ruling after he denied the appeal without much in the way of effort to see things from a different, more accurate and factual perspective, he then continued to fuck around and has now reached the point where you're being told you are receiving a warning for something that wasn't your fault in the first place. This is dumb. YBS is being dumb. Check my post earlier in that they don't actually play the game anymore and should be put out to pasture if their sole interaction with the community is just to be a banbot.

Now why is this shit important? Why am I hinging on his accuracy? Cause he fucking sucks as an admin and actually has pulled this same shit recently.
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=31543&p=637931#p637931 - Hey, April 18th 2022 .. weird, that's like really recent right?
YBS said.
"To conclude my thoughts on this, retrospectively the technical details of this ban were a mess.
I've made several mistakes with documentation that I acknowledge and will try to learn from.
I have both deleted the antagonist ban due to it's invalid nature and edited the wording of the inciting event to this ban. The note to this now reads:
[MRP] As Traitor, Warned about putting the station in a shuttle-recall loop while station was inhospitable (deadly atmos, tcomms down). (Rule 1)
That being said, I am still convinced that I'm right about you as a player, regardless of headmin decision. I can't sense that you've really taken away anything from the bans "
Well gee golly good fuck ain't that interesting. YBS has the details wrong, the punishments are egregious and it has to go to a headmin review (It's still in there cooking) and YBS again goes on to illustrate that facts don't really matter but his feelings, his perception of things. "I am still convinced I'm right about you as a player" "I can't sense" and shit like that don't matter worth a good fuck if you're using those as the foundation of your judgements and not the facts, as you've done twice now you utter fuckdip. I'd take a look at the other ones but there ain't many beyond you appealing your perma ban after you ban evaded.

Here's what really gets my ass up in your oreo McFlurry though.
Mon Mar 28, 2022
YBS was promoted to Trial Admin.

It has been only 38 days since you were given an opportunity and in this time you've made an ass of yourself twice in ways that have both been owing to the fact that you don't choose to read the logs properly to ensure what is going on in your soft brain is accurate. In those times you've used wording that shows you care more about your feelings towards the player and not the actual facts, even though those don't actually matter to you either given you've got them wrong twice now.
"I am still convinced that I'm right about you as a player, regardless of headmin decision. I can't sense that you've really taken away anything from the bans"
Your first stupid fucking ban, April 17th only 20 days since you got the power.
"I slept on this and realized I'm framing a lot on the both of you being overly culpable for what in most cases, with any other players, would just be an IC issue. if I take off the glasses"
Your second stupid fucking ban, May 3rd only 16 days later and again you Miss Cleo wannabe motherfucker you're admitting again facts don't matter, how you feel does.

Then, again showing you don't respect the headmin process you continue to fuck around in that very ban appeal. You made your call idiot, live or die by it. Mothblocks threw you a cookie but I don't think it was at all to help you I think it's to publicly shame you for being trash.
You've also garnered negative feedback VERY quickly into your time as a trialmin. And it's kinda sketchy.
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What? You gave an antagonist a kill objective? Okay that might be funny but who was the kill objective directed at and do you have prior interaction with this target? Then the antagonist refused which is their right and you punished them for it? Even lightly. I'm curious to know who that target was. You bwoinked them to give them a kill objective instead of using a voice inside their head or anything else IC? Shit even the player is like, bruh yeah use IC.
However, when the player is like "What? No I don't want to do this please remove this objective" because you used no IC justification for it, did not explain to the player anything, why the target should die.. none of that. You picked someone who I believe NOT to be just random and I think is an issue worth investigating to be REMOVED FROM THE ROUND by an antagonist without actually providing any information as to why, and using a bwoink to do it?
Then, when the antagonist was like "Uh, this is shit please remove this ojective" you refused and kept insta-closing the tickets marking them as IC issues?


