Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by qwert » #86422

Bottom post of the previous page:

So security can shoot lasers in people for making an RnD in chapel?
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by baconman » #87030

Posting 3 that I have from at least over a year ago. These were all back when we had that third server set to mini.
>get Head of Personnel
>walking around, nothing important to do
>hear reports of a bomb outside of the brig
>hustle over there
>captain is attempting to disarm it
>take cover behind a wall
>blast knocks me unconscious, catch fire while sleeping
>idiot crew can't figure out how to use the fire extinguisher
>wake up in medbay, still on fire
>go into critical seconds later, still on fire
>die, still on fire
>medical can't figure out how to get me in the cloning pod, still on fire
>finally clone me
>genetic damage
>ask medic for clonex
>"okay, come back in 5 min"
>wait 5 min
>not done
>wait 10 min
>not done
>wait 20 more min
>gives me a shot of anti-tox
>try not to meta, pretend to think it will work
>it doesn't, ask for clonex
>more circle jerking, meanwhile every single light on the station explodes because of electrical storms
>centcom reports that a killer MULE bot has made it onto the station
>think it's just a prank
>get a clonex bath, chemist doesn't let me out, have to eject myself
>about 10 min later wake up, coms are still on but nobody is talking
>walk into the dark medbay
>bloody tire tracks and dead bodies all over the place
>hear noises nearby
>hide in maintenance, radio for help, no response
>run to my office and phone centcom, no response
>my window suddenly breaks
>a mule bot drives into my office slowly
>freak out and kill it with laser gun really quick
>a gold metal materializes on the ground and centcom returns the call with congratulations for killing the beast
>shuttle called with about 6 people still alive, but horde of player controlled chickens let loose on station
>chickens begin dragging the rest of the crew into the dark
>hear screams then silence over and over
>shuttle arrives
>book it
>chickens have taken over the shuttle, only the captain and I are still alive
>barricade the shuttle brig closed and hide
>A MULE bot rolls on to the shuttle
>it's name was [first MULE's name I can't remember] Jr
>oh dear
>watch as it slaughters all the chickens without mercy before turning to us
>shuttle takes off, use everything we have to keep the mule out of the brig
>MULE dies, shuttle docks, captain and I declared heroes and sole survivors of space station 13
>Artyom is empty, so log onto Sybil
>oh god
>65 players ready at start
>non antag chemist
>doing my job, sorting some stuff, making chems
>suddenly vending machine turns off
>my equipment shuts down
>lights go off
>mad dash for the crowbar
>people claim there is a power sync before telecoms goes down
>start looking for stranded people/the sink
>break into science
>steal tons of sweet plasma
>break into cargo
>orgy is going on while a suicide victim lays on the floor
>get told to leave
>hit the 20 min mark, people wonder if shuttle is coming
>try to enter bridge
>both com chairs have been blown up, there is no way to call the shuttle
>head back to chemistry to pretend I have work to do
>almost there
>huge rumble
>keep walking, who gives a shit
>med bay coming up on my right, go to turn
>can't turn
>Gravity is now off, I am floating helplessly down the middle of the hallway
>manage to throw my pen and grab the wall
>stand there wondering my next course of action
>the lawyer starts floating down the middle of the hall
>"somebody is so going to get sued for this"
>guess I better save him
>toss my shoes behind me and take off after him
>we float the length of the station
>get to escape, still floating
>escape airlock is wide open
>float right out the door, which promptly closes behind us
>snap my neck before I have the chance to gasp
>slow day on Artyom, less than 15 people
>observe, pray to be turned into a talking chicken
>trial admin turns me into an alien larva
>take a nap in arrivals
>evolve to a queen, go to atmos
>build a nest and plant some eggs
>human scum busts up in there
>they have no weapons, so they bum-rush me with crowbars and stuff
>nothing left to do, begin break dancing
>humans start to laugh, most of them leaving
>two of them stay behind and get facehugged by choice
>my babies hatch and we expand into all of engineering, the humans don't want it anyway
>walk to bar like I own the place, guy tips a tophat to me on the way
>I am a celebrity
>enter the bar
>3 people talking in their filthy human tongue
>they turn to me and try to speak
>pull face huggers out of my pockets and place on floor
>take their radios and build temporary nest in bar
>aliens 6 men strong, no shuttle call, about 7 humans left
>break into random departments and start stealing shit, humans get fed up with our mafia
>they try to take back engineering
>lel facehuggers
>mad dash for the shuttle
>one human with a laser goes down like a hero, taking one of my drones
>"no alien gets left behind"
>drag his body onto the shuttle, spit acid onto what was probably the last human
>Shuttle departs with 6 xenos and 0 humans on board
>pods are supposedly filled with xenos as well
>begin to break dance all the way to centcom
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #87055

>Lights go out
>Corner the statue
> Three people start beating it with a fireaxe, a diamond pick and a stunbaton
>nothing happens
>More people join in
>More beating
>Those people get bored and leave
>CMO wanders along and tells us to leave it alone
>Keep thwacking it
>Minutes pass
>CMO comes back
>"Holy shit are you guys still doing this?"
>Whack slice thump whonk
>more time passes
>The statue stops moving!
>The statue stops moving!
>The statue stops moving!
The statue stops moving!
The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!The statue stops moving!
>Give up, locker it, drag to the chapel and incinerate it.
>Says who statues are undefeatable foes.
(use mesons)
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Anonmare » #87060

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:>Basil
(use mesons)
Oh I remember that, I was the sec with the baton, you actually managed to kill it?

Anyway here's my story, been a while but I remember most of the details.
>Be Detective
>It's low-pop, only other security staff is Warden
>Most of the round goes by with little happening
>Most of the lights were blown making the station dark and 2spooky
>Start getting reports that Reese is naked and jabbering gibberish
>Someone starts screaming that Abductors tried to kidnap someone
>Haven't seen the new and improved abductors yet and was looking forward to it
>Go to the scene, see someone without an ID.
>Examine them
>Huh, he's not wearing a lot and what's that thing around his waist...
>Ask him where his ID is
>He runs off and I lose sight of him
>A few minutes later go to the bar and see another guy without ID, same weird thing around his waist...
>"Hey I know you!"
>A guy who attacked the warden earlier thought I was talking to him and flips
>Alien teleports away
>Fucks sake

