[exalted12] swebster92- permaban

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[exalted12] swebster92- permaban

Post by swebster92 » #25972

Byond account and character name: swebster92, random

Banning admin: exalted12
Ban reason and length: Went along with a cargonia lynch mob, lead to many deaths.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 00:58:54- 2014-08-21 central time

Your side of the story: The HoP came into cargo after a riot and ordered us weapons to defend ourselves. He then claimed that security betrayed him and spoke of seeking justice. I questioned him after he had shot down an officer and he claimed we were going to get back at security. I was part of a group of people that all headed to security with the HoP in lead. We took the warden's office and I was banned soon after.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I did not even stop to think that the HoP was killing sec officers for a petty or illegitimate reason. I was just following orders and going with the crowd, but will be wiser to question the motives more in the future if using force.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [exalted12] swebster92- permaban

Post by Sven12 » #26026

This was some bad judgement on your part, a lot of people got wrecked by the lynch mob you were a part of. However it has been a while and you don't have any other incidents so I'm going to go ahead and lift your ban. Try not to mess up like this again, because "I was following orders" isn't a good excuse.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12

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