SightID2 - note appeal for nukularpower

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Byond Username: Nukularpower

SightID2 - note appeal for nukularpower

Post by nukularpower » #699079

BYOND account: nukularpower
Character name: pulls-the-tail
Ban type: note
Ban length: n/a
Ban reason:
When you speak as a Mime, you are valid to those who heard you.
You are not allowed to retalliate/escalate based on them choosing to kill you for speaking.
In this round you appear to have antagonized a great deal of people for what seems to be this reason, including destroying the engi lathe and boards and stealing anomaly cores.

Time ban was placed: 2023-08-12 21:57:57
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round ID, should be present in ban reason from server. Can be excluded if it cannot be found. Example: 211120 - dont see one
Your side of the story: Explain what happened in your own words.

I expected to be the one ahelping this shift, and thought I was doing right by not pestering admins about it, so this note was a bit of a surprise. This is gonna be a long one, but for easy reference, here is the short version:

I did not retaliate based on being killed, I retaliated based on being looted and having my tongue cut out. I did not destroy the boards, I flushed them down disposals in plain sight. I didnt steal the cores, I was given full sci access and intended to use them.

So, on to the long version. I will try to be as accurate as I can, though my memory isn't what it used to be. Anyways, at round start, I goofed around a while, and then wandered over to the HOP office. The Chaplain was there in front of me asking for Xenobio access. The HOP just gave him a spare science ID, and since I've been wanting to do cytology for a while, I asked for the same thing. The HOP gave me a blank scientist ID just like the chaplain.

My plan was to use cytology to get sholean grapes or some other fancy mob and then use one of the new bioscrambler belts on it. That is a pretty long path to go down, which would need toxins for cores, so I went there first to see if anyone was doing it. There was only the chaplain, myself, and 1 other scientist around at that time, so I grabbed the cores with the intention of coming back to refine them once upgrades were researched (only mentioning this because it was in the note, saying I stole them as "retaliation".) I then went to xenobiology to get petri dishes and stuff, along with bringing upgrades for the machines there. The pipe thing was missing from the cytology locker, and I mimed to the chaplain and the lone scientist asking where it went.

The scientist also wanted to do cytology so we agreed to work on it together. We went to the HOP office and got maints access and spent the next while looking for samples. For whatever reason there were practically none to be found so we wandered all over the station, pretty much. At some point a sec officer saw us and decided we were bad - Cole Jackson or something like that. He followed us around for at least 10 minutes, so I started leaving mime walls to get him to go away, though he always came around and started following again.

As we wandered through maints, I came on a door that wouldnt open. I was distracted by Youtube and not paying a lot of attention; I didn't look very closely, but just hacked it open to see what was inside, thinking it was one of those random locked maint rooms and hoping there would be a trash bin inside. I saw it was chem storage and left without setting a foot inside, but that officer Cole had been watching, and chose that moment to pounce, bashing me and dragging me up to sec for B&E into chem storage.

I figured it was whatever, protesting silently as I was brigged and stripped, thinking I would just do my time and get back to work. However, when the warden found the science ID the HOP gave me in my bag, they threw it out of the cell up by their office, clearly intending to take it as something "illegal".

Now, my memory is a bit hazy about the exact order of events here, but I am 80% sure I held my silence until, while I was in the cell, an officer Jasmine came up and grabbed the science ID off the floor by the wardens office and put it in her bag. (I admit it is 20% possible that I broke my vow when the warden first took my ID, though.) Either way, not wanting to lose the whole gimmick of my round, and thinking time was of the essence, I then broke my vow to try and get my ID back. This went as well as could be expected, since I was the mime, so of course everyone got all worked up that I had dared to speak. Other officers and civilians kept running up asking what the deal was, and getting frustrated repeating myself over and over and of course being ignored, I basically started the old shitsec rant.

Eventually I got out, and the officer Jasmine that took the ID started dragging me out of sec. I kept asking her for my ID back, but I was randomly getting mutations for some reason (admin smite? not sure), one of which was intermittent deafness apparently - I got TK, the void form mutation, thermal vision, and possibly others. I am not sure exactly what was going with my hearing actually, since it would come back briefly now and then, which mutations do not do - possibly that was one of the many viruses going around that round. Either way I was only able to hear for brief windows before I would go deaf again, so I was responding to people now and then while continuing to insist on my ID back in deafness otherwise.

Eventually Lingden Wilkerson got out of brig, where they had been, and came out and starting beating me with a chair. The chief engineer (Broly Butterfingers) joined in till I was crit. I didnt fight back, figuring whatever, its MRP, gotta murder the second someone turns valid, I get it.

Broly Butterfingers then dragged my body to medical. On the way, by EVA, for some reason he stripped me and left my gear there in the hall. He then brought me in and insisted that the doctor remove my tongue as I was a talking mime, which I frankly think is quite objectionable - going out of your way to have someone mutilated on top of murdering them as a (imo) very sketchy valid seems at the least to be stretching "RP", on top of which it was a command person - I would think the CE outta have better things to do than harassing a dead mime for 20 minutes, but there it is, I'm the one writing this appeal and not him.