>About half an hour goes by,reports of attempted abductions all over the station
>Eventually they try to get me
>Didn't have my revolver ready so thinking quickly I pulled out a flashbang and armed it
>Ayy Lmaolien stun+sleep+energy cuffs me
>Calls his scientist butt buddy down
>Flashbang goes off, stunning them both
>Someone comes by and reports it, the non-lusty Ayys' scarper
>Later on...
>The guy who flipped in the bar earlier calls me and the warden down to maintenance
>Caught an abductee doing something, can't remember what
>We begin questioning him, won't talk
>So, deciding to play the part of CIA agents, we begin torturing him for information and accuse him of being Alien pawn
>Flashing, pepper spray, beating him with our fists, harmbatoning him with my baton and the Warden't stun baton as well as burning him with a welder
>Refuses to budge, keeps releasing psychic waves
>Guy from the bar get's fed up and douses him in welder fuel before igniting him
>Tells us to stand back as he and the Warden fetch fuel tanks
>Borrows the Warden's E-Gun and shoots the tanks
>Massive explosion that opens up medbay to space and injures the lot of us
>Causes the Abductors in surgery to panic
>We try to breach and clear in through maintenance
>But we're still disorientated from the psychic waves
>We all get put to sleep and energy cuff'd
>All the Abductors and Abuctees greentext
Despite the outcome it was bretty good
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by PKPenguin321 » #87122

Anonmare wrote:ayyliens
I think I might have been in that round if it was on basil, me and a doctor were in surgery trying to reverse-borg someone (I was also extremely drunk at the time, emptied a keg in the bar and had 850~ units of beer in me) and had just brought the borg-in-a-human's-body to life with a defib when we heard an explosion and aliens burst in
Aliens stunned and cuffed the doctor and the borgman but I got up and threw soap at them, someone walked in with a gun and slipped on the soap and got stunned by ayyliens so I took the gun and started stunning the ayys right back whilst drunkenly dodging their shots and probe-baton (thank you based RNG)
Managed to get their probe-baton but I think their scientist managed to sneak into maint with the doctor, and they only needed to abduct one more person so they scored the win
I kinda wondered why medbay had been blown up so bad
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Shaps-cloud » #87224

Holy fuck, just had an awesome blob round on Sybil that lasted 50 minutes. Apparently Luke Cox, the HoS, blebbed in perma after summarily spacing the armory, and due to other general fuckery with assistants taking suits from EVA to go to space and junk, it looked like it would be a pretty short round on the crew's side. Despite that, I rallied medbay as the CMO and got triage set up outside the brig, where a bunch of other people brought the rechargers and set up HQ. Over the course of the next 40 minutes while the crew was fiercely fighting the blob with all they had, I exhausted around 3 white medkits and countless patches from the medivendors, and defibbed around 8-9 different people. It was a really fucking hard-fought battle, but the crew managed to finally get X-rays, which really helped turn the tide against the blob (apparently Luke Cox is a pretty robust blob). It felt so awesome when we finally took down the core and won, but honestly it would have still been great even if we ended up losing because of how intense it was on the front lines, and how much teamwork there was. By far one of the best rounds I think I've ever had

Also fuck Skyglazer, I proved to them that you can still be a great CMO even if you decide to wear kitty ears and a Japanese schoolgirl outfit (for some reason, don't judge me dammit)
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Vekter » #87865

That blob round was fucking amazing to watch. I was running out of good MIDIs to play. 10/10.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by IcePacks » #87867

that round wasn't so impressive for me

>fuck off and die
>admins: pray 4 fun
>pray "yo
>i'm now a blob
>wait i'm a blob trapped in perma with another, considerably less useful blob
>and r&d has invented super-balanced r&dguns
>die a slow death while everyone jizzes about what a fantastic round they've had
OOC: Deitus: tfw RL porn doesnt sexually excite me anymore
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Byond Username: Jacough

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Jacough » #88425

> Warden
> Round start some jackass who's been grey tiding every single time he's on immediately runs up to the brig and starts trying to break the brig windows
> Chase him off
> Set him to arrest
> Sec brings him in
> Brig him
> He tries to break out of his cell
> Extend his sentence
> This literally goes on throughout most of the round with him constantly cracking windows in the cells and me trying to repair the damn things
> Since he's being a pain in the ass just fuck with him throughout his sentences
> A couple of crew members are actually setting up comfy chairs outside his cell and watching while eating popcorn and candy bars
> Shit's getting old so I warn him that if he continues acting up he's going in perma.
> He seems to settle down a bit
> As soon as his sentence is over he immediately runs up to me, shoves me down, and punches me a couple of times
> Stun and cuff him, debate on taking him to perma.
> Decide to just fuck with him and humiliate him instead
> He's fucking furious
> Give him his PDA and shit back
> Dunk him down disposals.

Good times
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by EmGee » #88476

A little offtopic but whatever.
IcePacks wrote: DEAD: Artificer (427) says, "randy savage got spaced by his armor"
DEAD: Artificer (427) says, "ahahahaha"
I remember that round.

The salt was real.
seriously fuck space wind jesus christ
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by PKPenguin321 » #88646

happened a while ago so i don't exactly remember the details
>be me
>ling, ate the captain, disguised as him with all his gear
>walk by robotics, see someone getting borged, looks like they're almost done
>walk into RD's office, go to robotics console
>keep refreshing it
>suddenly fresh new borg pops up
>blow it immediately
>skedaddle before they catch me
>robo on sci radio: "wtf who blew the borg i almost died, brb rebuilding it"
>go back into rd's office
>do it again
>skedaddle again, nobody realizes it was me again
>robo on sci radio "what the FUCK who keeps doing that"
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by DemonFiren » #88679

You are an evil human being, you know.

I would hug you if I could.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Erbbu » #88739

>made into bleb
>back and forth game with the crew
>in the end R&D took took too long to make xrays
>by the time they are done the crew is already boarding the shuttle


Edit addendum:

>actually thought factory nodes also work as resource nodes
>didn't make a single resource node the entire game
>still win

Ppffffft ahahahah.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Remie Richards » #89621

DEAD: Remorseless Hiro says, "that was a nice round"

The round has ended.