I'm sure there's even more horseshit that's happened in your first 38 days but it's time to call this one and stop this now before more people have to be railroaded by your idiocy. You play the forums, not SS13. Stick to that and stop letting your horseshit ballsuck judgement and stupidity affect other players. Having two people appealing your bans with nearly the same theme of you being an illiterate fuckwit who is punishing based on feelings (and prior interaction?) and in both cases you don't respect the players right to seek a headmin review, the first time telling the player you're labeling them no matter what the headmins say, the second time backpedaling and trying to flip the script when you've had your nose shoved in the mess you left on the carpet. The admin feedback alone makes you look like a massive fucking wanker. Then you've leaked other peoples ban information proving you don't respect the privileged information you have access to. This is just the stuff that hit the forums. I can only imagine what I would find you've been doing with your newfound powers if I went into the logs with your rounds.

Step down, clown. You did not pass. You're nothing but a deadmin candidate.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by wesoda25 » #639951

sinfulbliss wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 4:27 pm
wesoda25 wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 2:21 pm Alls well that ends well, cool of YBS
Woah there pardner they still kept the note. Very nice of them to unban him half a day earlier than the ban would have expired by itself, but nothing has changed except they've revised the note from "metagrudging" to "poor escalation."
Yea but i dont wanna be that much of a stickler
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by sinfulbliss » #639953

jortsandshirts wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 4:28 pm -very angry snip-
wesoda25 wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 5:00 pm Yea but i dont wanna be that much of a stickler
"In retrospect, I was wrong. However, after doing several hours of research to confirm in what ways I could have been right, I have decided to go with those reasons instead. So I am right, ultimately."

You do not get to give someone a ban that reads "METAGRUDGING AND BANBAITING. LAST WARNING FOR THIS SORT OF BEHAVIOR," one day later admit "oh I was wrong about all that," and then still whack the person with a note for something separate entirely (overescalation). This is just bad-faith adminning. The Pipeguy appeal is a perfect mirror of this so clearly it is not an isolated lapse of judgment. YBS admitted they got essentially everything about the ban wrong, i.e., Pipeguy didn't deserve to be banned for what they were accused of. But after doing independent research on the player's history, YBS deemed them to be unfit for TG and levied a perma. And maybe Pipeguy deserves a perma for their combined note history. But I sure as hell have never seen an admin digging through people's note histories and levying bans without prompt. Permabans need an actual violation to latch onto. Wait for a violation that you can strongly and accurately claim as a clear rulebreak, and then perma them for it if their note history merits it.

At the risk of sounding more deranged than I already am, let us draw an analogy: in a court of law there are what are called mistrials. At a glance they seem kind of insane - why should a trial be thrown out because you clued in the jury to the fact that the defendant, being tried for murder, knocked up 20 women and ditched them in his 20s? Surely it is relevant for whether he belongs in society again, and reflects on his character. But there is a clear reason this is disallowed. The prosecution doesn't get to pile a massive crap-heap against someone in order to justify what may be a wrongful charge. The question is whether he is guilty of murder. His prior criminal history does weigh in, and is permissible (usually this weighs into the sentencing), but the purpose of the trial is to determine whether they committed the offense they're being accused of or not.

What I'm getting at is if these bans/notes are upheld, regardless of whether they are overall "deserved" or not, it will set awful precedent. Allowing admins to make bogus bans and then revise them to the point where they aren't even the same ban anymore, is unfair and will really fuck up the way the system runs. I think TG has the best admin team and system, the best accountability, etc., and this would be a very big step in the wrong direction.

And this is exactly what YBS is attempting to do:
YBS wrote:That being said, that ‘bad draft’ ban [???] and this current permanent ban are mutually exclusive issues. It was not placed because of a recall loop.
The current permanent ban was set in place after reviewing your pattern of recorded behavior this year.
"Having a note history" is not banworthy. This is why people hate the idea of notes being used simply "to track conversations :)". Because from these bans what is shown is that even if you did nothing wrong, if you have a note history, an admin can ban you in error and then say "well your note history/behavior was bad anyway" and note/perma you regardless of the merit of the ban itself. I can't imagine headmins would agree with that rationale.
Last edited by sinfulbliss on Thu May 05, 2022 6:42 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #639955

