Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

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Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

Post by Cadunkus » #695257

I know a lot of you, me included, are yearning for stations that aren't as basic as Meta/Delta but Birdshot ain't it. It sucks.

Bad layout, poorly designed departments (there's no public part to the chapel, Science is split a million weird ways, the brig is all over the damn place), on top of it just being ugly as hell (I know it was made with the intention of being a messy drug-den-esque station but all stations look like that an hour into a red shift). It also turns into the ultimate firelock hell the moment a window breaks because of how much empty space there is. Honestly nothing I've said so far hasn't already been said. The only thing it has going for it is a few gimmicks like the gorilla cube in tool storage and the mafia in maints.

If you ever read OOC chat, you've probably noticed how many people vote for it before logging off for the day just because they want to troll everyone else still playing. Also there's always a significant player drop whenever birdshot shows up next. Just remove it from normal rotation. Maybe keep it in Basil since that's a very lowpop server and so it's not gone for good.
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Re: Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #695261

I kind of like Birdshot actually. It isn't laggy like Icebox, it's a single z-level map, unlike the terrible forced multi-z trend mappers keep trying to push (see viewtopic.php?f=11&t=33211) despite the fact players prefer single-z, it has some cool bits, like the exam room being an isolated room in space, and the mini-tram to perma feels like a cool sec design, with perma being truly isolated like it should be. The Bar is actually in the center of the station and not hidden, which is Icebox's biggest current flaw in terms of map design.

I think the playerbase just needs more time to have it grow on them.
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Re: Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

Post by RedBaronFlyer » #695263

I've tried to remain positive, but I honestly like birdshot less than tram, which is kind of impressive considering how much I dislike tram. I've also noticed the "vote for birdshot before calling it a night" phenomenon, and it's pretty annoying. I was thinking about how I noticed tram doesn't really have that problem anymore, but then I realized it's because people do that shit for birdshot now.

I also get that it's supposed to be rough around the edges but it always causes people to act like complete animals (which personally reinforces the whole "people act how the station looks" thing mentioned by mandalore)

A lot of areas have completely baffling designs (such as cargo being split in half by a maint tunnel), one tile corridors, in some instances, are missing basic department equipment, etc. Sometimes birdshot's design could be summarized as "do people like this feature, then it will be the monkey paw version" or "does metastation have this? Then we will do the opposite" I imagine people who primarily play in other departments can voice their annoyances more. I get that birdshot is supposed to "ironically" be a piece of shit station, it doesn't change the fact that it is, in fact, a piece of shit station.

It's The Last Jedi version of a station, it's a subversion box, but once you open the box, you realize that it's filled with rust-encrusted razor blades and dirty hypodermic needles. It feels like the motive behind the station was to create a ghetto station where everything sucks and call it a day. I've never heard anyone be able to articulate why they like birdshot other than "haha it make people mad when vote :^)" or "haha it look like Detroit C. 2015 :^)." At least I can sympathize with the idea of tram being cool and the tram itself being neat, even if people will bolt open the catwalks five minutes into the round because it's faster and easier than trying to use the tram.

I really want to see the play rate of each map (excluding the first week or so of birdshot being introduced into rotation) because I'd be shocked if birdshot wasn't in dead last. I almost always only see it voted to be the next map if:

1. Someone did a sneaky vote to redo the map votes during a big thing (aka single digits voted to redo the map vote while 50 others didn't vote)
2. Someone snuck the vote in during a big thing, and people didn't see the vote (again, lower single digits most of the time, 50 people didn't vote)
3. A group of people vote for birdshot, then call it a night. (The only time I've ever seen birdshot get double-digit votes, it's almost always stupidly early at like, four A.M. EST that this happens)
4. The map vote was done within seconds of the server restarting, so people connecting afterwards don't see/notice the map vote, and no one realizes that birdshot was selected to be the next station until it's too late to change.

I'll often see options 1 and 2 conveniently come after people keep doing shit like restart votes to the point that people won't even bother to look at whatever is being voted on.

The only thing I like about birdshot is that it is a single z-level, but meta and delta are also single z-level (and icebox is basically a single z-level for 90% of the crew until the blob sets up in atmos for the fiftieth time this week)

Sidenote, z-levels suck, they will never not suck. They will always lead to gamey shit and frustration. Stop pushing for multi-z level maps, they SUCK.

I would unironically prefer a purgatory of playing rounds with 70 people crammed into Kilostation than play any more Birdshot.
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Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
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Re: Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #695324

i dont like birdshot station because on manuel people will vote for it and scream SHOT SWEEP SHOT SWEEP and then spend the rest of the round tiding because its not considered a "real" round.
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Re: Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

Post by warbluke » #695335

I like birdshot more than delta, icebox, and Northstar. It's smaller, has no Z-levels to crash my game with, and it's in space so I can do space things.

Also it's incredibly easy to tear apart when I roll antag so that's fun too.
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Re: Nobody likes Birdshot Station so just remove it from rotation

Post by Timberpoes » #695349

You know what? The mapping team get burned out whenever they see "Remove X station I'm a big baby and I don't want Meta Ctrl-C Ctrl-V with a new coat of paint but every map that isn't Meta Ctrl-C Ctrl-V with a new coat of paint I dislike."

Maps you hate will be rotated in and rotated out. Maps you love will be rotated in and rotated out.

The only control you have over this is to get involved in the mapping projects people are doing, get a kickass replacement map made and have that map be so good it will replace one with another.

Or alternatively, get involved in mapping and renovate the stations you dislike to make them fit more what you like. Many people have done department reworks, renovations and more in their quest to make maps feel "right". You can pick up the skills and do so too.

You'll likely find in the process, your objectively righteous, amazing, perfect map that you think should be universally adored is instead hated by a bunch of people who put up threads asking for it to be removed.

If that reality would ever come to pass, I hope you'd appreciate I'd close these exact kinds of threads for you, too.
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