► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Mapping Ideas and Sprite Galleries
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Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:09 pm
Byond Username: WalterJe
Location: Back in the USSR

► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #35650

Greetings everyone!

My name is Walter and this is obviously, my sprite gallery.

I have been playing SS13 for over a year now, and all the time I thought of improving the station's appearance in various ways.
Half a year ago, I decided to start spriting, so here and now you may enjoy the fruit of my experiments.
I'm keen on the culture of 80's and 90's - I bet you will notice tiny reflections of that too.

Some of the icons shown bellow are probably useless but may serve for entertainment purposes.
In other hand, I would be very glad to see some of those implemented in the game.

Many of those sprites were made exclusively for you folks, because you seem to be open and receptive for new ideas.

Note! All icons are 32x32px, but the preview might be 64x64px for closer look.
You may also click on some preview images for the reference.

Part 1

As I can't pull out all the icons in one day, I will spare them in parts.
Let's begin from something simple which might have real use on the station.

I remade the firelock so it looks a bit more badass and it has fireproof windows, and you will be sure when it's safe to force open one.
I know that your firelocks are not a full-tile, but still. One evening I thought: There is a drink vending machines, and there's a Space Cola, but why not have a Space Pepsi?
Because there are four different kinds of Space Pepsi (Classic, Lite, Cherry and Gold), it needs a separate vending machine.

Cherry Pepsi ▼
The rest of icons are in the pack.

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Well, I guess that stuff on before was not that impressive - it's quite simple, and I admit this. So let's make it more complicated!

Did you know that on Nanotrasen colony planets, citizens safety is granted by Nanotrasen Municipal Security?
Here is one of many service cars from over there: Chevrolet Impala (1971?!)

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By the way! Strobe lights are animated, but as preview gifs are unable to keep the transparency levels, I decided not to show it in this thread.
Also it has different icon states, including damaged (like it has been through a clown riot) and open trunk ones.
Download the icon and see for yourself!
And another vehicle for you: Cabrio Ferrari Daytona (1968???!!!) To close up the vehicles parade (I have more, but let's hold them off for later), Motorcycle from Fallout 3|New Vegas! That's all for today folks!
I have lots of different sprites/icons which I'm going to post on nearest days.
Be prepared for the heavy load of different fluff clothing and stuff.
Also! I'm open for your advices and suggestions, along with your requests!
(I must admit that I complete requests only when I'm in a good mood or like the idea myself, so wish yourself luck.)

Part 2

Hello there! I am back, bringing more original stuff for you folks!
I guess today we better begin with all the requests and suggestions you made!

Request #1
miggles wrote:those new chairs are amazing though. do you think you could touch up tables too?
I thought about this issue for quite some time, and decided that...
There is nothing I can change about current tables - they are just fine, and combine with new chairs pretty well (even if Miggles or someone else think otherwise).
But I didn't want to disappoint the fella who made the original and interesting request, so I thought: if you can't change anything - just add something new.
So here you get classy glass tables!
But how does it work in the game?
Normal metal table requires two metal sheets to make. Here you need only one sheet to build "glass table frame".
Then add one glass sheet.

Deconstruction: screwdriver-wrench.
Screwdriver pops out the glass and you get the glass sheet back. Wrench turns "glass table frame" - into stack of metal rods (2 of them in).
Once you fully deconstructed the glass table - you can't assemble it back. Because you know, IKEA.

When you try to flip the glass table - it breaks on glass shards and metal rods, as being very fragile.
If you like - I can make flipped metal frame for such a case, but on my mind it's better for a glass table to break entirely if it's flipped.

They look badass in a Medbay or station Heads offices.
As you know - acid doesn't dissolve glass in real life, so this kind of tables is perfect for chemists if you want to get some logical explanation of why it should be added.
miggles wrote:redoing the tables in your art style would make them (new chairs) complement each other more.
That's very true for a glass tables. Here we have two of the icons combined:

Just as any of my packs, this contains all the icons needed for complete and functional in-game use. Enjoy!

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Done with tables. Let's get back to dem new chairs.