Seems like a pretty bad ban, even people with bad histories get griefed in SS13.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Pandarsenic » #639959

Now it's a bad note :)
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Nabski » #639960

I miss pax.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Tearling » #639964

sinfulbliss wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 1:48 pm
Tearling wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 12:37 am
sinfulbliss wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:05 am 4) Accusing both (?) players of banbaiting. Thomas was hit in the head with a fireaxe FNR, ahelped, didn't get a response, and then chose to resolve it IC by going after them.
Which turned out to be the wrong assumption, an assumption which I very clearly stated "There could always be something we don't hear about until the headmins step in." to in response. Come on guys.
This doesn't justify the ban and you're being astronomically lame latching onto it as justification for not taking sides. You don't wanna take sides cause it's safer to wait for the headmins to rule on it and then just align yourself with whatever that is.
You're correct it doesn't justify the ban, hence why I never tried to justify the ban. Read my first. fucking. sentence. "On the surface how the fuck did this guy get banned." which is clearly implying he should not have been banned unless there was some more information we weren't getting, and it turns out that I was right, he shouldn't have been banned and there was some misleading information that we were given.

For risk of it sounding condescending everything I've said in this thread is 100% correct, and I'm baffled that not one, but two different people would rather throw a hissy fit over me not immediately jumping on the YBS hate-wagon than wait 2 days for more information. This has completely changed my opinion of peanut threads, that's for sure.
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:41 am From my perspective, players just want to genuinely be listened to. And I don't mean it condescendingly, but to genuinely have their say and for admins to listen, process it and reply. Even if you don't give two shits about what the player is saying, even if you disagree with every part of what they say, players are less likely to leave an ahelp pissed off if you've listened to them and given a reply that directly addresses what they've told you.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #639965

Well, seeing as YBS just stepped down from the Trial Admin position, I guess everything here has been wrapped up outside of the still existing punishments on those two players.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by wesoda25 » #639966

Aww he quit =/, shame.

Dude clearly was very passionate, I think maybe he was just biting off more than he could chew with a couple bans. Imo the best thing to do as admin is only take those actions you understand and are comfortable with. Otherwise you end up in situations such as these. Leave the heavier stuff to those with the experience and good standing to handle them. Personally even after like a year there’s stuff I’m not super confident with and when I look back on some of my earlier bans they just look irrational or overly ambitious to me and I probably would have handled them different. Hope you consider giving it another shot YBS, cause it seemed like you really cared so it’s a shame for that to go to waste.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by toemas » #639968

some of you fellas were a little too aggressive in this thread
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Shadowflame909 » #639969

we live in a society
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by sinfulbliss » #639970

thomanthewise5404 wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 8:25 pm some of you fellas were a little too aggressive in this thread
I think admins should be banned from viewing the Player's Club for their own mental health. Appeals are probably already hard enough to handle without listening to 10 people take you apart over them
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by toemas » #639975

sinfulbliss wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 8:37 pm I think admins should be banned from viewing the Player's Club
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by san7890 » #639976

Every time some trial admin has a ban appeal and someone off-handedly mentions the existence of peanut threads I pretty much yell at them to never, ever look at these when they are the subject matter. If they profess to be of a curious nature, I tell them to only view it after the appeal is resolved one way or another, although with explicit statement that they will regret doing so.

I also have probably said, in all caps: "NEVER POST IN YOUR OWN FUCKING PEANUT" verbatim in adminbus/adminchatter.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #639986

Hope YBS gives it another shot, everyone makes mistakes and the measure is whether you can live with being wrong.

Also don't read peanut threads unless you've got a big can of grump-repellent
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by jortsandshirts » #640015

I stand by everything I said and I thank YBS for coming to their senses before the inevitable occurred. You stepped down, clown.

