Intern John - Banned from Discord

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Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by InternJohn » #707805

Discord username:

Commonly used names:
Intern John

Banning admin:

Ban reason:
'Attempted to morally relativize the genociding of children'

Time ban was placed:
Today, approximately 12:30 PM UTC

Your side of the story:
The discussion in politics came about the current conflict in Israel with Palestine, and obviously it is going to be a touchy subject. Frankly I had no real major stance on it other than "It's bad, and I don't really support what's going on"

However, history is a passion of mine, and I like to use it as a way to draw comparisons of what occurs in the modern day, I made a comparison to the ancient world, and simply discussed from a historical perspective. I'm very neutral on history, I tend not to say whether things are good, or bad. Gwyn01 then attempted to trap me in some moral quandary asking me a question about the past, specifically on whether I think the killing of german children was a good thing. I had, previously in the argument, suggested many times that I personally do not like it, I apparently gave an answer they didn't like, or perhaps they mistook my cynicism on humanity doing it over and over again for supporting it, so they banned me without warning, then claimed something completely different than what I actually said.

This is what I said (if the out of context seems snide, I apologize for that, I was getting a little annoyed with the person I was talking to):
image (68).png

This is their banning reasoning:

I never denied the existence of anything, nor did I ever support anything. I would never give my support for anything of the sort, I'm pretty sure I, not even 10 minutes prior, condemned what is happening in that part of the world. I did not break the ToS, nor the rules to my knowledge. I just declined looking at history in the way that individual wanted me to, and they got apparently upset, then used this idea of me against my character.

You can state that I am 'cringe' for liking history, or what have you, but it's just something I enjoy. In hindsight I should not have ever entered into the politics chat anyway, but I also do not believe that the mods were justified in their approach there. I don't enjoy the idea of debating the morality of actions taken thousands of years ago with a discord mod. Which was why I had snapped back with "Do you have a solution for the punic wars" because to me it stems almost from arrogance to be righteous in the face of things that happened in different times, so very long ago. History is riddled with such atrocities, and they are just that, atrocities, but to view anything that happened at such times with a modern lens is intellectually dishonest as you'll just think everyone was evil, and ultimately you come to the conclusion that humanity itself is evil.

Otherwise all I ever do in the discord is talk about the spacemans game with people and complain about c*ders, it was never my intention to offend anyone, and I would never support anything like that happening today. Thus I am extremely frustrated with being painted as something I am not. As I stated in that argument previously, I am actually very much against it, and that there are many issues that come from it. I was given, for no apparent reason, a Yes/No question without my knowledge that I would be banned if I gave anything but the answer Gwyn wanted. I then simply chose not to answer, and was still permanently banned over it. Which begs the question why Gwyn posed the question to me in the first place.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
I personally believe it was a wrongful ban caused by tense emotions exacerbated by modern day politics. I can understand it, honestly, because it's volatile today, it's honestly worth just not even participating in that channel, because it's bound to get someone upset, and that person who is upset may have powers. It was never my intention to cause people being upset in the first place.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by Gwyn » #707821

Alright, before I get to my conclusion I'll post the in context version of the conversation you've screenshotted. I feel like the context is important.

To start where the conversation started getting concerning for me was with this comment here, which is kind of a bizarre take when talking about asymmetrical warfare but the conversation moved on pretty quickly.


The topic veers back into "romanization" and I get a little alarmed at this exchange.


After that we get this wild fucking post,


so I asked for some clarification.


To which the conversation concluded with this exchange.



It was at this point that I decided this was going too far, and was very alarmed at your avoidance of answering the question straightforwardly. I have a policy of not taking personal action if its an argument I'm personally involved in, so I pinged the discord moderation channel and asked for their group input on what to do in this situation, and they backed up previous bad experiences with your behavior and confirmed with me that a ban was appropriate. I did not impulsively ban you out of emotion like you asserted. I double checked first.

On top of this exchange and other discord mods voicing their concern, soon after the ban I was informed you have been permabanned from Goon for similar reasons:

The reason I think it's relevant to bring up this ban is that you launched an admin complaint about a person being permabanned for speaking about cultural cleansing, which is the same topic you were talking about in this appeal, which shows a history of you doing this.

