[Vekter] Jackraxxus - More Than 2 Years Ago AI Singularity Shenanigans

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[Vekter] Jackraxxus - More Than 2 Years Ago AI Singularity Shenanigans

Post by Jackraxxus » #660296

BYOND account: Jackraxxus
Character name: Wettham Unfunnyman initially, D.I.D.N.T.L.A.U.G.H. after being made into an AI. No, my acronym doesn't stand for anything. Don't ask.
Ban type: Role / Server at the time, now just notes.
Ban length: 3 day role, 1 day server. Permanently noted.
Ban reason: Banned from the server for 1440 minutes - SAY: Jackraxxus/(D.I.D.N.T.L.A.U.G.H.) (binary) "You know what I think? I think keeping that singularity so unjustly imprisoned is terribly evil" it's super not, no I don't care if the shuttle was leaving in 30 seconds. I don't know how many people you killed but we'll say at least one and call it even. And for the silicon ban, Used 'Nothing says what is good an evil' as an excuse to release a singularity under PALADIN. Go read the Silicon policy please.
Time ban was placed: 2020-04-20 12:05:12
Reason for appealing a more than 2 year old ban: Purely so that I can get an authentic experience as to what appealing a ban is like, so that I may feel more in-tune with the playerbase and sympathetic to the people who I have had come to the forums and type up an appeal. Also I need to prove that I'm not way scared re: pic rel
I want to add that my use of "4" as a substitute for "for" and "tho" as a substitute for "though" are both purely ironic.
And upon reflection I don't think I even used the topic of pic related's conversation in my appeal lol.
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 135164, placed the following round of 135171. I had probably gone to bed around this time.
Logs: https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/man ... nd-135164/ (There should be some auto-formatting magic to generate a log URL based on the time the ban was placed input no cap)
Your side of the story: I'm gonna put most of this in the next section probably. Anyhow the gist of the situation is that I was a traitor chaplain, which at around this time where I was playing nothing but AI amounted to me getting stuffed by having to leave traitor on to roll malf AI, and having the antag > job prefs stop me from getting my sick lowpop AI roll. Luckily the roboticist offered to AI me. So that was pretty nice of them. Eventually they find the evil gamer gear on my corpse and, salty that I had not saved them while they had died, paladin'd me. Fair enough I guess, it's no HOGAN but it's an alright lawset for hunting valids - which I am known to do as AI. Finally, after having command assign me Guardianship of the singularity, I elected to - with their full consent and even encouragement - release the singularity a mere 30 seconds before the shuttle was due to depart the station. And only after having taken great pains, including having a teleporter beacon placed on the shuttle to which I then sync the teleporter, to ensure that no harm might be done to the innocent crew.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
My argument here is three-fold. Firstly is in regards to the argument made by the administrator in the silicon portion of the ban 'Nothing says what is good an evil'. This was in-fact only half of my argument, nothing says what is good and what is evil, therefore through my good-faith interpretation of the lawset the moral perspective of the brain used in the AI's construction must be taken into account. Consider, then, that an agent of the Syndicate might believe Nanotrasen to be an evil monopoly which brings financial ruin and harm to innocents throughout Human space. While bringing harm to its employees - who are uninformed and innocent by ways of their ignorance - would be an evil act, damaging nefarious assets (Such as a mining station destroying the homes of innocent ashpeople below) is absolutely morally justifiable. Even when going so far as to make the ultimate heroic sacrifice, as the singularity destroyed the AI box my character inhabited.*
*Due to admin intervention

My second argument is that my first argument is entirely redundant, as in fact I had the complete consent - and even encouragement - from command staff to the release the singulo.
The Logs wrote:SAY: Cimika/(Kathy Ryals) "You're the singulo care taker" (Bridge (151, 138, 2))
SAY: Cimika/(Kathy Ryals) "You decide of its fate" (Bridge (151, 138, 2))
SAY: Cimika/(Kathy Ryals) "Also I would love to see a stage 5 singulo for once" (Bridge (150, 141, 2))
SAY: Cimika/(Kathy Ryals) "AI free the singulo or no honor" (Engineering (101, 126, 2))
Though admittedly it was me who initially brought up the idea, they did seem relatively enthusiastic.
It would be greatly dishonourable to leave such a challenge without response. No paladin- traitor or not- would dare to bring such shame upon themselves and their order as to disobey such a greatly respected superior. Even one who spells honoUr wrong. Even without having been a traitor, I believe that I would've been well within the bounds of my laws to release the singularity given this point. Given the preparations I have taken, and the further laws that I am required to follow as a paladin silicon, I believe that not having released the singularity after this was said would've been in breach of my laws. Especially when you do consider my first argument and the ethical dispositions of my character at the time.

My third, and most damning, argument is that in fact my second argument is also entirely unnecessary. Through a most vigorous and extensive combing of the logs I have come to the conclusion that in fact no player died to the singulo being released. Of the player deaths I have catalogued since I disabled the emitters at roughly 11:08:26, one was a player committing suicide on the bridge, one was an ashlizard Spookuni getting murdered by Eric Dawsby (Owned btw if you're reading this lmao skill issue), and finally 2 players (Hates-The-Lizard and Kathy Ryals) dying to a (assumedly, unless they had illegal tech upgrades from robotics and just decided to go ballistic? But it's someone I trust so surely they'd never do that) subverted cyborg poisoning them with lexorin on the shuttle. Unless I am completely blind, no one died due to my actions. No ones round was ruined, no harm was done.

In summation, given the arguments that I have made above, I do not believe that any form of administrative punishment was warranted from my actions that round. Not a ban, not a slightly more favourable note, nothing. No one's round was harmed by my completely justified shenanigans. Furthermore, I would argue that rounds were improved. Even yours, I'm sure you had fun dropping a shard into the singularity to make it properly hit tier five, much to the elation of deadchat. And me in afterwards.
References of good conduct: I have, as a non-antagonist, followed 3.5e paladin to the letter, and even enjoyed it from time-to-time, in my AI play after this incident. HOGAN is still the best lawset though.
Anything else we should know: Spook is biased don't listen to anything he has to say on this topic, thanks. Also I dunno if there's a statute of limitations on things but surely even if there is I've typed out a serious enough appeal to not get FNR banned at least right? Right?
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Re: [Vekter] Jackraxxus - More Than 2 Years Ago AI Singularity Shenanigans

Post by Vekter » #660309

Jack why are you doing this to me you know I hate note appeals

Jokes aside, that's all a pretty salient argument. I have no issue removing the note in question given that you put forth effort to prove that I misunderstood the situation. I'll go ahead and remove it next time I'm on the server.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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