Mothblocks is killing it. That pieguy has YBS residue on him as well and it's just as wankstick. Clean him.
Also, please don't misrepresent my words as anger. They're disgust. I found the behavior of YBS disgusting to show such callous disregard for another member of this community that they couldn't do the basic steps necessary to verify that the punishments they were dealing were 1) Just, 2) Factual and 3) Free from bias. No more of this horseshit "Well I feel...." dumbfuckery. If you have to reach into the realm of your own imagination to make a ban stick while ignoring that you've got the facts of the actual matter wrong then you're an asshole.

Look, we shit on players when they cause people to sit out a ROUND. Right? We frown heavily on round removal. Far be it from me to hold the dorks with the power to remove people from all rounds for a period to a higher standard. Throwing a bullshit ban like that should be met with considerable disgust, possibly ire. Get it right or don't do it at all, don't you have adminbus to discuss this shit before you fly off half-cocked and ban people for terrible reasons?

Fuckin embarassing.

I still would like to more about the incident in which you punished a player, even lightly for not killing a crew member of your choosing, the one you bwoinked to give them the objective and balked at them declining. The one you gave zero IC justification for, did not communicate through IC means and kept the player stonewalled with ticket rejections when they had a problem with this. This smells a bit sour and I think you know it too. I just have a sneaking suspicion that you were aware you were about to be stepped down involuntarily.

I don't share the sentiment of those in this thread asking you to think about giving it another shot. I think it's best if you're never put in a position of authority again.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #640023

dude shut the fuck up you don't even know YBS.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by jortsandshirts » #640024

I know enough about YBS from this fracas to know I'd rather not know YBS.
Two dogshit bans and an alarming incident in their feedback thread in less than a month and a half of the start of their authority?
I mean that's what we know of.

Yeah nah, I'm good with not fraternizing with a microfusion powered Turbohitler that removes people from the server based on their feelings. Nothing of value was lost except for the playtime sat out by the two (or more) people
they decided to shit on. Are they a nice person? Maybe, possibly, don't particularly care to be honest. Do they show good judgement in a position of authority? Absolutely fuckin not. They sure as shit have taken two opportunities to express their personal feelings on two different members of the community and hit them with bans for it. While implying they were all the negative shit that YBS believed.
Weird how you're being a bootlick and YBS isn't even an admin anymore. Where were you to tell YBS to shut the fuck up because they didn't even know pie/joe?

Anyways, it's you and.. ew.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #640026

I know every single one of em, I personally can't care and am disappointed this happen but you cant make a omelet without scrapping a few eggs or some shit
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #640027

jortsandshirts wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 2:32 am Anyways, it's you and.. ew.
When you swing at Gupta, you best not miss.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by jortsandshirts » #640028

YBS is verifiably awful as an admin, or was. Read back in this thread in which I outlined the reasons as to why. Sinfulbliss backed it up there as I laid out.
They did the same awful shit twice, nearly identical. Two different players, two dogshit bans with false reasoning and lots of character judgement based on whatever imaginative thoughts they pulled out of their ass.
Then, when called on it and put on the spot with facts to show their reasons for banning were in error they tried to pin a lesser punishment for a different reason. I mean fuck me up the shitpipe with a fireant filled churro that's awful. Not even handwaveable simple mistake awful but full on dart in the dick bullseye awful. I still say there's some admin misconduct at play during that bwoink murder objective too. There sure is some misconduct with the spewing of another persons ban.

Goopy, this in a very short period. You need to pick your friends better Goopy, don't be so stoopy. This person doesn't even play SS13, just active as a banbot.

Look, I can circle around these points all day but the fact of the matter is that some people just make poor admins. Given how quickly they reached two bananapeels and negative admin feedback it was only inevitable they were going to be deadmin anyway. They can read a little scathing hot takes on their conduct given what they did to two other members of this community. It's only fair given how they did the same.

Anyhoopy there Gooby, you have a good night and try better to go to bat for better friends, or to be less of a catcher or something. Either way, you're like 0/2 here.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by wesoda25 » #640029

Gupta i just wanna say if it comes down to it i 100% got your back in a fight
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Kendrickorium » #640030

jortsandshirts wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 4:28 pm YBS is still in the wrong even having this as a note. They've displayed nothing but bad conduct here and this backpedaling meant to soften the blow as their tower of stupidity comes crashing down is a gross attempt to divert attention away from the fact that they are being genuinely awful. I don't care how annoying or abrasive people find Joe that shouldn't be taken into consideration when he did nothing lynchable or even remotely worth an unprovoked attack.