It is my intention to uphold this as a permanent ban. There is no place for this rhetoric in our community.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by InternJohn » #707823

Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pm Alright, before I get to my conclusion I'll post the in context version of the conversation you've screenshotted. I feel like the context is important.

To start where the conversation started getting concerning for me was with this comment here, which is kind of a bizarre take when talking about asymmetrical warfare but the conversation moved on pretty quickly.

It was the method in which historically, asymmetrical warfare was solved. I am simply quoting history. In virtually every case it has ended in complete destruction, constant warfare, or cultural genocide. I have never once said these were good or desirable things, it's simply something that happens.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pmThe topic veers back into "romanization" and I get a little alarmed at this exchange.

You are alarmed at me for explaining what happens? I stated that Romanization is nicer than genocide, not that it is good. Once again, you are putting words into my mouth. You are attempting to paint me into something that I am not. Would you disagree with my words? What would be the alternative? It seems as though I said something that you suddenly didn't like and went down a path of trying to test/prod me to see if I was worthy of being banned by some invisible measure of standard.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pm After that we get this wild fucking post,

This is why I became annoyed at you, and why I responded with "You wouldn't like the answer", because it isn't a good thing. There are countless cases in history in which these problems just stagnate and grow further, it's just what happens. Once again, I'm not suggesting that this is a good or desirable outcome. I do not support such things, nor have I ever.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pmso I asked for some clarification.

Yes, because we view history through biased lenses. It does a disservice to treat everything with a modern focal point because then it restricts you from trying to understand how or why things may have happened. Assyrians skinned men to use for their bed sheets, as I said before history is riddled with atrocities that are ATROCIOUS but wherein lies the purpose of just constantly going "Wow this is terrible!" "Wow that was terrible!" and never actually reading into it.

I believe you have misunderstood my entire point in that argument, and I apologize if I was not clear. The Germans going on to become a major problem for the Empire in the migration period was directly caused by Augustus Caesar's decree of mercy for said Germans after the massacre of Teutoburgerwald. I am making no distinction as to whether this is a good or bad thing, it's just literal cause and effect. You are attempting to force a position onto me, when I was simply reading off what happened. Just because you do not like what happened, or that I'm not the correct amount of outraged about it for your liking, does not mean that I magically support genocide.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pm To which the conversation concluded with this exchange.


No, **I** do not think killing anyone is a good thing. That goes entirely without saying. You posed a very loaded question to me, which I simply didn't want to answer because I do not like to look at history in the way you are looking at it. I don't see the point in morally grandstanding over things that happened literal millennia ago. I was going to follow this question with an example of why, we dropped two nuclear weapons in WW2 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to end the war.

Do you see that to be a good thing? Killing all of those people for a supposed greater good that we don't actually ever see because we don't know what happens? The same thing could be said for what ancients did to win wars or end threats, they could justify it in a million different ways and surely had their own justifications for it. That is why, when I look at history, I tried to be impartial and neutral. You have mistaken this for me trying to brush horrible things under the rug, when in reality I am entirely willing to bring it to light and talk about such things.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pm It was at this point that I decided this was going too far, and was very alarmed at your avoidance of answering the question straightforwardly. I have a policy of not taking personal action if its an argument I'm personally involved in, so I pinged the discord moderation channel and asked for their group input on what to do in this situation, and they backed up previous bad experiences with your behavior and confirmed with me that a ban was appropriate. I did not impulsively ban you out of emotion like you asserted. I double checked first.
I have explained why I avoided the question. You posed to me a very annoying yes/no question that I do not like. You have asked me to quantify an incredibly complex conflict into such a tiny little answer for such a broad question. No, I do not think killing children is okay. How does that solve any of what we were discussing? It was such an irrelevant and pointless question designed to try and 'test' me to see if I was thinking in a manner that you wanted, with ultimately a ban being the case if I answered in a way you didn't want. So to which I ask, why even pose the question? Why bait me into a pointless ban over a pointless topic when you could have simply ended it?

I know only one other discord mod who dislikes me and it is Omega. I would have been absolutely willing to simply not talk if what I was saying was too offensive, I did not deem it to be offensive and frankly I don't understand how talking about things THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO could be offensive. I am not suggesting a modern day precedent of killing people, only stating that it is a precedent that has existed for a long time.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pm On top of this exchange and other discord mods voicing their concern, soon after the ban I was informed you have been permabanned from Goon for similar reasons:

The reason I think it's relevant to bring up this ban is that you launched an admin complaint about a person being permabanned for speaking about cultural cleansing, which is the same topic you were talking about in this appeal, which shows a history of you doing this.
I had assumed you were going to bring this up, so let me explain what happened.