On the first day when I created the thread, thanks to Saegrimr, great part of community was able to see my sprites in action on Sybil (with 84 players observing this).
And while consoles have quite reasonable arguments for not being replaced with new ones, chairs got a really controversial reception.
This is just a tiny chat log from #tgstation13, the names were altered not to abuse anyone:
Anonymous No.83256893: Not really a big fan of the chairs.
Anonymous No.83257321: not the fan of the chairs
Anonymous No.83256893: Yeah, the chairs just look...
Anonymous No.83256893: They don't look like they fit in at all.
Anonymous No.83257321: the station's chairs look like shit but those dont look great
Anonymous No.83256893: I hope for fuck they didn't shove in the chair sprites that guy made.
Anonymous No.83256825: they did shove the chairs in too
Anonymous No.83256825: they're as bad as they look
Anonymous No.83256859: they need borders
Anonymous No.83256825: they're at an odd angle to player sprites
Anonymous No.83256825: (awful)
Anonymous No.83256825: wj shoo
Anonymous No.83256893: Yeah, the chairs are awful.
Anonymous No.83257222: not only the chairs.
Anonymous No.83256893: I know I already said this
Anonymous No.83256893: but
Anonymous No.83256893: them fucking chairs
I got used to that classic old grey rickety myself, but why not make station look generally better?
As I told before - I'm open to advices an suggestions, and based on this, I decided to improve my chair icon even more!

Request #2
Jordie0608 wrote: With the chairs, do you think you'd be able to create an electric chair version with some wiring and a helmet on it?
Done and done!
Meet updated new chair + electric modification!
They look different from those you've seen few days before, so if you have downloaded the icon file on a first day - you have to do this again.
Image Image
In-game screenshot of normal chairs can be seen here.

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Attention! This icon requires a change in code!
In code→game→objects→structures→stool_bed_chair_nest→chairs.dm
The following lines are present:

if(dir == NORTH)
src.layer = FLY_LAYER
src.layer = OBJ_LAYER

Means when the chair is directed north (and only north) - it does overlay mobs\objects\decals under it.

As suggested by JStheguy, the new chairs have the overlay for north orientation, similar to the electric chair which has it's own overlay for the helmet and wiring. The overlay creates effect, like the mob is actually sitting on the chair, and you can see this on a screenshot.
DISCLAIMER! The following console sprites are based of icon from THIS THREAD.

I was amazed by the general design of the engine, but what took my attention even more - was the console.
And I took the base from the one presented in thread, so all the credit goes to the original creator.
But what I did here myself exactly - the animations and all icons needed for replacing all of the station consoles with these.

Note! Wasn't this stuff in this thread on before?
Yes it was, but I have finished the rest of consoles but Telecommsat controls, and added more neat things.
See the spoiler for new icons, and download the updated pack!
Inactive base.

ID console.

Security cameras.

Medical records.

Operating computer.

Error state is the same for all of them.

Bonus laptop remake.

Put this one in library.dmi to get cute book inventory management console.

You will find this little fella on a derelict.

Some sort of AI and Cyborg upload terminal.

Detective has got a new friend. Now he's able to keep an eye on the clown 24/7!
It has complex animation sequence. Tiny here - normal in the game.

You will find even more cool stuff, the rest of remade consoles (I was a bit lazy to put them all on here as a preview, because there are quite a lot frankly.) and all the icon states needed for direct in-game use, in this pack. Have fun!

Special thanks to Saegrimr for testing this on a server!

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While ago, Nienhaus has sprited the backpacks.
Now it's my turn to try fate with these. Meet modern backpacks!
They look even better on the characters and in hands, being small but keeping the style!
If you click on the download link - you will get full preview of the pack.

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One of many things that I sprite, and probably the most favorite of mine, is a fluff clothing.
I will share a lot of it with you later, but today I want to introduce you The Postal Dude outfit!
In a nutshell.

The shirt and jeans uniform is a shiny part of this one.

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The following sprite is based on my music taste, so I'm apt to share it.
I'm keen on synth-pop, electronics, classic rock, pop rock of 70's and 80's, hard rock and many other genres.
This sprite is a tribute to Fatboy Slim I love listen to so much.
Despite this special shirt which says "I'm number #1 so why try harder" is originally made for a fat people, there is a normal size as well.

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It was very nice here today, but it's time to close up the Part 2!
I've seen how much you liked the vehicles I made, also many suggestions were on how perfect they would fit into the away missions.
Specially for away missions or events...
I'm proud to present...
Wunderwaffe Watler (it's not a typo) M1A1 based, Heavy Artillery Hovertank!

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The whole thing is giant. Maybe even too giant. But what if it can fit 10 troops in? Also, try to recall the size of vehicles in Warhammer 40k universe.
It has only one direction for now, it took some time to draw this giant thing.
Bonus screenshots of creating the Beast: 1 and 2
Thanks and good luck, see you next time!