YBS made a bad call, wasn't even aware of the facts or that they were actually verifiably wrong in their information, shows little in the way of understanding that they were putting a boot to someone's neck without actually being correct in doing so and how bad that makes them and the administration look. This isn't just some nuanced little detail that was missed. This was egregious and shows that they're out to dispense punishments regardless of the facts of the matter.

Most admins, hopefully will take a look at the situation and then decide if punishments are warranted and taking the situation into context before doing so.
YBS decided the punishment, then looked to the situation on how to make it fit. They got it wrong, absolutely and undeniably wrong which tells me they aren't out to make the game better for everyone as a whole, they are looking for opportunities to punish people.

No note for this, no ban either, an apology should be given to joe and YBS should be noted for admin conduct for a number of reasons, chiefly leaking other peoples private information in communication, erroneous comprehension of the logs being used haphazardly to punish someone and just generally being a dismissive fuckwit.

Joe, let the headmins deal with this, you've requested a headmin review and YBS is still in there trying to change the narrative and adjust the facts to make him look like less of a fuckwit. In my opinion the admin in question who stuck to their guns should NOT be able to continue to interact with the issue after the fact and try to continue to alter the course of the bullshit. They told you what their answer was, you disagreed and requested a headmin review. That's where their interaction should fully end and they should NOT be able to run in later and go "Haha no no, look you're unbanned, see you're good, don't tell mom"

You copped this bullshit 7 day ban On May 3rd
YBS denied your appeal on May 3rd, around an hour later you requested an appeal.
Mothblocks dropped a truth bomb on May 4th, not a headmin ruling but just pointing out some OBVIOUS shit.
YBS tried to asscover on May 5th, after you had already sat out a couple days.
Now he's reducing your ban to a warning.

Buddy, you already served an unjust ban because of YBS, don't let him make you think he's fixing this by backpedaling now and bringing it down to a warning. That warning should be expunged and YBS reprimanded for the conduct they've shown. They've not acted in good faith because they made the lowest of efforts to actually check the logs and make sure their information was accurate. Checking the logs is not difficult nor is it excusable to overlook obvious things that are by point of fact the building blocks of ones reasoning for punishment. At no time does he actually acknowledge that a mistake was made on his part in anyway. He used another players private ban information in communication with a 3rd party. Then after you've requested a headmin ruling after he denied the appeal without much in the way of effort to see things from a different, more accurate and factual perspective, he then continued to fuck around and has now reached the point where you're being told you are receiving a warning for something that wasn't your fault in the first place. This is dumb. YBS is being dumb. Check my post earlier in that they don't actually play the game anymore and should be put out to pasture if their sole interaction with the community is just to be a banbot.

Now why is this shit important? Why am I hinging on his accuracy? Cause he fucking sucks as an admin and actually has pulled this same shit recently.
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=31543&p=637931#p637931 - Hey, April 18th 2022 .. weird, that's like really recent right?
YBS said.
"To conclude my thoughts on this, retrospectively the technical details of this ban were a mess.
I've made several mistakes with documentation that I acknowledge and will try to learn from.
I have both deleted the antagonist ban due to it's invalid nature and edited the wording of the inciting event to this ban. The note to this now reads:
[MRP] As Traitor, Warned about putting the station in a shuttle-recall loop while station was inhospitable (deadly atmos, tcomms down). (Rule 1)
That being said, I am still convinced that I'm right about you as a player, regardless of headmin decision. I can't sense that you've really taken away anything from the bans "
Well gee golly good fuck ain't that interesting. YBS has the details wrong, the punishments are egregious and it has to go to a headmin review (It's still in there cooking) and YBS again goes on to illustrate that facts don't really matter but his feelings, his perception of things. "I am still convinced I'm right about you as a player" "I can't sense" and shit like that don't matter worth a good fuck if you're using those as the foundation of your judgements and not the facts, as you've done twice now you utter fuckdip. I'd take a look at the other ones but there ain't many beyond you appealing your perma ban after you ban evaded.