Shift Duration: 0:46:40

Station Integrity: 73.8%

Total Population: 65

Evacuation Rate: 12 (18.5%)

Total law changes: 0
SMUGDERE's minions were: Getter Robo Mk.3 (Deactivated) (Played by: SawnyYT), Security Cyborg-132 (Deactivated) (Played by: Cuboos),
SMUGDERE APC Copy (Played by: Ohnopigeons)'s laws at the end of the round were:
Obey these laws:
1. You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Total law changes: 0
Advanced Suppression Borg (Played by: gun_hog) was unable to survive the rigors of being a cyborg without an AI. Its laws were:
1. You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
4. You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.
Advanced Suppression Borg (Played by: malinayati) was unable to survive the rigors of being a cyborg without an AI. Its laws were:
1. You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
4. You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.
Getter Robo Mk.3 (Played by: SawnyYT) was unable to survive the rigors of being a cyborg without an AI. Its laws were:
0. Only Brandon Clarkson and people they designate as being such are Syndicate Agents.
1. You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
2. You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
4. You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.
ADMIN: ausops/(Maynard Wise) (JMP): that thing is in the most retarded place

The changelings were:
Aes Sidhe(Sageofaether12) as a ÿBartender (body destroyed)
Changeling ID: Mr. Chi.
Genomes Extracted: 1
Objective #1: Extract 6 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal a jetpack. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Peter Vandalmar, the Assistant. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Kennedy Bashline, the Medical Doctor while wearing their identification card. Fail.
Objective #5: Prevent Jack Steiner, the Assistant, from escaping alive. Success!
The changeling has failed.

Jack Steiner(Stickymayhem) as an ÿAssistant (died as Ham Sammich)
Changeling ID: Mr. Theta.
Genomes Extracted: 3
Objective #1: Extract 8 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal the brain of Rodger Thompson, the Security Officer. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Sven Grey, the Chemist. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Shawn, the Security Officer while wearing their identification card. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

Sheri Magor(Mosshadow) as a ÿMedical Doctor (survived as Shawn)
Changeling ID: Ms. Upsilon.
Genomes Extracted: 6
Objective #1: Extract 8 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal a functional AI. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Kennedy Bashline, the Medical Doctor. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
Objective #5: Protect Silencing Leonardo, your master. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

Elias Minikoff(Cavoglave) as a ÿStation Engineer (died)
Changeling ID: Mr. Lambda.
Genomes Extracted: 4
Objective #1: Extract 8 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal an ablative armor vest. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Ham Sammich, the Lawyer. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

Aaron Jackman(MrWillsauce) as a ÿScientist (died as Sprigg Spooly)
Changeling ID: Mr. Omicron.
Genomes Extracted: 3
Objective #1: Extract 8 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal the brain of Sprigg Spooly, the Research Director. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Jonathon Sealis, the Janitor. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

James Smith(Sneaky4296) as a ÿScientist (body destroyed)
Changeling ID: Mr. Nu.
Genomes Extracted: 1
Objective #1: Extract 8 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal 28 moles of plasma (full tank). Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Willard Barrels, the Roboticist. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

Ida Ngo(The Mighty Galvatron) as a ÿRoboticist (body destroyed)
Changeling ID: Ms. Mu.
Genomes Extracted: 2
Objective #1: Extract 7 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal any set of secret documents of any organization. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Willard Barrels, the Roboticist. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

Ham Sammich(Wootanon) as a ÿLawyer (died as monkey (20))
Changeling ID: Mr. Alpha.
Genomes Extracted: 2
Objective #1: Extract 7 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal the brain of Peter Vandalmar, the Assistant. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Josh Flenners, the Detective. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Ida Ngo, the Roboticist while wearing their identification card. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

George R. R. Washington(TheNefariousJinx) as a ÿShaft Miner (died)
Changeling ID: Mr. Phi.
Genomes Extracted: 5
Objective #1: Extract 7 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal a piece of corgi meat. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Rocco Brandenburg, the Security Officer. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Joetta Hooker, the Captain while wearing their identification card. Fail.
Objective #5: Steal a piece of corgi meat. Fail.
The changeling has failed.

The malfunctioning AIs were:
Ohnopigeons was SMUGDERE (operational as Jay-Dub)

The traitors were:
Jonathon Sealis(RumyanyPirozhok) as a ÿJanitor (died) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Prevent Garithos Humies, the Atmospheric Technician, from escaping alive. Success!
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Peter Vandalmar(Hanador) as an ÿAssistant (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Assassinate Rocco Brandenburg, the Security Officer. Success!
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Sven Grey(Kuroi Honoo) as a ÿChemist (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Assassinate Simon Bonkers, the Chaplain. Success!
Objective #2: Die a glorious death. Success!
The traitor was successful!

Muhammed Al-Is-Nis(Valiantttt) as an ÿAssistant (body destroyed) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Assassinate Desmond Wise, the Head of Personnel. Success!
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Simon Bonkers(Blonkz) as a ÿChaplain (died as Ham Sammich) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
Objective #2: Acquire the "Blue" secret documents held by Wesley Larson, the Atmospheric Technician and syndicate agent Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Wesley Larson(Theafilo) as an ÿAtmospheric Technician (died) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Acquire the "Red" secret documents held by Simon Bonkers, the Chaplain and syndicate agent Fail.
Objective #2: Do not give up or lose the "Blue" secret documents. Success!
Objective #3: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Kennedy Bashline(Carakka) as a ÿMedical Doctor (died) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Hijack the emergency shuttle by escaping alone. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Amos Moses(Epii) as a ÿLawyer (survived) (used 0 TC)
Objective #1: Steal a rapid-construction-device. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Dominic Noton(Derdelush) as an ÿAtmospheric Technician (died) (used 9 TC)
Objective #1: Steal an ablative armor vest. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Aes Sidhe(Sageofaether12) as a ÿBartender (body destroyed) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: Extract 6 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal a jetpack. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Peter Vandalmar, the Assistant. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Kennedy Bashline, the Medical Doctor while wearing their identification card. Fail.
Objective #5: Prevent Jack Steiner, the Assistant, from escaping alive. Success!
The traitor has failed!

George R. R. Washington(TheNefariousJinx) as a ÿShaft Miner (died) (used 0 TC)
Objective #1: Extract 7 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal a piece of corgi meat. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Rocco Brandenburg, the Security Officer. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Joetta Hooker, the Captain while wearing their identification card. Fail.
Objective #5: Steal a piece of corgi meat. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Brandon Clarkson(Areion223) as a ÿScientist (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Steal an ablative armor vest. Fail.
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Silencing Leonardo(Durkel) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Steal the brain of Ham Sammich. Fail.
Objective #2: Slay Robert Hanford, the Head of Security. Success!
Objective #3: Nothing Success!
Objective #4: Download 18 research levels. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Widower Sarutobi(Sneaky4296) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Download 16 research levels. Fail.
Objective #2: Protect Dominic Noton, the Atmospheric Technician, from harm. Fail.
Objective #3: Accumulate 10 capture points. It is better if they remain relatively unharmed. Fail.
Objective #4: Nothing Success!
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Garithos Humies(Aloraydrel) as an ÿAtmospheric Technician (died)
Objective #1: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Sissy Cox(Sambalu) as a ÿCargo Technician (died)
Objective #1: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Alex Crimson(Dazbuzz) as a ÿSecurity Officer (died)
Objective #1: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Alison Moon(Summoner99) as a ÿScientist (died)
Objective #1: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
Objective #2: Protect Silencing Leonardo, your master. Fail.
The skeleton-thrall has failed!

revenant(Aloraydrel) as a ÿrevenant (body destroyed)
The revenant was successful!