Part 3

Hello world! Long time no see!
Once again, I am bringing exclusive fun stuff, especially for you.
First of all, thank you for all the comments you wrote - it serves an a good motivation for me to keep working on my style and create more stuff.
Also special thanks to Paprika for implementing amazing modular system for table construction and adding glass tables with full functionality just as I have described it on before!
His pull request is already on GitHub, waiting for it's turn to get merged right here.
I can't wait to try it on practice, pretty sure it will add some neat variety for the gameplay.

Let's get back to my sprites now!
Meet MTV AI!
The replica of classic MTV Moon Landing logo from 1981.
As usual, you may click on preview image for the reference.

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Back in 2011, there was a Warhammer Chainsword in SS13. It got removed year or year and a half later.
Here is a basic alternative to it: Chainsaw! Now it might get slightly embarrassing, but hey - I'm just having fun!
I love Postal series, and I couldn't stop myself from adding Krotchy stuff to my personal build of TG station.
Here is the "Bad Touch" Krotchy Doll!
Don't worry about the scale - it's very accurate and quite tiny, only the preview is that big.

It does also have it's own box just like original one.
This feature is not important for SS13, but I did this one for myself, and I like that you get the very new doll from the box instead of finding it elsewhere.
The box icon has "open and empty" state, so you get the doll out in a classy way.
Also there are human size versions of a doll and the box in the icon pack (These are the sketch versions included as bonus).

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P.S. Original doll makes sounds like "Don't touch me, I'm calling my lawyer" etc. So here is a sound pack for it.
In my build, I have copy-pasted the bike horn code, and fixed the sound code to pick random phrase when pressed on.

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And here we have a Krotchy suit!
Clown might appreciate. Honk.
IMO it's very creepy!

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I guess we shall continue with some badass clothing.
Meet Red Faction mining rig suit!
Who knows, maybe it's just the right time to change miners appearance after all these years.
Check the download link, to preview the helmet lights, in my opinion they went really great.

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One of my friends is a big fan of Serenity, and the Firefly series in general.
He found an icon called "captain_fly" in the current Baystation build, that's currently unused.
It's surely a reference to Captain Malcolm Reynolds, but the realization of the icon is frankly awful (see for yourself if you want).
The one on Baystation is a classic outfit from Firefly series, but I like Serenity variant a bit more.
So here is properly done, the Captain Tight Pants suit!
Click on the preview image - get Serenity reference. If you compare it, it's pretty accurate.
Also the sleeves are very different from all basic SS13 clothing. Shiny!

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I kept the most ultimate and the most probable part to be applied to TG station, for the last moment!
I'm sure you have already got bored of insipid white, grey and black undershirts.
Welcome my "Young Folks ®" undershirt + jeans & pants pack!
These are just some of many, I like these more, but I bet you will find your favorites in the pack as well!
Jeans and pants are separate from undershirts. I would add jeans as separate item for uniform slot, so that it has usable pockets and belt.

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And now, the biggest and the most complicated part for today, and maybe for all the time since I have been posting here:

Great Soghun/Unathi Overhaul

This one is going to be pretty long one, full details are under the spoiler.
The point is - the only generally accessible humanoid alien species here on TG, is a reptile which has different naming from one server to another.
Another question is, what does it look like? Like a green (or name your favorite color) human with a tail and spikes?
I took on the responsibility to remake the whole species in a proper way, and to support the remake so that it's easily implemented in the game.
Here you can see the big difference. About spikes... I guess these lizards are more like the crocodile or the monitor lizard (varanus) - they don't need spikes.
But, if you really treat this seriously, and not just like my random creation - you may want to try it the Baystation way, where spikes are set within a haircut.

Also if you don't like the general suggestion - feel free to ignore it, I won't be upset for this matter, as it's just an experiment.
Just please - don't make a forum flame on a matter how we hate aliens here. I really don't like when the station gets overflown with alternate species myself.
But the fact is that it's still present in current build, so we have to be tolerant about it.

Anyways, let's continue.
Here you can see the entirely overhauled main icon.
Now, here's the big question:

Q: The size seems to be different. Does this mean we have to overhaul all of clothing icons?
A: The updated main icon is obviously wider than the old one, so yes - you do.

