[<Thedragmeme>] TheLoLSwat - ban

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[<Thedragmeme>] TheLoLSwat - ban

Post by TheLoLSwat » #662123

BYOND account: TheLoLSwat
Character name: Lisa Green
Ban type: server / command
Ban length: 1 days / 3 day
Ban reason: Image
Server you were playing on when banned: sybil
Your side of the story & Why you think you should be unbanned: This won't be nearly as long as my last appeal as I am tired and just want to get it out before taking a nap, but I know how complex rule 12 and rule 0 are so any ban using both of them needs extended responses from both sides. I will address each point to the best of my ability and provide log context if i can find it.

Rule 10 breaking - I dont understand this, as rule 10 was never brought up during the bwoink (unless i forgot) and doesnt seem like a rule that I was breaking. I know that sometimes I die and im fine with laughing at my own demise at times. For right now Ill just loop it in with rule 12 since i believe that was the intent of the banning admin.

Rule 12 breaking - This is where I will go over the part of the ahelp where i was first "lying mid ahelp". I made a mistake saying that I grabbed biohood because a disease was confirmed. I grabbed biohood because of this comment from AI. I told the banning admin that I grabbed the biohood for the disease, and the banning admin said that it was a lie because I grabbed the biohood before disease was called out and then also didnt have biosuit. I misremembered the first reason because shortly after asking nicely for virologist biohood, someone called out an actual disease on station which was a big reason I kept the hood on after trading virologist for it. A smaller reason for keeping it was that it matched my outfit which was color themed. The second reason the admin said I was lying was because the biohood doesnt work to prevent the disease with the biosuit. Im not going to lie, I am still learning exactly how biohazard resistances work because its not as easy to test on psuedo humans unless you roll viro, but I figured that the hood didnt work and kept it because it looked cool (color) and gives protection against teargas. During the bwoink the banning admin mentioned that I had teargas, a riot helmet, and a dragnet when citing my rule 12 breaking. Before I make any other points I believe that I was right to carry extra gear as we didnt have a HOS on station and we had 0 sec roundstart and only 4 sec over the course of the round (warden and det joining very late into the round way into the bwoink). However, for the sake of the argument, I will go through the biggest instances of "egregious powergaming" when it comes to the rest of my items that I had throughout the round. and explain how Im not breaking rule 12.

Riot helmet - absolutley dogshit helmet item except in the very specific scenario of fighting xenos or if you need to stand in teragas for whatever reason. All jobs with roundstart armory access (HOS, cap, warden) also have access to overall better headgears both in HOS office (confirmed), caps office (99% sure), and wardens office (even if not, warden can always access HOS locker or ask HOS for a hat that he isnt wearing). So in terms of rule 12, I dont think wearing riot helmet every shift counts when there are better items when you are playing to win. I also gave this to virologist when he gave me the biohood as extra payment, but this is my default helmet because i would rather not take melee damage from myself or others even though im taking a bad tradeoff of being significantly weaker to every other damage type (and the melee resist boost from one of HOS or captain hats to riot helmet isnt even large enough to make this reasonable).

Teargas grenade - A single teargas grenade as a last chance grenade in order to buy myself a cruical few seconds to get away and hopefully teleport somewhere safer. I think 1 teargas grenade on the captain is fine without breaching rule 12 territory, considering sybil is LRP.

box of flashbangs - same principle as teargas grenade, it is really hard - impossible for flashbangs to leave damage that is as persistently debilitating as teargas so i keep more and use them accordingly.

dragnet - nonlethal slowdown that takes 3 seconds to remove completely. to be used defensively to deter tide from doing tide things such as interfering with arrest or offensively on a traitor or other criminal to limit their mobility without hurting them at all. AI friendly and should be taken out of armory and put in locker room for all sec to be able to access but this is not the time or place

Even if you look at the "sum" of all the items I had and how i used them in the context of the round, I still wasnt breaking rule 12 or 10 because throughout the round I didnt go out of my way to find antagonists other than obvious cases like here(someone reporting a crime / name / location and all of it still happening by the time i showed up). I had arguably less gear overall than the average HOS or even warden.

