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Post by MrStonedOne » #646330

Please post any positive or negative feedback for the administrator here.
This is not the place to discuss ban appeals, admin complaints, or ban requests.
This is for specific feedback for this administrator.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by san7890 » #646334

Seems to be a quick study with the admin tools, I expect nothing but greatness in their future.
Simultaneously making both the best and worst jokes on the internet. I like looking at maps and code. Learn how to map today!. You may rate me here.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by celularLAmp » #646368

He made a big fish that ate people

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Re: Scriptis

Post by Chadley » #646429

They've been great in every experience I've had with them, very helpful, ready to admit when they need to ask for a second opinion, pushes buttons real good, I've seen a really great variety in his events.

But he signs his CentCom announcements, and that's kinda cringe.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Crushtoe » #646481

Great and knows both how to run an event/little gag and when to stop so it doesn't run itself into the ground. He's figured out the buttons frighteningly fast.

Signing announcements is kinda cringe though.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by trexter555 » #646528

based and professional, give him headmin immediately
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Re: Scriptis

Post by sinfulbliss » #646547

Should have been an admin a long time ago, helpful fella and good attitude about the game.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Wtfdoihavetolive96 » #646978

Amazing admin I haven't had a bad experience with him.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Tgent007 » #647161

Great admin fun events and also massive bonus:
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Re: Scriptis

Post by HeyHey » #647259

He asked me to invite a guy into my office, accuse him of murder, let him murder me, then revived me to kill the guy. 10/10 Admin
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Re: Scriptis

Post by ToastGoats » #649218

Forgot to post feedback, but this guy has some downright frightening skill with admin tools despite being a new admin. I didn't even know a felinid gun was possible.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Kolinko » #649752

Clear evidence this TRIAL ADMIN is a menace to tg society - Imgur.png
Clear evidence this TRIAL ADMIN is a menace to tg society - Imgur.png (9.17 KiB) Viewed 19691 times
Scriptis, AKA Brick Mortar, is a menace to tg society and must be removed NOW!
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Re: Scriptis

Post by kieth4 » #649755

Unironically has noted me EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME I've played on sybil recently.

Good lad though, definitely promote.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #649756

plays the game knowing its a story, runs his events like such. Understandable in ahelps and a great guy in general.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Kendrickorium » #649816


a couple weeks later


that said he is amazing at keeping the people in a round occupied (especially late night) with antags gimmicks and centcom interactions. very nice to start to see more admins do this instead of just handling tickets. usually has something really interesting waiting for the shuttle at centcom, as well.

signs his announcements though.. and plays minecraft music.....
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Re: Scriptis

Post by toemas » #649990

i think its cool to sign announcements
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Re: Scriptis

Post by toemas » #649991

"scriptis" sux though : :)
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Rageguy505 » #650080

He tells me whats wrong with the SM whenever i ask, what a guy. Also nice to work with.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by wesoda25 » #650619

Another great sybilmin. Still learning but has the right approach and head for the job. Doesn’t take things too seriously and prioritizes fun. 👍
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Byond Username: VexingRaven

Re: Scriptis

Post by VexingRaven » #651733

Scriptis is my favorite Sybilmin. He is great at intervening in ways that are fun and responsive to what the crew is doing (spawned the AI back in as malf and centcomm claimed it was "fixed" after the HoS executed the AI claiming it was malf FNR, absolutely hilarious). He is, as they say, based.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Soyoboyo » #652651

Actually runs good events. Scriptis is always working to make sure that rounds aren't stale and is actively involved with creating action and tension. Had a shift where the "main baddie" wizard of the round just took max level blink and ran around the station doing literally nothing, assigned me as the "wizard hunter" to take him down nonlethally. On a greenshift was working to turn the ash lizards into an invasion force when unfortunately a lucky and looping death rod obliterated the station by swirling up like one of those old barber shop spinners. Otherwise uses RP-generating events like calling for a station inspection and such to include dead players in the round. Basically, knows how to use the admin tools and bothers to keep round action up while not resorting to apocalyptic buttons like nuke ops or wizards (although I'm pretty sure he pulled a raging mages with constant revives once which was fun).
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Kendrickorium » #652658

id like to state for the record that in three years this is the first positive thing ive ever heard soyo say
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Wtfdoihavetolive96 » #653031

Absolute legend of an admin. Always know I'm gonna have a fun time when they are online.
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Byond Username: Dopamiin

Re: Scriptis

Post by Dopamiin » #653374

Consistently very fun to co-admin with, endlessly creative and has a very good sense of how to improve rounds.
plays on manuel
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Re: Scriptis

Post by VexingRaven » #653509

Scriptis TC-traded somebody with killer disco shoes for a drop pod onto the shuttle and it made me sad. Then they pod dropped me a disco ball and a booze dispenser the next round and it made me happy. Scriptis is a legend.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by plant » #654048