Image Image Image Image
I knew this would happen, so I resprited all of clothing (uniforms, suits, glasses, hats, shoes...) to solve this.
The only clothing icons I didn't touch were gloves (gloves and all the items don't require any changes - I didn't touch the hands position).
And I didn't change space suit icons, I guess you could take the sprites from Baystation, or you could just not implement this...
(I have a bad feeling about the whole idea myself, but I made it mostly for my version of TG station)

Q: How does it work in-game?
A: Clothing-on-mob icon files have "_liz" postfix, I guess when the mob wears the clothing, it checks the species, and changes icon file according to.
It might be possible to combine all of clothing in general files like uniform\suit\head.dmi
And set "_liz" postfix after the basic icon - for instance "captain_s" - turns into "captain_s_liz".
But as Byond has limit for icons in single file (500+ or so), and not to create mess with very similar icons, it's better to keep them separate from each other.

Q: Dang! All of clothing - that's quite a lot of icons. Maybe too much. Don't you agree?
A: Yeah, I'm part-agree that it's too much. Everything has ups and downs. It looks much better but takes some space as well.
But the thing is - it's the only alien species here, so it doesn't affect the Byond or game that much.
Imagine how would it be if there were more species to rework entirely.

Q: That means, spriters need to make additional clothing icons too!
A: I guess that might be another downside of the overhaul. But! Who said you should make all of human clothing transformable?
Liazrdmen tries to put on the exclusive, fluff garment and it just tears apart in their hands. That's it. No need for additional sprites here, if that's the problem.
Or they may just get message like "This thing is too small for you..."

Q: Will it work straight ahead if we are to add it, for our build?
A: Yes it will.
Grayscale for player-selective coloring.
As you can see - the whole system is sharpened to work with current build.
It will also work on any other server, which might like to have it. I will be very glad if someone treats the whole thing seriously.
Baystation codebase would need to fix the main icon for selective coloring, and probably quite some body parts, but it's easy when you have the base.
If someone wants me to handle this personally - feel free to PM me, I check over the forums from time to time.

Here is the full archive with all the icons needed to implement this global overhaul.

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Unfortunately, this lizard stuff found out to be too "controversial" to ever make it to the game. Most people were outraged by the need of creating additional sprites in case new clothing is added in the build, but they didn't think that actually there is no need to do so - as lizardmen are bigger than humans, all the additional clothing will just tear apart on them, or just don't fit at all, and it's easily supported by game mechanics. Just in case spriters want to try make their own outfits for Soghun/Unathi based on human ones - they just need to edit a few pixels on each side, which is fast and easy even for beginners. I wish some people were not that strict in conclusions or conservative, but it's not for me to judge.
Part 3, out.

Part 4

Greetings friends! It has been quite a while since I posted anything. The good news is - I'm back in action, and have some good tricks up my sleeve!
It's awesome to see my glass tables and undershirts in-game. I'm very grateful for any support you give me!
That gives me confidence, that despite controversy towards some of my stuff, I still have a good chances to affect the game in the best way possible.
Allright, let's get back to our main topic.

As you already know, I like editing and improving already existing things, just because their look is rough and outdated.
Mostly it's not excused by statement that "The game Universe is low-tec!". Look around, nowadays some simple things may look rather futuristic.
This is just another case of such a remake, Genetics of XXVI 26th century!
Image Image Image Image Image
DNA scanner.

Image Image Image Image
Cloning pod.

The icon file has all the icon states set properly, ready for instant in-game use!

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When genetics may seem too futuristic for some of you, let's go another way and make something realistic!
Have you ever seen PDA in real life? Just Google it yourself or simply click here.
The following design doesn't go ahead of time (more like Acer N30 or HP iPAQ RX1950), suitable for "low-tec" game Universe.
Behold PDA and cartridge pack in it's glory!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/B8oJ3cS.gif[/img] Image Image Image
I bet you are now asking yourself: Is that a Nano UI interface there?! Well, yes it is, as I'm sure - some day it will reach PDAs even here on TG.

[img]http://i.imgur.com/BiixnlV.gif[/img] Image Image
Along with PDA sprites, I've changed the cartridges to be like real life SD cards.
You can preview the rest of PDAs and cartridges if you click the download link.

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Let's keep going with realistic designs. Meet Game Boy inspired pAI!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/rBjzvrH.gif[/img] Image Image Image Image
The best feature of this pAI is not just updated look, but animated avatar to make it more alive! ^ω^

Note! As emotions are animated now, I have added additional icon state called "null" - avatar keeps solid pokerface and blinks sometimes.