Another case of rule 12 being tip toed that im sure will be mentioned as it was brought up in the bwoink is the turrets that i used to build every round. However, I dont believe it can be used here because.

- I was ahelped in a previous round for the turrets, and agreed to stop after the admin told me that it was enough tip toeing of rule 12 to be a note. Since then I havent done anything resembling building turrets.
- I didnt build turrets in order to "win" I built turrets because i found it fun to create defenses in my office. Turrets are incredibly inefficient except for specific round types, and take trips to engineering (welding fuel tank / welders, tools, prox sesnsors, mats) / security (guns) / cargo (guns) / science (prox sensors) which will keep you occupied for 10-20 minutes just to start making meaningful progress on turret construction. All of which is easily stopped by anyone breaking in and stealing mats before finishing, an ion rifle, or a mech that wawa (i believe?) built that solo'd my entire turret farm in under 2 minutes after i spent 25-35 minutes redesigning my office into a farm on a rev round. Any tide with decent mechanics and a wrench + big thing they can anchor to block laser shots can make it through the farm or anyone working in a team with some tools or a gun w recharger. I also never cared if nobody went into the turret farm, as I wasnt building it with the intention of "winning" but instead to create a cool defense. (I was studying which turret locations worked the best in order to minimize materials used to make the best farms before i was bwoinked for it). Logs would be deep but I would even leave security work to people i trusted such as maskanery instead of doing it myself which couldnt be further from rule 12.

Rule 0 (Admins are also allowed to intervene in rounds when it is in the best interest of the playerbase.) is a very tricky rule.I know the legacy of using this rule and the type of players this rule gets used on and why. It is very hard to argue against this rule without it turning into a massive peanut gallery of he said/she said so it is used very sparingly.(of course admins are free to correct me as i am only speaking from assumptions of an old player) I will instead use this to talk about the other situation that occured throughout the round, including the medkits and Ryder Cowper. As shown previously, Ryder was arrested for creating n2o grenades, when Ed Dee comes with the intention to ? (as he never speaks). I try to understand what Ed Dee is saying but just decide to take the guy to brig and then try to ask ed dee what he means which is when Ed Dee grabs soap and grabs the chemist that im trying to arrest. Having no flashbangs at this time and not wanting to use teargas (even if i had it) I opted to use lethals on Ed Dee (as i didnt know if Ed dee would be able to react to me using disablers on the Cowper just to start disabling him, and I didnt know if he had anything dangerous on him.) I shoot at Ed Dee who uses Cowper as a human shield (while still silently interfering with the arrest for no reason). I this is the lowest i got Cowper to before i realized that it was impossible to hurt Ed and i needed to just go with baton even if i lose the guy / my baton. After Ed Dee decides to fuck off (im guessing because he knew he wasnt antag and didnt want to actually go too far to tide) and hearing about about heretics in medical, I teleport 5 medkits to brig just in case. I can admit I panicked after earlier and the bwoink had already started while the arrest was going on (shortly after the confrontation with Ed dee but i could be wrong again). And I even returned most of the medkits and wouldve returned even more if anyone requested.

The last point in the ban reason that I would like to mention is "a refusal to redirect when prompted to after every request. I couldnt disagree with this more. Whenever I am bwoinked about the decisions I make as a captain I give a reason, explain why i do it and why i believe it doesnt break any rules. If the admin hears all this and still tells me to not do this I will concede and stop the behavior that i was bwoinked about. I do not have a screenshot readily available but my bwoink over my turrets went in that exact way, and I didnt build a turret at all since then (disclaimer : the turret note was REALLY recent and i dont mean to imply that i had it for a while, but its still a good example). Another big example was my previous ban due to this (with the reason being Rule 12, Extremely self centered style of play round to round, has been noted about this before. Went out of their way to make traitor objective items inaccessible unprovoked. Roundstart takes the antique gun out of its case. Provides no meaningful interaction with anyone throughout the course of the captain rounds, spending their time hunting antagonists and spot executing them. Your playstyle is a detriment to the fun of the server you play on, reflect on this and improve it.). I wont go too far into this as there is an entire thread about it but looking at the ban reason we can see much change