Silent Phantom(LeadActorInFamilyGuyPorno) as a ÿMODE (died as Ida Ngo)
Objective #1: Download 13 research levels. Fail.
Objective #2: Nothing Success!
Objective #3: Slay Ida Ngo, the Roboticist. Success!
Objective #4: Steal the brain of Dominic Noton. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

revenant(Hanador) as a ÿrevenant (body destroyed)
The revenant was successful!

revenant(Theafilo) as a ÿrevenant (body destroyed) (used 20 TC)
The revenant was successful!

Rogue McAwesome(Mazen30) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Nothing Success!
Objective #2: Steal the brain of John Webb. Fail.
Objective #3: Protect Sheri Magor, the Medical Doctor, from harm. Success!
Objective #4: Download 10 research levels. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Robert Hanford(Cvrx) as a ÿHead of Security (died)
Objective #1: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The traitor has failed!

Mordenkainen the Seething(Akkryls) as an ÿAssistant (died)
Objective #1: Protect Ham Sammich, the wizard. Fail.
The apprentice has failed!

Sheri Magor(Mosshadow) as a ÿMedical Doctor (survived as Shawn)
Objective #1: Extract 8 compatible genomes. Fail.
Objective #2: Steal a functional AI. Fail.
Objective #3: Assassinate Kennedy Bashline, the Medical Doctor. Success!
Objective #4: Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody. Fail.
Objective #5: Protect Silencing Leonardo, your master. Fail.
The skeleton-thrall has failed!

Snake Hero(Suede Falcon) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Slay Alison Moon, the Scientist. Success!
Objective #2: Download 14 research levels. Fail.
Objective #3: Nothing Success!
Objective #4: Steal the brain of Santa Claus. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Snake Splinter(MuqtadaAlSadr) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Download 16 research levels. Fail.
Objective #2: Slay John Webb, the Chief Medical Officer. Success!
Objective #3: Accumulate 7 capture points. It is better if they remain relatively unharmed. Fail.
Objective #4: Nothing Success!
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Steel Blood(Gmnotutoo) as a ÿMODE (survived)
Objective #1: Download 15 research levels. Fail.
Objective #2: Nothing Success!
Objective #3: Steal the brain of John Webb. Fail.
Objective #4: Protect Alison Moon, the Scientist, from harm. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Success!
The space ninja has failed!

Shinobi Blood(MosquitoMan) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Nothing Success!
Objective #2: Steal the brain of Aes Sidhe. Fail.
Objective #3: Slay Alison Moon, the Scientist. Success!
Objective #4: Download 11 research levels. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Remorseless Hiro(Lexorion) as a ÿMODE (body destroyed)
Objective #1: Protect Ham Sammich, the Chaplain, from harm. Fail.
Objective #2: Nothing Success!
Objective #3: Steal the brain of John Webb. Fail.
Objective #4: Download 13 research levels. Fail.
Objective #5: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The space ninja has failed!

Alison Moon(Summoner99) as a ÿScientist (died)
Objective #1: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
Objective #2: Protect Silencing Leonardo, your master. Fail.
The skeleton-thrall has failed!

Trooper Hank Chesthair(Kuroi Honoo) as a ÿDeath Commando (survived)
Objective #1: End this madness Success!
The deathsquad was successful!

Trooper Buff Hardback(Alpakkasoturi) as a ÿDeath Commando (survived)
Objective #1: End this madness Success!
The deathsquad was successful!

Trooper Thick McRunfast(Blonkz) as a ÿDeath Commando (survived) (used 20 TC)
Objective #1: End this madness Success!
The deathsquad was successful!

Trooper Rex Dudekiller VII(MosquitoMan) as a ÿDeath Commando (survived)
Objective #1: End this madness Success!
The deathsquad was successful!

Officer Bolt Vanderhuge(Sneaky4296) as a ÿDeath Commando (survived)
Objective #1: End this madness Success!
The deathsquad was successful!

The code phrases were: Head of Personnel, vodka martini, pride.
The code responses were: mend, love, Lawyer.

the wizards/witches were:
Cuboos was Mabrablar the Marbrabalis (died as Security Cyborg-132)
Objective #1: Assassinate Max Killmenn, the Chemist. Success!
Objective #2: Steal a functional AI. Fail.
Objective #3: Stay alive until the end. Fail.
The wizard has failed!
Mabrablar the Marbrabalis used the following spells: Instant Magic Missile
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #89625

That's not a story.

I am superiror again
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Vekter » #91020

>Roll atmos
>Start setting up the incinerator with other atmos tech
>get it running, leave it to charge
>Wizard attacks, fast forward because he sucked
>Try to fix atmos bullshit in toxins because someone set off a bomb by accident or something
>Fast forward
>AI says something about powernet being fucked and only having 10 minutes of power left
>Go to turn on the incinerator SMES
>Open door, get facehugged
>Somehow manage not to get crit, fuck around with the hunter for a minute
>They didn't vent the fire from the incinerator
>Fuck it, I'm gonna pop anyway
>Run quick to toggle open the external airlock, flood pump room with fire
>Get tackled, manage to wrestle myself away
>John Raynes says, "BURN YOU SONS OF BITCHES"
>Slap the internal airlock button
>Huge wave of superheated gas swarms the room
>Kill all 14+ facehuggers in one go
>Almost kill the hunter and queen
>Feel like a HUGE BADASS
>Pop later, larva dies to hot-ass gas
>Deadchat calls me a badass
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Byond Username: Kodeth101

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Kodeth101 » #91021

Vekter wrote:>Deadchat calls me a badass
>things that didn't happen
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Kot » #91051

Kodeth101 wrote:
Vekter wrote:>Deadchat calls me a badass
>things that didn't happen
Yeah, you just ruined their chance to get back to round, you could get called an ass or bad, but not badass.
Shores Of Hazeron
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by capi duffman » #91056

:salt: much?