I was **not even remotely** involved in the discussion involving the person which got banned. They were speaking of Uyghurs, I frankly didn't care, and still do not. I complained in the DISCORD after being asked what bothered me, and told that I could freely talk about it. I stated that I thought the admin went too far in banning the user from the GAME as well as trying to organize a mass report to discord. I thought, and still do, that it was too far. I then woke up hours later to being banned for 'defending genocide' some how, also from the game/discord. That is why I made my complaints, and why I was so upset. I was literally banned simply for suggesting that an admin went too far with someone, over what is effectively moral soap boxing. I had never once mentioned Uyghurs, genocide, or anything of the sort, I never spoke of that in Goon, and I have no opinions on it. I had never even debated the person who was banned, or talked to them, about ANYTHING other than the game we played together.

I had agreed with his ban from the discord, not his ban from the game/forum. He had opinions about Uyghurs which I did not, and CaptainBravo is an utterly terrible admin who made my ban about his own sense of self-justice, all because I, once again, criticized his adminning. I didn't ever defend what he said.

Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:46 pm It is my intention to uphold this as a permanent ban. There is no place for this rhetoric in our community.
The entire argument, if it even could be considered one, was just me explaining things that happened in history, while trying to remain impartial, and you seemingly trying to get me to pick a side. I'm not interested in telling you whether one dead civilization is more morally righteous than another, I don't know why you were so intent upon asking this of me.

I was not giving rhetoric. I was not even giving an opinion. You banned me explicitly for NOT giving an opinion, I was stating what happened and what does happen in these kinds of conflicts. You had provided me with no warning, or no indicator as such. I was not attempting to persuade anyone, if it was a failure of my speech to indicate this then, again, I apologize. If I'm completely honest, I have no interest in ever discussing anything in that channel ever again, I just enjoy talking to the community about the game.

I genuinely believe you have mistaken my intentions, and that is my fault for a lack of eloquence. I have never supported, suggested, denied, or apologized for genocide, I have only come to understand it as part of the historical human condition in that it is an awful reality of our species that never seems to go away. I had sent you a friend request after the banning, asking if we could speak with cooler heads and just talk it through if you were willing.
Last edited by InternJohn on Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by Gwyn » #707830

You made your opinions on ancient ethnic conflicts relevant by comparing those events repeatedly to what is going on in the israeli-palestine conflict currently. I'm going to be honest if you consider "child murder: yes or no" an annoying question you don't like after you brought it up in the first place and can't answer it without a stream of deflective rhetoric that says a lot more about you than it does about me.

I don't have much to comment about your similar ban from goon, I have no idea why you think someone would still be allowed to play on the server after saying such heinous shit.

The answer is still no.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by InternJohn » #707833

Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:36 pm You made your opinions on ancient ethnic conflicts relevant by comparing those events repeatedly to what is going on in the israeli-palestine conflict currently. I'm going to be honest if you consider "child murder: yes or no" an annoying question you don't like after you brought it up in the first place and can't answer it without a stream of deflective rhetoric that says a lot more about you than it does about me.
You were asking, specifically, about the Germanic tribes' children. You made it about children, quite randomly. That is not what you asked. No, I'm not okay with child murder. Again, you turned it into a morality debate, which I didn't want to partake in.

I ask you now, if we were justifiable in murdering children to end WW2. It is effectively the same extremely complex question. Is it acceptable to do that to end a war that could cost far more lives?

If the topic was WW2, and we talked about the nukes, or the fire bombing of tokyo, or the bombing of berlin, or stalingrad, or what have you, and I said "Do you support killing Japanese children?" out of the very blue, in regards to ending the war, is that not a very loaded and pointless question? That is effectively what you posed to me. I don't want to say that it was a good or bad thing, I really don't, because it's also not my place to do so. I think it is a horrible thing that we killed all of those people, but it's also a good thing that we ended the war without yet more untold losses.