- I dont put hand tele in captains safe (stopped as soon as this ban was lifted and not post-nerf of safe)
- I changed my entire philosophy around executing antags (stated multiple times in discord and OOC and stated / shown multiple rounds ingame) unless i need to execute them (revhead or nukies)
-To add to the last point, I leave security work to my officers unless the situation requires more hands than available, or is dire (which can be often during certain periods of the day when nobody is rolling for sec)
- I atleast try to take captains gun later (a bit of a reach but captains gun belongs to the captain and ive never seen it as too big of an issue for captain players to do it on LRP (as ive never been bwoinked and no other captain player i know has been bwoinked for it).
- Other than items like the nuke disk or the captains personal hand teleporter, I also completely stopped hiding traitor objectives unless you count putting the teleporter room hand tele in the bridge for any head to come get as making traitor items inaccessible roundstart
- Providing no meaningful interaction in the round is very subjective but i made even more attempts to rp with people after this ban (again a reach as i cant just jump into logs for a here it is! moment but I do interact with my quite a bit, especially with engineering every single round to make sure SM is up and my security, along with cargo medical and sci if i need to talk to them.

With all that out of the way I would like to make sure i formally apologize to Thedragmeme, as I had my reasons mixed up for initially getting the biohood and they may have gotten mixed up by logs (i always grab multiver pills for myself just in case i or another crew need it and we are too far from medbay and that mightve come up before the situation with the chemist in logs but I didnt lie in bad faith and I shouldve double checked before saying it. However, on that same note, I dont agree at all with the ban length or reason, and I dont think him being upset at a miscommunication is an excuse to slap me with a rule 0 12 and 10 ban after a round where i had minimal interaction with crew while giving me no chance to explain or defend myself after accusing me of lying. I would want this to be pushed to a note but once again I dont see how my actions are noteworthy (in the context of the round) as I was just walking around in a mostly uneventful shift. I only sent ~15 messages looking at tcomm logs

disclaimer : most of this is from a very faded memory, especially with the exact words used in bwoinks. helpful admins can help give context and if i got anything wrong im happy to explain.

I would like to be unbanned of course if possible , but I would be content with a note alteration and the ban length being lowered significantly, as even if you agree the ban should stick, the length is absurd for the admittably flimsy reasoning.
will be looking over this to proofread over the coming hours
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Byond Username: Thedragmeme

Re: [<Thedragmeme>] TheLoLSwat - ban

Post by Drag » #662158

Right, I'm pretty satisfied after reading this. However, I must make everything complicated as I am known to do. (Read on if you'd like to know what thoughts and factors resulted in the ban in the first place)

Logs are taken from round 198414.