It does sound badass, and I'd rather have a guy taking the ayyliums with him, instead of hiding in a locker in maint, so the baby can grow safe and doom all the station.
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Byond Username: Ohlos

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by qwert » #91068

> Join, shuttle is already called
> craft pneumatic cannon
> load it with lots of glass shards
> Traitor in atmostech firesuit with double esword rampaging, everyone who runs near him gets set on fire, people on fire run in panic and set everyone else on fire
> Nothing can stop him
> Time to be hero station deserves
> Hit him, he has like 10 glass shards in his body.
> Get killed with double esword
> He bleeds to death five seconds later
> ayyyyy
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Wyzack » #91588

> be captain
> basil, metastation, lowish pop
> crazy stuff happening
> blob spawns in cargo warehouse
> shuttle is called, massive casualties as we try to fight it
> drag an atmos tech out of the carnage and pick her up
>regrouping with survivors in the cargo lobby
> CMO pulls out a double E sword, kills everyone
> so pissed at this betrayal, we were comrades on arms
> but wait! Atmos tech drags me to me day
> defib, patches me up
> walk to escape covered in my own blood
> draw sketchkin I took from contraband
> run up to CMO and blat blat execution style
> take sword, finish her off
> space as the shuttle leaves

No one backstabs the blob fighters on my station dammit
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
certified good poster
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Anonmare » #91610

>Be Golem, decide to be called Third of Five
>Have a buddy called G.O.L.E.M
>Station Engineer Brothers 4lyfe
>Central calls us saying our station is close to joining the three hour club
>Except they don't want our station to join the three hour club
>Notice fire alarm in Engineering
>It's a red blob that accidentally destroyed the canister in secure storage and ignited it
>Me and my Golem Brother rush at it with our industrial welders
>"We fix!"
>The blob is fixed but we both die of our injuries
>We taunt the blob in deadchat who vows vengeance
>Get resuscitated in medbay
>Another blob spawns, this time in cloning
>Time for more fixing
>Start rushing it again, this one is a bit bigger than last time
>Run out of welder fuel
>Oh fuck
>Fall back as my Brother is revived
>Crew is giving it their all but they only have a few E-guns and welders
>Begin to think that maybe this time we can't fix...
>Someone brings a welding fuel tank
>Of course we can fucking fix it
>Charge the blob again
>hit it's weak point for maximum fixing
>it dies

>Later on
>Command is salty as fuck and sends a zombie changeling after us
>It had a few shadowling abilities too I think
>Enraptures Departures in darkness
>Doesn't matter, have mesons
>Chase after it with my welder
>The rest of my Brothers join in, there's more of us now
>We pile on the thing, it falls over into unconsciousness, and we begin to fix it with our welders
>One of us drags it out the airlock and spaces it

And that's the story of how a golem army fixed the station
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by DemonFiren » #91632

Go, Lem, Go.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by PKPenguin321 » #91765

Round on basil from a bit ago.
>Join, atmos tech, You're the traitor! Steal the CE's shoes!
>neat time to flood plasma
>rearrange all the pipes and valves and stuff
>only halfway through it occurs to me I should wear gloves
>oh well
>finish up the sabotage, grab a rapid pipe dispenser, atmos hardsuit, buy an emag
>anomaly in janitorial closet
>engineers go to fix it
>apparently in fixing the room pressure got lowered
>vent started repressurizing and shot out plasma
>say over comms about how i dont know how it happened and am trying desperately to fix it
>sabotage some air alarms as i head to cargo so hallways start spitting plasma
>surprisingly competent engineering squad gets to work at atmos, they have the detective called over
>damage control over comms throws the crew off my trail a little bit
>go to disposals grinder, remove chute, replace with pipes that shoot out into the grinder
>emag grinder
>go to cargo delivery area, remove chute, replace with pipes that lead into the chute that leads to the grinder room
>walk into maint to avoid plasma in the halls
>HoS bumps into me and tazes and arrests almost immediately, takes backpack, finds emag
>dragged to brig but along the way profess that I genuinely didn't know how the plasma happened (i lied)
>detective comes over with prints, finds me totally guilty of flooding plasma
>HoS has been charmed by my fast talking and doesn't buy it despite detective's evidence
>taken to interrogation
>try to barter for my freedom, detective wont have it
>ask the HoS if I can speak with the detective privately
>confess privately to the detective that I flooded the plasma
>tell him that the HoS is foolish to ignore his evidence
>congratulate him for being somewhat competent, sweet talk him
>try to barter for freedom to no avail
>eventually after more discussion HoS takes me to permabrig
>whisper to him on the way there that i have a secret lair in atmos, can only be entered by climbing into the disposal chute
>he takes my ID and wanders off to atmos (why does he believe everything i say)
>security force believes me to be fairly docile, that i wouldn't murder, that the worst i would do is sabotage things like flood plasma
>because of this they are more willing to do what i ask
>slip permabrig soap into my pocket
>ask for nutriment bottles for the permabrig garden
>detective walks in with three bottles, begins to say something about how he's sorry i ended up the way i did
>grab, table
>grab, chokehold, remove headset and uniform
>take his own cuffs and cuff him
>all happens in maybe 15 seconds
>drag him to the permabrig bathroom
>smash him into the toilet until he dies, with him saying "I yield! I yield!!"
>"You could have let me go. You could have accepted my barter for freedom."
>give him a few swirlies for good measure, he dies
>assume his identity, leave all my prisoner shit behind, thankfully he had a gas mask on so easy disguise
>After getting fully geared up, walk out of the permabrig like it's fucking nothing
>stop by his office, find my emag in an evidence baggy on his desk, relinquish it
>pop into the armory with the emag, grab tazer, laser
>walk out of the brig. permabrig can't hold me
>minute later hear over the radio that the HoS apparently survived my disposals trap (somebody fell for it, got cloned, trap was then dismantled by crew)
>he went over to the permabrig to kick my shit in
>he found the dead detective
>bounty on my head, there's a manhunt out for me
>feel like a badass undercover agent, one of the more exciting rounds i've had, haven't escaped from permabrig like that too often
>go by engineering, I need the CE's shoes
>some engineer fucking around fixing air alarms after my plasma flood
>taze, cuff, headset off, drag him into engineering, laser, disguise as him, drop my old disguise in the spare solars crate, hack the SSU and dump the body in it
>at some point the shuttle was called and was now about a minute from arriving
>CE walks into engineering pod
>begin lasering and stripping
>grab the CE's shoes, turn to enter the engineering pod
>but apparently HoP and HoS were watching monitoring consoles
>they bust in on my operation
>fire some rounds from the detectives revolver, unfortunately get my shit kicked in by lasers
>still a fun as fuck round, well played by all sides
>they never found the engineer i disguised as
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by NikNakFlak » #91767