That is why I have said that history isn't good or bad, it just is. I don't condone any sort of genocide, or atrocities. I don't think it is ever acceptable, personally. I thought I had made it clear when the topic of Israel and Palestine came up previously, and how I specifically mentioned how awful it is.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:36 pmI don't have much to comment about your similar ban from goon, I have no idea why you think someone would still be allowed to play on the server after saying such heinous shit.
Because they never did anything particularly wrong in-game, and I don't believe in such drastic consequences for mere opinion. Regardless, I simply stated that I thought it was too far, does that justify the same punishment? Does that some how make me aligned with his views?

I don't even think he was advocating genocide, but I cannot remember. I was just crushed that I lost a good in-game friend to play with over something as petty as a discord debate.

Also 'similar' ban? There is nothing similar about it. I wasn't even involved with any sort of debate.
Gwyn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:36 pmThe answer is still no.
Is there anyone more impartial that I may ask in regards to this, then? A headmin?
Last edited by InternJohn on Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:13 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by AwkwardStereo » #707834

InternJohn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:41 pmIs there anyone more impartial that I may ask in regards to this, then? A headmin?
Ban Appeal Rules wrote: 11. You are able to request that head admins review an appeal that is unable to come to an amicable resolution, however you are not entitled to a review occurring. Efforts must still be made by both you and the banning admin to resolve an appeal regardless of the request for reviewal.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by InternJohn » #707837

AwkwardStereo wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:46 pm
InternJohn wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 4:41 pmIs there anyone more impartial that I may ask in regards to this, then? A headmin?
Ban Appeal Rules wrote: 11. You are able to request that head admins review an appeal that is unable to come to an amicable resolution, however you are not entitled to a review occurring. Efforts must still be made by both you and the banning admin to resolve an appeal regardless of the request for reviewal.
I see, thank you. I don't really come on here very often.

Edit: I talked to someone for a while on discord about this, and they helped me come to the conclusion that I am really bad at explaining stuff, and that my words implied that I supported these things. He told me I should explain my words from the discord better, and more calmly. I kinda realized some of my choice of words is very poor now. I'm going to rest, clear my head, and try to do a better job.
Last edited by InternJohn on Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by InternJohn » #707951

Alright, as said in my edit above I talked with people in DMs and realized my words weren't exactly the best, and I figured I should break them down and try my best to explain better the actual intentions behind them. The issue I was having was that I was in an analytical mindset when speaking of history, I did not want to speak about certain events and how bad they were in the past, as there is endless discussion on how bad things can get in history. Your comments had completely caught me off guard, and honestly made me a little uncomfortable, when all I wished to do was to discuss the facts of the matter at hand and make some comparisons to history.

So prepare thyself for another, hopefully better wall of text one last time.



So to those that may be unaware, Romanization is something the Romans typically attempted of those they conquered. It was the act of effectively assimilating a foreign peoples into the Empire and making them, well, Roman. They had successfully performed this on a number of occasions, including in Gaul. It is a process that often takes generations. It starts by settling their veteran Legionaries in the new conquered territories, making certain a Roman-friendly local government is in power, and bringing a great many advancements that Rome was fortunate to have to these lands. From sewers, to aqueducts, to education, to medical aid, to the more refined culinary arts, to wine, and so on. This had the effect of making the Roman culture more desirable, often, than the original one.

Thus, the populace slowly become Roman, thus the term 'Romanization'. It did fail, on occasion, ironically in the Israeli region (Judea), as the people resisted the idea of Romanization so fully that it backfired.

When I was referencing this, I was in no way suggesting that is what Israel should do, or even could do. I was simply stating that this is one of history's methods to dealing with asymmetrical warfare and guerrilla tactics, you effectively breed your enemies out of their own population. It's not a good thing by any measure, it is indeed a bad thing. However the alternatives, which is what I was mentioning here:


I was stating how Romanization is bad, but I think we may agree that genocide is significantly worse. Far **far** worse. The only other two options I know of, in history that civilizations have chosen, is effectively what the US did to the Native Americans, which is displacement, which appears to be what Israel may attempt to do which is why I was attempting to bring it up. The final option is also extremely brutal, which is to effectively cause so much restriction and suffering upon a local populace, that you *force* a revolution. Effectively you turn what is a civilian populace into a uniformed foe that can more easily be destroyed. You are dividing a populace by 'twisting the screws' and separating out the meek who will remain under your power, and the more volatile who will resist you, like separating out a solution in a flask via boiling. This is also, extremely bad. I was not suggesting these things be done, I am not a military advisor to the IDF, I would never want to see these things happen in my life time. I was merely bringing them to attention as things that have been done, and may be done in the future.