Here's what really gets my ass up in your oreo McFlurry though.
Mon Mar 28, 2022
YBS was promoted to Trial Admin.

It has been only 38 days since you were given an opportunity and in this time you've made an ass of yourself twice in ways that have both been owing to the fact that you don't choose to read the logs properly to ensure what is going on in your soft brain is accurate. In those times you've used wording that shows you care more about your feelings towards the player and not the actual facts, even though those don't actually matter to you either given you've got them wrong twice now.
"I am still convinced that I'm right about you as a player, regardless of headmin decision. I can't sense that you've really taken away anything from the bans"
Your first stupid fucking ban, April 17th only 20 days since you got the power.
"I slept on this and realized I'm framing a lot on the both of you being overly culpable for what in most cases, with any other players, would just be an IC issue. if I take off the glasses"
Your second stupid fucking ban, May 3rd only 16 days later and again you Miss Cleo wannabe motherfucker you're admitting again facts don't matter, how you feel does.

Then, again showing you don't respect the headmin process you continue to fuck around in that very ban appeal. You made your call idiot, live or die by it. Mothblocks threw you a cookie but I don't think it was at all to help you I think it's to publicly shame you for being trash.
You've also garnered negative feedback VERY quickly into your time as a trialmin. And it's kinda sketchy.
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What? You gave an antagonist a kill objective? Okay that might be funny but who was the kill objective directed at and do you have prior interaction with this target? Then the antagonist refused which is their right and you punished them for it? Even lightly. I'm curious to know who that target was. You bwoinked them to give them a kill objective instead of using a voice inside their head or anything else IC? Shit even the player is like, bruh yeah use IC.
However, when the player is like "What? No I don't want to do this please remove this objective" because you used no IC justification for it, did not explain to the player anything, why the target should die.. none of that. You picked someone who I believe NOT to be just random and I think is an issue worth investigating to be REMOVED FROM THE ROUND by an antagonist without actually providing any information as to why, and using a bwoink to do it?
Then, when the antagonist was like "Uh, this is shit please remove this ojective" you refused and kept insta-closing the tickets marking them as IC issues?


I'm sure there's even more horseshit that's happened in your first 38 days but it's time to call this one and stop this now before more people have to be railroaded by your idiocy. You play the forums, not SS13. Stick to that and stop letting your horseshit ballsuck judgement and stupidity affect other players. Having two people appealing your bans with nearly the same theme of you being an illiterate fuckwit who is punishing based on feelings (and prior interaction?) and in both cases you don't respect the players right to seek a headmin review, the first time telling the player you're labeling them no matter what the headmins say, the second time backpedaling and trying to flip the script when you've had your nose shoved in the mess you left on the carpet. The admin feedback alone makes you look like a massive fucking wanker. Then you've leaked other peoples ban information proving you don't respect the privileged information you have access to. This is just the stuff that hit the forums. I can only imagine what I would find you've been doing with your newfound powers if I went into the logs with your rounds.

Step down, clown. You did not pass. You're nothing but a deadmin candidate.
oh my god please S T O P
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by jortsandshirts » #640031

Don't start shit, won't be no shit.

Nothing I said there was incorrect. Now YBS has stepped down and their note on joe has been removed, one more person needs to get the YBS residue removed from them.
Weird now you've been wrong twice, huh.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Pandarsenic » #640035

Just please stop being weird about it all, dude
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Annihilite111 » #640048

jortsandshirts wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 3:01 am Don't start shit, won't be no shit.