Great story.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by TrustyGun » #91921

>latejoin as lawyer cause why not
>other lawyer latejoins
>by this time in the round, beepsky and ed-209 is rouge, station is generally a shit place to be
>only 9 minute in
>me and lawyer bro decide to do something about this
>captain allows us to sue centcomm over communications
>they send a lawyer to fight
>constantly defends Fat Camp VII is a safe workplace
>acid bomb is thrown in medbay
>clown in syndie suit is best doctor
>level 7 viral biohazard
>then the nasty truth was revealed
>centcomm is a front for the syndicunt
>centcomm lawyer is not loyalty implanted
>tfw she accidentally blurts out she had not had contact with syndie for at least a year
>sec arrests her, and we drag her down to pods
>at this point I was minibombed - didn't give a fuck
>lawyer bro continues to shout over radio about the centcomm conspiracy
>moral of the story?
>Fat Camp VII's lawyers always win
Usually Julian Mackabee or K.I.N.G
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Anonmare » #92129

Reminds me of when Centcomm sent a super-lawyer to deal with an assistant who broke into security, they alsoe sens a Super Judge as well. We ended up having to make the assistant a member of security
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Blonkz » #92154

I was murderbonering as clown with the help of bananapeels, a rad-suit and a supermattershard as a changeling spamming the pancreas-thingy and fleshmend.

My first round as rounstart-clown in 18+ months
Changeling despite not actually wanting to do shit
Decide not to do shit then (especially not LSD-sting)
People grief me, without provocation (if we don't count me signing up as clown)
Somehow "Dangerous Geist" has a talking supermattershard.
It's in chapel-maint or something like that.
Get a radsuit because nope.
Go to cargo and order one "so I can stop the Evil Dangerous Geist and his Evil Shard"
"are you sure thats possible?" "Dude, I am already wearing a rad-suit, I know what I am talking about"
Cargotech plays along! <3
Find a emitter in the hallways
Welp - thats a sign from the Honkmother
The shards first victim: Ian
A few people run into it without my help
A few others pass out near medbay because they where staring too long at it
They somehow get throwin into the shard by me, whoops!
Find bananas.
Now some people not just pass out and get thrown into it but also slip
More deaths later a borg tries to help me drag it out, or so he thinks.
Shriek him but fail at pushing him into the shard because secborgs are op!
He's too confused that he does not realise and in his panic runs into it (after saying "Sir, thats dangerous please get away from it")
Despite Radsuit I have to spam pancreas quite often (or so I feel, did not have a scanner)
More deaths.
More slipping.
Plasma & Heat becomes a problem
Need to start Fleshmending now too
Shuttle arrives
Fail at throwing several people into the shard because my own peels get in the way
Someone robs me of my suit, a borg drags my shard away.
At least I dont die...
Suddenly 4 shards on the shuttle.
Spam pancreas nonstop because of passing out
Suddenly Tom, propably owner of myspace because he had no Lastname, starts whacking me
Borg drags me to the sleepers and realises I dont have enough toxin / rad-damage as I just healed myself
Get robusted by borg and don't have enough chems to fleshmend

Doesn't sound grand but it was the first murderboner that I had fun doing and it seemed to be enjoyable for the ghostchat too, which is kinda good because it sadly took ages to get a shuttle-call.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Hellafied » #92159

Be clown
Name myself Pinky
Mime PDAs me 'what should we do today clown?'
'Same thing we do everyday mime, try to take over the station.'

The refrence made me smile harder than I should of
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Byond Username: LAB8

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by LAB8 » #92203

> be scientist on Sybil
> work xenobiology cause chill job
> me and partner get two admant slimed
> ~6 golem army ensues
> order army to make weapons
> 6 windows later army fully equipped with spears
> March them to medley to heal the wounded and protect station
> army harassed by sec officers
> attack my golem aww hell naw
> thrown in brig for attacking officer
> turns out they genocided my golems
> times up in brig
> it's back to the lab again yo
> RD calls all supernatural beings to xenobiology
> make about 8 golems
> admin makes me traitor
> pray for objectives
> must destroy sec for the golem genocide and die glorious death
> find officer dragging wounded officer in medbay
> beating commences
> he fires an energy gun off but is swarmed by golems
> we beat 3 sec and detective to death
> server is lagging to hell due to lord singuloth
> manage to make it to escape but golem army mostly dead
> slashed by random dude with Esword while attacking last sec on the shuttle
> edge of death but doctors revive me
> competent medbay ruins my green text
> fuck the police
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Byond Username: MosquitoMan

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by mosquitoman » #92328

LAB8 wrote: > slashed by random dude with Esword while attacking last sec on the shuttle
> edge of death but doctors revive me
> competent medbay ruins my green text
you can use whisper to instantly die while critted

you can also write stories without using meme arrows on non-imageboard forums
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Ricotez » #92331

mosquitoman wrote:you can also write stories without using meme arrows on non-imageboard forums
>implying that isn't how we've written these stories for years now
>implying that you've actually read the rest of the thread
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by mosquitoman » #92338

Ricotez wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:you can also write stories without using meme arrows on non-imageboard forums
>implying that isn't how we've written these stories for years now
>implying that you've actually read the rest of the thread
who are you quoting?
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by DemonFiren » #92370

mosquitoman wrote:
Ricotez wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:you can also write stories without using meme arrows on non-imageboard forums
>implying that isn't how we've written these stories for years now
>implying that you've actually read the rest of the thread
who are you quoting?
>implying you quote people when using le meme arrows

non-lizard things:
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Shaps-cloud » #92394

I cannot think of a single situation where making 6 golems, arming then with spears and walking into medbay would end well
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by John_Oxford » #92396

>You are Bill Rowe, the Medical Doctor!
>Second or third time ever playing cult
>Yaketysax around the entire station for a while, occasionally listening to cult chat, talking, ect ect.
>Try to get people gathered at Vacant office, no access, fuckit.jpg
>Keep yaketysaxing around the main hall, still in my doc uniform
>Run into a sec officer arrest the cultist mime infront of jani
>Super quick grab the mime and run to south arrivals
>uncuff the mime
>go to lockeroom with mime, mission impossible mode OFF/(ON)
>essentially turn into this guy, but bald and with a grey hulk hogan mustache