Ancestral Homes Comments


I also, was not arguing for Romanization, and I believe this is where the confusion began. I didn't recognize that you were believing that I was SUGGESTING this at this point in the conversation. When I was referring to 'you' it is just a weird habit I have when referring to these kinds of things, as if placing the person I'm speaking to in the shoes of a leader during this time period. Clearly it added extra confusion to the argument.

When referring to 'these things are incompatible', I meant that there is no possible instance in which I can see the Palestinians and Israelis dropping this issue, especially now. It is an ancient problem, literally thousands of years in the making. Both peoples were originally from this region, as far back as the early bronze age. The region of Israel is both of their ancestral homes, for they were once effectively the same people (Canaanites). They had been conquered many times by various large Empires, but it all changed during the Roman Empire's rule of their lands. Emperor Hadrian had effectively expelled the Jewish people from their ancestral home, and renamed the land to Syria Palaestina after the Bar-Kokhba revolt. So with the Jewish people deposed, and the remaining people now the Palestinians, this was nearly 1800 years ago. So you have 1800 years of this land being owned by the Palestinians, only for the Jewish populace to suddenly return and depose them. Thus this anger, and hatred, is not something that can be so easily solved. When I said "there is no nice way to end this", I imagine it could be misconstrued to be more violent than I intended. I only meant that there is no peaceful resolution that I can personally see as possible anymore, as much as I would prefer one.

"You wouldn't like the answer"


Again, probably bad wording that can be misconstrued, but I meant it literally. History has shown that humanity and civilizations have never shown any sort of insight into the practices we have stuck to over century after century. "so governments can be called out when they do it again" is what I meant by you wouldn't like said answer. Because they have done it. Countless. Countless. Countless times. If I seem cynical when it comes to history, it is because I am. I have read of so many atrocities that they sometimes blur together.

What I meant by "Shouldn't have done it" and "Should have done it better", is that is effectively what it boils down to when these civilizations do these atrocities. In their case they often do a poor job and leave an ancient enemy that grows in strength, such as in the case of the Ancient Germans, or they perform an atrocity that bites them in the ass later (The destruction of Carthage was actually a problem later for Rome, as they later realized how important the positioning of Carthage (Modern day Tunisia) was for trade). Again, no where in this am I advocating for anything of the sort, I'm just analytically providing the reasoning of those civilizations, hopefully to enlighten you as to why they did what they did. If they had left Carthage alive, it would have continued yet further with more wars, so from the perspective of the Roman senate, it was a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation. Rome had lost so much of its population to the numerous Punic wars with Carthage, 20% of ALL Roman males between the ages of 18 and 50 died in a SINGLE battle (Cannae) to Hannibal. So you could imagine the urgency and anger which led to the famous term 'Carthago delenda est' spoken by Cato the Elder.

I am not trying to justify what they did as a good thing, what I meant when I said repeatedly as 'history just is', is that there is no amount of guilt that can bring Carthage back. It just happened, it was, it is, it cannot be changed. It is a lamentable fact of history, like often reading a book with a harrowing ending that makes you sad.

"Blood and soil"


If I am to be completely honest, I didn't even register what you were implying by blood and soil. I kind of glossed over it mainly because it didn't make sense to me at the time as to why you would bring in Nazis into the argument. I never spoke of Nazis, I never brought up the concept of blood and soil, and I don't know why you decided to bring it up. It, once again, made me uncomfortable so I just glossed over it. I should have addressed it, but I just didn't want to talk about it, I was focused more on the subjects I was interested in talking about.

"They let the Germans live, and thus allowed for the migration period to occur which severely fucked over an already weakening Empire"
This is just me stating a cause and effect. By Augustus Caesar granting mercy to the Germans over the ambush at Teutoburgerwald after Germanicus had made his first expedition, Germanicus had asked for a second expedition to Germania in order to 'finish the job' so to speak. Augustus declined Germanicus' second expedition, thus sparing the Germans. This ultimately led to the migration period, with numerous power vacuums, and ultimately the Germanic tribes led way to more anti-Roman tribes. This is what happens in reality when you destroy a bunch of people/things and then just leave, power vacuums occur, and they remain bitter. I am not suggesting it was a good or bad thing that Germanicus was denied his second expedition, I'm just stating what happened.