Had a great game where Scriptis pushed the Ashwalkers through the industrial era during a greenshift, creating lizard nukies. Generally really nice and a good admin.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Archie700 » #654105

Spawned himself in to talk to a nuke op with the disk hiding in a locker while he was waiting for the snow to end.
Another man came in to kill the syndie, but due to Brick blocking the way, syndie managed to slip out and get back to his syndie ship for a nuke ops win.
You're a good admin, but that was clearly a mistake.
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Redrover1760 » #654630

Summoned the shittiest deathsquad to end a rev vs a singular "hiding" head of staff (on icebox, of course), resulting in almost all of the station being wiped out and the head of staff surviving and revs losing. Even after the revs were killed the deathsquad literally killed everyone they could find.

The worst way to solve a revolution stalemate I've ever seen. Please do not ever do it again. Its fucking stupid, deprived Revs of a hard fought victory, and resulted in pretty much everyone dying due to surprise deathsquad, even after the headrevs all died out (cause they kept killing everyone even after the stalemate was resolved), ruining pretty much everyone's rounds and I don't see anyone agreeing at all their round was improved by it.

I like Scriptis but like, bruh.

Edit: I changed my mind, Scriptis is the best admin ever! Completely forgiven for instantly clowning on a captain who recalls with the reason "IM BORED I WANNA GO HOME." with an INSTANT recall and trolling.

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Re: Scriptis

Post by helplesscrane » #656562

He Good
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Re: Scriptis

Post by spookuni » #657076

Scriptis has retired.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by RaveRadbury » #663622

Scriptis is back!
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Re: Scriptis

Post by TheLoLSwat » #663887

led me on a wild goose chase by teleporting the disk out of every single safe i put it in and then spacedeleting the safe because they were made by donk co. This of course lead to a war where the crew had to fend off waves of suicide bombing centcomm interns.

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Re: Scriptis

Post by Chadley » #670069

Scriptis is the equivalent of the hardcore mode of the chemistry test.

I've never looked up the chemistry wiki page to survive "FUCK YOU" 1-4.

Brick Mortar Virus made me a better chemist.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Drag » #671202

Good with events, but due to some miscommunication on their part Scriptis ended up taking an antag roll away from me. 7/10 I did not get justice that day.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by AlamoTurtle » #677116

Scriptis is a devilishly creative force to be reckoned with. If I had to take a guess at what shenanigans they'd pull next, I'd be better off rolling a thousand-sided die than trying to predict this madlad.

Scriptis is a genius with admin tools, extremely fun with their events, and... You scare me, Scriptis. You made some kind of supernatural deal for that kind of power.
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Re: Scriptis

Post by iwishforducks » #701218

i accidentally said Spawned when I saw an xeno larvae pop before my eyes

he then drop podded the idiot bucket that idiots wear in front of me. i knew my shame and wore it. i was laughing my damn ass off.

promote to host NOW.
im gay (and also play the moth “bugger”)
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Googles_Hands » #708323

Promised to run Pubbystation on Terry twice, never did so and just left. :(
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Re: Scriptis

Post by TheRex9001 » #708371

Played terraria boss music and spawned himself in as the wall of flesh, holy based admin. Pleasure to see this guy on Terry some more
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Re: Scriptis

Post by iwishforducks » #712112

ive already given kudos to scriptis but i really really like their demeanor. its hard to pinpoint exactly but they’re always very friendly and respectful. :)
im gay (and also play the moth “bugger”)
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Re: Scriptis

Post by Scriptis » #712811

patient, lenient, and loudly wrong to a fault


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Re: Scriptis

Post by Fikou » #712840

Scriptis has retired
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Post by dendydoom » #728987

i have taken scriptis out of retirement stasis, he still thinks it is 1953. please be kind.
MrStonedOne wrote:I always read dendy's walls of text
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Re: Scriptis

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #730318

i like scriptis as an admin generally, i think he has good judgement but theres one round im upset about in particular!
one round he just vaguely said something once about the shift being fucked, didn't elaborate, had nations, which i thought was fun and fine to do without mentioning! then he spawned pirates, a space dragon, a wizard, xenomorphs, clown ops, a blob, extreme meteors, and an abductor, which i very suddenly got killed by with zero forewarning or time to prepare
its fine to have button pressy TDM rounds every once in a while, many people like it, but please do an announcement or something because i personally hate these rounds and would rather be told so i can just observe or go play something else. it feels really shitty because ss13 rounds are a (usually) hour-long time commitment.
i briefly talked with him about it in deadchat and he largely didn't care. the round was birdshot, which i understand if you want to hurry along birdshot, nobody likes it, but admins can also change the map. my point is please communicate to the players when you're going to press buttons. you do events WITH players not TO them
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