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Doesn't it irritate you, when you have to pull/grab an animal and get it through the station? The critter escapes every 15 seconds and drives you crazy!
I have found easy and logical solution, and it's better than locking lil' critter into a closet. Meet Conventional Pet Carrier!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/Oz4JVHz.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XkMHk9C.gif[/img]
Suitable for safe and comfortable transportation of monkeys, changelings , slimes, corgis and cats!

Why pull it behind, if you can pick it up?

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Why does station bounced radio/walkie-talkie look like somewhat green, 1985 cell phone? Here is up-to-date walkie-talkie!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/WTgiQ7u.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EU4YHHR.gif[/img]
I wish the backlight was really working in-game when the device is active. Make it happen, please.

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Why does syndicate uplink look like radio receiver? Here, have this 1985 cell phone! Previous one was more like a joke, there is no need to throw rotten tomatoes at me.
I just want to make it clear that the following sprite is 100% serious.
Meet replacement for standard security conducted electrical weapon: X26 taser!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/TtNa4eF.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FTBgmTT.png[/img]
There is no need to change icon in players hands, just on-ground/inventory one.
It's also based off real standard issue police taser.

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Do you love cool guns? Awesome! Do you love cool guns in anime? This Heavy Laser Rifle from Akira is just perfect for you!
Put on your animal head mask and grab this Hotline Miami melee weapons pack! We already have a baseball bat on above, why not have baseball glove and ball?
I wonder if anyone has heard of Keats collective...

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God save The Queen! Head of Security definitely needs this Queen's Guard hat!
God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save The Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save The Queen!

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I really love to draw vehicles, but I didn't post any in the previous update.
So here is another neat thing from United Kingdom: Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) Have you ever been to New Eden's Colonial Marines? I blame them for making original server with no original content.
Aliens (1986) film is one of my favorites, mostly for epically perfect moments like this!
Enjoy my United States Colonial Marine Corps pack!
[img]http://i.imgur.com/vl4oARx.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DcdSbJh.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/A9EDcvz.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MPItnwU.gif[/img]
Featuring Battle Dress Uniform and M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet in olive and desert camouflage.
Also featuring M3 Pattern Personal Armor in common, medic, engineer and officer variants.
It's possible to roll up the sleeves of both BDU, also helmets have got a slot for cigarette pack.

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I moved it from Part 1, because every marine needs a proper gun.
Meet my best friend here: air-cooled, selective fire, the M41A Pulse Rifle!
The ultimate Xenomorph killing machine.
The icon file has all the icon states needed for any weapon in SS13, so it's ready for proper use.

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Soldier, you are almost ready to go and hunt down some xenos!
The only other thing which can save your life (or not) is this top notch Motion Tracker!
It's actually not M314 model, but definitely next-gen.

Image Image Image
This motion tracker has over 900 animation frames! It's easy to recognize the direction and distance to nearest threat.

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Bonus screenshot of Colonial Marines on combat drop!
Me (top left) on friend's server.

I know that it's really hard to change something basic or common in the SS13, specially when everyone already got used to it.
Even changing the simple chairs appeared to be a problem.
It's all the conservative views of people around us, and that's just human nature, I don't blame anyone for this.
You know that many famous scientists had a hard time proving their point.
Because we all love the stars and space itself here, I must say that Copernicus and Galilei had extreme opposition going against their astronomical research.
Even despite the things they were trying to prove, sound simple and understandable for us, like that the Earth is an oblate spheroid (simply saying - a sphere),
and orbiting the Sun - both scientists and church were trying to prove them wrong.
But now we know that it's all true, and nothing can change this truth. You know, a real science.
Or something more common for us, like music: when Jimi Hendrix played his blues and rocked the soul out of himself,
people thought it was awful, because it wasn't the same with classics - neither classic blues, nor rock'n'roll.
But now we know that Hendrix is great, and nothing will change this as well. Actually many musicians,
especially those who had a progressive style for the time, had this problem.
This explains why a lot great people became famous only after their death - just because the crowd needed a lot of time to embrace new ideas they were bringing.
I'm not trying to prove that the Earth is flat, or that the grass is red and the fire is actually cold.
I just want to make my favorite game better, and to improve it not only for myself, but also for everyone who might play it, so it brings more fun and possibilities.
I'm not trying to prove that everything I make is great, perfect or anyway needs to be in the game. But I'm asking you to think not for yourself when you are trying to unreasonably oppose my proposals, but for the all community, and maybe not the only /tg/ but the rest of it, all over the world.
Anyone can point a finger and say: "Damn son, it's shit.", but here on the forums, it sounds more like: "It doesn't fit in, it looks so ugly and awful!"
From all the honesty of my heart, I'm not upset or angry at the people who did post negative stuff on what I create, in this thread or elsewhere.
Also there were a lot of reasonable arguments, which I accept and totally agree with.
As you can see - I actually did listen to your critique even when it wasn't what I wanted to hear.
I tried to improve things, and I think the final product looks great.
I'm asking all of you once again - don't just think about yourself, but think about all your friends in the community.
Maybe they will appreciate stuff more than you do, and the best thing you will ever see - would be smiles on their faces.
Open your heart, be kind and reasonable - so that one pleasant day, we can make our world a better place.
If you were patient to read all that and get the understanding - you are glorious!