"It doesn't matter if it's good or bad when it comes to history."
This was me, once again, attempting to steer you away from trying to make the conversation about morality. To me whether something was good or bad doesn't enter in to my mind when I'm analyzing history, because it had already happened, and the circumstances were different then, than now. I have always considered it better to learn 'why' something happens. This, once again, does not mean that I support the bad parts of history. I have come to tears from reading certain excerpts that have placed mental scars upon me, and made me question my own species. However I would rather not bring those up in that conversation, when we're also talking about what could be happening today. It is a harrowing thought to imagine what the future may bring, but the past is already written.

"Moral relativism of killing children"


This comment caught me off guard, and confused me greatly. I did not imagine you would suddenly take a weirdly moralist stance on something that had happened many thousands of years ago, especially when in MY mind I had made no attempt to suggest anything like that. I got frustrated, because while I was trying to analyze history you repeatedly went into 20 questions to try and get me to talk about morality and right/wrong when I simply wanted to talk about history without going into what I considered to be a pointless argument about right/wrong. As I was frustrated, I snapped back with:


Because I was actually surprised that you were trying to pull this into a conversation, for seemingly no reason in my mind. It was as if you thought I was suggesting doing all of those things **today** to the Palestinian or Israeli people. It was so strange, that I didn't even want to humor the question.

The reason why I had brought up 'atom bombs' is because I was going to go into a rant about perspectives in history. How we vaporized two Japanese cities in the name of the 'greater good', and how so many people died so that so many more people wouldn't die. I wanted to explain how history isn't so 'black and white' and that bad things happen with good intentions all the time. However you gave me no chance to even continue with that thought, as you snapped back with:


This proceeded to frustrate me even further, this question was so utterly out of the blue for me, and actually infuriating to me. It was like you were ignoring everything I was attempting to talk about, to try and crucify me for some invisible criteria you thought of. It made me feel yet further uncomfortable, and I really just didn't even want to talk to you anymore, but I continued against my better judgement.

Screenshot_8151.png (10.25 KiB) Viewed 2795 times

This was another attempt by me to get you to understand that history isn't black/white. I was going to try and ask you what your preferred solution to these things were, so we could start a dialogue about how hard these decisions could be, and why they might have occurred to otherwise reasonable people. Once again, during this entire conversation, I have not advocated or denied *anything* what so ever.

"History just is"

At this point in the argument I was so frustrated, uncomfortable, and generally just trying what I could to get back onto a reasonable analytical discussion, rather than this side path you were forcing me to be on. I was entirely unaware that you were vetting me, preparing to ban me if I didn't answer in a way that you thought acceptable.


I decided to humor you and answer your question, but I did not want to answer 'yes/no'. I simply didn't. I despise yes/no answers in intellectual conversation because it is incredibly reductionist, and I only wanted to elaborate further. Clearly a mistake, in hindsight, but I couldn't read the room and had no idea of your intentions.

When I said "Pointless, in most cases", I meant that it serves utterly no purpose to the people in power. In most cases it is pointless violence - because sometimes it does benefit those people in power to destroy an entire peoples. That isn't a good thing, I did not want to take a side, as during this entire conversation we had, I was trying to remain as neutral and impartial as possible, which was not to your liking.

"It is something that has been done, continues being done, and will be done. It is an unfortunate reality of the human condition"
This is me effectively condemning our species for this same mistake that is repeated constantly. Not 40 or so years ago, there was a genocide between the Bosnians and Serbs. It just a factor of life that is regrettable and extremely depressing. I didn't want to be depressed, so I didn't want to elaborate much further. "We are deafened to the suffering of those we hate" is my explanation as to **why** it keeps happening over and over. It is so much easier to inflict suffering upon someone you dislike, and be uncaring as to their fate.

"It's talking about something that happened nearly 2,000 years ago" was actually me responding to Jebediah, specifically about the conversation at hand. It was just me basically trying to say "It's not that fucked up, we're talking about things that happened a very long time ago.", but I suppose I wasn't aware of how 'fucked up' it looked. In my mind, I was still just analyzing stuff that happened in the past, and I was unaware of your intentions.

