[vekter] lectu - stuff

Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:25 pm
Byond Username: Lectu

[vekter] lectu - stuff

Post by lectu » #714099

Post Content:
Occured in: Game Server (Manuel Ropleplay)
My Byond: Lectu Char. Name: Marlin Von Keller
Admin: Vekter

I filed an adminhelp regarding being killed against R6 procedures, and I was instead ridiculed and made fun of by vekter, who seemed to have taken things personally after they had started referring to me in a degraded and manner in which was obviously taking a side; they went far enough to dig through my IPs and finding my old byond key,
which I have lost my password to and haven't accessed in over a year before calming down after I pointed out that they were digging through my account history.
I'd like to add that I do not hold anything against vekter, I'm pretty sure they're a decently cool person and they're the type of person I'd like to go out and have a drink with, but, they seem to have consistently defied the very rules they are meant to uphold, and have been consistently building up what I believe to be personal grudges, with not just me, but a handful of other users that I've found filed complaints about the very same person.

if you need more info about the round or whatever, just ask me if you want my perspective, or Vekter

context about the complaint i filed in the first place: I was executed by the HoS after not harming anyone, but simply running away from them, yes, it's that simple.

My main issue here is; they seem to pick sides and leave the neutrality an admin is supposed to have, and that they seem to take things personally, synthesised.
I've done my best to be as respectful as possible

P.S. English is not my native language, excuse me if something doesn't make sense or for bad grammar, ask me to clarify if something isnt understood
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In-Game Admin
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:25 pm
Byond Username: Vekter
Location: Fucking around with the engine.

Re: [vekter] lectu - stuff

Post by Vekter » #714103

Yeah this has no merit. I did not 'ridicule and make fun of' you in any way, shape, or form. You cherry-picked the ticket in question for reasons that are beyond me, so I'll just post the whole ticket to remove any ambiguity.
From Ticket #1 during round 219874 on Manuel:

---- Log Begins ----
2023-12-02 16:56:50: Ticket Opened by lectu: Sorrel Adams just executed me without trial, captains permission, or reason as I had not done any major crime
2023-12-02 16:58:58: Reply from vekter: So absolutely nothing happened? They just immediately killed you for nothing?
2023-12-02 16:59:29: Reply from lectu: seriously, yeah, I was a latejoin prisoner, I *attempted to break a glass, I never hurt anyone, not even a punch or shove. he just executed me
2023-12-02 16:59:58: Reply from vekter: What did they do? Threw you out into the snow?
2023-12-02 17:00:18: Reply from lectu: they threw me out onto plasma via the trapdoor of the courtroom
2023-12-02 17:02:22: Reply from vekter: Sorrel is telling me that you were constantly trying to escape and said maybe two words to him the whole time. If you're consistently proving yourself to be a problem and taking up security resources, I can't really help you if they kill you over it.
2023-12-02 17:03:41: Reply from lectu: I just walked away from them, quite frankly, last I read the rules, you can't execute someone for being annoying to deal with. Once again, *ESPECIALLY* without captain's permission or trial. Sounds like Sorrel just didn't want to do their job, so instead of putting someone in prison, they just killed them
2023-12-02 17:05:27: Reply from vekter: Okay, so here's what you have to understand. First off, HoS can authorize executions. Captain doesn't -have- to be involved, even on MRP. Additionally, you didn't just "walk away", you made them chase you for fifteen minutes before they were able to arrest you and process you after you got out. This reads a lot less like "I was killed for doing nothing!" and more like "I was being a massive pain in the ass, but I think sec can't kill me for that, so they're in the wrong". If you're proving yourself unable to be contained and generally just being a hassle to them, I'm not going to ban them for killing you.
2023-12-02 17:07:33: Reply from lectu: what the fuck? so I, as a prisoner, this even being what is called the "ROLEPLAY" server, was just supposed to comply to an arrest? Is it my problem Sorrel chose HoS yet won't play it? I never asked for a ban, I'm just asking for things to be seen. And of course, an admin, which is meant to be a middleground seems to take things personally, even though they were never involved
2023-12-02 17:07:58: Reply from vekter: You can't push the "THIS IS THE ROLEPLAY SERVER!!!" excuse on me when you've said exactly eight things this round.
2023-12-02 17:09:15: Reply from lectu: I'm literally not, but as I, didn't kill anyone, but actually just ran around - literally, and get treated the same as an antag; it doesnt really make sense does it? and I didn't know that talking a shitton was a mandatory, my bad. please calm down though, this is a spessman admin call
2023-12-02 17:12:41: Reply from vekter: Okay, let me see if I can explain this better for you. Security does not have to sit there and let you do whatever you want to them just because they can't -technically- execute you without due cause. As a prisoner, you are allowed to try and escape containment as long as you're not killing anyone, but in exchange, there are consequences for doing so. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again and Security is having to devote resources to keeping you contained, they can be considered justified in executing you.
2023-12-02 17:14:03: Reply from lectu: see there's the thing;##Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.##Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.##Explicitly friendly antagonists do not have this protection and may be treated as the crew or admin team see fit. ##from the rules. also, keep your temper in check man, seriously. and they -literally- shouldn't be able to execute me for that
2023-12-02 17:16:19: Reply from vekter: I am going to close this as being in bad faith if you continue bringing my personal state of mind into it. It sounds like you're trying to get me upset over the matter so I do something stupid, not like you're actually concerned about if I'm angry or not (I'm not, I don't particularly care about the situation).<br />
<br />
"The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift". I am ruling that you continuously trying to escape is a good IC justification for executing you given the state of the shift. If you have an issue with that ruling, you're welcome to open a complaint on the forums.