Stay classy!
Last edited by WalterJe on Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:09 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:18 am
Byond Username: Nienhaus2

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Nienhaus » #35656

I want all of these sprite now, marry me.
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Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:09 pm
Byond Username: WalterJe
Location: Back in the USSR

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #35657

Nienhaus wrote:I want all of these sprite now, marry me.
Feel free to use or edit any! As I told before, there will be many more coming next days.
By the way. Guess who inspired me to draw this cars? You did.
Before I saw your stuff, I didn't have a thought of normal vehicles in SS13 so it's a double win!
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Byond Username: Becquerel

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Jacquerel » #35659

Those are some real pretty consoles
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:02 am
Byond Username: Miggles

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #35661

dude these are all really good
the one complaint i have is that you use a lot of flashy bbcode in your posts
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:09 pm
Byond Username: WalterJe
Location: Back in the USSR

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #35662

miggles wrote:dude these are all really good
the one complaint i have is that you use a lot of flashy bbcode in your posts
If that endangers the forum (BB is the safest thing though), I won't. In other hand, I might just use less of it, despite my general style. It depends.
I didn't get if it was a warning or just personal opinion.
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:18 am
Byond Username: Nienhaus2

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Nienhaus » #35663

It's personal opinion. He's not one of the people who can change this board.
Edit: They are sooo amazing.
Edit2: Updated picture.
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:02 am
Byond Username: Miggles

Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #35665

bbcode is totally safe. im just saying i think it looks gaudy.
those new chairs are amazing though. do you think you could touch up tables too?
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
dezzmont wrote:sawrge has it right.
Connor wrote:miggles is correct though
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Jordie0608 » #35666

These are great.

The computers I especially like as I was reading this thread just before this and they your sprites fit the idea perfectly.

With the chairs, do you think you'd be able to create an electric chair version with some wiring and a helmet on it?
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #35668

miggles wrote:do you think you could touch up tables too?
I'll see. Not sure if it needs replacement, also need some time to think what I could improve about tables in general...
Chairs were really hurting my eyes for all the time I played, so that was simple.
Jordie0608 wrote: The computers I especially like as I was reading this thread just before this and they your sprites fit the idea perfectly.

With the chairs, do you think you'd be able to create an electric chair version with some wiring and a helmet on it?
It seems I appeared right on time!

Elecric chair? Easy! I have a Green Mile playback in my head right now.
Will do, for tomorrow update. I will edit the first part then, so all related sprites stay in single dmi icon.
Thanks for giving the right idea.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by MrSnapwalk » #35763

Incredible. These are some fine sprites, and I want all of them in-game right now (especially those holo-consoles, OOOH MAN. I am a sucker for holographic stuff.)
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by allura » #35771

wanna make us some segway sprites
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Saegrimr » #35891

I did a couple games where I replaced all the consoles with those new ones you made.

They look neat, feedback was pretty middleground. The problem is that most of the station is a lighter grey, while the consoles are much darker, and thinner. They also lack the "depth" that most of the other sprites in the game have at a 3/4 angle.
They fit perfectly in syndie bases, though.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Remie Richards » #35896

Saegrimr wrote:I did a couple games where I replaced all the consoles with those new ones you made.
So it was you! Coderbus was a little confused at first, but it's nice to test sprites before they're used.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Stickymayhem » #35907

These sprites are great but your attitude is so positively perky it hurts my eyes.