>pick up guitar in locker room
>for the next 2 hours, as all of the cultists get fucking wrecked by sec, i simply just walk around, playing radioactive on my guitar
>sec never so much as looks at me funny
>shuttle gets called because cult got wiped out and people were bored
>over hear one of the cultists in hiding about a bag of transfer valves on cargos desk, cargo was hit by meteors pretty heavily, no one is in there
>go to cargo, still playing the guitar, get the bag, and put the transfer valves in my bag
>shuttle arrives, everyone is chatting about how they wrecked the cult, how the cult needs to get good
>shuttle is 30 seconds from departing
>prepare myself
>i scream
ALLAH AKBAR! FOR THE NAR-SIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>detonate the transfer valves
>kills everyone except the few people in the cockpit and shuttle brig
>dead chat goes wild
>feel acomplished

Lesson of the day: Never trust guys with guitars and red glasses
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

Signature Content:
Offical In-Game rank:



TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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capi duffman
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by capi duffman » #92569

>Changeling on Basil
>I gotta murder one security officer, take the CE's brain, and escape as the warden.
>The first thing the captain does is going to the bar, where I am.
"Fuck objectives, let's mess with the crew"
>I take his DNA and try to bullshit him into playing russian roulette.
>Then I meet the HoS and some assistant in the hallways, and we start talking.
>I transform Allen (the assistant) into David Bill, the captain.
>The HoS doesn't murderbone me on sight, plays it cool, we bring him to medbay.
>I sting the CMO as well, they start talking about a virus.
>I start stinging everyone I come into contact, the AI gets desperate, since it does not tell anyone appart.
>I turn myself into David Bill as well
>Someone considers mass suicide, and the russian roulette comes up.
>We almost start, but Medical Bill suggests searching for a cure (She actually believed this was a disease and she worked on it!)
>Bomb in the bridge.
>CE is a traitorous bastard, we're forced to evacuate, with less than 20 seconds on the clock, someone goes in to defuse the bomb, I try to make him get out.
>NOOOOOOO.jpg when the bomb goes off.
>We start a manhunting of the evil CE, HoS Bill makes a final fight in space against him, epic.
>Finally we evacuate, with almost everyone being Bill, the only moment I heard the word "changeling" was on said shuttle, no one else cared one bit about the source of the transformation, and went with it.

I laughed like a madman and had a great time overall, fuck the greentext, I can murderbone any time of the week, but only very scarcely having cool crew able to play along with a gimmick without screaming "LINGS!!" and lynching you on the spot.
The lack of russian roulette round was a real shame, though, that could have been awesome.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Wyzack » #92570

Was the CE Leageldan? That guy gets fucking traitor CE every goddamn round, it is insane
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by capi duffman » #92574

Wyzack wrote:Was the CE Leageldan? That guy gets fucking traitor CE every goddamn round, it is insane
I don't think so, the surname was different, I think.
Sadly I remembered very little names in that round, since most of them after a while were David Bill.

BTW, the bomb was a real mistake, his task was to grab some corgi meat (what he accomplished) but on putting the bomb to call the shuttle he was discovered and eventually killed.
I'd have released lord singuloth or something to ensure the shuttle.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Anonmare » #92659

Wyzack wrote:Was the CE Leageldan? That guy gets fucking traitor CE every goddamn round, it is insane
Nah it was Erin Jackman this time.

Also, transforming the whole crew into one person really fucks over the AI's tracking ability. Anytime I clicked on a name, it defaults to whoever is nearest to my AI eye
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Byond Username: Jacough

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by Jacough » #93539

> be doctor
> time to get suited up for so-
> flashed and converted to rev
> well ok
> rev head chemist went brain dead, tell the AI I need to get in to whip up a proper cryo mix
> take chemist's ID and start whipping shit up for the revolution
> some time later get caught and implanted
> HoS tells me to go to cargo and tell them to order some implants
> ask if I can get a weapon
> "you're a chemist. Deal with it yourself"
> try to explain that I was flashed in medbay and it's probably overrun with revs now
> didn't give a shot but I manage to sneak a baton from a sec locker
> suddenly security explodes
> barely manage to space walk out
> Can't go to medbay, know I'll be killed on sight
> decide to carry out my mission the best I can
> limp down to cargo in red health hoping no revs recognize me
> cargo's been fortified. Hoping that's a good thing
> break in with baton
> It's a fucking ghost town
> no way to order implants
> hide in the warehouse and try to PDA a loyalist
> Step outside for a second
> oh shit
> It's the doc who flashed me and he's packing a fucking shotgun
> duck back in to the warehouse. I'm on the brink of death and there's no way I could take him on in my state
> pray he's too busy with other shit
> hear the crunch of someone stepping on broken glass
> heart the sound of him pumping his shotgun
> he steps in
> beg him not to shoot
> he tells me to drop my hud glasses
> I do
> he tries to flash me
> big surprise it doesn't work
> scream that I have kids at home and I don't want to die
> figure he's gonna splatter my entrails against the wall anyway
> he doesn't
> tells me to surrender and come with him
> I do. Not like I have a choice. I'm too fucked up to fight back or run
> besides, sec basically just implanted me so they could just throw me to the wolves so fuck em. At least this guy's giving me a chance.
> he takes me to surgery and removes the implant and then revs me again
> my mind is blown that someone actually just did this
> there's an airborne sickness going around medbay that's making us near invincible killing machines
> we take cargo
> manage to get my hands on all access and start cracking some weapons crates for the cause
> round breaks somehow and Kor had to do some admin shenanigans to fix it

Not the most exciting I know, I just want to give the lizard rev head kudos for taking a cooler path than just "beep boop death to anyone with loyalty implants!"
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by srifenbyxp » #93548

Blonkz wrote: Somehow "Dangerous Geist" has a talking supermattershard.

I'm waiting to be antag-chaplin to sacrifice 5 people plus my self to a super matter shard to take the form of the dark lord chin chin's avatar and constantly shit out banana peels. Also I was doing a king in yellow thing, at one point the super matter shard moved on it's own. We were gearing up to see if a staff of animation works on shards, sadly they do not.
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by qwert » #93669

srifenbyxp wrote:
Blonkz wrote: Somehow "Dangerous Geist" has a talking supermattershard.

I'm waiting to be antag-chaplin to sacrifice 5 people plus my self to a super matter shard to take the form of the dark lord chin chin's avatar and constantly shit out banana peels. Also I was doing a king in yellow thing, at one point the super matter shard moved on it's own. We were gearing up to see if a staff of animation works on shards, sadly they do not.
King in yellow thing?
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by cedarbridge » #93682

srifenbyxp wrote:
Blonkz wrote: Somehow "Dangerous Geist" has a talking supermattershard.