https://tgstation13.org/raw-logs/sybil/ ... nd-198414/

Ticket leading to the ban:
From Ticket #1 during round 198414 on Sybil
Ticket opened at 2023-01-17 21:26:32 by rageguy505
21:26:32: Ticket Opened by-rageguy505: hey there, i've noticed over a while you're playing a pretty heavy "powergaming" playstyle while playing as captain.
21:27:15: Reply from-thelolswat: yea sure im good at the game but if youre implying that im breaking rule 12 i dont think that i am
21:28:12: Reply from-rageguy505: rule 12 is a pretty subjective rule, you come up a lot of a powergaming captain.
21:28:53: Reply from-thelolswat: rule 12 is subjective but it revolves around playing to win and i dont believe that im playing to win (speedrun killing antags)
21:29:29: Reply from-rageguy505: it also covers stuff like building turrets in your office and gearing up wearing everything you have.
21:29:50: Reply from-rageguy505: we could talk later after you finish dealing with the guy
21:30:09: Reply from-rageguy505: oh hes ssd
21:30:34: Reply from-thelolswat: yes but i was already told to stop building turrets and noted for it and I wasnt building turrets in a way to "win" because I didnt build them in armory / bridge / teleporter room but only in my office
21:31:07: Reply from-thelolswat: and im only wearing captains gear and biohood along with sechuds? I dont understand what your problem is with it
21:32:09: Reply from-thelolswat: and most of the time it isnt even a biohood its a riot helmet but its still one head appearal that i wear almost everytime every time (and not even meta since riot helmet is pretty dogshit except in rev or xenos)
21:33:47: Reply from-thelolswat: its also not like i do things in order to "win" in the sense of killing all antags, as i just got a note for sitting in my office and building autism turrets not caring if they are even viable for the round type
21:40:40: Reply from-thedragmeme: Right, Rage had to do something so Im gonna take this ticket over: Im gonna be really blunt with you. Theres a difference between being good at the game and hoarding every item you can get your hands on. You are the later catergory. Youre wearing the biohood because of the meta implications it has. Im looking at the brig and you have medical equipment hoarded. Your gameplay style consists exclusively of powergaming behavior and you have been noted and talked to about this multiple times by multiple admins. Im looking at your inventory and you have the riot helmet, teargas, and dragnet again after being NOTED for this same thing. You have been told multiple times you need to chill on your item collection, when admins are telling you what youre doing is play to win gameplay this is what we are talking about. Ive been watching you lethal people first instead of using non lethals. Im really hard pressed not to give you a ban because youre just flat out not getting it, and once again you have been told the same thing multiple times. Your note history is riddled with issues regarding rule 12.
21:45:32: Reply from-thelolswat: im wearing the biohood because a disease was confirmed what are you talking about. If i wore the biohood only because of meta implications i wouldve worn it every single round and not only this round where people are screaming DISEASE. I took medical equipment to brig to heal the guy i accidentally shot with lasers and i even returned the medical equipment because i realized i overreacted when taking supplies before you sent this message to me. I powergame but not in order to win as i dont only act in order to "win" I also dont have the riot shield helmet but when i did it was one helmet item from armory and when I got that ban from rectification sans himself called the ban reason too much and just left a general rule 12 note. I have a single teargas grenade, a box of flashbangs and a dragnet
21:45:46: Reply from-thelolswat: half of the stuff that you sent was resolved IC before i even recieved this
21:48:41: Reply from-thelolswat: i healed the guy after shooting him and only demoted him instead of giving him any brig time because i accidentally shot him,##I returned medical supplies and only kept a kit of each type ##I only have a box of nonlethal grenades + 1 teargas grenade and a dragnet from security##I have biohood for disease round and if i wore it for meta implications i would be wearing it every single round and not only on this one.##Riot helmet is dogshit compared to almost any of the headgear options on cap / HOS and is only better when xenos are about or if you use pepperspray/teragas a lot so i dont see how its even powergaming to wear when so many better options are available
21:49:31: Reply from-thedragmeme: So the first part of that is a boldface lie, I have been watching you since roundstart. I WATCHED you trade a security hood for the virologist green hood. And second of all that excuse falls apart because to deflect diseases you need the hood and the suit. So Im not going to give a counter agrument on anything else you sent since youre willing to lie to me. Im opting for a three day captain/security ban and a one for this. I also watched you secure a set of medical tools BEFORE the confrontation with the chemist. I am not impressed.
21:50:23: Reply from-thelolswat: i secured medical tools for myself and got more later after being informed medical was compromised
21:51:00: Reply from-thelolswat: honestly i didnt know about the suit but i figured after getting the disease but even then my point would still stand if i wore it for meta implications i would do it every round
21:51:21: Reply from-thelolswat: security also gets access to a biohood so i dont see why trading it for the viro's biohood is an issue
21:51:52: Client disconnected
21:51:53: Thedragmeme/(Vex Petunia-Licht) has created a temporary 1 day server ban for TheLoLSwat.
21:51:54: Resolved by Thedragmeme
---- No futher messages ----
This ticket was generated by Statbus v.0.14.0
Note I will be pulling from:
Note from rectification on 2022-12-21: Banned from the server for (approximately) 1 day - Violation of rule 12, excessive power gaming. As captain, round start equipped themselves with the captain's laser, riot helmet, hand-tele, box of flashbangs, dragnet, sec hud, energy gun, pepper spray, flash, and a medkit. Put the other hand tele and fire axe into the captain's spare ID safe. Has similarly equipped themselves consecutively rounds prior. Continued with the round wandering around the station looking for trouble, with the majority of their say logs being threats. You’ve been warned about similar incidents in the past. Appeal on the forums if you think this misrepresents you.