I can see the cars being neat for away missions for sure.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #35992

Weird these sprites for the consoles looks like they belong to ausops
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #35999

paprika wrote:Weird these sprites for the consoles looks like they belong to ausops
WalterJe wrote: DISCLAIMER! The following console sprites are based of icon from THIS THREAD.

I was amazed by the general design of the engine, but what took my attention even more - was the console.
And I took the base from the one presented in thread, so all the credit goes to the original creator.
But what I did here myself exactly - the animations and all icons needed for replacing all of the station consoles with these.
P.S. I will reply to the rest of you as well!
This one just needed to be cleared out fast, for those who don't read what I write in my posts.
Also! I've been really busy IRL these days, and making more cool stuff for you guys, so please be patient - you will not be disappointed!
Be cool.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #36040

WalterJe wrote:
miggles wrote:do you think you could touch up tables too?
I'll see. Not sure if it needs replacement, also need some time to think what I could improve about tables in general...
Chairs were really hurting my eyes for all the time I played, so that was simple.
the old chairs fit the old tables pretty well, even if they were ugly. they looked like they were both from the same furniture store or something along those lines.
now the chairs contrast with the tables because of the different art styles, and since those 2 objects are almost always right next to eachother, it doesn't look great. redoing the tables in your art style would make them complement eachother more.
also, wooden chairs and tables too.
(and stools would be pretty cool too, but this is already kind of a tall order)
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by lumipharon » #36200

The console sprites are great (although the camera console should be red).
The chair sprite clashes a little with our current tables, but in of itself looks good.

Giving firelocks windows is a fantastic idea, both aestheticall and practically.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #36208

Part 2 is up now!
Thanks for your previous suggestions, requests and ideas.
Enjoy and comment on what you see.
Feel free to download, use or edit anything you like!
Last edited by WalterJe on Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #36214

Holy erection batman. I'd like if the color of the glass panel was less 'teal' and more 'blue' like the windows or glass sheets though.

Edit: Also, here's the problem with the chairs. The north facing sprite (from behind) is mean to have a solid back (like the old ones) because it helps make it look like your character is sitting down in said chair rather than hovering in front of it.
Oldman Robustin wrote:It's an established meme that coders don't play this game.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by lumipharon » #36216

The glass table is brilliant. They should shatter (and do some damage in the process) if you table someone on them though, unless you use r-glass.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #36221

paprika wrote: Edit: Also, here's the problem with the chairs. The north facing sprite (from behind) is mean to have a solid back (like the old ones) because it helps make it look like your character is sitting down in said chair rather than hovering in front of it.
If you read the original post once again, you will see the explanation. I shall explain once again, specially for you:
I told about changing the very basic code, did even say where the change is needed, so that chair utilize the separate overlay, which really gives the look of character sitting down.
And if you zoom the screenshot - you will see how it works.
Compare the chair directed north with mob on it (there are two of these for this very reason), with the one without mob. The difference is obvious.
The JStheguy offered this, and I am grateful for his idea.
lumipharon wrote:The glass table is brilliant. They should shatter (and do some damage in the process) if you table someone on them though, unless you use r-glass.
Thanks! Also - another brilliant idea! That should be one of glass table features for sure.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #36225

It still looks far worse than just a simple back that covers the mob's torso entirely is what I meant to say
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #36227

i dont agree
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Cham » #40097

Great work. Really good job on things. If there's anything i'd like to see redone, it's base construction materials like metal or rods and the various shit they can be turned into.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #40723

Oldman Robustin wrote:It's an established meme that coders don't play this game.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #42278

Part 3 is up now!
As usual - thanks for all your previous suggestions, requests and ideas.
Enjoy my showcase and comment on what you see.
Feel free to download, use or edit anything you like!
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #42288

>you resprited lizards and all clothing to fit lizards
holy shit dude, that is
it looks awesome
please, try to get it in the game, that is so cool
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #42292

Or don't because different clothing sprites just for lizards is nope/10 and while 'green humans with tails' is bad so is not being able to use human sized clothes for lizards.

Think about it, lizards put on clothing = suddenly bigger than when it's on humans even though it's the same item? You could easily make the current lizard sprite look better without changing the body shape in such drastic ways.

Also I already explained why your new chairs looked bad and it had nothing to do with the fact that they were different and people don't like change, it looked like people were amputated at the legs on the north facing sprites, regardless of the overlay system.