2023-12-02 17:17:04: Reply from vekter: If you don't want to be executed, don't try to escape over and over again until they get sick of you and kill you.
2023-12-02 17:17:31: Reply from lectu: you are quite literally looking for a reason to punish me. It is against the very rules you swear to abide to, yet you don't. And no, your "state of mind" isnt a reason to ban people, I want to have decent conversations with admins that are in a clear state of mind
2023-12-02 17:18:08: Reply from vekter: I'm not punishing you. I'm ruling this as IC.
2023-12-02 17:18:14: Marked as IC issue by Vekter
---- No Further Messages ----

This ticket can be viewed: This ticket was generated by Statbus v.1.17.7
I guess I probably could've been more cordial, but you were constantly pushing on me that I was apparently mad about the situation and that you felt like I wasn't being fair because of it. I think you thought that I was going to ban you for adminhelping which I would not have done in this situation.

There's two parts to this complaint - the original incident regarding you being executed and the thing about me finding your alt account. As for the first part, security is absolutely justified in executing you if you consistently try to escape and present yourself as a drain on their time and resources.

From the Prisoner role text:
You are not an antagonist. Remember: you did sign up for this role. If you should want to walk the halls of the station once more, you should earn your freedom, whether by escaping your confines or working with security/lawyers to determine terms of release. You might prove to be valuable manpower against the various threats the station professes. If you should wish to escape, minimize harm while preserving your own life, and understand that you may not enjoy the consequences of your actions if you get caught once more. Otherwise, enjoy the amenities of the wing that holds you.
You are allowed to try and break out, but in turn, Sec is allowed to punish you if they catch you again. This HoS in question was kind enough to not execute you after the first time (which I probably would have insisted he not do but he would've likely been allowed to per the rules), but you then broke out two more times according to him. Three strikes and you're out.

Was it the nice thing to do? Not really, but I can't begrudge security for not sitting there and letting you continue to break out over and over again, making them come chase you down every time you do it. I ruled this as an IC issue, which multiple admins agreed with me on when I asked them for support on this issue.

The second part of this complaint is in regards to me finding and banning your alt account. Our server has a pretty significant issue with ban evaders and, while we've gotten good at catching them, some do still slip through the cracks. When a player who's only been around for 30 rounds shows some proficiency in how the game works and understands beyond the basics of game mechanics, that sets off a few bells for me to start looking into why that might be. Most players with fewer than 20 hours struggle with inventory management, much less being able to keep security off them for over 15 minutes. Turns out this is because you've played on a bunch of other servers, not because you were evading, but we still usually check just to be sure

It didn't take me long to find a link between your two accounts and, per our policy on alts, I asked you about it and banned that account since you said you no longer used it. We do this in any situation where we find a player's alt account, partially because we don't allow you to use alts, we don't want you using it to ban evade, and because we don't want a case where someone cracks your old password and uses that account to grief. This isn't personal to you and I'm not trying to "build up personal grudges" against you - you have no notes on your current account and nobody but the few people who I talked to about this issue would've even known you had an alt without doing the same investigation I did.

This is just an "i ded" complaint with a few extra steps.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:25 pm
Byond Username: Lectu

Re: [vekter] lectu - stuff

Post by lectu » #714111

I didn't break out, I was a latejoin, I arrived via shuttle.

2. You're once again with this incredibly aggressive undertone, which is what i'm complaining about

3. I don't believe the accused admin should justify themselves and close the case because they feel like it

4. 6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).
Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.

Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.