The final line "History has no fucking morals, it just IS" was the final lash out of frustration I had about the course that you had steered this conversation. Since the very beginning I had no interest in debating morality or ethics with you, especially the morality of things that had happened thousands of years ago. It was never my intention to suggest any of the past history as viable, or advocate for anything. My drawing of comparisons to today, were just as an educational illumination to what may or could happen. I do not remotely like the idea of any of this happening again, as it has so many times throughout our history as a species. Had your questions been posed in a different way, I would have answered differently.

I could, if you truly wanted to, talk for hours upon the horrors that we have inflicted upon ourselves. I recently even read a book about Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army, and the horrors they had performed. However, it would just be a depressing conversation, and I didn't want that. It's depressing enough realizing that we may be upon the verge of another conflict, which I had already spoken my displeasure at previously when I posted the video of the IDF effectively trying to absolve themselves of any wrong doing before the fighting even starts.

Ultimately what transpired in the polcon chat was a culmination of frustration and confusion, exacerbated by my inability to explain myself properly, which has been made far worse by current events. I understand fully that these are tense times, it was not my intention to make them seemingly worse. I am upset that you have attempted to paint me as something that I am not, even going so far as to bring up an irrelevant past with Goon which I have stated countless times, openly, in that very discord was wrong. Hopefully we can better understand each other's position now, and that this was a sufficient explanation that I am not what you think I am, I'm just passionate about subjects I love.

I recognize that discord's TOS are an issue with this kind of chatter, and I would have wished for a warning of "This convo is dangerous, enough". I got lost in thought and didn't consider the ramifications of it. I would not want to put the discord at risk, as I very much enjoy speaking to the community and posting memes.

I am sorry for this wall of text, I hope it was more helpful than my first two. In hindsight I should have waited and collected my thoughts the first time before launching the appeal.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by Gwyn » #708076

After reading through this and having a conversation with the headmins personally to think things over again I'm still hesitant about the situation. I have my doubts that you were confused or ignorant about the subtext of the conversation being about the atrocities being currently commited to civilians and children specifically in the gaza conflict, because you were replying to people conversing about it, and specifically talking about the topic of ethnic cleansings in roman history.

If this was an isolated incident I would show a lot more leniency, but I was informed by other moderators that this isn't the first time you've talked about things that borderline violate TOS, and the person you defended that lead to your ban on Goon said some extremely heinous things as well. This series of incidents does not leave me with much confidence that you won't talk about something like this again, and this whole historical moral neutrality position is pretty bizarre to me, I do not consider ethnic cleansing to be a morally grey issue regardless of the time period it happened in.

In the end, we don't want the discord TOS to be violated, but after talking to the headmins I was informed we do have a role specifically to bar someone from the politics channels, and I'm willing to lower this down to a polcon ban instead of a full discord ban.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by InternJohn » #708100

Gwyn wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 6:15 pm After reading through this and having a conversation with the headmins personally to think things over again I'm still hesitant about the situation. I have my doubts that you were confused or ignorant about the subtext of the conversation being about the atrocities being currently commited to civilians and children specifically in the gaza conflict, because you were replying to people conversing about it, and specifically talking about the topic of ethnic cleansings in roman history.

If this was an isolated incident I would show a lot more leniency, but I was informed by other moderators that this isn't the first time you've talked about things that borderline violate TOS, and the person you defended that lead to your ban on Goon said some extremely heinous things as well. This series of incidents does not leave me with much confidence that you won't talk about something like this again, and this whole historical moral neutrality position is pretty bizarre to me, I do not consider ethnic cleansing to be a morally grey issue regardless of the time period it happened in.

In the end, we don't want the discord TOS to be violated, but after talking to the headmins I was informed we do have a role specifically to bar someone from the politics channels, and I'm willing to lower this down to a polcon ban instead of a full discord ban.
I'm entirely fine with that, I would rather not be a part of polcon further, I do not believe it to be healthy.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by Gwyn » #708136

I've gone ahead and unbanned you, you can appeal your polcon ban in a year should you wish to.
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Re: Intern John - Banned from Discord

Post by Vekter » #708402

John has once again inflicted himself upon the Discord, so I'm moving this on.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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