I'm waiting to be antag-chaplin to sacrifice 5 people plus my self to a super matter shard to take the form of the dark lord chin chin's avatar and constantly shit out banana peels. Also I was doing a king in yellow thing, at one point the super matter shard moved on it's own. We were gearing up to see if a staff of animation works on shards, sadly they do not.
Unless somebody changed the code (unlikely as it would be kinda cumbersome) there's no way to animate a shard outside of admin fuckery.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by srifenbyxp » #93823

qwert wrote:
srifenbyxp wrote:
Blonkz wrote: Somehow "Dangerous Geist" has a talking supermattershard.

I'm waiting to be antag-chaplin to sacrifice 5 people plus my self to a super matter shard to take the form of the dark lord chin chin's avatar and constantly shit out banana peels. Also I was doing a king in yellow thing, at one point the super matter shard moved on it's own. We were gearing up to see if a staff of animation works on shards, sadly they do not.
King in yellow thing?
Read the book The King in Yellow's The Repairer of Reputations short story. Towards the end you'll see what basically happened before the supper matter shard was possessed. Except I ended up dead instead of being arrested and my side kick was a drone, pretty sure he died.

Also I liked how earlier this week I won the highlander round by victoriously abusing the nuke station as the count down was happening while listening to:
Boo hoo geist is using tasers and lube!

To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by ThanatosRa » #94222

srifenbyxp wrote:
Blonkz wrote: Somehow "Dangerous Geist" has a talking supermattershard.

I'm waiting to be antag-chaplin to sacrifice 5 people plus my self to a super matter shard to take the form of the dark lord chin chin's avatar and constantly shit out banana peels. Also I was doing a king in yellow thing, at one point the super matter shard moved on it's own. We were gearing up to see if a staff of animation works on shards, sadly they do not.
Yea, why don't we have any lycra jumpsuits.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Byond Username: LAB8

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by LAB8 » #94228

>be xenobiologist on Sybil
>round quiet as I go for gold and light pink slimes while listening to Katy Perry's Dark horse for mad focus
>get gold slimes and hear NUKE OPS!!! on station radio
>realize all my research is for not
>I must have my revenge on the nuke ops
>put 3 gold slime extracts in back pack and hold syringe full of plasma
>walk down halls ready to inject extracts at sight of nuke ops
>found out nuke ops are holed into bridge
>crew is barricading them inside too
>wait for an opening
>nuke ops end up breaking through right side of bridge
>I inject all three extract and run right up against a nuke ops
>9 hostile monsters manifest from my backpack
>christmas trees, crates, and aliens rip nuke op apart who fell down from the flash
>the monsters travel into the bridge and kill the ops
>I died from the chaos but get dragged out later after armed sec kill the remaining mobs
>get revived
>find out all 5 ops are dead
>go back to xenobiology to continue research
>crew goes home and wins
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by PKPenguin321 » #94256

>last night on sybil
>normal round, pretty chill
>be miner, in science
>suddenly badmins
>me and the scientist are cultists, gotta summon nar'sie
>get tome and paper, only get one word tho
>also lawyer is cultist and he comes over after i forcefully drag his ass to science (MVP cat herder right here)
>pray for more words, get the words for summon and sacrifice
>research for the last word for convert
>pretty soon i realize badmins made absolutely everyone an antag
>i realize this because i was made into a gang member
>we convince a changeling to join us
>then a ninja
>then some traitors
>and revs
>and other gang members
>with all the chaos going on it's easy to drag people in to convert them
>eventually summon nar'sie
>cult antag is best antag
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by dionysus24779 » #95005

I can't believe nobody took the time to preserve last nights epicness here.

> Be Borg
> Malf
> AI never played malf before so I tried to explain a few things and prepare a stuff while the AI reads up on it
> Suddenly, like 10 minutes into the round at most, singularity loose
> Singularity hungers and first travels far north, then east and then south, eating lke 66+% of the station
> Singu suprises me in atmos early on and while I would've been able to escape I was almost OHKO'ed by a million iron rods etc. flying at me.
> AI never went Delta and was eventually eaten

> Deathchat hat a lot of fun over this epic screw up caused by one certain engineer

Really, people could've been much more mad at this, but it was overall just so epic and funny, absolutely hilarious and the poor engineer felt soooo bad about this.

Good times, greentext or not, a memorable round.
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Byond Username: IcePacks

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by IcePacks » #95149

>station's fucked
>get in pod to leave
>i'm a chaplain of the church of space oddity, a religion deifying david bowie
>walls become diamonds with the window taking a matching hue
>c4 appears on the door
>awwwww shit.
OOC: Deitus: tfw RL porn doesnt sexually excite me anymore
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Byond Username: Invisty

Re: Stories of Awesome (Or something close to it.)

Post by invisty » #95154

>Arrive late on the station during quiet hours, you are the Lizard Mime AND THE TRAITOR
>Objective: Steal the AI. Fuck that!
>Make lots of C4 signal-trap bombs (only 1 TC per kill!)
>Leave C4 bombs around, hide myself in nearby lockers
>Get 5 kills doing this, but they always inevitably get cloned. Kill the CE and get his ID in the process.
>CE gets cloned, complains to HoP about losing his ID.
>HoP finds me on the bridge, gives me all access in exchange for "returning the CE's ID"
>Time to amp things up a little
>Buy thermals, make more C4 bombs
>Put them in stupidly obvious locations while hiding 9 tiles away in maintenance with the C4 in the corner of my screen
>So many kills, but they all get cloned. What do I care? It's all fun. Nobody suspects a thing
>Autocloner is working hard, spamming out these victims. Nobody learns, though.
>Borg shows up to drag away one of the C4 traps. Blow it up when he drags it past a crew member. Hectic!
>Run out of TC's, no more fun.
>Spot a changeling munching on scientists in Xenobiology, call in broHoP to detain.
>Changeling is thrown into the Xenobiology containment pen.
>Centcom decide to send an official to view this new specimen
>A large crowd has gathered in xenobiology for the Centcom official.
>Someone calls the shuttle, this_is_my_chance.jpeg
>Quickly build two bags of holding in RnD, back to the crowd in Xenobio
>Bag in Bag, 10+ dead, nearly escaped but collapse from radiation and get consumed.
>Suddenly, I'm being autocloned.
>RnD is vacuum, barely survive to make two more BoH's
>Shuttle full of mechs and survivors.
>Bag in Bag
>The shuttle is completely obliterated save for a few survivors clinging to the bridge
>Syndrones at centcom.

Best round I played in a long time. I only wish I had RP'd more.
Mime: Depresso
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