Explicitly friendly antagonists do not have this protection and may be treated as the crew or admin team see fit.
- the roleplay rules of tgstation

it *was* against the rules, and please stop belittling me of being just "me ded". and as I have stated before, I do not want to discuss with somebody who is frustrated at a situation as their thoughts may be skewed, which once again, is why I asked you to calm down, as you were evidently pissed off as you *were* actually borderline insulting me, skimming at the lines

And the screenshots were the opposite of what you think in cherrypicked, I explicitly avoided the onces where you added nothing but insults, like
Reply from vekter: You can't push the "THIS IS THE ROLEPLAY SERVER!!!" excuse on me when you've said exactly eight things this round.
This isn't the first complaint i've seen for "Vecter" for similar reasons either, which leads me to believe that its not just me being a shitter

You have shown a complete level of disregard when the very first part of your reply was "this has no merit" instead of providing feedback first, you begin with this. As I hold and show respect for you, out of common decency, I ask you to do the same for me and everyone else
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In-Game Admin
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:25 pm
Byond Username: Vekter
Location: Fucking around with the engine.

Re: [vekter] lectu - stuff

Post by Vekter » #714120

lectu wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:23 pm I didn't break out, I was a latejoin, I arrived via shuttle.
I was told by security that you continuously evaded their attempts to take you to permabrig. Honestly I'm not sure why prisoners come in on the shuttle to begin with, but you're supposed to be in permabrig, not running around the halls.
lectu wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:23 pm 2. You're once again with this incredibly aggressive undertone, which is what i'm complaining about
I'm sorry if I'm not taking a tone you enjoy, but I'm not going to correct my tone just because it makes you feel like I'm mad at you. I'm going to be a little terse when you open a complaint that amounts to "the admin wasn't super polite with me and didn't ban the person who killed me, deadmin him".
lectu wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:23 pm 3. I don't believe the accused admin should justify themselves and close the case because they feel like it
I'm saying your complaint has no merit, but I don't get to close them, obviously - the head admins will review it and act on it if there's any merit to it. I don't believe there is, but that's just my opinion.
lectu wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:23 pm 4. 6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).
Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.

Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.

Explicitly friendly antagonists do not have this protection and may be treated as the crew or admin team see fit.
- the roleplay rules of tgstation
"Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated". This applies to crew members as well. We also have precedents that players who consistently make themselves difficult or impossible to contain may be executed as an alternative to being permabrigged. I don't know what you would expect them to do if you keep getting away from them at every chance.
lectu wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:23 pm it *was* against the rules, and please stop belittling me of being just "me ded". and as I have stated before, I do not want to discuss with somebody who is frustrated at a situation as their thoughts may be skewed, which once again, is why I asked you to calm down, as you were evidently pissed off as you *were* actually borderline insulting me, skimming at the lines

And the screenshots were the opposite of what you think in cherrypicked, I explicitly avoided the onces where you added nothing but insults, like
Reply from vekter: You can't push the "THIS IS THE ROLEPLAY SERVER!!!" excuse on me when you've said exactly eight things this round.
This isn't the first complaint i've seen for "Vecter" for similar reasons either, which leads me to believe that its not just me being a shitter

You have shown a complete level of disregard when the very first part of your reply was "this has no merit" instead of providing feedback first, you begin with this. As I hold and show respect for you, out of common decency, I ask you to do the same for me and everyone else
It's not my fault if you're taking my tone as aggressive and abusive. I'm not being either. I'm sorry if I come off as terse, but again, I'm going to be a little upset that you decided to open a complaint over what I feel is not a valid reason to be complaining.

I'm not responding to this further. Head admins have been notified and will respond with their decision on whether or not this will be upheld.
Billcyferka9 wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:58 pm Bye bye asshole.
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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In-Game Game Master
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:58 pm
Byond Username: TheBibleMelts

Re: [vekter] lectu - stuff

Post by TheBibleMelts » #714671

i've reviewed vekters ticket with you and found no unwarranted aggression from him - he took your ticket, put the due investigation into it by speaking with the HoS to gather his side of the story, and then determined it to be an IC issue - even taking the time to explain the nuance as to how and why he reached his conclusions, even as you attempted a few times to pull the 'u mad?' card on him as he offered his judgement.

as for the judgement he made itself, i looked into the logs for this round. here are your collective 'say' and 'emote' logs.