Nothing I said there was incorrect. Now YBS has stepped down and their note on joe has been removed, one more person needs to get the YBS residue removed from them.
Weird now you've been wrong twice, huh.
Dude we get it you won your appeal and the admin got deadminned for being a douche. Now stop huffing your own farts and being a dick for no reason or people are gonna start loathing you for how insufferable you're acting.
I got a bit too big for my britches as well after winning an appeal for an absurd note, and made an ass of myself the next time an admin noted me. You're doing the exact same thing right now except somehow managing to be even more self righteous about it.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by jortsandshirts » #640070

Annihilite111 wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 8:19 am
jortsandshirts wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 3:01 am Don't start shit, won't be no shit.

Nothing I said there was incorrect. Now YBS has stepped down and their note on joe has been removed, one more person needs to get the YBS residue removed from them.
Weird now you've been wrong twice, huh.
Dude we get it you won your appeal and the admin got deadminned for being a douche. Now stop huffing your own farts and being a dick for no reason or people are gonna start loathing you for how insufferable you're acting.
I got a bit too big for my britches as well after winning an appeal for an absurd note, and made an ass of myself the next time an admin noted me. You're doing the exact same thing right now except somehow managing to be even more self righteous about it.
Hello there friend, did you miss where there was plenty of reason to call out YBS? I'm not sure what you're on about with comparing us but you do you.
They did two or more people dirty the minute they got admin authority, pointing that out is hardly self-righteous but you label it whatever you need to.

Take care
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by massa » #640076

sorry gupta yeah maybe this guy should take in less paint
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Pandarsenic » #640078

jortsandshirts wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 2:29 pmSnip
Even if you're 100% right about everything you've said, about everyone you've said things about, you still manage to sound like an asshole.
Pandarsenic wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 4:56 am Just please stop being weird about it all, dude
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Boot » #640079

Jorts for headmin I'd follow you into hell keep up the fight against the admin conspiracy
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #640090

Can we tone down the insane level of toxicity in this thread? thanks
Super Aggro Crag wrote:This is what u get when u let people into your community
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by technokek » #640105

Can we increase the too low level of toxicity in this thread? thanks
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by TheFinalPotato » #640115

YBS was based, the thread of prophesy has been severed
My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #640116

massa wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 4:55 pm sorry gupta yeah maybe this guy should take in less paint
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #640184

Local forumposter removes two admins using only the power of wrath (see how).
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #640196

jortsandshirts wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 2:51 am YBS is verifiably awful as an admin, or was. Read back in this thread in which I outlined the reasons as to why. Sinfulbliss backed it up there as I laid out.
They did the same awful shit twice, nearly identical. Two different players, two dogshit bans with false reasoning and lots of character judgement based on whatever imaginative thoughts they pulled out of their ass.
Then, when called on it and put on the spot with facts to show their reasons for banning were in error they tried to pin a lesser punishment for a different reason. I mean fuck me up the shitpipe with a fireant filled churro that's awful. Not even handwaveable simple mistake awful but full on dart in the dick bullseye awful. I still say there's some admin misconduct at play during that bwoink murder objective too. There sure is some misconduct with the spewing of another persons ban.

Goopy, this in a very short period. You need to pick your friends better Goopy, don't be so stoopy. This person doesn't even play SS13, just active as a banbot.

Look, I can circle around these points all day but the fact of the matter is that some people just make poor admins. Given how quickly they reached two bananapeels and negative admin feedback it was only inevitable they were going to be deadmin anyway. They can read a little scathing hot takes on their conduct given what they did to two other members of this community. It's only fair given how they did the same.

Anyhoopy there Gooby, you have a good night and try better to go to bat for better friends, or to be less of a catcher or something. Either way, you're like 0/2 here.
You know what, maybe Admiral's ban should've been upheld.
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #640318

(insert thing I was wrong about)

and I'm sorry

I've had alot of time to reflect on (thing I was wrong about) and have talked to people with varying opinions on (thing I was wrong about)

I've gone through and collected some personal experience with (the thing I was wrong about), and can only come to the conclusion that (An opinion differing from my original)

