[TheBibleMelts] Tostah - More Effort Than Its Really Worth; The Appeal

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Byond Username: Tostah

[TheBibleMelts] Tostah - More Effort Than Its Really Worth; The Appeal

Post by tostah » #718765

Ban Details
BYOND account: Tostah
Character name: Zara Niranjan
Ban type: Server ban
Ban length: 14 days
Ban reason: Metacommunicating with Ckey Jgamer, and arguing that it should be allowed because they were teaching him. There were no ingame messages exhanged, and I dont feel like you were very willing to understand why this rule should not be toed around when spoken to about it. If caught again, this ban will be perminant
Time ban was placed: 2024-01-20 01:28:15
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 222461
Is the reason/note factually accurate and fair?: No
If no, please provide more details: The note states that I was unwilling to see why the rule wasnt allowed to be broken. That was not the case. The note also doesnt state that I was intentionally doing it in a very secluded area with the sole intention of teaching them how to simply amputate a monkeys head, not coaching them through the entire game, just teaching them a simple mechanic because they had asked me to.

Do you disagree with the admin's interpretation of rules or policy?: Yes

If no, please provide more details: I was not having any impact on the round. I stopped doing it the moment the admin intervened and told me not to. I assumed it wouldnt be an issue as long as it impacted nobody, and the moment I was told it was, I stopped. I understand WHY rules exist, but I genuinely had no impact on anybody in the slightest.
I understand what I did wrong and the expectations of the server, regardless if I agree with them or not. In my opinion, what I did was ultimately not worth a two week ban.

Do you feel the ban length or decision to note was unjustifiably harsh?: Yes
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Byond Username: TheBibleMelts

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Tostah - More Effort Than Its Really Worth; The Appeal

Post by TheBibleMelts » #718846

hey there, i tried to explain in the ticket as well, but nobody gets a free pass on metacomming due to 'keeping to themselves', and there's a precedent in the rulings that were added at some point to address this specific scenario.
Metacomms, the use of methods of communication outside of SS13 IC channels, is a very serious rule violation and may be met with permanent bans for all related accounts. If players are sharing the same IP or know each other in real life or the like, inform the admins first, otherwise it may look suspicious. Players are allowed to introduce new players that they know to the game but all communication and explanations should be done in game if possible. Admins can also help in these situations if requested.
you didn't let us know you were teaching somebody new, let alone ask if you were okay with using metacomms to do so. you were aware of this and your friend wasn't, which is why your friend was not banned and you were. you continually insisted on the ticket for a variety of reasons, including trying to invoke rule 0 on yourself, saying that you weren't participating in the round (you were), that nobody was being harmed as a result of your actions, and that you were doing it on the 'LRP' server. none of these reasons were acceptable, and i'd have been more willing to note you both for it and move on had you not given the impression that you may repeat it due to disagreeing with the rule as a whole.

i feel like i've seen more excuses in this appeal for why you should be allowed to metacomm than assurances that you won't repeat it, and am not leaning toward lifting this as it is right now.
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Byond Username: Tostah

Re: [TheBibleMelts] Tostah - More Effort Than Its Really Worth; The Appeal

Post by tostah » #718847

I dont disagree with the rule, what I do disagree with is this situation and how you're interpereting the rule. In my opinion, regardless of the rule that was broken, if nobody was ultimately affected its not worth any action beyond asking the player not to do it again.

Regardless of all that, its not my server and I dont control what the rules are, nor how they are enforced. I understand how I acted wrongly by this servers rules, and I know that I have to follow the rules if I want to continue to play on this server.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] Tostah - More Effort Than Its Really Worth; The Appeal

Post by TheBibleMelts » #719035

tostah wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:34 am I dont disagree with the rule, what I do disagree with is this situation and how you're interpereting the rule. In my opinion, regardless of the rule that was broken, if nobody was ultimately affected its not worth any action beyond asking the player not to do it again.

Regardless of all that, its not my server and I dont control what the rules are, nor how they are enforced. I understand how I acted wrongly by this servers rules, and I know that I have to follow the rules if I want to continue to play on this server.
sure. i'll lower this to a week, but be aware that you and your friend will likely be watched for any signs of this if you're playing together in the future.

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