December 22nd, 2022 Edit from san7890: This ban was originally placed for three days, but was shortened upon appeal at viewtopic.php?p=660128#p660128.

First and foremost, I need to address the fact that in a previous headmin ruling fortifying security round start is not allowed. I'm going to bite the bullet and say the captain's office, or any other head of staff's office for that matter also falls into this category.

For reference, this is what said fortifications tended to look like
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You are correct in stating that you didn't do this in round 198414, however, that's not the problem at current.
Rule 10 breaking - I dont understand this, as rule 10 was never brought up during the bwoink (unless i forgot) and doesnt seem like a rule that I was breaking. I know that sometimes I die and im fine with laughing at my own demise at times. For right now Ill just loop it in with rule 12 since i believe that was the intent of the banning admin.
That is correct, typically with power gaming behavior individuals show they don't like losing. Hence how this ties into "playing to win" with rule 12.
I grabbed biohood because of this comment from AI.
If this is the case why didnt you say so? The fact you are giving me multiple versions of the same story does not instill any confidence you are being truthful. Since the logs are matching the second part of this explanation I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in this case. However, you need to be more mindful in the future. When you give me one statement and there are logs and eyewitness accounts showing otherwise I have to assume you're lying.

Overall your arguments are pretty solid and I'm satisfied with them, my primary grievance currently is when rageguy started questioning you initially you were pretty dismissive and your arguments were not as well thought out as it is right now. During the ahelp when I presumed you were lying I was not willing to dissect the other arguments you were trying to present. In my mind, if you were willing to lie to me about when you got the biohood what else are you lying about? However, this has already been addressed as a misunderstanding.

Secondary thing, from your last ban the list of items you were noted to have were:
captain's laser, riot helmet, hand-tele, box of flashbangs, dragnet, sec hud, energy gun, pepper spray, flash, and a medkit.
I check your notes, see the similarities, and you failed to mention you were helping security. On top of what I interpreted to be a dismissive tone with rageguy it wasnt a good look. Rageguy alerted me to the fact there were individuals using biohoods in place of security masks to bypass the fov nerf while still getting teargas protection. (Which resulted in accusatory language from me).

Overall your explanations paint a much better picture that I can agree with, so I'll lift the bans and remove the notes since the situation was a giant misunderstanding.


I would like to see some restraint in your gear selections and item hoarding. If you are actively helping security as the captain make sure to let the admin know if they are questioning you. While you were justified in getting a medkit to tend to the wounds of the individual you arrested you didn't just get one, you got one medkit of each TYPE and surgical tools. In regards to the laser, you say you try waiting but I watched you claim the laser roundstart. Your claim to trying to have patience doesn't have merit when I watch you within seconds of the round starting use your energy gun to break the case. Overall you are in fact doing better, just practice some more restraint.
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Byond Username: Thedragmeme

Re: [<Thedragmeme>] TheLoLSwat - ban

Post by Drag » #662160

And let me be really clear: I'm not removing your note regarding your office fortifications. Fuck off on doing that entirely thanks. That's the hill I'm gonna die on.

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