(also whoever added gay horns to our current lizards is actually awful)

Edit: Regardless of this you are a fantastic spriter and while I don't plan to personally implement any of this beyond the glass tables (which I have some problems with myself, actually...) I think you should keep up the work.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #42296

but theyre not that much bigger and it makes sense that someone putting on clothes made for smaller people will make the clothes look bigger
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Nienhaus » #42300

But then spriters will have to make outfits for lizards and I personally am not interested in do that for every piece of clothing for TG.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #42307

he already did every piece of clothing
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Nienhaus » #42309

miggles wrote:he already did every piece of clothing
If I make a new outfit, I'm not going to take the time to make it for a lizard. That is what I was meaning.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #42313

^ This, it's a maintainability issue and that's probably the only case where I will use that phrase unironically because this is actually a maintainability issue. You'd have to do the same thing for jumpsuit rolling, but you could easily say 'you can't roll this jumpsuit down' if someone added a new jumpsuit and was too lazy to make a new sprite for it.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Miauw » #42480

Yeah, the lizards really need to be able to use normal human clothing sprites.
<wb> For one, the spaghetti is killing me. It's everywhere in food code, and makes it harder to clean those up.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #43908

isnt it just a few pixels of extra wideness that needs to be added to accommodate lizards?
i could see the issue if it was like fatsprites, and required someone to remake all the clothing sprites. but walterje has already done that.
making clothes for lizards should be as easy as copy-pasting the human clothes and adding a few extra pixels, shouldnt it?
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #43939

Ey walter check this out also https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-statio ... t-63214290

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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by RG4 » #43940

Please let that Mining rig be on the sever it looks amazing.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Steelpoint » #43943

It might be interesting to add in the hold-computers as "high tech" computers only certain people on the station have access to (Head of staff). Also I like the lizard sprite and chair sprites, I might be tempted to look at adding them after the freeze.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by lumipharon » #44092

Don't do the lizard sprites, they do look nice, but having to make extra sprites for all clothing that people want to create? Yeah, people will hate you for it.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #44097

seems really dumb imo
its literally a few extra pixels
dont be lazy

Please avoid any hostility in your tone next time. -Nienhaus
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by lumipharon » #44179

I wasnt being hostile, since ultimately it doesn't effect me as I don't sprite. It's just that it's making extra work for anyone that wants me sprite clothes, for extremely minimal gain.

Also someone in deadchat just mentioned a 3rd arm mutation for lings, which made me think of afro samurai. Why has no one sprited the number one/two (or more) headbands?
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by miggles » #44180

no, nienhaus edited my post for some reason, that was supposedly directed at me
dezzmont wrote:I am one of sawrge's alt accounts
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by WalterJe » #60870

Part 4 is up now!
Enjoy the biggest update so far.
Thanks for commenting! Even if it's harsh - I still read it, for science.
Feel free to download, use or edit anything you like!
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by danno » #60876

your sprites are fucking great dude. damn.

I don't think the PDAs fit with the game unfortunately, though they are cool af.
That pAI though? Perfect IMO. I'll probably make a PR for it to replace the current ASAP.
also that akira rifle holy shit my dick is hard auauauugh if only we didn't have copyright bullshit
Hornygranny wrote: wtf i like danno now
I don't even play ss13 anymore, pretty much due to dannos stupid bullshit
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by danno » #60877

also why the fuck haven't we switched to those better metal chairs yet...???
Hornygranny wrote: wtf i like danno now
I don't even play ss13 anymore, pretty much due to dannos stupid bullshit
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by Steelpoint » #60887

I like the PDA's a lot.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by paprika » #60946

Oldman Robustin wrote:It's an established meme that coders don't play this game.
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Re: ► Sprite Showcase of WalterJe ◄

Post by peoplearestrange » #61211

Love the new PDA's and PAI's.

But god dam the new cloner/cyro/scanner sprites are god awful. There too bulky, they feel very flat and almost like a picture stamped on the floor title with very little perspective. The idea of them is nice (like the cloner/cryo one), but they just need a lot more refinement before they actually get used in game.

Also a lot of people didn't like it on the PR and you were literally the only person who was saying anything positive, yet it was merged... Why?
EDIT:My mistake, it wasn't merged...

I also have to add that while I like a lot of these sprites, they all seem very flat. There's not enough perspective or shadowing. It makes them seem almost cartoony which just doesn't match the style of the rest of, well, anything else in the game. It kinda makes the game feel mismatched in the way that installing too many 3rd part mods into a game can do.
Last edited by peoplearestrange on Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
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PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

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