You were right all along, and I hope we can continue to respect each other and engage in meaningful conversation.
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by Qbmax32 » #640320

sinfulbliss wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 8:37 pm I think admins should be banned from viewing the Player's Club
the last time this happened with #Admin-Free-Hut someone posted CP so....
my admin feedback thread

wesoda25 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:02 am Qbmax32 is quite literally one of the dumbest individuals I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with. He has zero redeemable traits, and honestly I have to suppress my gag reflex every time he shows up in a conversation.
Malkraz wrote:YES
angelstarri wrote:qbmax is a retard
imsxz wrote:mythic please stop you’ve hit rock bottom and you KEEP DIGGING
deedubya wrote:I'll defend to the death your right to scream "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on a constant basis, but I'll also equally defend the right of people to call you a fuckin' pillock for doing it.
datorangebottle wrote:what, not having to act like customer service in a volunteer customer service position?

Here's a rebuttal: you're literally in a customer service slash celebrity position. Volunteer or not.
Malkraz wrote:can you stop posting this shit
Nalzul wrote:Fuck Blob (can you imagine how hot it would be to be gangbanged by a bunch of blobbernauts, the blob, and spores)
Wyzack wrote:qbmax your pathetic display of abhorrent burgercraft has brought shame onto the omnivores
Plapatin wrote:i AM the senate
BONERMASTER wrote:I am a big thinker, and it would only be logical if my character had a big head as well. And glasses. Because only people that think, wear glasses.
feem wrote:i tried to send canisters of urine to the station but ended up turning all oxygen into urine and breaking lavaland and also breathing
Anonmare wrote:Each post in this thread can't settle on what it wants to be, but yet, each one is more cursed than the last.
Beesting12 wrote:please write an apology to this forums, this community, the host, and the internet as a whole for the data storage space you wasted with this complaint.
Vile Beggar wrote:i don't like this thread
imsxz wrote:nervore
FantasticFwoosh wrote:I will whisper sweet nothings that will confuse and perhaps scare you a little, but enhance the experience no-less.
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:By the way, the person who posted that catgirl porn on the github page was me. If anyone wants my private stash just PM me
Nervere wrote:Anything for a femoid.....
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by bastardblaster » #640357

this thread sux



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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Shadowflame909 » #640369

Rohen_Tahir wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 12:56 am Local forumposter removes two admins using only the power of wrath (see how).
who was the second admin
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #640407

Shadowflame909 wrote: Mon May 09, 2022 11:37 pm
Rohen_Tahir wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 12:56 am Local forumposter removes two admins using only the power of wrath (see how).
who was the second admin
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Shadowflame909 » #640411

who was the first admin
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #640412

Shadowflame909 wrote: Tue May 10, 2022 4:08 am who was the first admin
Admiral Awesome, was found of misconduct due to his appeal.
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by Shadowflame909 » #640413

Oh I thought two admins got yeeted by the same peanut thread.

Whatever im keeping them in my admin shitpost sequel
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by YBS » #640574

Just to clear the air, I quit because I am busy as fuck and multitasking with adminship was leading to bad calls (like this one) - not because a few self-righteous clowns said mean things to me online. Xoxo
Last edited by YBS on Wed May 11, 2022 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by tjatpbnj » #640578

Someone ban this guy
look in the spanner box got no thing in there cant do go sailing in em
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Re: Read at your own risk peanut - I regret this

Post by wesoda25 » #640580

YBS wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 6:08 pm Just to clear the air, I quit because I am busy as fuck and multitasking with adminship was leading to bad calls (like this one) - not because a few self-righteous clowns said mean things to me online. Xoxo
Good to hear 👍
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Re: Retaliation bad peanut

Post by RaveRadbury » #640582

sinfulbliss wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 8:37 pm I think admins should be banned from viewing the Player's Club for their own mental health. Appeals are probably already hard enough to handle without listening to 10 people take you apart over them
Admins should either not read peanuts or prepare the fortitude to handle wading through them. With that in mind if you think that the criticism happening in the town square is too harsh consider the way the criticism is being delivered along with the severity of the criticism and think about whether or not you want it to be the norm for your community. If you think people should be better about their feedback, stand up and encourage them.

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