[TBM]- kieth4

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[TBM]- kieth4

Post by kieth4 » #711070

Ban Details
BYOND account: kieth4
Character name: Lukas beedel
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Perma
Ban reason: During round 218196, engaged in an ingame funeral for an OOC in IC reason(the banning of another player), and told the staff members involved to kill themselves - and urged others to do so, in addition to encouraging people to 'grief in his memory. Kieth4/(Lukas Beedell) "ON THE COUNT OF THREE WE TELL CENTCOMM WHAT TO DO" (combined 4 lines) Kieth4/(Lukas Beedell) "CENTCOM KILL YOURSLEVES!!!" Kieth4/(Lukas Beedell) "GRIEF IN HIS MEMORY!!!"

Time ban was placed: 20:15
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 218196

Reasons for Appealing - Delete irrelevant sections
Are you appealing a validly placed permaban and would like another chance to be unbanned?: Yes
If yes, please explain why you believe it should be accepted: I would like to explain myself and provide justification for what happened/was said.

These are the offending logs that got me banned:
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This appeal seeks to address issues raised via the ban and explain them. The ultimate goal is an unban or some sort of reduction in punishment.

The ooc funeral.
The funeral was conceptually foreordained before the round started. Nevertheless, I would like to draw your attention to actions taken within the round to bring the funeral into the realm of the SS13 world, and thus, IC.
Jonashx/(Jimmy Quark) (priority announcement) "Today we are holding a funeral in the station's chapel for our fallen long time friend, Talon Mckendrick. Everyone is invited and i ask for no interference as this is a special occasion.As you might or might not know, yesterday in the middle of the night, Talon commited suicide in his home yesterday, breaking into it after forgetting his keys, then proceeding to put 3 buckshot shells from a pump action shotgun into the back of his head to finally end his suffering after releasing the infamous novel “My Struggle against the Space Janitors”. True reasons are unknown as of now.
I cannot say for certain that the funeral would have even come together had it not been for this comment. It’s purpose is to be a humorous play on the idea that Talong was assassinated by the evil “central command”. Or at least that is how I perceived it.

And told the staff members involved (with the banning) to kill themselves
As already established, I saw central command as the entity that murdered Talon. There also happened to be central command interns drop-podding in around us. My words were expected to hit the entity, and those who had dropped podded in around us. (Which I didn’t view as an issue as I was friends with all of them and did not think they would take offence as it was a kind of joke.)

I precisely see and understand how my actions came off as attacking the banning admin but this was not my intention. In the making of this appeal, I put the logs under some level of scrutiny and realised that I should not have joined in with my own behaviour when the actions around me were so detestable. I simply added to a dogpile whether I intended for this to be the case or not and I apologise.

In addition to encouraging people to grief in his memory
Do not dispute this one just want to add context to the intention.

At the start of the funeral, I mentioned how he would always kill me as a joke,

Later on, it was meant to be a play on the words of " Grieve in his memory." This is impossible to prove so I won't bother but the majority of people did commit suicide very shortly after. This was due to a suicide pact that was announced
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(I think the moment one person started to kill themselves we all did)

I apologise if anyone griefed because of what I said, wasn't my intention but I take full responsibility regardless as I see how easily it could have been misunderstood.

Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: Disagree with a few details but otherwise yes
If no, please provide more details:
Supporting logs: N/A

If unbanned I will not engage in this kind of behaviour again and sorry for any trouble/harm caused.

Edit: Some further evidence to show that I was not really around for/registering the targeted (by ckey) harassment.

For a lot of it, I think I am tabbed out as I am not moving (sitting in a seat) and not interacting with anyone/anything. This can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am8tDZwwhpo

And for some other cases, I am not in the chapel to witness what is being said.
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(Example of me being in the library just after an admin's ckey was dropped- think I was focused on other things so did not register it or just left the room very very shortly after.)

and some of the harassment came after/at the same time as I directed my words at Centcom (Which I understand is not good regardless, but there was no intent to hit the admin from me at least.)
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Sorry for the offence that was caused, but I genuinely did not intend to hit the admin. Had I been paying attention (or really registering a lot of the comments, the chat was moving very fast) and seen a lot of the directed vitriol I would most likely have held my tongue.
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Re: [TBM]- kieth4

Post by TheBibleMelts » #711437

sorry about the delay - i'm going to be honest, i didn't even see your involvement with this until i'd already seen some of the worst instances of these things being posted, and felt a little shellshocked at your level of involvement in it.

your presence in the community and your personality hasn't been consistent with this kind of behavior, so i do believe you when you say that you were a victim of the mob mentality present in the whole ordeal, which disinclines me to treat your actions with the same weight as those who were specifically calling for the person by ckey to kill themselves - but a line absolutely needed to be drawn with this behavior, and i don't have regrets about setting the precedent that anything like this, even if you try to thinly veil as IC(as these were clearly the opinions of the players, not the characters.), is going to be scrutinized and came down on pretty severely.

all that said, i think we're all good with lowering this down to three weeks, as i said above, you've not made any kind of reputation on naked toxicity and i truly believe this to be an exceptional fuckup spurred by high emotions/following the crowd.
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Byond Username: Kieth4

Re: [TBM]- kieth4

Post by kieth4 » #711439

Cheers, sorry for any issues caused.

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