Code: Select all

04:39:08	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "guh"	(67, 136, 4)	Locker Room
04:40:55	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "hey hey"	(146, 138, 3)	Bar Lounge
04:41:00	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "can I get a flask of rum please?"	(146, 138, 3)	Bar Lounge
04:41:22	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "hello?"	(146, 138, 3)	Bar Lounge
04:41:57	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "cheers"	(146, 138, 3)	Bar Lounge
04:42:34	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "im FREE"	(112, 100, 4)	Aft Primary Hallway
04:44:59	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "hes eepy"	(144, 133, 4)	Diner
04:45:04	SAY	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) "sleepin'"	(144, 133, 4)	Diner
04:45:56	EMOTE	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) waves.	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:50:57	EMOTE	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) sighs.	(97, 131, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:55:52	EMOTE	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) gasps!	(103, 160, 2)	Icemoon Underground
04:55:53	EMOTE	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...	(103, 160, 2)	Icemoon Underground
and your attack logs

Code: Select all

04:43:35	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:36	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:37	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:38	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:39	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:40	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:41	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:42	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:42	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:43	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:44	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:45	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:46	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:47	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:48	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:49	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:50	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:51	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:52	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:53	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:54	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:55	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:56	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:57	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:58	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:43:59	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:44:00	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:44:01	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:30	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:31	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:32	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:33	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:34	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:35	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:36	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:37	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:38	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:39	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:40	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:41	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:41	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:42	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:43	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:44	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:45	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:46	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:47	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:48	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:49	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:49	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:50	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:52	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:53	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:54	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:45:55	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) attacked [full tile reinforced window] with the fire extinguisher	(96, 173, 3)	Fore Central Primary Hallway
04:49:09	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) has thrown the emergency crowbar	(124, 141, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:22	ATTACK	Overwatch_voice/(Oscar Warren) (mob_3175) shot Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)	(111, 113, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:27	ATTACK	Overwatch_voice/(Oscar Warren) (mob_3175) shot Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)	(105, 113, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:32	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) stun attacked Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(96, 127, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:33	ATTACK	Overwatch_voice/(Oscar Warren) (mob_3175) shot Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)	(98, 126, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:36	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) stun attacked Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:38	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) attempted to handcuff Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (NEWHP: 100)	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:41	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) handcuffed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (NEWHP: 100)	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:42	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) grabbed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:55	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the �Russian revolver.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:57	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the leather satchel.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:57	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is pickpocketing Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the flask (left)	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:57	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the wallet.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:49:59	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the balaclava.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:00	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the �Russian revolver.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:01	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the leather satchel.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:02	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the flask.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:02	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the wallet.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:04	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the balaclava.	(96, 128, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:53	ATTACK	Overwatch_voice/(Oscar Warren) (mob_3175) grabbed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)	(96, 132, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:57	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) pulled from Overwatch_voice/(Oscar Warren) with Sorrel Adams (NEWHP: 100)	(97, 131, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:50:57	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) grabbed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)	(98, 132, 4)	Central Primary Hallway
04:52:05	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) grabbed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)	(121, 173, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:52:59	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the assistant's formal uniform.	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:52:59	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the winter boots.	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:00	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the winter boots.	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:05	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the assistant's formal uniform.	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:10	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the assistant's formal uniform.	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:11	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is putting the prison jumpsuit on Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller)	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:13	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has put the prison jumpsuit on Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller).	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:15	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is putting the orange shoes on Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller)	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:17	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has put the orange shoes on Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller).	(99, 172, 3)	Brig
04:53:51	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) is stripping Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the handcuffs.	(99, 173, 3)	Brig
04:53:56	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) has stripped Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) of the handcuffs.	(99, 173, 3)	Brig
04:53:57	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) broke grab Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (NEWHP: 100)	(99, 173, 3)	Brig
04:54:12	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) has thrown the rat	(109, 178, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:18	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) has thrown the evidence bag box	(101, 171, 3)	Brig
04:54:21	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) slipped on the [motor oil] (SLIDING)	(110, 175, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:27	ATTACK	Randumb Phantomb/(Ashes Follows-The-Law) (mob_3643) stun attacked Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(114, 173, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:30	ATTACK	Randumb Phantomb/(Ashes Follows-The-Law) (mob_3643) stun attacked Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(115, 173, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:31	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) stun attacked Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(115, 172, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:34	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) attempted to handcuff Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (NEWHP: 100)	(114, 172, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:37	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) handcuffed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (NEWHP: 100)	(114, 172, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:39	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) grabbed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)	(114, 172, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:54:40	ATTACK	TrisBanshou/(Sorrel Adams) (mob_3197) grabbed Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 100)	(114, 172, 4)	Brig Overlook
04:55:53	ATTACK	Lectu/(Marlin Von Keller) (mob_3701) has died (BRUTE: 0, BURN: 151.5, TOX: 90, OXY: 3.66667, CLONE: 0)	(103, 160, 2)	Icemoon Underground
the HoS had tried to engage with you and ask why you behaving the way you were and was met with zero responsiveness aside from you attempting to escape again - i'm going to say that if you want to use the roleplay ruleset as a shield, you should make efforts to roleplay. i think vekter's ruling and conduct were both perfectly sound in this situation.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:58 pm
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Re: [vekter] lectu - stuff

Post by TheBibleMelts » #715230

it's been about three days without a reply, so i am going to consider this resolved by tomorrow.

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