Those minutes were because the doctor was pretty new. it took somewhere around 20 mins for the doctor to figure out how to do the tongue removal on Broly's insistence, only after which did he start on getting me back alive something like 30 mins later. During that time, someone brought my backpack and ID from the hall where it had been left, which was nice. I felt a bit of tiding would be justified in revenge for the tongue removal (the clown had gotten revenge on sec for me nicely with combat clown shoes, spewing bananas everywhere.) I went to genetics and got TK back (as Broly had also insisted my body get mutadone'd of the random mutations I got in jail.) He had left the CE locker open, so I used TK to get my revenge by flushing everything in the CE office down the disposal chute.

As I was finishing that up, someone dragged an engineer's body up and watched me throwing things down the chute a while. They then asked me to watch over the body and left (no idea what was going on there.) Seeing an opportunity to better my revenge prank, I took the ID off the body, brought it to medbay to get revived, then went back to engi. There I used the ID to get into the techfab room, where I deconstucted the machine, and then flushed that board down disposals. There was an engineer there so I made sure he saw me by blocking him with a mime wall, pointing at the CE's office and giving middle fingers. I then threw the stolen ID back into engineering so the owner could get it, and left.

After this I was bored and fairly depressed since it was far too late to start cytology, so I wandered maints a bit. I crawled through the delivery vent at sec and peeked in. As I was leaving the HOS happened to see me, and he then arrested me under accusation of "breaking in" - to note, I broke nothing, didnt hack the door, didnt break a window - I had done nothing but crawl through the flaps and back out. Regardless he said he had "gotten the reports" and that he was "out of options". I didnt want to break my vow again, so I just shrugged. He dragged me to brig, and a couple times I got loose of his cuff-hold, and ran around a bit before getting dragged back.
After the second time this happened, after chasing me down, the HOS dragged me up to the execution room and lethally injected me, thus removing me from the round. For the record, this HoS had not been involved at all in my earlier brigging - this was my first encounter with them.

So, that is the story of the round, as I remember it. I find this note objectionable for several reasons. Firstly, I did not retaliate based on being killed - I retaliated due to the looting and tongue removal. I also did not consider it escalation, as I had no intention of creating a conflict, and considered my job done with the CE. Secondly, I did not explicitly destroy anything - it was all flushed down disposals, where it could be easily retrieved, and it wasn't the "boards" (which might imply tech storage) but one single board (the techfab.) I also did not steal the anomaly cores, I had every intention of using them at the start of the shift and was working with another scientist actively to that until, up until Cole arrested me. If the level of greytiding I have described above is worthy of a note, I am certainly going to be pinging ahelps a lot more - I did what I did to get the CE for messing with my body. I've seen many people doing much worse for literally no reason at all, and as such, I do not feel this note should stand. Lastly, I was round removed for this, which frankly, I feel was completely unjustified given what I had actually done up to that point - isnt that enough?

Thank you and sorry for how long this got.
Last edited by nukularpower on Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SightID2 - note appeal for nukularpower

Post by Vekter » #699082

Gonna post the headmin ruling here for the sake of discussion:
Arianya wrote: Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:45 pm Hi all,

We've had a discussion about this and decided to make mimes that talk subject to punishment by the crew for their mis-deed, functionally making them "valid".

Note that you should still avoid spacing/gibbing them for this, but you may otherwise enact punishment on them as you see fit.

As with all things, please bear in mind Rule 1 when acting on this.
Now, the general way this is applied is usually that you're open to pretty much any punishment that isn't round removing. The reason you usually get bonked if you talk as a Mime and retaliate is because it could otherwise be used for "escalation baiting" - you say something as a Mime, have people rush you, then you get free kills. Given that speaking on this specific situation would be peanut, I won't be doing so.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 2:29 am
Byond Username: Nukularpower

Re: SightID2 - note appeal for nukularpower

Post by nukularpower » #699084

the cluwne pr was denied because assistants murdering honking clowns in the halls is actually not that funny; but being free to murder a talking mime is fine? Arent we supposed to be roleplaying relatively stable people working jobs they've earned, not frothing lunatics waiting for the chance to get away with murder at the slightest rules-justifiable pretext?

Anyways I would not try to get revenge just for getting killed, in fact I expect to die once I hit that break vow button - its part of mime life, if you feel like you have to go that far. I did not know it was "literally anything but rr" and could not disagree with that ruling more, personally, as little as I know that matters. As I said, I did not try to retaliate just based on the murder, but rather the looting and tongue thing, and even then, it was not just the fact that it happened, but the fact that it took SO LONG to happen
Last edited by nukularpower on Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SightID2 - note appeal for nukularpower

Post by Sightld2 » #699085

I sympathize with the unfair hand you got dealt here, and now realize that the crimes you committed weren't altogether that bad and will be removing the note. Bad rounds, they happen. Part of my decision to note this was that when this was ahelped, you had already disconnected and I wasn't able to speak with you for additional context (Kinda ironic), so I'm glad you've appealed to defend yourself.

However, going forward, I would like you to keep in mind something:
nukularpower wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:23 am I did not retaliate based on being killed - I retaliated due to the looting and tongue removal.
I am removing the note because your retaliation was not as significant as I thought.

But the crew was still in their rights to loot you and remove your tongue. The only protection you are offered as a mime that has spoken is from outright round removal, per what vekter said and the headmin ruling text seen below.
Talking mimes are subject to punishment by the crew, excluding any form of round removal and making their body harder to find or revive
nukularpower wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:23 am Thank you and sorry for how long this got.
No worries, Admins need to read more anyways tbh


Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2023 2:29 am
Byond Username: Nukularpower

Re: SightID2 - note appeal for nukularpower

Post by nukularpower » #699087

thanks boss o7

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